KSEEB Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ

Students can Download KSEEB Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ

KSEEB Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ

KSEEB Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ 1
KSEEB Class 8 Hindi गिनतियाँ 2

इकाई – 1
दहाई – 10
सैकड़ा – 100
हज़ार – 1000
दस हज़ार – 10,000
लाख – 1,00, 000
करोड़ – 100,00,000
अरब (बिलियन) – 1,000,000,000
सौ अरब-एक नीलम – (100,000,000,000)

  1. पहला, दूसरा, तीसरा, चौथा, पाँचवाँ, छठा (छठ्वाँ), सातवाँ, आठवाँ, नौवाँ, दसवाँ।
  2. पहली, दूसरी, तीसरी, चौथी, पाँचवीं, छठी, सातवीं, आठवीं, नौवीं, दसवीं ।
  3. प्रथम, द्वितीय, तृतीय, चतुर्थ, पंचम, षष्ठ, सप्तम, अष्टम, नवम, दशम
  4. क्षण = 3 मिनट
  5. मन = 12 किलो
  6. एक सेर = 933.10 ग्रॉम = 0.937 लीटर
  7. छटक = 58.125 ग्राम (app. 59 gms)
  8. 1 मील = 1.61 कि.मी.


10 वर्ष – दशाब्दी (decade)
12 वर्ष – युग (period/age of 12 years)
100 वर्ष – शताब्दी (century)
पखवाड़ा/पाक्षिक – 15 दिन (fortnight)
महीना/माह/मास – 30 दिन (month)
1 वर्ष – 365 दिन (year)

KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Hindi रचना निबंध लेखन

Students can Download KSEEB Class 8 Hindi रचना निबंध लेखन, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Hindi रचना निबंध लेखन

पर्यावरण की रक्षा

जनसंख्या वृद्धि एवं बढ़ते हुए फैशन के कारण – मनुष्य ने जंगलों का या वृक्षों का उपयोग ज्यादा करने लगा है। उपकरणों एवं ईधन के रूप में इतना अधिक करना प्रारंभ कर दिया कि प्रकृति का भी अस्तित्व संकट में पड़ जाएगा। इसलिए आज ‘पर्यावरण की रक्षा करना सबसे बड़ी समस्या बन गई है।’ वायु हमारे प्राणों का आधार है।

इसलिए वायु को शुद्ध रखना बहुत ज़रूरी है। वायु को शुद्ध रखने के लिए आम, नीम, बरगद, तुलसी, आंवला और पीपल का वृक्ष आदि लगना ज़रूरी है। जंगल को काटने से बचाना है। अगर हम किसी एक वृक्ष को काटना है तो उसकी जगह पर दूसरा वृक्ष लगाना चाहिए। वृक्षों की संख्या ज्यादा रहने से समय के अनुसार वर्षा भी अच्छी तरह से होती है।

जंगलों के संरक्षण एवं संवर्धन के द्वारा वायु प्रदूषण को रोका जा सकता है। जल मनुष्य की बुनियादी आवश्यकता है। इसलिए कुआँ, तालाब और नदी का जल सफाई के साथ सुरक्षित रखा जाए। रासायनिक क्रियाओं के द्वारा परिशोधन किया जाए तो जल प्रदूषण को रोका जा सकता है। सरकार ने इस दिशा में प्रयास प्रारंभ कर दिया है। प्रदूषण का निवारण तभी हो सकता है ‘जब जनता एवं सरकार का एक साथ प्रयास – इस दिशा में निरंतर होता रहे।

समय का सदुपयोग

समय सब से ज्यादा मूल्य है। क्योंकि धन आता जाता रहता है, लेकिन बीता हुआ समय वापस कभी नहीं आता है। समय गतिशील है। इसे कोई भी रोक नहीं पाता और बाँधा नहीं जा सकता। इसलिए समय के बारे में कबीरदास ने इस प्रकार कहा है – ‘कल का काम आज करना चाहिए और आज का काम अभी शुरू कर देना चाहिए।’

इसलिए समय का उपयोग, सही उपयोग, सदुपयोग करना बहुत आवश्यक है। समय का उपयोग हमारे काम और सोच-विचार पर निर्भर है। दिन में चौबीस घण्टे होते हैं। उनमें से नित्य कर्म का समय निकाल देने के बाद जो समय बचता है, उसे सही योजना बनाकर उपयोग में लाना ही समय का सदुपयोग है। समय पर उठना, समय पर सोना बहुत आवश्यक है। जो जल्दी उठते हैं, वे दिन भर के सभी काम समय पर ही पूरे कर सकते हैं।

प्रत्येक काम को समय के साथ करना। हमें भी समय के साथ-साथ निरंतर गतिशील रहना चाहिए। समय को अच्छी तरह से योजना बनाकर एक पल भी नष्ट किए बिना काम-काज करना है। वही आदमी समाज में आगे बढ़ सकता है। वह सुखी और स्वच्छंद से जीवन बीत सकता है। जो समय को महत्व नहीं देकर कामकाज ठीक तरह से नहीं करता है वह कभी भी समाज में आगे नहीं बढ़ सकता है। वह हर कदम-कदम पर ठोकर खाता-रहता है। इसलिए आज की सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता है कि हम समय का सही उपयोग करें।

राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी

गाँधीजी इस युग के महानतम व्यक्ति है। उन्होंने भारत को ही नहीं, अपितु विश्व की सम्पूर्ण पीड़ित मानवता को सत्य और अहिंसा का अमोघ शस्त्र देकर विश्व को शान्ति का पाठ पढ़ाया। आज विश्व में ऐसा कौन सा मानव हैं, जिसने महात्मा गाँधी का नाम न सुना हो।

उनका पूरा नाम मोहनदास करमचन्द गाँधी था। इनका जन्म 2 अक्टूबर, 1869 को काठियावाड़ प्रदेश के पोरबन्दर नामक स्थान में एक उच्च परिवार में हुआ था। पिता करमचन्द पहले पोरबन्दर, पीछे राजकोट और फिर बीकानेर के दीवान रहे। आपकी माता पुतलीबाई बहुत साधु स्वभाव और पूजा-पाठ तथा व्रत-उपवास में विश्वास रखने वाली महिला थी। आपकी शिक्षा अधिकतर राजकोट में ही हुई। 17 वर्ष की आयु में आपको बैरिस्टरी की शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए इंग्लैण्ड भेजा गया। सन् 1888 में आप बैरिस्टरी पास करके भारतवर्ष लौट आये।

गाँधीजी के जीवन के बीस वर्ष दक्षिण अफ्रीका के आंदोलन में व्यतीत हुए। दक्षिण अफ्रीका में अपने कार्य में सफलता प्राप्त करके सन् 1914 में वे भारतवर्ष लौटे। भारत आने पर कुछ दिनों तक आप श्री गोपालकृष्ण गोखले के साथ रहे। 1920 के असहयोग आन्दोलन में आपकी अग्रणी भूमिका थी। आपने विदेशी वस्त्र आदि का बहिष्कार किया तथा खादीप्रचार, अछूतोद्धार, मादक द्रव्य-निषेध, हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता का चतुर्मुखी कार्यक्रम काँग्रेस के समक्ष रखा।

सन् 1930 में आपने नमक कानून का विरोध किया तथा भारतीयों के अधिकारों की रक्षा की। 1942 में उन्होंने जो ‘भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन’ छेड़ा, उससे अंग्रेजों ने समझ लिया कि अब हमें भारत से जाना ही होगा। इनके ही प्रयत्नों से 15 अगस्त सन् 1947 को देश स्वतन्त्र हुआ। आपकी मृत्यु 30 जनवरी सन् 1948 को हुई। गाँधीजी नेता, विचारक और अध्यात्मिक पुरुष थे। भारत को एक महान् राष्ट्र बनाने वाले गाँधीजी ही थे। इसीलिए वे ‘राष्ट्रपिता’ अथवा ‘बापू’ कहलाए।

समाचार पत्र

समाचार पत्र सभ्य समाज का एक आवश्यक अंग है। उनके बिना मानव का जीवन अपूर्ण समझा जाता है। वे विश्वभर की जानकारी हमें घर बैठे देते हैं। आधुनिक युग में समाचार पत्र मानव के विचारों के आदान-प्रदान का अंग हैं। समाचार पत्र कई प्रकार के होते हैं। उनका वर्गीकरण समयानुसार और विषयानुसार किया जा सकता है। दैनिक, साप्ताहिक, पाक्षिक और मासिक समयानुसार समाचार पत्र के भेद है। विषयानुसार निकलनेवाले समाचार पत्र भी होते है। जैसे व्यापार, धर्म, सिनेमा, व्यवसाय आदि। ‘हिन्दुस्तान’, ‘नवभारत टाइम्स्’, ‘दैनिक जागरण’ आदि दैनिक पत्र हैं। ‘गृहशोभा’, ‘मेरी सहेली’, ‘कल्याण’, ‘भारत संदेश’, ‘चंदामामा’ आदि मासिक पत्र हैं।

समाचार पत्रों का मुख्य कार्य नये-नये समाचारों का इकट्ठा करके जनता तक पहुँचाना होता हैं। और जनता के विचारों को सरकार तक पहुँचाना भी। सरकार के कार्यो की समालोचना करके उसे ठीक रास्ते पर लाने का काम भी ये करते हैं। देश विदेशों के समाचारों के अलावा मनोरंजन, चलचित्र, क्रीडा, व्यापार संबंधी समाचारों की जानकारी भी इनसे मिलती हैं।

समाचार पत्रों में विज्ञापन छपवाकर व्यापारी अपनी चीजों की बिक्री बढ़ाते हैं। इससे देश की औद्योगिक उन्नति में बड़ी सहायता मिलती हैं। देश की राजनैतिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, सामाजिक समस्याओं का हल करने में समाचार पत्र मदद देते हैं।

समाचार पत्र विज्ञान के युग का एक शक्तिशाली साधन हैं। यह राष्ट्र की राष्ट्रीयता का आधार स्तंभ हैं। यह जनता और सरकार को सदा जागृत रखता है और गलत रास्ते पर चलने से रोकता हैं। जनतंत्र में समाचार पत्रों का और अधिक महत्व है क्योंकि इसके द्वारा जनता और शासकों का संबंध बना रहता हैं। समाचार पत्र मानव की स्वतंत्रता के प्रतीक है। जन जीवन की वाणी भी हैं। ताजा खबरों का दूत है। समाचार पत्र प्रजातंत्र के प्रहरी है।

स्वतंत्रता दिवस

स्वतंत्रता दिवस हमारा महान् राष्ट्रीय पर्व है। यह पर्व प्रति वर्ष पन्द्रह अगस्त को समस्त भारत में अति उत्साह और हर्ष के वातावरण में मनाया जाता है। यही वह पवित्र दिवस है, जब शताब्दियों की पराधीनता के बाद भारत स्वाधीन हुआ था। सन् 1947 की पन्द्रह अगस्त को ही हमें स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त हुई थी। यह राष्ट्रीय पर्व प्रतिवर्ष प्रत्येक नगर में बड़े धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है। विद्यालयों में छात्र अपने इस ऐतिहासिक उत्सव को बड़े उल्लास और उत्साह के साथ आयोजित करते हैं।

वास्तव में यह भारत के गौरव और सौभाग्य का पर्व है, जो हमारे हृदयों में नवीन आशा, नवीन स्फूर्ति, उत्साह और देश भक्ति का संचार करता है। यह उत्सव हमें स्मरण कराता है कि स्वाधीनता को पाना जितना कठिन है, उसे सुरक्षित रखना उससे भी अधिक कठिन है। अतः सभी भारतवासियों को सब प्रकार के भेद-भाव भुलाकार राष्ट्र की उन्नति के लिए तत्पर रहना चाहिए।

ग्रंथालय का सदुपयोग

पुस्तकालय का स्थूल अर्थ है – “पुस्तकों का घर’ या वह स्थान जहाँ पुस्तकों का संग्रह होता है।
पुस्तकालय प्रायः
(क) निजी
(ख) विद्यालयी और
(ग) सार्वजनिक तीन प्रकार के होते हैं।

पुस्तक प्रेमी अपना निजी पुस्तकालय बनाते हैं। विद्यालयों के पुस्तकालयों का उपयोग वहीं के छात्र या शिक्षक कर सकते हैं। सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालय ही ऐसे पुस्तकालय हैं, जिनका लाभ जन-सामान्य प्राप्त कर सकता है। कुछ निश्चित शुल्क देकर कोई भी व्यक्ति इनके सदस्य बन सकता है और पुस्तकालय से पुस्तकें प्राप्त कर सकता है।

पुस्तकालय से अनेक लाभ हैं। पुस्तकालय ज्ञान का भंडार हैं। अच्छे पुस्तकालय से सभी प्रकार का, सभी विषयों का ज्ञान मिलता है। किसी भी विषय का ज्ञान पुस्तकालयों से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। पुस्तकालय संसार के महान व्यक्तियों का, महात्माओं, विचारकों, कवियों, लेखकों का परिचय कराता है। पुस्तकालयों से समय का सदुपयोग होता हैं। अवकाश के समय को पुस्तकों के साथ बिताकर हम मन की चिंताओं को भूल सकते हैं। पुस्तकालय हमारे चरित्र निर्माण में भी सहायक होते हैं।

पुस्तकालय ज्ञान-विज्ञान की जानकारी को प्रदान करने में अवश्य महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका को निभाते हैं। हमें सत्संगति प्रदान करते हैं। हमें अज्ञान के अंधकार से ज्ञान के प्रकाश की ओर ले जाते हैं। इसलिए हमें पुस्तकालयों का अवश्य अधिक-से-अधिक उपयोग करना चाहिए।

मेरा प्रिय खेल

मुझे हॉकी का खेल सभी खेलों से अच्छा लगता है। हॉकी रोचक एवं उपयोगी खेल है। हॉकी खेल में सबसे पहली आवश्यकता है – तीव्र वेग से दौड़ना यदि खिलाडी तेज नहीं दौड़ सकता, तो वह विपक्षी खिलाड़ी से पिछड जाएगा। दूसरी आवश्यकता है – हस्तलाघव या हाथ की चतुराई। तीसरी आवश्यकता है – परस्पर सहयोग।

अच्छे खिलाड़ी कभी आपस में लड़ते नहीं और न कभी जान-बूझकर एक-दूसरे को चोट पहुंचाने का यत्न करते हैं। सभी खिलाड़ी भले नहीं होते। कुछ खिलाड़ी हार से बचने के लिए विपक्षी खिलाड़ियों को चोट पहुँचाने की कोशिश करते हैं जो बुरी बात है। खेल को खेल ही रखना चाहिए।
हॉकी की इन सब विशेषताओं के कारण यह खेल मुझे सबसे अधिक प्रिय है।

मेरी पाठशाला

मेरे विद्यालय का नाम ज्ञान-ज्योति बाल विद्यालय है। यह मैसूर जिले के हुनसूर के समीप स्थित है। यह विद्यालय पूरे जिले में अपने अच्छे शिक्षा स्तर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। विद्यालय के चारों ओर हरे-भरे वृक्ष और दूर-दूर तक लहलहाते खेत हैं। इसका वातावरण विद्यालय के अनुकूल ही शान्त और पवित्र है।

मेरा विद्यालय दो मंजिला है। इसमें बारह कमरे और एक हाल है। सभी कमरों में प्रकाश, वायु और पंखों की उचित व्यवस्था है। इसके एक कमरे में प्रधानाचार्य बैठते हैं। एक में विद्यालय का कार्यालय है। एक में पुस्तकालय तथा एक में विज्ञान की प्रयोगशाला है। एक कमरा अध्यापकों के बैठने के लिए हैं। शेष कमरों में कक्षाएँ लगती हैं।

मेरे विद्यालय में पच्चीस अध्यापक हैं। वे उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त तथा अपने-अपने विषयों के विशेषज्ञ है। मेरे सभी शिक्षक अत्यन्त योग्य, परिश्रमी और लगन वाले हैं। मेरे प्रधानाचार्य भी बहुत ही योग्य, उदार और अनुशासन प्रिय हैं।

विद्यालय भवन के साथ खेल का मैदान भी है, जहाँ मेरे खेल शिक्षक शारीरिक शिक्षा के घंटे में हमें भाँति-भाँति के खेल और व्यायाम सिखाते हैं। मेरे विद्यालय का परिणाम भी अत्युत्तम रहता है। यहाँ के छात्र प्रथम या द्वितीय स्थान पर आते हैं। इस कारण इसमें प्रवेश पाने के लिए छात्रों की बड़ी इच्छा रहती है। हम अपने विद्यालय से प्रेम करते हैं और सदा इसकी उन्नति चाहते हैं। मेरा विद्यालय एक आदर्श विद्यालय हैं।

KSEEB Class 8 Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन

Students can Download KSEEB Class 8 Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Hindi रचना पत्र-लेखन

प्रश्न 1.
अपना प्रमाण पत्र अंक पत्र देने के लिए प्रार्थना करते हुए, अपनी पाठशाला के प्रधान अध्यापकजी
के नाम पर एक पत्र लिखिए ।
उत्तर :

ता: 25-05-2017
स्थल : चिंतामणि


मानसी एस. आर
दसवीं कक्षा बी विभाग
चिंतामणि प्रौदशाला
चिंतामणि – 563125

सेवा में,

चिंतामणि प्रौढ़शाला
चिंतामणि – 563125

मान्यवर, विषय : प्रमाण पत्र और अंकपत्र देने के लिए प्रार्थना-पत्र सविनय निवेदन है कि मैं दसवऔं कक्षा वार्षिक परीक्षा में प्रथम श्रेणी के रूप में उत्तीर्ण हो चुका है। मैं अगले सप्ताह के अंदर कॉलेज में प्रवेश लेना चाहता हूँ। इसलिए कृपा करके जल्द-से-जल्द आदेश देकर मेरा प्रमाण पत्र और अंक पत्र दिला दीजिए।
धन्यवाद सहित,

आपकी आज्ञाकारी छात्रा
मानसी एस. आर

अभिभावक का हस्ताक्षर

प्रश्न 2.
अपने जन्म दिवस के अवसर पर घर बुलाते हुए अपने मित्र के नाम पर एक पत्र लिखिए ।
उत्तर :

ता: 25-05-2017
स्थल : सिड्लघट्टा

प्रिय मित्र चंद्रशेखर एम.एस.
मैं यहाँ कुशल हूँ। तुम्हारे कुशल के बारे में पत्र के द्वारा समझाइए। यहाँ पर मेरी पढ़ाई अच्छी तरह से चल रही है। यह पत्र लिखने का कारण यह है कि पिछले वर्ष की तरह मेरा जन्म दिवस इस वर्ष भी ता. 20-3-1986 को घर में धूम-धाम से मनाया जा रहा है। इसलिए आप माता-पिता के अनुमति लेकर एक दिन पहले घर ज़रूर आ जाना। यहाँ के सभी मित्र अच्छे हैं। हम सब एक जगह पर मिलने के बाद बैठकर मीठी-मीठी बातें भी करेंगे। घर में अपने माता-पिता को मेरा सादर प्रणाम कहना। मैं तुम्हारे पत्र का इंतज़ार में रहूंगा।

तुम्हारा प्रिय मित्र,
मूर्ति एम.एन.

प्रश्न 3.
तबीयत ठीक न होने के कारण बताते हुए तीन दिन की छुट्टी माँगते हुए प्रधानाध्यापक को एक पत्र लिखिए ।
उत्तर :

दिनांक: 25-05-2017
स्थल : चिक्कबल्लापुर


प्रतिमा आर.
आठवी कक्षा सरकारी प्रौढ़शाला
चिक्कबल्लापुर – 562106

सेवा में,

सरकारी प्रौढ़शाला
चिक्कबल्लापुर – 562106

आदरणीय महोदय,
विषय : चार दिन की छुट्टी के लिए प्रार्थना आठवीं कक्षा की छात्रा प्रतिमा, आपसे निवेदन करती हूँ कि मेरी तबीयत ठीक नहीं है। बहुत बुखार और खाँसी से तड़प रही हैं। डाक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार मुझे आराम लेने की ज़रूरत है। इसलिए 25-052017 से 28-05-2017 तक चार दिन की छुट्टी प्रदान करने की कृपा करें ।

आपकी आज्ञाकारी छात्रा,
प्रतिमा आर

पोषक के हस्ताक्षर

4. अपनी पढ़ाई के बारे में बताते हुए अपने पिताजी को पत्र लिखिए।

विद्योदय हाईस्कूल
दसवीं ‘डी’ विभाग
मार्च 20, 2018

पूज्य पिताजी को सादर प्रणाम।

मैं यहाँ अच्छा हूँ। आप सब कैसे हैं? पत्र लिखिए।
इस पत्र के द्वारा मैं अपनी पढ़ाई के बारे में कुछ बताना चाहता हूँ पिताजी। अप्रैल महीने में हमारी अंतिम परीक्षा होनेवाली है। उसके लिए सब तैयारियाँ कर रहा हूँ। पिछले हफ्ते में हमारी सिद्धता परीक्षा हुई। उसमें मैंने 92% अंक पाये है। अंतिम परीक्षा के लिए और भी खूब पढ़ रहा हूँ। उसमें 95%-96% अंक पाने की कोशिश करूँगा। आप चिंता न करें। घर में पूज्य माताजी को मेरा सादर प्रणाम। प्रिय चंदना को मेरा शुभाशिष। अधिक समाचार के लिए आगे पत्र लिखूगा।


आपका आज्ञाकारी पुत्र

सेवा में
श्री मनोहर उपाध्याय
नं. 33, III क्रास, IV मैन,
मैसूरु – 570 004.

5. तीन दिन की छुट्टी माँगते हुए अपने.प्रधान अध्यापक के नाम एक पत्र लिखिए।
अपनी बहन की शादी में शामिल होने के लिए छुट्टी माँगते हुए अपने प्रधानाध्यापक के नाम एक पत्र लिखिए।

अनिल कुमार
दसवी कक्षा, ‘डी’ विभाग
रामेश्वर हाईस्कूल
ता. 10 जनवरी 2018

सेवा में,
मान्य प्रधानाध्यापक
रामेश्वर हाईस्कूल

मान्य महोदय,

विषय : तीन दिन की छुट्टी माँगते हुए पत्र।

सादर प्रणाम।
सेवा में निवेदन है कि ता. 16-1-2018 से 18-1-2018 तक मेरे घर मेरी बहन का विवाह संपन्न होनेवाला है। अतः ये तीन दिन मैं स्कूल नहीं आ सकता हूँ। इसलिए आपसे प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि इन तीन दिनों की छुट्टी मंजूर करने की कृपा कीजिए।


आपका विनम्र विद्यार्थी,
अनिल कुमार.

6. अपनी अस्वस्थता के कारण तीन दिनों की छुट्टी माँगते हुए अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को पत्र लिखिए।

वैनतेय अय्यंगार
दसवी कक्षा, ‘सी’ विभाग
उदयरवि हाईस्कूल
ता. 8 जनवरी 2018

सेवा में,
मान्य प्रधानाध्यापक
उदयरवि हाईस्कूल

मान्य महोदय,

विषय : तीन दिन की छुट्टी माँगते हुए पत्र।

सेवा में निवेदन है कि मैं बुखार से तड़प रहा हूँ। इसलिए डाक्टर ने आराम लेने की सलाह दी है। अतः मुझे ता. 10-12018 से 12-1-2018 तक छुट्टी मंजूर करने की कृपा कीजिए।


आपका विनम्र विद्यार्थी
वैनतेय अय्यंगार

7. किताब-घर, एवेन्यू रोड़, बेंगलूर, इनके नाम पर ‘रामचरित मानस’ और गुरुनाथ जोशी कृत ‘हिन्दी-कन्नड़ कोश’ मँगाते हुए एक पत्र लिखिए।

अरविंद उपाध्याय
दसवी कक्षा, ‘डी’ विभाग
कॉर्निवल हाईस्कूल
जे.पी. नगर,
बेंगलूरु – 72.
ता. 16 अप्रैल 2018

सेवा में,
एवेन्यू रोड़
बेंगलूरु – 1.

मान्य महोदय,

विषय : किताबों के लिए पत्र

सेवा में निवेदन है कि मुझे नीचे लिखी किताबों की आवश्यकता है। अतः इस पत्र के पहुंचते ही उन किताबों को वी.पी.पी. द्वारा भेजने की कृपा कीजिए।
1) रामचरितमानस – ले.: तुलसीदासजी – 3 प्रतियाँ
2) हिन्दी-कन्नड़ कोश – ले. गुरुनाथ जोशी – 2 प्रतियाँ
यथा शीघ्र ऊपर लिखित किताबों को भेजने की व्यवस्था कीजिए।


अरविंद उपाध्याय

KSEEB Class 9 Hindi पूरक वाचन

Students can Download KSEEB Class 9 Hindi पूरक वाचन, KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka State Syllabues Class 9 Hindi पूरक वाचन

पूरक वाचन – 1

प्रश्न 1.
कल्पना चावला को प्यार से क्या कहा जाता था?
कल्पना चावला को प्यार से अंतरिक्ष परी कहा जाता है।

प्रश्न 2.
कल्पना का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ?
कल्पना का जन्म हरियाण के करनाल नगर में हुआ।

प्रश्न 3.
कल्पना की बचपन की क्या आकांशा थी ?
बचपन से कल्पना की एक ही आकांक्षा थी – चाँद सितारों को छूना।

प्रश्न 4.
सन् 1988 में कल्पना किस केंद्र में नियुक्त हुई?
सन् 1988 में कल्पना अमरीका के सर्वोच्च अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान केंद्र नासा में हुई।

प्रश्न 5.
कल्पना चावला का देहांत कब हुआ ?
कल्पना चावला का देहांत फरवरी 2003 में हुआ।

प्रश्न 6.
इस गद्यांश के लिए उचित शीर्षक दीजिए।
अंतरिक्ष परी – कल्पना चावला

पूरक वाचन – 2

प्रश्न 1.
छोटा लडका क्यों रो पडा ?
छोटा लडका ठोकर खाने में गिर गया और रो पडा।

प्रश्न 2.
प्रतिभागियों ने लडके की मदद कैसे की ?
प्रति भागियोंने उसे खडा किया, उसके आँसू पोंछे, धूल साफ की।

प्रश्न 3.
दर्शक कैसे देखते रहे ?
दर्शक मंत्रमुग्ध होकर देखते रहे।

प्रश्न 4.
निर्णायकों ने समस्या का हल कैसे ढूंढ निकाला ?
निर्णायकों ने सबको स्वर्ण पदक देकर समस्या का हल ढूंढ निकाला।

प्रश्न 5.
सबके सब एक साथ विजयी क्यों हुए ?
सबके सब एक साथ विजयी इसलिए हुए क्योंकि उस दिन दोस्ती का अनोखा दृश्य दर्शकों को देखने को मिला और उनकी तालियाँ धमने का नाम नहीं ले रही थी।

पूरक वाचन – 3

प्रश्न 1.
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि किससे बिती कर रहे हैं?
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ईश्वर से विनती कर रहे हैं ।

प्रश्न 2.
कवि कहाँ गंगा बहाना चाहते हैं ?
कवि गंगा इस देश में बहाना चाहते हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
आग बुझाने के लिए ईश्वर से कवि क्या माँगते
आग बुझाने के लिए ईश्वर से कवि गंगा बहाने की माँग करते है।

प्रश्न 4.
कवि बुझते दीपों के तन-मन में क्या भरना चाहते हैं ?
कवि बुझते दीपों के तन-मन में प्रकाश भरना चाहते हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
इस कविता के लिए उचित शीर्षक दीजिए।
उत्तरः कविता का उचित शीर्षक ‘विनती’ हो सकता है।

KSEEB Class 9 Hindi अनुरूपता

Students can Download KSEEB Class 9 Hindi अनुरूपता, KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka State Syllabues Class 9 Hindi अनुरूपता


  1. स्वामी विवेकानंद : जीवनी :: गुलाब सिंह : ______
  2. स्वामी विवेकानंद : जगदीश चंद्र :: चेरापूँजी से आया हूँ : ______
  3. मौसी : कहानी :: भीम और राक्षस : ______
  4. मौसी : भीष्म साहनी :: भीम और राक्षस : ______
  5. खेलो कूदो स्वस्थ रहो : निबंध :: नफे के चक्कर में : ______
  6. जय जय भारत माता : मैथिलीशरण गुप्त :: चलना हमारा काम है। : ______
  7. पर्यावरण बचाओ : डॉ.परशुराम शुक्ला :: पूर्वाक्षर का पूर्वाग्रह : ______
  8. भीम और राक्षस : एकांकी :: सडक की रक्षा-सबकी सुरक्षा : ______
  9. भीम : कुंती :: स्वामी विवेकानंद : ______
  10. तरूवर फल : नहीं खात है :: सरवर : ______
  11. यह मेरा : बेटा :: यह मेरी : ______
  12. पाठ पढाना : सबक सिखाना :: भाग्य फूटना : ______
  13. शारीरिक खेल : शारीरिक श्रम :: मानसिक खेल : ______
  14. मेघालय की राजधानी : शिलंग :: मणिपुर की राजधानी : ______
  15. क्रिकेट : मैदानी खेल :: शतरंज : ______
  16. दौडना : वैयक्तिक खेल :: फुटबाल : ______
  17. तुम्हारा नाम क्या है ? : प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य :: पानी ले आओ। : ______
  18. साथी, हाथ बढाना : साहीर लुधियानवी :: अनुशासन ही शासन है : ______


  1. स्वामी विवेकानंद : जीवनी :: गुलाब सिंह : कहानी
  2. स्वामी विवेकानंद : जगदीश चंद्र :: चेरापूँजी से आया हूँ : प्रदीप पंत ।
  3. मौसी : कहानी :: भीम और राक्षस : एकांकी
  4. मौसी : भीष्म साहनी :: भीम और राक्षस : विष्णु प्रभाकर
  5. खेलो कूदो स्वस्थ रहो : निबंध :: नफे के चक्कर में : लोककथा
  6. जय जय भारत माता : मैथिलीशरण गुप्त :: चलना हमारा काम है। : शिवमंगलसिंह सुमन
  7. पर्यावरण बचाओ : डॉ.परशुराम शुक्ला :: पूर्वाक्षर का पूर्वाग्रह : पी.एस. रामानुजम
  8. भीम और राक्षस : एकांकी :: सडक की रक्षा-सबकी सुरक्षा : कहानी
  9. भीम : कुंती :: स्वामी विवेकानंद : भुवनेश्वरी देवी ।
  10. तरूवर फल : नहीं खात है :: सरवर : पियहि न पान
  11. यह मेरा : बेटा :: यह मेरी : बेटी
  12. पाठ पढाना : सबक सिखाना :: भाग्य फूटना : बुरा होना
  13. शारीरिक खेल : शारीरिक श्रम :: मानसिक खेल : मानसिक श्रम ।
  14. मेघालय की राजधानी : शिलंग :: मणिपुर की राजधानी : चेरापूंजी
  15. क्रिकेट : मैदानी खेल :: शतरंज : घरेलू खेल
  16. दौडना : वैयक्तिक खेल :: फुटबाल : सामूहिक खेल
  17. तुम्हारा नाम क्या है ? : प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य :: पानी ले आओ। : आज्ञार्थक वाक्य
  18. साथी, हाथ बढाना : साहीर लुधियानवी :: अनुशासन ही शासन है : डॉ. रमेश मिलन

KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms

Karnataka Board Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms

KSEEB Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Textual Questions & Answers

I. Four alternatives are given to each of the following incomplete statements. Choose the right answer.

Question 1.
A kingdom consisting of single celled prokaryotic organisms is.
(a) Mycota
(b) Monera
(c) Plantae
(d) protesta

Question 2.
Which one of the following is the basic unit of classification of the living organisms?
(a) Family
(b) Species
(c) genes
(d) kingdom.

Question 3.
Most primitive organism among the following are.
(c) Fungi
(d) Algae.

Question 4.
Which one of the following should be grouped with wholes according to modern classification?
(a) Shark
(b) Dolphin
(c) Snake
(d) Tortoise.

II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Question 1.
Plants with many woody stems are called ………..

Question 2.
Animals without a backbone are called ……….
Non chordates

Question 3.
Most of the organisms depend directly or indirectly upon …………. for food.

Question 4.
Group of organisms that breed among themselves and produce fertile off springs make a ………

III. Match the following:
KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms 6-iii

  1. c
  2. d
  3. e
  4. f

IV. Answer the following :

Question 1.
Why are animals included under Eukaryotas?
Animals have cells with definite nucleus. Hence they are included under Eukaryotas.

Question 2.
In which kingdom do you include multi cellular Eukaryota, primitive, heterotrophic organisms?
The Kingdom Mycota.

Question 3.
Aristotle’s classification include both fish and whale under one group. How are these unrelated?
According to Aristotle’s both are aquatic so they belong to the same group but according to the natural system of
classification whale is different from fish in the life process and made of reproduction. Whole belongs to the class mammalia
it has mammalian characteristics..

Question 4.
What is the difference between plants and animals with regard to nutrition?

  1. Plants
    • Plants belong to autotrophs Plants can prepare their own food
  2. Animals
    • Animals belongs to heterotrophs Animals cannot prepare their own food.

Question 5.
Place the following organisms in their respective kingdoms. Deer, Paramecium,Mushroom.

  1. Deer – Animalia
  2. Paramecium – Protista
  3. Mushroom – Mycota

Question 6.
Why are bread moulds grouped under mycota?
Bread moulds are grouped under mycota as they do not synthesis their food.

Question 7.
Explain, the concept of binomial nomenclature.
Bi nominal nomenclature is the scientific method of naming the living organisms. Common names often differ from one part of a country to another and certainly vary from one country to another. In contrast, scientific name can be used all over the world speaking different languages. It avoids confusion.

Question 8.
Which one of the following is a prokaryotic cell? Why?

KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms 6-8
‘B’ belongs to prokaryotic Cell because it does not have a well developed nucleus with nuclear membrane and other organelle. .

KSEEB Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Additional Questions & Answers

Question 1.
Define the following :
1. botany
2. zoology
3. microbiology
4. cytology
5. histology
6. physiology
7. biotechnology

  1. Botany : botany deals with the study of plants.
  2. Zoology : zoology deals with the study of animal.
  3. Microbiology: microbiology is the study of microorganism.
  4. Cytology : cytology is the study of cells.
  5. histology : the study of the microscopic structure of tissues.
  6. Physiology : physiology deals with the processes and the functions of living organisms.
  7. Biotechnology : biotechnology deals with the application of technology in the field of biology. For benefit of mankind.

Question 2.
What is meant by classification?
The method of grouping organism, according to their similarities and differences is called classification.

Question 3.
What is taxonomy?
Taxonomy is the branch of biology. Which deals with the classification of organisms.

Question 4.
What is the purpose of classification of organisms?

The purpose of classifications are,

  1. for convenience – easy to study identify and remember.
  2. to show relationships among various groups of organisms.
  3. to show the evolution of organisms from simple to complex forms of life.

Question 5.
Write the short note on charaka.
Charaka, an ancient Indian sage, was a philosopher, astronomer and physician. He had listed about 340 plant types and about 200 animals types in his book ‘charaka samhita’ charaka for his contributions in known as ‘father of Ayurveda’.

Question 6.
Who is the father of biology?
Aristotle is popularly known as ‘father of biology’.

Question 7.
How did Aristotle classified plants and animals?

Aristotle classified plants and animals in to three groups

  1.  Plants:
    • Herbs with soft stems.
    • Shrubs with several woody stems.
    • Three with a single woody stem.
  2. Animals :
    • Aquatic animals found in water.
    • Terrestrial animals, found on land.
    • Aerial animals found in air.

Question 8.
Who proposed two kingdom classification?
Carol us Linnaeus proposed two kingdom classification.

Question 9.
Define binomial nomenclature.
Carol us Linnaeus introduced the ‘binomial nomenclature’. The scientific method of naming the organisms called binomial nomenclature.

Question 10.
Mention the seven levels of organisation.
The seven levels of organisation are :
Species → Genus → Family → order→ class → Phylum → Kingdom.

Question 11.
Mention the advantages of binomial nomenclature.

  1. Bi nominal nomenclature is the scientific method of naming the living organisms.
  2. Common names often differ from one part of a country to another and certainly vary from one country’ to another. .
  3. In contrast, scientific name can be used all over the world speaking different languages.
  4. It avoids confusion.

Question 12.
What is species?
The basic unit of classification is called species.

Question 13.
Write the scientific names for the following
(i) Mango
(ii) Man
(iii) Dog
(iv) Peepul tree
(v) horse

Common Name Scientific Name
1. Mango Magnifier indica
2. Man Homo sapiens
3. Dog Cains Familiars
4. Peepul tree Ficus religious
5. horse Equous caballus.

Question 14.
Write the Systematic position of human.

level Human Characteristic


Kingdom Animalia Heterotroph bodily movement
Phylum Chordate Chordate
Class Mammalia Mammary grand
Order Primate Erect posture with binocular vision
Family Hominid Fore limbs are shorter than hind limb
Genus Homo Human-large cranium: tool making ability
Species Sapiens Highly developed brain capable of thinking and speak in

Question 15.
Write the systematic position of mango.

Level Mango
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Spindles
Family Anacardiaceae
Genus Magnifier
Species India.

Question 16.
What are the merits of natural system of classification?
Natural system of classification has some merits are,. It includes the related organisms in one group and shows relationships with regard to habitat life process and made of reproduction.

Question 17.
Write short note on two kingdom classification.
This is one of the earliest type of classification, introduced by corollas Linnaeus 1758. Linnaeus classified the living organism under two kingdoms. They are kingdom plantae and kingdom animalia.

Question 18.
Write short note an four kingdom classification.
The four kingdom classification introduced by Copeland in 1966. The kingdoms are. Monera, Protista, plantae, and animalia.

Question 19.
Write short note on five kingdom classification.
In 1969 Robert Whitaker introduced five kingdom classification. They are Monera, Protista, plantae, animalia and mycota.

Question 20.
Viruses from a separate living entity. Give reason.
Viruses do not have a cellular structure and they are not considered as organism. They cannot be included either under prokaryotic or Eukaryotas. Hence form a separate entity.

Question 21.
Viruses are considered as a link between the living and non living. Give reason.
Viruses contain only nucleic acid covered by a protein coat. They are unable to reproduce out side the living cells but inside the host cell they exhibit the characteristics of living organisms. Hence, They are considered as a link between living and non living.

Question 22.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Euglena.
KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms 22

Question 23.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Paramecium.
KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms 23

Question 24.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Bacterium.
KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms 24
Question 25.
How can you play an important role in conserving natural resources such as plants and animals? Explain.

The important measures to conserve natural resources are,1. Restricting unnecessary cutting of trees.

  1. Protecting wild life in their habitat.
  2. Educating the public the importance of Furniture and minimizing the use of timber.
  3. Recycling forest products.
  4. Restricting hunting and poaching of animals.
  5. Preventing the extinction of species.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Science

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Miser Lesson Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task:

(i) Think of the earlier world, where there was no ‘money’ as a medium of exchange.

(ii) What role do ‘Money and wealth’ play in our lives?
Money and wealth are necessary to provide not only for our basic necessities but also for the comforts of our lives.

(iii) Along with money, what are the other things required to lead a ‘happy life’? Discuss with your classmates.
A good family environment, good friends, secure job, good health, entertainment etc are some of the other things required to lead a happy life.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Textbook Questions and Answers


I. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:

Question 1.
What was there in Surenders’ hoard to call him wealthy?
Surender was so wealthy that he had had three huge bams heaped high with gold and silver, rare diamonds and precious stones.

Question 2.
What did he see in the market place one day?
One day, while he was walking in the market place, Surender saw a man eating a large, soft, yellow ladoo, rich with raisins and cashew nuts in it.

Question 3.
How did he savour the thought of having a ladoo?
When Surender saw a man eating a ladoo he mouth began to water. He could almost feel its sweetness tickling his tongue.

Question 4.
How did Surender’s longing for a ladoo make him suffer?
Surender found that his longing for a ladoo would not go away.He wanted to eat one so badly that he began to drool. His legs grew weak and his stomach began to rumble loudly.

Question 5.
Why was Vandana happy when Surender asked for a ladoo?
Vandana was happy when Surender asked for a ladoo because she could make dozons of iadoos, to share them with their children, neighbours and servants too.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
Why didn’t Vandana’s happiness last long?
Vandana’s happiness did not last long because Surender asked her not to prepare dozons of Ladoos, but just one ladoo for himself.

Question 7.
How many ladoos did Vandana finally make? Why?
Vandana finally made only one ladoo for her husband Surender because he found it unnecessary to make them for anybody else.

Question 8.
Who was witnessing the whole course of Surender’s miserliness?
Sakka, the King of the Gods and the Ruler of the Heavens was witnessing the whole course of Surender’s miserliness from his magnificent palace in heaven.

Question 9.
When did Sakka assume Surenders’ own form and walk into his house?
When Surender went out for his morning walk, Sakka assumed Surender’s own form and walked into his house. This happened the day after Surender ate the ladoo all by himself.

Question 10.
Why was Vandana astonished?
Vandana was astonished because she heard her miserly husband announce that he was going to share his wealth with others.

Question 11.
What was the warning given by the make-believe Surender to the crowd at his barns?
Surender told the crowd that an impostor who looked like him could come and threaten them and even stop them. If he did so, they could drive him away fearlessly.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 12.
What was the real Surender’s complaint to his Majesty?
Surrender complained to the Majesty that . he was being looted and robbed of all his treasure by the people of the town. When he tried to stop them, they even chased him away.

Question 13.
Whom did the puzzled king request to decide on the two look alike Surenders’?
The puzzled king asked Vandana to decide which of the two was her husband.

Question 14.
What was Vandana’s trial?
Vandana’s trial was to ask a simple question to both the Surenders. The question would help her to identify which of the two was her husband.

Question 15.
How did Sakka convince Surender to mend his miserly ways?
Sakka told surrender that due to his miserly attitude even his own wife and children had disowned him. He asked Surender to give up being a miser or he threatened to come back for him again.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 16.
How did Vandana want to celebrate when the ordeal was over?
Vandana wanted to celebrate the end of the ordeal by making dazons of ladoos.

II. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each:

Question 1.
Explain Surender’s miserliness.
Surender was such a miser that his family was just short of starving, even when his three bams were overflowing with heaps of gold, silver, rare diamonds and precious stones. He bought his children the cheapest and most ordinary clothes. His family supped on gruel most of the time.

When he craved for a ladoo, he was adamant that his wife make only one ladoo, for himself. He felt that it was not necessary to make for the entire family and he gave lame excuses for it.

Question 2.
Why didn’t Surender ask his wife to make a ladoo?
Surrender didn’t ask his wife to make a ladoo because he knew that she would definitely make one for herself, one each for their four children, some for their servants and the neighbours as well. The thought of the total expenditure for making so many ladoos made him quite ill. Therefore, he never asked his wife to make a ladoo.

Question 3.
How did Sakka, the king of the Gods teach a lesson to Surender ?
When Sakka observed the miserly attitude of Surender, he decided to teach him a lesson. He assumed the form of Surender and entered his house when Surender had gone out for his morning walk. He then announced that the townsfolk could take whatever they wanted from his bam. On hearing this, the people gathered in large numbers and collected as much wealth as they could. When the real Surender came back home, he could not believe his eyes and the people chased him away.

He took the matter to the king. At the king’s court, Sakka took his original form and warned Surender to give up his miserly attitude and threatened to come back if he didn’t Surender had to agree as even his own wife and children had disowned him. Thus Sakka taught a lesson to Surender.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Describe Surender’s ordeal in the king’s palace.
At the king’s palace, Surender informed the king that the townsfolk were looting his treasure. The king told him that the people were taking it away as per his invitation. Surender denied it. Therefore, the king summoned the one who gave the order.

When Sakka in Surender’s form appeared before the court, everyone including the real Surender was shocked. The king could not proceed with the case unless the real Surender was identified. He, therefore asked Vandana to identify her husband. She asked a very simple question regarding generosity, to both of them.

The real Surender, being a miser was against generosity. Fed up with Surender’s miserliness, Vandana said that Sakka in the form of her husband was her real husband. Surender could not believe his ears. He wept bitterly unable to prove his true identity. This was the ordeal that Surender faced at the palace.

III. Vocabulary

Fill in the missing letters to get the synonyms of the following:

Question 1.
stone p _ b _ l _
p e b b l e

Question 2.
inactive p _ s _ _ v e
p a s s i v e

Question 3.
forgive p _ _ d_n
p a r d o n

Question 4.
suffering p _ i n _ ul
p a i n f u l

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
location p _ _ c _
p l a c e

Question 6.
choose P _ _ f _ r
p r e f e r

Question 7.
artist p _ _ nt_ r
p a i n t e r

Question 8.
couple P _ _ r
p a i r

Question 9.
picture P_ o _ o _ r _ _ h
p h o t o g r a p h

Question 10.
strong p _ w _ _ f _ l
p o w e r f u l

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
How did Surender treat his family?
Surender was such a miser that his family was neither fed well nor clothed well. They were fed just short of starving. He bought the cheapest, dowdiest and the most ordinary clothes for his children. His miserly nature was exhibited to the greatest extent when he asked his wife to prepare a ladoo only for him and not for anyone else in the family.

Question 2.
Who was Sakka?
Sakka was the king of the Gods and Ruler of the heavens.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
Who was Vandana?
Vandana was Surender’s wife.

II. Rewrite as directed

Question 1.
“What is wrong with you, dear husband? Vandana asked anxiously.
(Change into indirect speech)
Vandana anxiously asked her husband what was wrong with him.

Question 2.
“Get me a ladoo to eat,” said Surender to his wife.
(into indirect speech)
Surrender asked his wife to get him a ladoo to eat.

Question 3.
Sakka said, “Can you bring yourself to be more generous?”
(into indirect speech)
Sakka asked if he could bring himself to be more generous.

8th English The Miser Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Miser Lesson Summary in English

It is a very interesting story of a miser who almost starves his family; but is taught a good lesson by the king of the Gods.

Surender was a wealthy miser. He had three huge barns heaped high with gold, silver, rare diamonds and precious stones. Yet he didn’t feed his family well. They were given the bare minimum meals. They were just short of starving.

One day, when Surender walking through a market place , he saw a man eating a rich, juicy ladoo, with plenty of raisins and cashew nuts in it. Surender craved for a ladoo. He was frightened to ask his wife to prepare a ladoo because if he told her about his desire, she would prepare ladoos for all the family members, servants and neighbours. The thought of the expenditure made him remain silent. His stomach began to rumble loudly, and his legs grew weak as the desire of the ladoo grew stronger.

Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, he asked his wife to prepare a ladoo. When his wife mentioned about preparing ladoos to share them with their children, servants and neighbours, he discouraged her sternly. He asked her to prepare only one ladoo, for himself. He devoured the ladoo in front of his wife, without even sharing it with her. His miserly actions were being watched by Sakka, the king of the Gods and Ruler of the Heavens. He decided to teach Surender a lesson.

‘When Surender went out for his morning walk, Sakka assumed his form and entered the house. He told Vandana, Surender’s wife that he had decided to share his wealth with the others. He asked Vandana to send the servant to call all the people. The bam doors were opened. People who gathered there took as much wealth as they could. Sakka, who was in Surender’s appearance told the people that if an impostor came to stop them, they could chase him away fearlessly.

Surender who returned back, was shocked to see the scene at home. When the people chased him away, he took the matter to the king. The king told him that people were taking away things from his barn, on his invitation. Surender said that he had done no such thing. The king therefore summoned the one who had sent the invitation. Sakka, appeared before the king. Everyone was surprised to see two Surenders. When the king could not identify who the real Surender was, he asked Vandana to identify her husband.

She asked each of them a simple question which was “is it good to be generous to yourself, your family, your neighbours and friends or your servants?” Sakka replied that it was good to be generous to all. When the same question was asked to the real Surender, he said that it was not good to be generous at all.

On hearing those answers, Vandana said that Sakka, was her husbsnd and went to him with her children. Surender let out a cry in anguish and stated the he was the real Surender. Immediately, Sakka assumed his real form and asked Surender to give up being a miser and to be a lot more generous. Sakka threatened to come back again if he would not give up his miserly nature, and he vanished. Yandana asked if she could celebrate the end of Surender’s ordeal by preparing dozons of ladoos. Surender could do nothing, but agree. Thus, with the intervention of Sakka. Surender was transformed.

8th Standard English Notes

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading tasks:

Read the following sentences and write down what you would do in these situations:

a. The teacher asks those students to stand up who have not completed the notes.
If I have not completed the notes, I would stand up.

b. A friend asks if he can copy your answers while writing a test.
I would be reluctant to show it to him,

c. You have borrowed your friend’s notebook and lost it.
I would make a copy of the notes for him.

d. You find a one thousand rupee note in the corridor of the school.
I would hand it over to the Principal.

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

e. You promised your parents that you would clean your room, but you watched your favourite program on TV instead.
I would feel guilty and ashamed with my behaviour. I would apologise and complete the task.

f. The shop keeper charges you for three cricket bats when you have bought only two cricket bats.
I would inform him about the mistake and ask for a refund.

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension:

A. Answer in two / three sentences each:

Question 1.
Why did the old man Twinkle need a boy?
The old man Twinkle needed a boy to help him in his shop. He needed a boy who could drive Jenny, his pony, to take his goods in a cart for deliveries.

Question 2.
When did all the boys go to Mr. Twinkle and what did Mr. Twinkle say?
The boys went to Mr. Twinkle in the evening after school. Mr. Tinkle asked them to play in the yard, as he was busy. He told them that he would call them after a while.

Question 3.
What did all the boys do in front of the house?
The boys saw an enormous wooden yard gate swinging to and fro in the wind. So they climbed on it. They pretended to ride it like a horse and make it gallop.

Question 4.
What did all the boys decide to tell the old man if he asked about the broken gate?
The boys decided to say nothing to Mr. Twinkle about the broken gate and pretend ignorance.

Question 5.
Why didn’t Jack go back home with the other boys?
Jack couldn’t go back home with the other boys because he was worried about the . broken gate. He stayed back to see if he could fix it.

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
How did the gate break down according to Jack?
According to Jack, the gate broke down while he was swinging on it. When Mr. Twinkle frowned at his answer, Jack reluctantly told the truth.

Question 7.
Jack started in surprise. What made Jack stare at Mr. Twinkle in surprise?
Jack knew that he was not taller or clever than his friends. Therefore when Mr. Twinkle announced that he had selected Jack for the job, Jack stared at Mr. Twinkle in surprise.

Question 8.
Who was finally chosen to help the old man Twinkle? Why?
Jack was finally chosen to help the old man Tinkle because he found Jack loyal, brave enough to own up when things went wrong and was truthful.

Question 9.
What is Jack doing now?
Jack is now the head of the shop.

B. Answer in five / six sentences each:

Question 1.
How did the boys break the gate?
Four boys had approached Mr. Twinkle for a job. Jack the smallest had also gone along. As Mr. Twinkle was busy, he asked them to play in the yard till they were called. In the yard the boys saw a huge yard gate swinging in the breeze. They all decided to ride it like a horse. All the boys climbed on it. The gate being old, could not hold the weight of the boys and broke.

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
Why did Jack think they ought to tell about the broken gate to the old man Twinkle?
Jack, probably being brought up well, with good moral discipline told his friends that it was cowardly not to inform Mr. Twinkle about the broken gate. His mother had also said that it was right to own up at once, when a thing went wrong or when a mistake was committed. Therefore Jack felt that they ought to tell about the broken gate to Mr. Twinkle.

Question 3.
What qualities of Jack do you like the most?
Jack was a brave boy. He was also simple, unassuming, truthful and a responsible boy. He was also loyal to his friends. I like all these qualities of Jack.

Question 4.
How would Jack overcome his weaknesses according to Mr. Twinkle?
According to Mr. Twinkle, Jack would grow up taller, if he daily ate the pudding prepared by his wife. The nourishment that he would receive would make his brains grow too and he would become clever. As for his old clothes, Jack could buy new ones . with the money he would get as pocket money. Mr. Twinkle felt that with all these, Jack could easily overcome his weaknesses.

Question 5.
What made Mr. Twinkle choose Jack for the job?
Mr. Twinkle wanted someone for the job who would be loyal, brave and truthful. Mr. Tinkle found that loyalty in Jack when he defended his friends. He exhibited bravery and truthfulness when he owned up to Mr. Twinkle about the broken gate. Therefore Jack was selected for the job.

C. Answer in ten / fifteen sentences each:

Question 1.
How did Jack win the heart of Mr. Twinkle?
With his simplicity, braveiy and loyalty Jack won over the heart of Mr. Twinkle. Jack wore very simple clothes and so was his mannerism. He exhibited bravery and truthfulness when he courageously told Mr.Twinkle the truth. Loyalty was exhibited when he tried to defend his friends. By exhibiting those inherent qualities unknowingly, he won over the heart of Mr. Twinkle.

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
How did a helper boy become an owner of the shop?
Once, a poor boy went to Mr. Twinkle along with his friends, who were seeking a job. While they were waiting for Mr. Twinkle to call them, they played in the yard and rode on the yard gate like a horse. But the weight of the boys being too heavy, the gate collapsed. During the interview with Mr. Twinkle none of the boys spoke about the gate.

They pretended to be unaware about the gate. Jack was unable to go back home with his friends because he was guilty about the gate. He later owned up to Mr. Twinkle about the gate. Mr. Twinkle appreciated his honesty, loyalty, and bravery. He was offered the job as a helper. Those qualities made him the owner of the shop later.

II. Activities:

Question 1.
“Honesty is the best policy” Write a paragraph about this topic.
It is true that honesty is the best policy. Today, we see many things around us which are not honest. Many persons are dishonest. Dishonesty may shine for some time. It may earn money, power and followers. But all this is for a short time. Honesty is courageous, dishonesty is a coward. Honesty is bound to shine after the night of dishonesty. There is no place for dishonest people on the earth.

They lose the battle in the end. Only an honest person can win a place in the hearts of people. Double-faced men get temporary respect but they are thrown out of people’s hearts. Dishonesty cannot face the reality. It has to say hundred lies to hide one act of dishonesty. Therefore, honesty is the best policy.

Question 2.
Your teacher will read aloud a story of “The Angel and the Wood cutter”. Listen carefully and re-write it in form of dialogues.
Begin the story like this and complete it:
Once upon a time there was an honest wood cutter. One day while he was cutting a branch of a tree, his axe fell into the river .when he cried out, an angel appeared:

Angel: “Why are you crying?”

Wood cutter: “My axe has fallen into the river.”
The Angel went down into the stream and reappeared with a golden axe.

Angel: “Is this your axe?”

Wood cutter: “No, it is not mine.
The angel went into the stream once again and brought a silver axe.

Angel: Is this your axe?

Woodcutter: No. it is not mine. My axe is a simple one
The angel went into the stream once again and reappeared with a wooden axe.

Angel: Is this your axe?

Woodcutter: Yes, this is my axe. Thank you for helping me to get

(happily) it back

Angel: I am the goddess of this river. I am pleased with your honesty. As a reward for vour honesty. I am gifting you the other two axes as well.

So saying, the angel gives the golden and the silver axe also to the wood cutter and disappears.

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Class activity

a. Stage a role play of the above situation: Class activity
b. Read to know: Class activity

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct answer from the four options given and answer the questions:

Question 1.
the boys liked to w ork for Mr. Twinkle because,
(a) they could cheat him, for he was old.
(b) He paid them a good salary.
(c) He was generous and kind.
(d) The shop was near their school.
(c) He was generous and kind.

Question 2.
Jack was chosen for the job by Mr. Twinkle because
(a) He was their relative.
(b) He was the cleverest boy of the town
(c) He was loyal, truthful and brave
(d) He could ride a pony
(c) He was loyal, truthful and brave

8th English The Broken Gate Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Broken Gate Lesson Summary in English

‘Honesty will always be rewarded’ is the message of the lesson.

Mr. Twinkle wanted a helper in his shop. He wanted someone who could ride his pony Jenny, as most of his goods were taken around In his cart. Mr. Twinkle therefore, put up a notice outside his shop regarding the job offer, especially for boys who could work after school hours. A few boys who saw this notice decided to give it a try. Along with them was Jack, the smallest of all the boys and probably the poorest, for he wore ragged clothes.

When they approached Mr. Twinkle for the job, he asked them to play in the yard for sometime as he was busy. He said that he would call for them. So the boys went into the yard. There they saw an enormous yard gate swinging in the breeze. They decided to ride it like a horse. All the boys climbed on to the gate.

The gate could not hold their weight as it was old and it broke away at the hinges. They decided not to tell Mr. Twinkle anything about the broken gate but not Jack. He told them that it was cowardly not to own up a mistake.

Mr. Twinkle called them in and interviewed them one by one. When he questioned them about the broken gate, they pretended to be unaware of it. The boys were sent away, stating that they would be informed about his choice later. All the boys went home except Jack.

He went up to the gate to see if he could fix it. Mr.Twinkle called him and asked him if he was one of the boys who had come for the job. Jack replied that as he was small in stature, not clever enough and had only ragged clothes, he was unfit for the job.

Mr. Twinkle then asked him if he knew anything about the broken gate. In order to defend his friends, Jack said that the gate broke when he was swinging on it. Mr. Twinkle did not believe his answer so Jack told him the truth. Jack also asked Mr. Twinkle not to be harsh with those boys but to offer the job to one of them as they were really good. Then Mr. Twinkle told Jack that he had selected him.

Jack was assured that with a little nourishment, he would grow taller and cleverer. Mr. Twinkle also told him that he could buy good clothes with the pocket money that he got. Later, he told Jack the reason for selecting him. Jack was appreciated for his courage, honesty as well as loyalty.

Jack, today is the head of the shop, all because he was honest about a broken gate.

8th Standard English Notes

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task:

Read the following questions and answers:

Question 1.
Do you like pets?
Yes, I like pets.

Question 2.
Name the pets that you have in your house.
I have a, pup and some gold fish.

Question 3.
What are the facilities provided to these pets?
They are provided with good food, shelter and medical care, whenever necessary. I have a kennel for the pup and a fish tank.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
How do you take care of pets?
They are nourished with good food, kept clean and taken to a vet for any medical need.

Question 5.
How do masters often punish pets that disobey them?
They either beat them or starve them.

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension:

A. Answer in two three sentences each:

Question 1.
Who was Sindbad? What was he fond of?
Sindbad was a king. He was fond of racing and hunting.

Question 2.
What had the king brought up? What did he tie around its neck? Why?
The king had brought up a falcon as his pet. The king tied a golden cup around its neck to provide water while hunting.

Question 3.
What did the falcon suggest to the king one day?
One day the falcon suggested to the king that it was a suitable time for hunting.

Question 4.
How did the king threaten the hunting troop?
The king threatened the hunting troop that he would kill the person who allowed the gazelle to escape.

Question 5.
Why does the falcon upset the cup with the ‘dripping liquid’?
The falcon knew that the drops of liquid dripping from the leaves were snake venom. Therefore it upset the cup.

Question 6.
When did the falcon succumb to death?
The falcon succumbed to death after king Sindbad had reached the camp.

Question 7.
What was the king’s reaction?
The king repented for having killed his faithful falcon, which had saved his life. The king cried out aloud in bitter anguish.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

B. Answer in three / four sentences each:

Question 1.
How did the king look after the falcon?
The king had a falcon as his pet. It was always found on the king’s flst. lt never left the king even at night. In order to provide water while hunting, the king had tied a golden cup around it’s neck.

Question 2.
How did the gazelle escape?
As the net kept closing in on the gazelle, it moved towards the king. She stood on her hind legs, lifted her forelegs up to the breast and suddenly jumped out over the head of the king and escaped.

Question 3.
How did the falcon help the king to kill the gazelle?
The falcon flew high up and traced the fleeing gazelle. She swooped down on the gazelle and blinded her with her talons. The king immediately struck with his mace and killed the gazelle.

Question 4.
Why did the king take out the cup?
As the falcon was thirsty, the king took out the golden cup that was tied around the falcon’s neck, to collect some water.

Question 5.
What activity of the falcon made the king become furious?
Every time when the king placed the golden cup with the liquid that he had collected before the falcon, it overturned the cup. The falcon did it twice. Therefore the king became furious.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
Why did the king cut off the wings of the falcon?
When the falcon overturned the golden cup with the ‘liquid’ in it twice, the king was annoyed. The king then offered the liquid to his horse. The falcon overturned that also. This made the king so furious that he chopped off the wings of the falcon, as a punishment.

Question 7.
What did the falcon indicate to the king?
The falcon indicated to the king to look up at the tree, by raising her head.

Question 8.
How did the king’s men trap the gazelle?
The king’s men formed a circular shroud with a net. When a gazelle was trapped in it, they slowly lifted up the net from all the sides. Gradually they narrowed the net and the gazelle was trapped in it.

Question 9.
Why did the falcon upset the cup again and again?
The falcon realised that the dripping liquid that was collected in the golden cup was not water but the venom of a poisonous viper that was on the tree. Therefore the falcon repeatedly upset the cup.

Question 10.
Why did the king repent?
The king repented when he realised that he had chopped off the wings of his faithful falcon, which had saved his life. He also realised that he had lost his faithful companion forever because it was dead.

Question 11.
Why did the king call his pet unlucky and foolish thing?
The falcon had overturned the cup with the ‘liquid’ in it twice. It overturned it again when the liquid was offered to the horse. This action of the falcon so infuriated the tired and thirst king that he called his pet unlucky and foolish. This was because he knew that he would punish his pet severely for it’s actions.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 12.
How did the falcon save the king’s life?
By overturning the cup which had the poison in it, the falcon saved the life of the king.

C. Answer the following questions in six / eight sentences each:

Question 1.
How did the king look after the pet falcon?
The pet falcon of the king was taken care off well with a lot of love. The falcon was always found with the king. It was always found perched on the king’s fist. To provide it with water while hunting, the king had even a golden cup tied around it’s neck.

Question 2.
How did the king hunt the gazelle?
One day the king’s faithful companion, the falcon, suggested a hunting expedition. King Sindbad set out with his falcon and the hunting troop. They set a trap in the forest, they made a circular shroud with a net. A gazelle was trapped in it, but it escaped when the net was narrowed.

He set out with his falcon to find.the gazelle. The falcon swooped on the fleeing gazelle and blinded it. The king then struck his mace on the gazelle and killed it. Thus with the help of the falcon, the king hunted and killed the gazelle.

Question 3.
What made the king cry aloud?
The falcon repeatedly overturned the cup with the ‘liquid’ in it. This action of the falcon irritated the king so much that he chopped off it’s wings as a punishment. The bleeding falcon then drew the attention of the king to a viper on the tree from whose fangs the poison was dripping down the leaves.

The king was ashamed at his hasty action. He returned back to his camp. On reaching the camp, the falcon breathed it’s last and died. The king cried bitterly for having lost his most faithful companion.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
How did the falcon prove himself a faithful companion of the king?
The falcon was a constant and a close companion of the king. He was always with the king even during the night, it accompanied the king even during the hunting expedition. It even scanned the area to locate their prey if it had escaped.

Once, when the king unwittingly was about to feed the snake venom to the falcon and the horse, the falcon overturned the cup which contained the venom. The king who could not understand the action of the falcon was filled with rage. He chopped off the wings of the falcon as a punishment for spilling the liquid in the cup.

The wounded falcon drew the attention of the king to the viper on the tree, whose venom it was that he had collected. The king realised what the falcon was trying to convey. He was grateful to the falcon but regretted his action of cutting off it’s wings because of which, the falcon lost it’s life. These incidents show that the falcon was indeed a faithful companion of the king.

II. Activities:

Question 1.
Imagine you are king Sindbad who is in the forest and your pet falcon has upset the cup filled with dripping liquid… conclude the story with a different ending.
The falcon would act strange and weird, fly up the tree, attack the viper and drop it down. King would then understand the meaning of the falcon’s behaviour, and would arrange for a feast in honour of the ‘ falcon which had saved their lives.

III. Your teacher will read an interesting story for you. Listen to it carefully and answer the following questions:

One day a young mother left her sleeping toddler on the floor and went out to fetch water in a pot, leaving her pet mongoose in charge of the baby.

When she returned a little later, she found the mongoose with it’s mouth full of blood lying near he doorstep. Presuming that the mongsose had killed the sleeping baby, in her anguish, she took the iron rod lying nearby, and killed the animal with it. Later, when she entered the room where she had left her baby asleep, she saw a venomous viper lying dead, next to the baby’s bed, its body in pieces strewn around. She gasped in horror as she took in the scene, realizing that her baby had been unharmed as the mongoose hud fought with the snake and had killed it. All her remorse and lament could not bring her pet mongoose back to life.

A. Who took care of the baby when the women went to fetch water?
The mongoose took care of the baby when the woman went to fetch water.

B. Why was the mongoose’s mouth covered with blood?
The mongoose had fought with a snake that had entered the house and killed it. Therefore it’s mouth was covered with blood.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

C. What, made the woman kill the mongoose?
On returning home, the woman saw the mongoose lying near the door steps with it’s mouth covered with blood. The woman thought that the mongoose had killed her .child. In her anguish, she killed the mongoose.

D. Why did the women shed tears?
When the woman entered the room, she saw her child alive and pieces of a venomous viper lying near her baby’s bed .she understood that the mongoose had blood on it’s mouth because it had fought with the snake. Overcome with remorse at her hasty action of killing the mongoose, she shed tears.

E. What do you learn from this story?
‘Think before you act’ is the message of
the lesson. We should always think deeply over a problem, understand all it’s consequences and then take a decision.

IV. Read the following stories and make a note of the moral:

a. The two adamant goats (Moral: better bend than break) – Class activity.
b. The ant and the dove (Moral: one good turn deserves another) – Class activity.

Question 4.
Given below are five proverbs and match them with their meanings:

1. Haste makes waste.  a. One should excel in one’s trade rather than dabbling in too many.
2. A jack of all trades and master of none.  b. One is judged according to the friends he has.
3. A poor workman blames his tools.  c. One must understand the importance of saving money.
4. A penny saved is a penny earned.  d. A person is trying to do everything.
5. A person is known by the company he keeps.  e. An incapable person blames others for his failures.
f. If you rush when you are doing something, you will make a mistake.


  1. – f,
  2. – a,
  3. – e,
  4. – c,
  5. – b

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
Narrate to your friends one incident that happened in the past. What lesson did you learn from the incident?

Additional Questions with Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
King Sindbad ties a golden cup around – the neck of his falcon because
(a) he could easily identify his pet from the rest.
(b) It was placed around it’s neck as an ornament to show that it was a royal falcon.
(c) It would prevent the falcon from attacking the king.
(d) The king could use it while hunting, to provide water.
(d) The king could use it while hunting, to provide water.

Question 2.
When the gazelle escaped, all of them in the hunting troop were murmuring because
(a) they were tired of hunting.
(b) the king had threatened to kill the person who ever allowed the gazelle to escape.
(c) they saw a wild elephant before them and were frightened.
(d) None of the above.
(b) the king had threatened to kill the person who ever allowed the gazelle to escape.

Question 3.
The king cried aloud because
(a) the king was wounded in the battle.
(b) the king lost both his arms.
(c) his faithful falcon died.
(d) he was captured by his enemies.
(c) his faithful falcon died.

8th English King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

King Sindbad and His Falcon Lesson Summary in English

This lesson conveys the message that hasty decisions can lead to misery and sorrow.

King Sindbad had a pet falcon which was his constant and faithful companion. It was always found perched on the fist of the king. It never left the king even at night. The king had tied a golden cup around its neck so that it could be used to fill water and qi encKher thirst while hunting.

The king was fond of racing and hunting. Once, on tu ad ….. r die falcon, the king went on a hunting expedition along with his hunting troop. They set a trap in the forest by making a circular shroud with a net. Shortly, a gazelle was trapped in it. The excited king announced that whoever allowed the animal to escape would be killed. The men carefully narrowed the trap till the gazelle moved towards the king.

But the gazelle escaped jumping over the king’s head. The men reminded the king about the punishment that he had announced. Therefore the king went in search of the animal. The faithful falcon glided through the air and spotted the fleeing animal. It swooped down and blinded the gazelle. The king immediately killed it with a mace and put it on his horse after skinning it.

As the king and the horse were thirsty, the king looked about for some water. Suddenly he saw water dripping from the leaves of a tree. The falcon was also thirsty. Therefore the king removed the golden cup and filled it with the liquid. When he offered the cup to the falcon, it overturned the cup.

The king filled the cup again and offered it once again to the falcon but the falcon did the same. The king wondered about the strange behaviour of the falcon. He then filled the cup again and offered the liquid to the horse. The falcon overturned the cup again. The king was filled with anger. He took out his sword and chopped off the falcon’s wings. The falcon by lifting up it’s head, drew the attention of the king to the tree.

The king found a viper on the tree and the liquid that was dripping from the leaves was actually the venom of the snake. The king regretted his action. He went back to the camp. As soon as the king reached the camp, the falcon which was suffering in pain, died. The king, filled with anguish cried out aloud for the loss of the falcon, but no tears would bring back his faithful falcon again.

8th Standard English Notes

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Cloud Poem Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task.

Write a few lines about the clouds in your own words;

A cloud is a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are so small. and light that they can float in the air. All air contains water, but nearer the ground, it is usually in the form of an invisible gas called water vapour. When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can’t hold as much water vapour as warm air, so some of the vapour condenses into tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.

Clouds are white because they reflect the light of the sun. Clouds reflect all the colours in the same exact amount, so they look white. Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals, usually a mixture of both. The water and ice scatter all light, making clouds appear white. If the clouds get thick enough or high enough all the light above does not pass through, hence the gray or dark look. Also, if there are lots of other clouds around, their shadow can add to the gray or multi colored gray appearance.

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension

A. Answer the following m a sentence or two each:

Question 1.
Who is the ‘I’ in the poem?
The word ‘I’ in this poem refers to the clouds.

Question 2.
What does the cloud do when leaves are laid in their dreams?
They bear light shades to the leaves when they are laid in their noonday dreams.

Question 3.
How is the cloud related to the earth, water and sky?
The cloud is the daughter of the earth and water and the nursling of the sky.

Question 4.
What happens after the rain?
After the rain, when the pavilion of the heaven is bare, the wind and the sunbeams build up a blue dome of air with their convex gleams.

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

B. Answer the following in about one hundred words each:

Question 1.
The cloud is personified throughout the poem. Explain.
The cloud is personified in the whole poem. The cloud speaks to us in this poem. It identifies itself as the daughter of the earth and water and the nursling of the sky. It identifies itself to a person, who brings fresh showers to the thirsting flowers, from the seas and oceans and bears light shade for the leaves as they lay in their noonday dreams.

It shakes the dews on the buds, from it’s wings, to waken them so that they may dance about in the sun, as they are rocked in their mother’s breast. It then wields a flail to whiten the green ground with the hail. It laughs as it passes of in thunder. It passes through the pores of the ocean and shores. It laughs at the cenotaph formed for it, by the sunbeams with their convex gleams. It claims to be immortal because it can change it’s form but it cannot die. It will arise and rebuild again like a child from the womb and like a ghost from the tomb.

Question 2.
The poem ‘The cloud’ is rich in imagery. Explain.
The poem brings vivid imagery as one reads. Some of the instances where they are very obvious are when it talks about “bringing fresh showers to the thirsting flowers”. Here, we are reminded of the drooping flowers on a hot day which waits patiently for nature to nurture them.

The next instance is in the sentence “It bears light shade for the leaves”. Here again we can recall to mind the shadow that falls on the leaves as a cloud sails across the sky over them.

The next imagery is when it “shakes dews from its wings” on the sleepy buds to waken them. One is here reminded of a wet bird which tries to shake off the water from it’s wet feathers. It also reminds us of the special beauty of nature found only in the early morning hours where the plants are soaked with dew.

The next sentence which highlights imagery is when the “buds dance about in the sun”. Here, one can clearly visualize the beauty of the swaying vibrant flowers. The next imagery is very vividly brought out in the sentence “when hail scatters on the green plain”. It is very easy to visualize the beauty of a frozen land where you find the whole world covered in a white shroud. We find some small puddles as “it dissolves the hail in the rain”.

We are taken to a beauty of the shore of an ocean when we read the lines “when it passes through the pores of the ocean and shores” Another beautiful imagery is brought out in the sentences, “when the pavilion of heaven is bare,” and “build up the blue dome of air”. These sentences bring to mind the exquisite beauty of a clear blue sky, devoid of any clouds. This poem with its hoard of imagery is a feast to our mind and eyes

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Appreciation questions:

Question 1.
The first stanza tells us about the Cloud’s activity. What does the cloud bring with it?
The cloud brings fresh showers to the thirsting flowers and light shade for the leaves that slumber in their noonday dreams

Question 2.
The cloud is said to have wings and it shakes its wings. What happens when the wings of the clouds are shaken?
When the cloud shakes it’s wings, dew falls from them and they waken the sleepy buds.

Question 3.
In the third stanza, Shelly talks about the earth as a planet. The ‘flail’ is an Instrument, which is used to separate the grain from the husk. How does the poet compare hail striking the earth and the flail hitting the wheat?
The imagery that is very evident here is of the snow flakes that fall on to the earth in it’s powdery form and covers the green plain. The poet has compared this beautiful scene of nature to a flail that lashes the ‘ wheat to separate the husk and the grain leaving the earth covered with husk

Question 4.
The cloud says, “I change but I cannot die”, though the sky appears clear after the rain. Explain.
The cloud takes many forms according to the poet. It is at times dew, rain, snow flakes or a cloud in the sky. When the sky is bare without even a trace of cloud, the cloud is then in the form of water as it passes through the pores of the ocean and shores. For it is from here that the clouds are formed again.

Question 5.
In the last stanza after the rain and the convex gleams of the sun makes the sky look like a blue dome of air. The poet calls the blue clouds ‘Cenotaph’. Give reasons.
Having spent itself- as rain or snow- the blue clear sky now looks like it’s Cenotaph, which is a monument built to honour a soldier killed in a war. The poet feels that the cloud which was in the sky has performed it’s duty and died when it fell to the earth as dew, rain or snow. The sunbeams which then created its blue dome therefore looked like a cenotaph to the poet. Therefore the reference is made.

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Annotate.

Question 1.
“I wield the flail of the lashing hail And whiten the green plains under”
The above sentence is an extract from the poem ‘The Cloud’ written by P.B. Shelly. The line brings out a beautiful imagery. Here, the scattering of the snow flakes can be visualized. It is compared to a farmer who uses a flail to separate the husk from wheat leaving the ground covered with husk. Similarly, nature leaves the green plain covered with snow flakes.

Question 2.
“I am the daughter of the earth and water. And the nursling of the sky.
The above sentence is taken from the poem ‘The Cloud’ written by P.B. Shelly. Here the poet talks about the parentage ofthe cloud. The cloud which is personified here, is said to be the daughter of the earth and water because she is created by them. She is called the nursling of the sky because she is nurtured by the sky.

Question 3.
“I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores
I change but I cannot die.”
The above sentence is an extract from the poem ‘The Cloud’ written by P.B.Shelly. In this poem the cloud talks about its immortality. It states that it can take many forms such as a cloud, a dew, rain or snow and that it cannot die. In the above sentence, the cloud speaks about it’s liquid state, as it passes through the pores of the ocean and shores.

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Pick out the rhyming terms

streams  dreams
one  sun
under  thunder
sky  die
bare  air
rain  again

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
I silently laugh at my own cenotaph The figure of speech of the above sentence is
(a) metaphor
(b) simile
(c) personification
(d) alliteration
(c) personification

Question 2.
The cloud is the daughter of
(a) the earth and water
(b) the earth and the sky
(c) the sky and the water
(d) the sky and the sun
(a) the earth and water

III. Identify the figure of speech of the following:

  1. I bring fresh showers to the thirsting flowers – personification
  2. I bear light shades for the leaves when laid – personification
  3. When rocked to rest on their mother’s breast – personification
  4. As she dances about in the sun – personification
  5. I wield the flail of the lashing hail – personification
  6. And then again I dissolve it in rain – personification
  7. And laugh as I pass in thunder – personification
  8. I am the daughter of the earth and water – personification
  9. And the nursling of the sky – personification
  10. I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores – personification
  11. I change but I cannot die – personification
  12. And the winds and the sunbeams with their convex gleams build up the dome of air – personification
  13. I silently laugh at my own cenotaph – personification
  14. I arise and unbuild it again – personification

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
From where does the cloud bring showers?
The cloud brings showers from the seas and oceans.

Question 2.
What is the cloud compared to when the poet speaks about the dew?
The cloud is compared to a wet bird from whose wings the water drops fall to the earth.

Question 3.
How according to the poet does the cloud scatter the hail?
According to the poet the cloud uses a flail to lash at the hail, thereby scattering them on the green plain

Question 4.
How is the blue cenotaph built for the cloud?
The cenotaph is built by the winds and the sunbeams with their convex gleams.

Question 5.
‘I arise and I unbuild it again”
What is it that is being unbuilt in this poem? Who will unbuild it ?
The blue cenotaph that was built by the wind and the sunbeams will be unbuilt again by the cloud.

Question 6.
‘How is the cloud related to the earth, water and sky?
The cloud is the daughter of the earth and water and the nursling of the sky.

8th English The Cloud Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

The Cloud Poem Summary in English

In this poem, the poet very clearly talks about the immortality of the cloud because it cannot die but can only change its form.

The cloud is personified in the whole poem. She is spoken of as the daughter of the earth and the water and the nursling of the sky. This poem speaks about the different tasks done by the cloud as it passes over the earth’s surface. It brings fresh showers from the seas and oceans to the thirsting flowers and bears light shade to the leaves as they slumber in their noon day dreams.

It showers dews on the sleepy buds and wakes them so that they may dance to the rising sun and enjoy the beauty of nature, as they are rocked on their mother’s breast. It spreads flaky hails and covers the green plains in a white sheet of snow. Later it dissolves in rain and laugh as it passes off in thunder. It passes through the pores of the oceans and shores, when it is in the form of water. The cloud which has well watered the earth is now back in the ocean.

The sky is blue with not a trace of cloud and the sunbeams with their convex gleam build a blue dome of air. This dome is considered to be the, cloud’s cenotaph. But the cloud laughs at the irony of the thought because it cannot have a cenotaph at all, as it cannot die. It rises again from the caverns of rain like a child that is born and like a ghost that rises from a tomb.

8th Standard English Notes