Karnataka 1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Articles

Once, an old hermit saw a kite catching a little mouse. He felt sorry for the mouse. He took an apple and threw it at the kite. The kite dropped the mouse in fear and flew away. Then the hermit picked up the mouse and by his holy power changed it into a young maiden.

Articles are not used,

• When you refer to nouns in general.
I like milk but I don’t like fish.

1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Articles

• before names of languages
Hindi is our mother tongue.

• before abstract nouns used in a general sense.
We will have freedom or death.

• before uncountable nouns.
Gold is a precious metal.

A. Fill in the blanks with a/an or the:

1. He is ………… youngest son in the family.
2. Anu is looking for ……….. job.
3. Could you close …………. door, please?
4. Anil is ……….. optician.
5. Dr.Shankar is ………. dentist.
6. My friend is ………. MLA.
7. Raju is in ………. class.
8. Have you ever visited ………. Andaman Islands?
9. Please bring ………. kilogram of apples.
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. an
5. a
6. an.
7. the
8. the
9. a

1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Articles

B. Choose the correct option :

1. Do you enjoy listening to ?
(a) music
(b) the music
(a) music

2. My brother speaks ……….
(a) the French
(b) French
(b) French

3. I spent my childhood in ……….
(a) Bangalore
(b) the Bangalore
(a) Bangalore

1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Articles

4. We are skiing in ……….
(a) Alps
(b) the Alps
(b) the Alps

5. The sun rises in ………….
(a) the east
(b) east
(a) the east

C. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the wherever necessary. If no article is necessary put an ‘X’ in the blanks.

i. ………… old pilgrim was making his way to ………… Himalayan Mountains in the cold of winter. When it began to rain, he went to ……………….  inn ………………. innkeeper said to him, “How will you ever get there in this kind of weather, my good man?” ………………. old man answered cheerfully, “My heart got there first, so its easy for ………………. rest of me to follow”.

ii. Once upon ………………. time ………………. elephant made friendship with …………man. One day ………… heavy thunderstorm broke out, ………………. elephant went to his friend who had ………………. little hut at edge of………… forest and asked for ………… help.

iii. ………… farmer owned ………… piece of land in village. He grew paddy on it. He got some bags of paiddy. He took ten bags of paddy to market in his bullock cart. On ………… way two bags fell on road. farmer tried to put bags into ………… cart. He could not lift bags. elderly gentleman came that way. He helped the farmer to put bags on………… cart………………..  farmer thanked ………………. gentleman for his help.
i. An, the, an, The, The, the,
ii. a, an, a, a, the, a, the, the,
iii. A, a, a, the, the, the, The, the, the, the, An, the, the, The, the.

1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Articles

D. Match the following:
1st PUC English Articulation Workbook Answers Articles 1
1. d 2.a 3. e 4. b 5. c

1st PUC English Textbook Answers 

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