Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

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Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Time: 2.30 Hours
Max Marks: 80

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के लिए चार – चार विकल्प सुझाए गए है, उनमें से सर्वाधिक उचित विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए (8 x 1 = 8)

प्रश्नः 1.
विद्यार्थी’ यह इस संधि का उदाहरण है।
A. दीर्घ संधि
B. गुण संधि
C. यण संधि
D. वृद्धि संथि
A. दीर्घ संधि

प्रश्नः 2.
देना का प्रथम प्रेरणर्थक शब्द है।
A. दिलाना
B. दिलवाना
C. दोना
D. दुगना
A. दिलाना

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

प्रश्नः 3.
‘सागर’ का समानार्थक शब्द है।
A. समुद्र
B. नदी
C. नाला
D. कुआ
A. समुद्र

प्रश्नः 4.
‘पाप – पुण्य’ यह इस समास का उदाहरण है।
A. तप्तुरूष.
B. द्वंद्व
C. कर्मधारय
D. द्विगु
B. द्वंद्व

प्रश्नः 5.
‘सज्जन’ का विलोम शब्द लिखो
A. सर्वज्ञ
B. सदाजार
C. दुर्जन
D. नीराजन
C. दुर्जन

प्रश्नः 6.
‘लडर’ का अन्यलिंग रूप है?
A. लहरी
B. लहरे
C. लहरों
D. लहराईयाँ
B. लहरे

प्रश्नः 7.
‘अध्यापक का अन्य लिंग रूप है।
A. अद्यापकी
B. अद्याथी
C. अध्यापकनी
D. अद्यापिका
D. अद्यापिका

प्रश्नः 8.
‘काम आना’ इस मुहवरे अर्थ है।
A. काम करन
B. काम के आना
C. काम में जाना
D. दूर करना
B. काम के आना

II. निम्नलिखित प्रथम दो शब्दों के सूचित संबंधों के अनुरूप तीसरे शब्द का संबंधित शब्द लिखिए। (4 x 1 = 4)

प्रश्नः 9.
भाद्रावती : लोहे और इस्पात :: मैसूर :
चंदन का आगार

प्रश्नः 10.
मुखिय : धीरज सक्सेना :: सेवक :

प्रश्नः 11.
कशमीरी सेब : प्रेमचंद :: गिल्लू :
महादेवी वर्मा’

प्रश्नः 12.
हिन्दू : मंदिर :: इस्लाम :

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

III. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक – एक वाक्यों में लिखिए। (4 x 1 = 4) 

प्रश्नः 13.
इंटरनेट का अर्थ क्या है?
इंटरनेट का अर्थ है अनगिनत कंप्यूटरों के | कई अंतर्जाला का एक दूसरे से संबंध स्थापित करने का जाल है।

प्रश्नः 14.
समय किसका दिया अनुपम धन है?
समय भगवान दिया अनुपम धन है।

प्रश्नः 15.
कर्नाटक में कौन – कौन जलप्रपात है?
कर्नाटक में जोग, अब्बी गोकाक, शिवन समुद्र आदि।

प्रश्नः 16.
खेल में कौन बेईमानी करता है?
खेल में श्यामू बेईमानी करता है।

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

IV. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो या तीन वाक्यों में लिखिए। (8 x 2 = 16)

प्रश्नः 17.
लेखक ने कमरा छोड़कर जाने का निर्णय · क्यों लिया?
लेखक के कमरे में लेखक का चप्पल, चादर, कम्बल यहाँ तक की ताल चोरी हो गई थी, वे सोचने लगे कि अमर में और कुछ देर तक रहे तो मैं भी चोरी होती हूँ समझकर लेखक कमरा छोड़कर जाने का निर्णय किया।

प्रश्नः 18.
ई-गवर्नेस क्या है?
ई-गवर्नेस द्वारा सरकार के सभी कामकाज का विवरण, अभिलेख, सरकारी आदेश आदि को यथावत् लेने को सूचित किया जाता हैं। इस से प्रशासन पारदर्शी बन सकता हैं।

प्रश्नः 19.
बसंत के पैर देखकर डॉक्टर ने क्या कहा?
बसंत के पैर देखकर डॉक्टर ने कहा किऐसा लगगा है कि पैर की हड्डी टूट गई है। स्क्रीन करके देखना होग दूसरा पैर ठीक हो, पर इसे अभि अस्पताल ले जाना चाहिए।

प्रश्नः 20.
आशियम्मा जी अब्दुल कलाम को खाने में क्या-क्या देती थी ?
आणियम्मा जी अब्दुल कलाम जी के सामने केले का पत्ता बिछाकर और फिर उस पर चावल एवं सुगांति, स्वादिष्ट सांबार डालती, साथ में घर का बना अचार और नारियल की तजी चटनी देती थीं।

प्रश्नः 21.
दिनकर जी के अनुसार मानव का सही
दिनकर जी के अनुसार मानव का सही परिचय यह हैं। दिनकर जी इस कविता द्वारा यह संदेश देना चाहते हैं कि आज के मानव नें प्रकृति के हर तत्व पर विजय प्राप्त कर ली हैं। किन्तु विडंबना यह है कि, उसने स्वयं को नहीं पहचाना, अपने भाईचारे को नहीं समझा। प्रकृति पर विजय प्राप्त करना मनुष्य की साधना हैं, मानव – मानव के बीच स्नेह का बांध – बांधना मानव की सिद्धि हैं। जो मानव दूसरे मानव से प्रेम का रिश्ता जोडकर आपस की दूरी को मिटाए, वही मानव कहलाने का अधिकारी होगा।

प्रश्नः 22.
लेखिका ने गिल्लू के प्राण कैसे बचाये?
लेखिका उसे हाल से उठाकर अपने कमरे में | लायी – फिर रूई से रक्त पोछकर धावों पर पेन्सिलिन का महरम लगाया कई घंटे के उपचार के उपशन्त उस के मुह में एक बूंद पानी टपकाया जा सका। तीसरे दिन तक वह थोदा चल पाने की कोशिश कर रहा था। इस तरह लेखिक ने गिल्लू के प्राण बचाये

प्रश्नः 23.
भारत मा के प्रकृति सौंदर्य का वर्णन किजिए?
भारत मां की प्रकृति हरे भरे खेतों से और फल फूलों से भरे वन – उपवन से युक्त हरियाली से सुशोभित है। इतना ही नहीं, व्यापक खनिजों से भरा धन राशी से भी भारत माँ सुशोभित हैं। भारत माता एक हाथ में न्याय पताका तथा दूसरे हाथ में ज्ञान – दीप को धारण कर बहुत ही सुन्दर सुशोभित हो रही हैं। भारत माँ प्रकृति माँ बन कर सुशोभित हैं।


सौर – मंडल का सबसे बड़ा उपग्रह कौनसा है?
सौर – मंडल का सबसे बड़ा उपग्रह टइटन

प्रश्नः 24.
‘सत्य’ क्या होत है? उसका रूप कैसे होता है?
सत्य भोला – भाला, अपनी आँखो से जो देखा, बिना नमक मिर्च लगाये बोल दिया। वहीं सत्य है| दृष्टि का प्रतिबिंब, ज्ञान की प्रतिबिंब, आत्मा की वाणी ही इसका रूप हैं।


संभाषण का विषय क्या था?
संभाषण का विषय है कि : नागरिकों के मूल कर्तव्या

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

V. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर तीन या चार पर वाक्यों में लिखिए। (9 x 3 = 27)

प्रश्नः 25.
गाँव को सफाई के लिए बालक क्या कार्म करते है।
अपना स्कूल के परिसर को स्वच्छ रखना। गंदगी को दूर करना, गाँव में कई गड्ढे हैं, उनको मिट्टी से ढाँपना। गाँव का कूडा डालने के लिए निचित जगह बनाना। गाँव को हरा-भरा रखना। चारों तरह पेज पौधे लगाना। घरों में भी फलदार पेड लगाना।

प्रश्नः 26.
कर्नाटक के साहित्यकारों कन्नड भाषा तथा संस्कृति को क्या देना है?
कर्नाटक के आनेक साहित्यकारों ने सारे संसार में कर्नाटक की कीर्ति फैलाई है।वचनकार वसवण्णा क्रांतिकारी समाज सुधारक थे, अक्कमहादेवी, अल्लमप्रभु सर्वज्ञ जैसे अनेक संतों ने प्रेम दया और धर्म की सीख दी है। पुरंदरदास, कनकदास आदि कवियों ने भक्ति और नीति के गीत गए है। पंप, स्त्र, पोन्न, हरिहर, राघवांक आदिकवियों ने कन्नड साहित्य को समृद्ध किया है।

अब – तक कर्नाटक के आठ साहित्यकारों ने ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार मिल चुका है। यह कन्नड भाषा, साहित्य, संस्कृति और कर्नाटक के लिए गौरव का विषय है।

प्रश्नः 27.
कृष्ण अपनी माता यशोदा के प्रति क्यों नराज है?
कृष्ण अपनी माता यशोदा के प्रति इसलिए नाराज है कि बरराम को वह कभी नही डाँटानी हैं ता मारती है बल्कि कृष्ण को ही कभी कभी डॉट खाना पड़ता है। इसलिए ऋण अपनी माता यशोदा से नाराज हैं।

प्रश्नः 28.
दक्षिणी शिखार पर चढते समय बिछेद्री के अनुभव के बारे में लिखिए?
दक्षिण घिखर के ऊपर हवा की गति बढ़ गई | थी। उस ऊँचाई पर तेज हवा के झोंके भुरभुरे बर्फ के कणों को चारों तरफ उद्धा रहे थे जिससे कुछ दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। उन्होंने देखा कि थोड़ी दूर तक कोई ऊँची चढाई नहीं है। ढलान एकदम साधी नीची चली गई है। उनकी साँसे एकदम रुक सी गई थीं। उन्हें लगा था कि सफलता बहुत नज़दीक है। 23 मई 1984 के दिन दोपहर के 1 बजकर 7 मिनट पर वें एवरेस्ट की चोटी पर खड़ी थी।”

प्रश्नः 29.
विडियों कान्फरेन्स के बारे में लिखिए?
एक जगह बैठकर दुनिया के कई देशों के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ 8-10 दुरदर्शन के परदे पर चर्चा कर सकते हैं। एक ही कमरे में बैठकर विभिन्न देसों में रहनेवाले लोगों के साथ विचार – विनिमन कर सकते हैं।

प्रश्नः 30.
समय का सदुपयोग कैसे करना चाहिए?
आलस को छोडकर, बिना किसी बहाने की जो काम करना उसी समय में ही मन लगाकर करनी चाहिए। तभी तो समय का सदुपयोग होगा।

प्रश्नः 31.
मंत्री तथा कर्यकर्ताओं के बीच के क्या चर्चा हुआ?
मंत्री – तुम क्या करते हो? तुम्हारी …. यहाँ है? तुम्हारे रहते चोरियाँ हो रही है। यह ईमान्दार सम्मेलन है। बाहर यह चोरी की ढात फैल गयी तो कितनी बदनामी होगी? कार्याकर्त – हम क्या करे? अगर सम्माननीय डेलिगेट वहाँ – वहाँ जाए, तो क्या हम उन्हें रोक सकते है ? मंत्री – [गुस्से से] मैं पुलिस को बुलाकर यहाँ सबकी तलाशी करवाता हूँ।

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

प्रश्नः 32.
दोहे का भावार्थ आपने श्ब्दों में लिखिए तुलसी साथी विपति के, विद्या विनय विवेक साहस सुति सुसत्यव्रत, राम भरोस एक भावार्थ:
प्रस्तुत दोहे में तुलसीदास जी कह रहे है कि मनुष्य पर जब विपत्ति,पडती है। तब विद्या, विनय तथा विवेक उसका साथ निभाते है। उसी प्रकार जो रामप भरोसा करता है। वह साहसी सुसत्यव्रत, और सुकृतवन बनता।

प्रश्नः 33.
गध्यांश का आनुवाद कन्नड या अंग्रेजी में कीजिए:
दुकानदार ने तराजू उठायी और अपने नौकर से बोल – सुनों, आधा सेर कश्मीरी से निकाल ला चुनकर लाना
ಆಂಗಡಿಯವನನ್ನು ಒಂದು ತಕ್ಕಡಿಯನ್ನು ತಂದು ಕೆಲಸದವನಿಗೆ ಹೇಳಿದನ್ನು ನೋಡು, ಇವರಿಗೆ ಅರ್ಧ ಕೆ.ಜಿ. ಕಾಶ್ಮೀರಿ ಸೇಬನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿಕೊಡು ಎಂದು.
The Shop-keeper brought a weighing – scale and asked his assistant to select half a kilogram of apples and give it to the customer.

VI. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर पाँच-छ: वाक्यों में लिखिए (2 x 4 = 8)

प्रश्नः 34.
बसंत एक ईमानदार लडका है कैसे? समझाए?
बसंत ईमानदार लडका हैं। वह गरीब जरूर है किन्तु वह भीख माँगना नहीं चाहता। अपने से बने कार्य करता हैं। छोटी – छोटी चीजों को बेचना चाहता हैं। राजकिशोर दो पैसे देने के लिए तैयार भी थे। किन्तु बसंत उसे साफ इनकार कर कहा कि – मैं भीख नहीं माँगूगा। दूसरी एक घटना है कि वह एक रूपया का छुटा लेने जाता है। उस के पैर मोटर के नीचे दब जाती हैं।

ऐसी संदर्भ में भी बसंत ने अपने छोटे भाई प्रताप को साढे चौदाह आने राजकिशोर को लौटाने के लिए भेजता हैं। इस से वसंत को ईमानदारी साबित होती हैं।


कर्नाटक की प्राकृति सौंदर्य का वर्णन किजिए कर्नाटक के प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य अनोखा हैं। पश्चिम में विशाल अरबी समुद्र लहराता हैं। इसी प्रांत में दक्षिण – उत्तर की छार पश्चिमघाटों से सुशोभित हैं। इन्ही घाटो का कुछ भाग सह्याद्रि कहलाता हैं। दक्षिण में नीलगिरी की पर्वतावलियाँ शोभायमान हैं। कुल मिलकर कह सकते है कि कर्नाटक की प्राकृतिक सुषमा नयन मनोहर हैं।

प्रश्नः 35.
निम्नलिखित कवितांश पूर्ण कीजिए:
असफलता एक चुनौती है इसे स्वीकार करो, क्या कमी रह गई, देखो और सुधार करो। जब तक न सफल हो, निंद चैन को त्यागो तुम संघर्ष का मैदान छोड़कर मत भागो तुम

VII. निम्नलिखित गध्यांश ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए :(1 x 4 = 4)

कहते हैं – सिक्शा के बिना मनुष्य पशु के समान माना जाता हैं अत: प्रत्येक को शिक्षा प्राप्त करना जरूरू है। एक समय ऐसा था जा स्त्रीयों की शिक्षा जरूरी नहीं मानी जाती है। सभी को चहार – दीवारी में बंद रहना पड़ता था और यह भी सोचा कि स्त्री केवल चूल्हे – चव्की तक ही सीमित रहना चाहिए।

आज समय बदल गया है। स्त्री और पुरूष का भेद मिटता जा रहा है। पुरुष की तरह स्त्री भी भी पढकर होशियार हो बन रही है वह भी पुरूषो की तरह हर क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ रही है। अब स्त्री अबला न रहकर सजला है।

क) शिक्षा के बिना मनुष्य क्या माना गया है?
शिक्षा के बिना मनुष्य पशु के समान है

ख) प्रत्येक को क्या जरूरू है?
प्रत्येक को शिक्षा प्राप्त करने का जरूरी है।

ग) आज स्त्री क्या बन रही है?
आज की शिक्षा स्त्री और पुरुष का भेद मिटता जा रहा है।

घ) हर क्षेत्र क्या बढ़ रही है?
हर क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ रही है।

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

VIII. 37. दिया गया संकेत बिंदुओं के आधार पर 12-15 वाक्यों में किसी एक विषय के बारे में निबंध लिखिए। (1 x 4 = 4)

क) नागरिक के कर्तव्य

  • नागरिक का अर्थ
  • कर्तव्य / लक्षण
  • नागरिक और सरकार
  • उपसंहार

प्रस्तावन : हमारा देश भारत है । भारत देश में अलग-अलग दंग के वेश-भूषा, भाषा, संस्कृति, खानपान और रहन-सहन हैं। उसके साथ अच्छे नागरिक का आवश्यकता भी है।

नागरिक का अर्थ : जो देश में सच्चे और ईमानदार परिश्रमी नागरिक का आवश्यकता जरूरी है। नव निर्माण के लिए देश में बने नागरिक की देश के समृद्धि या निर्माण के प्रतिक होते हैं । हमरे देश पहले गांवों से भरा था। कृषि हमारा मुख्य काम था। तब से साथ-साथ में जीवन । कृषि बिताते हुए नव निर्माण के लिए परिश्रमी कर रहा है। जो समाज में जीविका चला रहा है। वह नागरिक है।

कर्तव्य / लक्षण : अच्छे नागरिक का गुण या लक्षण यह होना चहिए कि देश, के लिए ईमानदार और देश रक्षा, भाषा, संस्कृति आदि को आदर भावना | से देखना चाहिए । देश में होनेवाली हानियों को दूर | करना अच्छे विचारों को अपनाकर देश रक्षा के लिए तत्पर होना चाहिए, इसलिए समाज को योग्य नागरिकों की जरूरत है।

अच्छा नागरिक बनने के लिए मानवीय आनंद में कुछ करना चाहिए । मनुष्य में जो गुण हैं उनकी प्रशंसा करें । ईया और द्वेष को दूर रखें। खुद को आगे बढ़ाने की कोशिश में मानवीय मूल्यों को कुचल न देना । अच्छा नागरिक बनने के लिए उपयुकत गुण होना चाहिए।

समाज का सुधार उसमें रहनेवाले व्यक्तियों पर अवलंबित है । व्यक्तियों के भला या बुरा होने से हम समाज को भला या बुध कहते है। जो नागरिक दूसरों को उपदेश न देकर खुद अपने चरित्र और स्वभाव पर लागू करते हैं । ऐसे नागरिकों से समाज का सुधार होता है।

नागरिक और सरकार : आजादि के पहले के नेता लोगो के सामने आजदी को पाने का उददेश था । वे आजादी की लड़ाई में कूद पहते थे। जैसे सरकार के विभगों और आदेशों को स्वीकार कर पालन करते है। सरकार के साथ रहने से अच्छे काम-काज चलता रहता है। आज कल कुछ नागरिक सरकार के विरुद्ध नार लगाते है और कुछ नागरिक सरकार का नियम पालन कर देश के कर्तव्य पर निर्भर रहते है |

उपसंहार : जो देश के उन्नति के लिए सच्चेअच्छे नागरिक का बहुत आवश्यकता है। इसलिए हम हमारा देश, भाषा, संस्कृति, संपदा को रक्षा करते हुए हमार कर्तव्य मानकर हमरी जीवन में अपनाना है । तब हम अच्छे नागरिक बनते हैं।

ख) वन महोत्सव

  • अर्थ
  • महत्व
  • संरक्षण
  • उपसंहार

अर्थ : आदिकाल से मनुष्य प्रकृति की गोद में पाला बड़ा हुआ है। प्रकृति की अपार संपदा मानवजीवन के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है। मानव का जीवन वनों पर आश्रित है। मनुष्य को वनों से प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष दोनों प्रकार से लाभ है। वन हमारी आर्थिक संपदा के स्रोत है । वनों से हमें कच्चा माल प्राप्त होता है, वनों से अधिक मात्रा में इमारती लकड़ी, वार्निश, रबड आदि मिलता है। विभिन्न जड़ी-बूटियों, सुगंधित पदा बनाने के साधन और कागज का सामान सभी वनों से मिलते हैं ।

महत्व : प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य और पर्यावरणका आधार वन ही है। वन वर्षा में सहायक होते हैं तथा वायु को शुद्ध करते हैं । वेदों में प्रकृति की आराधना की गई है। आज तक हमारे देश में आवला, नीम, केला, पीपल और तुलसी की पूजा की जाती है। पृथ्वी को हरा-भरा, सुंदर और आकर्षक बनाने में वृक्षों का बड़ा योगदान है।

संरक्षण : सभ्यता के विकास के साथ-साथ वनों की कटाई अधिक होती जा रही है। जनसंख्या वृद्धि के कारण भी वनों का नाश होता जा रहा है। वृक्षों की उपयोगिता के बारे में वैज्ञानिकों के सुझाव लेकर, अधिक वृक्ष लगाये जा रहे हैं। उनके अनुसार भारत के कुल भू-भाग का एक तिहाई भाग वनहोना चाहिए।सन् 1950 में प्रसिद्ध स्वतंत्रता सेनानी और साहित्यकारकन्हैयालाल माणिकलाल ने एक वन नीति की घोषणा की। इसमें वर्तमान वनों की रक्षा और पर्वतीय प्रदेशों में वृक्षारोपण सरकार ने वनों की कटाई पर रोक लगा दी और प्रतिवर्ष वन महोत्सव मनाए जाने लगे । प्रति वर्ष जुलाई के प्रथम सप्ताह में वक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम किया जाता है। श्री सुंदरालाल बहुगुण के वृक्षारोपण के प्रयास और ‘चिपको आंदोलन’ काफी लोकप्रिय है।

वनमहोत्सव के कारण धीरे-धीरे वृक्षों की संख्या और जंगी जानवरों की संख्या में वृद्धि होने लगी। ‘वन महोत्सव माह’ के नाम से पूरे देश में वृक्षों को लगाया जाता है।

उपसंहार : वृक्षों को लगाने से वनों में बढ़ोत्तरी होती है। आज अनेक सामाजिक संस्थाएं वृक्षारोपण के लिए कई कार्यक्रम कर रही है। वन-जागृति से यह आशा है कि हमारी धरती फिर से हरी-भरी हो जायेगी।

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

ज) ईटरेनेट क्रांति

  • अर्थ/मतलब
  • लाभ
  • हनिया
  • उपसंहार

आज का जमान इंटरनेट का जमाना है। बडे बूढों से लेकर छोटे बधों तक सब पर इंटरनेट का प्रभाव पड़ा है। इंटरनेट एक प्रभावकारी साधन है। बदली तकनीक के कारण जिंदगी को देखने क नजरिया बदल गय है।

इंटरनेट अनगिनत कंप्युटरों के कई अंतर्जालों का एक दूसरे संबंध स्थापित करने क जाल है। इंटरनेट द्वारा पल भर में बिना ज्यादा खर्च किए चित्र दुनिया के किसी भी कोने में भेजना मुमकिन हो गया है। इंटरनेट द्वारा टिकट बुकिंग, खरीदारी, बैकिंग, चिकित्सा, चित्र अगतू, देश – विदेश से हम आसानी से जुड़ सकते है।

इंटरनेट जितना उपयोगी है उतनाही वह गलत मार्ग पर ले जाता है। जैसे पैरसी बैकिंग फ्रांड, डैकिंग आदि बढ़ रही है। इंटरनेट के कारण बेरोजगारी भी बध रही है। इंटरनेट के जाल में फस गए है।

मनुष्य प्राणी है वह सोच – समझ है। उसे चाहिए कि वह इंटरनेट का सही उपयोगा करके अपनी प्रगति करें।

IX. 38. निम्नलिखित विषय के बारे में पत्र लिखिए। (1 x 5 = 5)

1. अपनी पढ़ाई के बारे में बताते हुए अपने पिताजी के नाम एक पत्र लिखिए:
स्थल : बेंगलूर
दिनांक: …….

पूज्य पिताजी,
सादर प्रणाम।

यहां सकुशल हूँ। अपते और घरवालों के बारे में बताते हुए एक पत्र लिखिए। अगले महीने में परीक्षा होनेवाली है। इस परीक्षा में प्रथम श्रेणी में उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए अच्छी तरह पा रहा है। आप चिंता मत कीजिए। अंत में बहन को मेरे प्यारे और माताजी को मेरा प्रणाम।

अपना प्रिय पुत्र

सेवा में,
88.2 क्रास

Karnataka SSLC Hindi Model Question Paper 1 with Answers


गाँव जाने के लिए चाप दिनों की छुट्टी मांगते हुए अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को एक पत्र लिखिए।
स्थल का नाम : बेंगलूरु
ता : …………………….

दसवी कक्षाए विश्वग
प्रज्वल प्रोशिास्त
बेंगलूरू – ९१

सेवा में,
प्रधान अद्यापकजी,
बेंगलूर प्रौढ़शाला
प्रज्वल प्रोढ़शाला,
बंगलूरू- ९१

विषय : चार दिन की छुट्टी के लिए प्रार्थना पत्र। सविनय निवेदन है कि, मे मेरा गाँव जाने का कारण चार दिनो तक शाला में उपस्थित नही रह पहुंगा। इसलिए आज से ……………..से लेकर ……………..तक कुल मिलाकर चार दिन की छुट्टी देने के लिए कृपा कीजिए।
धन्यवाद सहित,

आपका आज्ञाकारी विधार्थी (भवदीय)
दसवीं कक्षा ‘ए’ विभाग

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language), Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 With Answers (1st Language)

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100

I. Four alternatives are given for the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write it along with its alphabet. ( 6 × 1 = 6 )

Questions 1.
‘To pull the reluctant sun out’.
The figure of speech in the line is
A) Personification
B) Metaphor
D) Alliteration

Question 2.
You would scarcely expect her to known that, ________ .
The apprepriate question tag to be added is
A) wouldn’t you?
B) would you?
C) can you?
D) cant you?
A) wouldn’t you?

Question 3.
He laughs best who laughts last
The underlined group of word is
A) a noun clause
B) an adverb clause
C) an adjective clause
D) a main clause
C) an adjective clause

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 4.
The thief managed to ______ the police barricade
The correct phrasal verb to be filled in the blank is
A) break in
B) break through
C) break out
D) break on
B) break through

Question 5.
If you _______ yourself there is nothing in which you cannot succeed.
The correct phrasal verb to be filled in the blank is
A) trust on
B) believe in
C) bring in
D) get into
B) believe in

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 6.
The word in which the word ‘dis’ is apart of the word but not a prefix is
A) display
B) disarm
C) discern
D) dismount
A) display

II. Observe the relationship in the first pair of words and complete the second pair accordingly in the following :
( 4 × 1 = 4 )

Question 7.
Dentist: Teeth :: Dermatologist :

Question 8.
Gallant: Brave :: Stature :

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 9.
Decide : Decision : : prefer :

Question 10.
Literate : Illiterate :: perturbable :

III. Rewrite as directed: ( 3 × 1 = 3 )

Question 11.
Change the voice of sentence :
Ramu read the novel in one day
The novel was read by Ramu in one day.

Question 12.
Frame a question to get the underlined words as answer :
They will close the shop at 9 pm.
When will they close the shop?
At what time will they close the shop.

Question 13.
Change to reported speech :
He said, “We’ve been waiting for hours”.
He said that they had been waiting for hours.

IV. Answer the following questions in a sentence each : ( 4 × 1 = 4 )

Question 14.
How, according to the author, is a bottle of coke harmful to our human body?
Coke has absolutely no nutritive value, but rather a damaging effect on the digestive system and the bones of human beings.

Question 15.
Why does Jean ask Pierre to get the pie instead of taking it himself?
Joan was suspicious that Marion would identify him as she had already seen him going found the corner.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 16.
In Gandhi’s example of feeding the poor, whose actions are moral action?
A man who out of pity feeds the poor is a moral act.

Question 17.
What would the poet’s soul reveal in ‘C.L.M’?
His sense of gratitude to his mother.

V. Answer the following questions in two – three sentences each : ( 1 × 2 = 14 )

Question 18.
How has shopping become more than a need?
Shopping has become more than a need because it has now become the chief form of entertainment. It has become an obsessive compulsion on which shoppers have little control. It has become an end in itself.

Question 19.
What changes took place in the girl after the wrong man gave her the painted picture?
The girl examined the pitcher that night, after the Wrong Man gave her the Painted Pitcher. She saw new possibilities open up for her. The next morning when she went to the torrent to fill her picture her feet were not so hurried.

Question 20.
When can it be said that a particular action is moral?
A moral act must be our own act and must spring from our own will. We should not act mechanically. We should consider every act of ours as our duty. Any action should be done with the intention of doing good and without compulsion in fear of punishment. Amoral act should be free of fear and compulsion. It should be done with no self – interest behind it.

Question 21.
When and where did Meip find Anne’s diary?
A week after the Frank family had been arrested, Miep had boldly returned to the Annexe. A heap of paper lay on the floor. Miep recognized Anne’s handwriting and decided to keep the diary but not to read it. Had she read it, she would have found detailed information on the help she and other people had given the Frank family at the risk of their own lives and she might well have decided to destroy the diary for reasons of safety.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 22.
How does the neighbour carrying a stone in each hand appear to the poet?
The neighbour carrying a stone in each hand appears to the poet like an uneducated savage. He mocks his neighbour and imagines him to be a stone-age warrior. There is something hostile in the silence and attitude of the neighbour. The poet dislikes his neighbour’s thick-skinned personality.

Question 23.
Why did Capt Smollett and other consider the stockade an ideal place for them?
They soon found what was known as the stockade: a sturdy log cabin, with loopholes for muskets in its walls, protected by a perimeter fence of stout wooden paling, six-feet high. They decided this was as good a place as any to make a stand against the pirates, and hurried back to the Hispaniola for supplies.

Question 24.
What does Kama say about his loyalty to Duryodhana?
“Grandsire, I know I am Kunti’s son and not charioteer-born. But I have eaten Duryodhana’s salt and must be true to him, to be true to my own lineage. It is impossible for me to go over to the Pandavas now. You must permit me to repay with my life, if it so be, the debt I owe to Duryodhana for his love and trust”.

VI. Rewrite as directed. ( 3 × 2 = 6 )

Question 25.
Change the following sentence to a compound and complex sentence
In spite of his hard work, the boy didn’t succeed.
Compound : The boy worked hard, but he didn’t succeed.
Complex : Though the boy worked hard, he didn’t succeed.

Question 26.
Change the following sentence to the other two degrees of comparison :
Lead is the heaviest of all metals
Positive : No other metal is as heavy as lead.
Comparative : Lead is heavier than any other metal.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 27.
Combine the following sentences using neither / nor
He will not spend his money. He will not invest it.
He will neither spend his money nor invest it.

VII. Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each : ( 6 × 3 = 18 )

Question 28.
How does Robert Frost try to convince his neighbour that they do not need a wall? How does the neighbour respond?
The poet Robert Frost tries to convince his neighbour saying that he had only pine trees in his garden whereas the poet had an apple orchard. The poet tells the neighbour that his apple trees will never get across and eat the cones under his pine trees. However the poet points out that there are no cows to wander into his neighbour’s garden. But the neighbor responds stoically that ‘Good fences make good neighbour’s.

Question 29.
Give instances to show that the narrator tried his best to impress that he was normal sighted during his encounter with the girl.
The narrator did not reveal his handicap when he spoke to the girl. When the girl spoke of the beauty of Mussorie during October, he too spoke about it as if he was able to see it. He never said that his thoughts on the place were got from his memories.

He then described the countryside flashing by. A little later, he told the girl that she had an interesting face. All these instances show that the narrator tried his best to impress that he was normal sighted during his encounter with the girl.

Question 30.
How does Basavanna convince us through his Vachana that spiritual things are long lasting ?

  • He was poor — so could not build beautiful temples of cement and bricks like the rich,
  • Considers his body itself as the temple of God because God is housed in the soul of man.
  • All the material things — all that does not move according to the will of God — are subjected to destruction.
  • All that matters to the soul — the spiritual things — swaying according to the will of God long lasting.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 31.
What changes were noticed in the movement and attitude of the girl of the silent torrent after the man gave her the painted pitcher?
When she set out for the torrent the next day, her hurrying feet were a little less hurried. A new sense seemed to have awakened in her, a sense that seemed to have no meaning and no purpose at all.

Question 32.
Why, according to Doctor Livesay did he give the map to the pirates ?
Doctor Livesey learned that Ben Gunn had already found the treasure and taken it to his cave and later he saw that the ship too had vanished. Now that the treasure map was useless he decided to give it to the pirates and let them have the stockade where he was sure the pirates would go down with malaria and eventually die.

Question 33.
‘Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang’ has double images.
Explain what the poet wants his friend to ‘behold’.
During the spring and summer seasons the birds make their nests on the cush green trees full of leaves. The sit on its branches and sing sweetly. These songs of the birds are similar the the choirs in the church. As winter approaches the trees start shedding leaves and the bird fly away to warm places, the birds have abandoned the tree similar to the ‘Choir’ of a ruined church. The Poet wants his friend to visualize these images and compare them with his approaching old age which compare to the bare trees and a ruined church.


Why did the girl of the silent torrent follow the wrong man out of the worker’s paradise?
The girl was impressed by art and beauty. For the first time the girl had realised that there are things to do other then continuous toil and productive work. Even if there was no meaning or purpose in art and beauty, she realised that art and beauty gave a certain joy. She saw new possibilities open – up before her. So she followed the young man to explore those possibilities.

VIII. Explain with reference to the context: ( 5 × 3 = 15 )

Question 34.
“Can you tell me – did she keep her hair long or short?”
The words “Can you tell me – did she keep her hair long or short” are extracted from the lesson “The eyes are not here”, by Ruskin Bond. The narrator asks the man who had just entered the train compartment. The narrator is curious about the girl who had just alighted from the train. He was blind and had not been able to notice her appearance.

The narrator had tried his best to conceal the fact that he was blind from the girl who had been travelling with him. When the girl got down at the station, a new passenger got into the coach. There was some commotion at the door. The narrator asked the above question to the new passenger when he started the conversation with him.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 35.
“He moves in darkness as it seems to me”.
Poem : Mending Wall
Poet : Rober Frost
Every year the poet and his neighbour repair the crumbled wall between there properties during spring. The narrator is skeptical about the need of the wall between them. But his neighbour asserts that Good fences make good neighbour’s. One year while they were mending the wall the narrator sees his neighbour bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top in each had like an old stone – age savaged armed with stone weapons.

The neighbour’s attitude about the wall makes the poet think that he is still living in the dark ages when there was a need of a wall between homes, countries and empires. The poet feels that his neighbour is not an enlightened man and still lives in darkness i.e., he is not broad – minded person.

Question 36.
“Please God, make him think I am still pretty.”
Lesson ___ The Gift of the Magi
Writer — O. Henry.

  • A small prayer whispered by Della.
  • Della cut her most precious possession — her long and beautiful hair and sold it for 21 dollars to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim’s watch because she couldn’t buy anything worthwhile as a Christmas present for Jim with one dollar and eighty seven cents that she had collected.
  • At home she repaired the ravages of her remaining hair — that made her look like a truant school boy.
  • When she heard Jim’s steps on the stair, she turned white and said this prayer.

Question 37.
“If you can cure animals, you can cure my son”.
These lines are taken from the lesson ‘Louis Pasteur Conqueror’ Pasteur had discovered the cure for anthrax disease that afflicts animals. One day in a paris, women came to him with her son. The son was covered with bites from a mad dog. She said to Pasteur ‘If you can cure animals, you can cure my son’.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 38.
“I want to see how it looks on it”.
Lesson : Gift of the Magi
Author : O. Henry
Della cuts her precious hair and sells it for twenty – one dollars to boy Jim a platinum fob chain for Jim’s heirloom watch. That evening when Jim comes home he is shocked to see that Della has cut her hair. Della consoles Jim that her hair grows fast and pleads him to forgive him. She asks Jim to give his heirloom watch to her to see how the platinum Fob chain looked on it, not knowing that Jim at sold it to buy real tortoise shell combs for her hair.

IX. Quote from memory: ( 1 x 4 = 4 )

Question 39.
And I water’d it in fears.
Night and morning with my tears.
And I sunned it with smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles.


The rich
will make temples of Shiva
what shall I
a poor man,
My legs are pillars.
My body a cupola
of gold

X. Answer the following questions in seven to eight sentences each : ( 3 × 4 = 12 )

Question 40.
How does Wordsworth describe the beauty of Nature as he rows the boat he had stolen?
In the poem “The stolen boat’ the poet William Wordsworth steals a boat tied to a willow tree within a rocky cave, at night and stealthily rows the boat over the river in the moonlight. He could hear the sound of oars echoing from the surrounding mountains.

As the boat moved on the water it left small circles of water gleaming idle under the light of the moon till all of them mingled up and dissolved giving way to one single track of glittering moon-light on the water. Far above in the sky he could see nothing but twinkling stars.

His eyes then were transfixed upon the craggy ridge that was the horizons utmost boundary. The poet compares the boat to an ‘elfin pinnace’ (fairy) which moved over the water like a swan. The horizon was bound with a huge peak which loomed black and huge. It seemed to up-rear its head and grow in stature with every stroke of the oar. He felt that the huge peak towered between him and the stars, as if it were a living being endowed with a will and a power of its own.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

Question 41.
To Wordsworth, nature was a living presence. Pick out any five details from the poem to support this.
Wordsworth starts the poem by blaming Mother Nature for coaxing him into stealing the boat. He uses the phrase “led by her” and shows that for him Nature is a living presence. The rocky cave is described as ‘home’- a human dwelling place. When he steals the boat, mountains are said to warn him. This is an example of personification.

One more example of personification is found in the description of the lake as a silent lake. Finally, the peak that seems to follows him is said to have life, power and purpose of its own. Thus we see that, for Wordsworth, .Nature is a living presence, and it is a continuous presence.


How does the poet bring out the agony and desperation of the female crane in the poem?
The poet brings out the agony and desperation pf the female crane by describing her desperate action and grief – stricken cries. The female bird flies in circle crying desperately.

After the hunters leave the scene, she returns to the scene of death and kisses the few feathers left behind after the hunters had carried the male bird away. In her desperation she searches for signs of life in the blood – stained feathers. Her grief is so great that it’s as if nature took pity on her and carried her to her dead mate.

Question 42.
How does the uncertainty and disorganisation among the ranks of the invaders add to the humour?
There was no understanding among the fielders. There was a lot of uncertainty and disorganization. When the ball hit by the blacksmith, which had soared high up in the air, began it’s descent, all the fielders began running to get under it to catch it. They kept looking only at the ball and not at the other fielders running, not one of them appeared to be aware that any one else existed.

All ran together, crashed against each other and fell down. This confusion was compounded by the contradictory instructions given by Hodge The fact that all of the players running from their positions to catch one ball add to the humour.


Write a short note on views expressed by the writer on the tragic comedy of ‘development’. Why does he call it tragic comedy?
When we look at the development of the country, it is a very ironic situation. While pockets of private prosperity are growing, the resources of public sphere are depleting. Thus though we have an amazing variety of sleek new car models to choose from, the roads in our cities are in pretty bad shape and getting worse. Fashionable luxury resorts are mushrooming everywhere but the lung spaces like parks and playgrounds are shrinking.

It is similar story with many other services in the public domain including transportation, health care, education etc. Even the essential services are pushed into the private real so that some company or other can make profit on them. It is indeed a tragicomedy because the poor are also pushed into becoming consumers of increasingly expressive goods and utilities.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

XI. 43. Read the following passage , carefully and answer the questions given below : 1 x 4 = 4 (2×2)

The success of a major operation depends in large part on the intensive post operative care of the patient. Because of prolonged anesthesia and extensive surgical trauma, the patient is often in worse shape after the operation than before. The first few days after an operation are the most dangerous. During this critical period, the patient is under constant surveillance in the post – anesthetic recovery room or in an intensive care unit.

Specially trained nurses and doctors use electronic monitoring devices to detect deviations in the patient’s vital functions. The medical staff is also alert to signs of lung complications that frequently follow major surgery. Venous stenosis, or the slow – up of blood flow in the veins – a consequence of bed confinement – is prevented by exercising the patient’s limbs and varying his position in bed.

Closed circuit television cameras allow constant observation of the patient and monitoring devices linked with computers sound a warning when dangerous complications occur, but the keen senses of a skilled nurse are still required to ensure the best after care of the sick.

Questions :
A) What does the success of a major operation depend on?
The success of a Major operation depends in large parts on the intensive post – operative care of the patient.

B) How are the vital functions of the patient detected after the surgery?
Specially trained nurses and doctors use electronic monitoring devices to detect deviations in the patients vital functions.

XII. 44. Write an essay of about 18-20 sentences on any one of the following topics : ( 1 x 5 = 5 )

(a) Indian farmer today.
Indian farmers today are at the cross roads. Technology has taken huge strides reformulating the role of farmers. If farmers do not make use of technology, they would be left behind in this fast – moving world, That is why, it is of paramount importance that Indian farmers educate themselves and know how to succeed in the new world order of consumerism.

If they are educated, they can progress in the field of agriculture and contribute richly towards the economy of the nation. Even to this day, despite the progress it has made in the IT Sector, India is recognized as an agricultural economy. Hence it is of paramount importance that India values its farmers.

But unfortunately we have seen that Indian farmers are native, and hence are taken for a ride by the mediators. That is why there are many tragic cases of farmers committing suicide after being cheated by mediators who swallow a lion’s share of farmers profit margin or landlords who offer loans on high rates of interest.

It is the duty of the government to offer attractive schemes of farmers so that the nation makes progress in the field of agriculture. It is also necessary that the government educates farmers and also gives manure and farming equipment at subsidized rates.
This would mean a bright future for India.

(b) Water is Precious – Save it.
Water is the elixir of life. One can never imagine a world without water. All living beings need water to survive on this earth. No other Planet in our universe has water, according to scientists.

Yet today this precious natural resource is under the threat of being exhausted. Water has not been judiciously and sensibly used by mankind. Industrial development, growing population, unsuitable Lifestyle has put a severe pressure on this precious resource. Many countries are facing water crisis.

India has enough potential for water resources, but due to improper management of water, Many of our precious water resources are under threat. Most of our water resources are polluted and many have become unsuitable for consumption.

Saving water has been an important task for man. Water is a limited resource and without water life is not possible on earth.

Children should.be taught to use water sensibly early in their life. Water crisis can be prevented by the use of technology and resources to conserve the existing water resources. Every water user should be made aware of that if there is no water there is no life and if there is no water than there is no future.
Water is Precious – Save it.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 1 with Answers (1st Language)

XIII. 45.Write a letter to your friend asking him / her to attend your sister’s marriage. ( 1 x 5 = 5 )

No.23 fort Road,
Date : ……….

Dear Ramesh,
I am quite good in my health. I think you and your family members are fine.

No I am writing this letter to inform you about my sister’s marriage. My sister’s marriage falk on 25th May at Sri. Venkataramana temple, Gorur. We have invited only a few relatives and friends. The bridegroom is a teacher and he did not expect anything (dowry) from us. As I could not invite you personally, I am inviting you through this letter. I cordially invite you on the occasion of my sister’s marriage. You should be here by 20th May. Apply for leave and come as early as possible. I hope you will not disappoint me.Convey this and my regards to one and all in your house.

Yours loving friend

No. 40,
Church Road


Imagine you are Rama/Girija of Government High school, Somanahaili, Write a letter to your father narrating about your preparation for the public examination”

Govt High school

Dear father,
I got your letter and the money that you sent last week. I am too much busy nowadays. My public examination is coming soon. The exam starts from next month. The exam schedule is already set. Mathematics is on the first day. I have been preparing for the exam. I have collected many sets of old question papers and i have been practicing well. I am preparing all the subjects equally.

I am studying six hours a day and go to play only hour per day. I am making more efforts on Science and Maths. We are getting two days leave from school for the preparation of exam. I have made notes for all subjects. I am sure that I would get distinction in the exam.

After the exams I will write again. Please don’t worry about my studies and myself.

Yours loving daughter,

Mr. Shankar
No. 50, I main, II cross
J. P. Nagar,

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 5 with Answers, Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019s with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80

Question 1.
The change that occurs in the eye to see the distant objects clearly is
a. focal length of the eye lens decreases
b. curvature of the eye lens decreases
c. focal length of the eye lens increases
d. ciliary muscles of the eye contract.
c. focal length of the eye lens increases

Question 2.
The functional groups present in propanol and propanal respectively are.
a. -OH and -CHO
b. -OH and – COOH
c. – COP and COOH
d. – CHO and – CO
a. – OH and – CHO

Question 3.
The correct path of the movement of nerve impulses in the following diagram is
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 1
(A) Q → S → R → P
(B) P → Q → R → S
(C) S → R → Q → P
(D) P → R → S → Q
(D) P → R → S → Q

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 4.
The resistance of a conductor is 27. If it is cut into three equal parts and connected in parallel, then its total resistance is
a. 6 Ω
b. 3 Ω
c. 9 Ω
d 27 Ω
b. 3 Ω

Question 5.
The chemical equation that represents neutralization reaction among the following is
a. BaCl2 + H2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2HCl
b. MnO2 + 4 HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
c. 2 NaOH + H2SO4 → NaSO4 + 2H2O
d AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl + HNO3
c. 2 NaOH + H2SO4 → NaSO4 + 2H2O

Question 6.
By constructing Khadin check-dams in level terrains,
a. underground water level decreases
b. underground water level increases
c. vegetation in the nearby areas are destroyed due to excess moisture
d. underground water gets polluted
b. underground water level increases

Question 7.
To obtain a diminished image of an object from a concave mirror, position of the object should be
(F = principal focus, C = centre of curvature, P – pole)
a. between C and F
b. beyond C
c. between P and F
d. at F
b. beyond C

Question 8.
The electronic configuration of element x is 2, 8, 8, 1 and the electronic configuration of element Y is 2, 8, 7. Then the type of bond formed between these two elements is
a. covalent bond
b. hydrogen bond
c. metallic bond
d. ionic bond
d. ionic bond

Question 9.
Part of the flower that develops into fruit and part of the seed that develops into root respectively are
(A) ovary and plumule
(B) plumule and radicle
(C) ovary and radicle
(D) ovary and ovule
(C) ovary and radicle.

Question 10.
A pure dominant pea plant producing round – yellow seeds is crossed with pure recessive pea plant producing wrinkled – green seeds. The number of plants bearing round – green seeds in the F1 generation of Mendel’s experiment is
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 3
(D) 9
(A) 0

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 11.
The functions of hormones are given in Column-A and the names of. the hormones are given in Column-B. Match them and write the answer along with its letters :

Column – A Column – B
(A) Prepares the body to deal with the situation (i)   Growth hormone
(B) Regulates metabolism for body growth (ii)    Testosterone
(C) Regulates blood sugar levels (iii)   Adrenaline
(D) Regulates the growth and development of the body (iv)    Progesterone
(v)   Insulin
(vi)   Thyroxine
(vii) Oestrogen

(A) – (iii) Adrenaline
(B) – (vi) Thyroxine
(C) – (v) Insulin
(D) – (i) Growth hormone

Question 12.
Name the acid present in the stinging hairs of nettle leaves.
Methanoic acid.

Question 13.
What are fossils ?
The preserved traces of the living organisms are called fossils.

Question 14.
Convex mirror is commonly used as rear – view mirror in vehicles. Why?

  • They always give an erect diminished image.
  • Also they have a wider field of view as they are curved outwards.

Question 15.
What is roasting in metallurgy?
The sulphide ores are converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of excess air.

Question 16.
Observe the given figure. Name the eye defect indicated in the figure and also mention the lens used to correct this defect.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 2

  • Myopia
  • Concave lens

Question 17.
What is Tyndall effect?
The phenomenon of scattering of light by the colloidal particles gives rise to tyndall effect.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 18.
Under what condition lactic acid is produced in the muscle cells ?
Lactic acid is produced when there is lack of oxygen in the muscle cells.

Question 19.
Draw the diagram of an electric circuit in which the resistors R1, R2 and R3 are connected in parallel including an ammeter and a voltmeter and mark the direction of the current.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 3

Question 20.
Name the brown fumes liberated when lead nitrate is heated. Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
2 Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

Question 21.
Explain the process of trans location of food materials in plants;

  • The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is called trans location.
  • It occurs in the phloem.
  • The products of photosynthesis are transported from leaves to all parts of the plant body.
  • Translocation takes place in the sieve tubes with the help of companion cells.


Explain the process of digestion in the small intestine of man.
Digestion of food in small intestine :

  • Small intestine is the site of complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  • Glands -present in the walls of small intestine secrete intestinal juice.
  • Enzymes in the intestinal juice convert proteins into amino acids, complex carbohydrates into glucose and fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
  • Digested food is absorbed by the villi present in the walls of intestine.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 22.
Draw the diagram of a simple electric motor. Label the following parts :
i) Split rings
ii) Brushes
i) Split rings
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 4
ii) Brushes
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 5

Question 23.
What are structural isomers? Name the first number of alkanes that shows structural isomerism.
Compounds with identical molecular formula but different structures of called structural isomers.
Butane or C4H10

Question 24.
Draw the diagram showing the longitudinal section of a flower.
Label the following parts :
(i) Style (ii) Anther.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 6

Question 25.
Draw the diagram of arrangement of apparatus used to show the reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing hydrogen gas by burning. Label the following parts.
i) Soap solution
ii) Delivery tube.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 7

Question 26.
It is advantageous to connect electric devices in parallel instead of connecting them in series. Why?

  • The appliances connected in series need currents of widely different values to operate properly.
  • In a series circuit, if one component fails, the circuit is broken and none of the components work.
  • But in a parallel circuit current divides through the electrical gadgets.
  • This is helpful particularly when each gadget had different resistance and requires different current to operate properly.


According to Joule’s law of heating, mention the factors on which heat produced in a resistor depends. According to this law write the formula used to calculate the heat produced.
Heat produced in a resistor is,

  • Directly proportional to the square of current for a given resistance
  • Directly proportional to resistance for a given current, and
  • Directly proportional to the time for which the current flows through the resistor
  • H – I2Rt

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 27.
List the disadvantages of using fossil fuels.

  • Fossil fuels are formed from carbon and biomass which contains hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur.
  • When these are burnt, the products are oxides of carbon, water, oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulphur.
  • Oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur and carbon monoxide are poisonous at high concentration. They may lead to acid rain.
  • Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. When its concentration in the atmosphere increases continuously, leads to intence global warming.


List the advantages of ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’ to save environment. Advantages of reduce and reuse to save environment:
Reduce :By the practice of ‘Reduce’, we can save

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Food
  • Natural resources.

Reuse : By the practice of ‘Reuse’

  • Environment pollution can be controlled
  • Materials are available for immediate use
  • Energy can be saved
  • Use of raw materials can be minimised.

Question 28.
The focal length of a concave lens is 30 cm. At what distance should the object be placed from the lens so that it forms an image at 20 cm from the lens?
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 8

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 29.
Draw the diagram of the apparatus used in the electrolysis of water. Label the following parts.
i) Graphite rod
ii) Cathode
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 9
Question 30.
Growth of thread like structures along with the gradual spoilage of tomato can be observed when a cut tomato is kept aside for four days. Interpret the causes for this change.

  • The thread like structures that grow on the tomato are hyphae of Rhizopus (Bread mould)
  • They have rod like structures called sporangia.
  • Sporangia contain spores, they are reproductive structures.
  • When spores come into contact with moist surface, they begin to grow. Therefore cut tomato gets spoiled gradually.

Question 31.
An “electric refrigerator rated 300 W is used for 8 hours a day. An electric iron box rated 750 W is used for 2 hours a day. Calculate the cost of using these appliances for 30 days, if the cost of 1 kWh is Rs. 3 /-
The total energy consumed by the refrigerator in 30 days
= 400 × 8 × 30 = 96000 Wh = 96 kWh
The total energy consumed by the iron box in 30 days
=750 × 2 × 30 = 45000 Wh = 45 kWh
The total energy consumed by the refrigerator and iron box is
=96kWh + 45kWh = 141 kWh
The sum of bill amount for 141 kWh at rate of Rs. 3 per 1 kWh is
=141 × 3 = Rs. 423

Question 32.
There is no change in the colour of red litmus and blue litmus paper when introduced into an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. After passing direct current through the same solution, red litmus changes to blue colour. Which product is responsible for this change? Mention any two uses of this product.
Sodium hydroxide / NaOH.

  • Degreasing metals
  • Soaps and detergents
  • Paper making
  • Artificial fibres.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 33.
A food chain in a polluted aquatic ecosystem is given. Observe it and answer the following question.
Fresh water → Algae → Fishes → Birds.
(i) Which organisms are disturbed more due to biomagnification ? Why ?

  • Birds are disturbed more due to biomagnification.
  • As the birds occupy the top most level in the given food chain, the maximum concentration of harmful chemicals causing biomagnification get accumulated in their body.

(ii) This ecosystem will be destroyed gradually due to biomagnification. Why?

  • Biomagnification is the process of accumulation of non-degradable chemicals in the various trophic levels of food chains.
  • As the chemicals are non-degradable or cannot be washed, they cannot be removed from the organisms of the food chain. This leads to gradual destruction of the ecosystem.


A student places a piece of cucumber, a glass piece, a banana peel and a plastic pen in a pit and closes it. What changes can be observed in these materials after a month ? Give scientific reason for these changes.

  • Cucumber piece and banana peel are organic substances.
  • They are biodegradable substances, and are eco-friendly.
  • Glass piece and plastic pen are inorganic / synthetic substances.
  • They are non-biodegradable substances and cause soil pollution.

Question 34.
What is dispersion of light? Mention the colour that bends the least and the colour that bends the most when light undergoes dispersion through a prism.
The splitting of light into its component colours is called dispersion.

  • The red colour bends the least.
  • The voilet colour bends the most.


Mention any four phenomena that can be observed due to atmospheric refraction of light on the earth.

  1. The sun is visible to us two minutes before the actual sun rise.
  2. The sun is visible to us two minutes after the actual sunset also.
  3. The apparent position of the star is slightly different from its actual position.
  4. Twinkling of star
  5. Formation of rainbow
  6. The apparent random wavering or flickering of objects seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above a fire or a radiator.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 35.
Draw the ray diagrams for the image formation in a convex lens when an object is placed.
i) at focus F1
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 10
ii) beyond 2F1
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 11
Question 36.
i. Write the differences between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Saturated hydrocarbons :

  • In carbon compounds, carbon atoms are satisfied by a single bond between them.
  • These compounds are normally not very reactive.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons :

  • In carbon compounds, carbon atoms have double or triple bonds between them.
  • They are more reactive than the saturated carbon compounds.

ii. Write the molecular formula and structural formula of an alkene having five carbon atoms.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 12


i. Carbon atom does not form C4- anion and C4+ cation. Why?

  • Carbon can gain four electrons. But it would be difficult for the nucleus with six protons to hold on to ten electrons, that is four extra electrons.
  • It can lose four electrons but it would require a large amount of energy to remove four electrons leaving behind a carbon cation with six protons in its nucleus holding on to just two electrons.

ii. How can ethanol be converted into ethanoic acid?
Alkaline potassium permangnate or acidified potassium dichromate is added to ethyl alcohol. When it is heated it oxidises to form ethanoic acid.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 13

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 37.
Draw the diagram showing the sectional view of the human heart. Label the following parts.
(i) Aorta
(ii) Chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood.
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 14

Question 38.
i. Name the major constituent of biogas. Write the properties of biogas which make it a good fuel.

  • Methane / CH4
  • Leaves no residue like ash
  • It bums without smoke.
  • Its heating capacity is high
  • Bio-gas is also used for lighting.

ii. Name the two devices that work using heat energy of the sun.

  • Solar water heater
  • Solar cooker


i. Write the advantages of solar cells.

  • They have no moving parts.
  • Require little maintenance and work quite satisfactorily without the use of any focusing device.
  • They can be set up in remote and inaccessible hamlets also.
  • Very sparsely inhabited areas in which laying of a power transmission line may be expensive and not commercially viable.

ii. Write any two hazards of nuclear power generation.

  • Improper nuclear waste storage and disposal result in environmental contamination.
  • There is a risk of accidental leakage of nuclear radiation.

Question 39.
Observe the given table and answer the following question :
Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 - 15
Identify the two elements that belong to the same period and the two elements that belong to the same group. Give reason for your conclusion.

  • Element B and element D are in same period because their atoms have two shells.
  • Element A and element E are in the same , group because their outermost shell has one electron.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 40.
i) How does overload and short- circuit occur in an electric circuit? Explain. What is the function of fuse during this situation?

  • Overloading can occur when the live wire and the neutral wire come into direct contact.
  • This occurs when the insulation of wires is damaged or there is a fault in the appliance.
  • In such a situation, the current in the circuit abruptly increases.
  • The heating that takes place in the fuse melts it to break the electric circuit and prevents the electric appliances from possible damage.

ii) Mention two properties of magnetic field lines.

  1. No two field lines are found to cross each other.
  2. The density of the magnetic field lines are more in their poles.
  3. The magnetic field lines emerge from north pole and merge at south pole.
  4. Inside the magnet, the direction of field lines is from its south pole to its north pole.
  5. Thus the magnetic field lines are closed curves.

Question 41.
Give reasons :
i) Ionic compounds in solid state do not conduct electricity, whereas in molten state are good conductors of electricity.

  • In the solid state ionic compounds do not conduct electricity because movement of ions in the solid is not possible due to their rigid structure.
  • In solid state, they are hard because of the strong force of attraction between the positive and negative ions.
  • In molten state, electrostatic forces of attraction’ between the oppositely charged ions are overcome due to the heat.
  • thus the ions move freely and conduct electricity.

ii) Silver articles when exposed to air gradually turn blackish.
Silver reacts with sulphur in the air to form a coating of silver sulphide.

iii) Chemical reaction does not take place when copper is added to iron sulphate solution.
Reactivity of copper is less than that of iron.


Give reasons :
i) “Alloys of iron are more useful when compared to pure iron.”

  • Pure iron is very soft.
  • Streches easily when hot.
  • Alloys are hard.
  • The properties of iron can be changed if it is mixed with other substances.

ii) Copper loses its brown layer gradually when exposed to air.
Copper reacts with moist carbon dioxide in the air and slowly loses its shiny brown surface and gains a green coat.

iii) Aluminium oxide is called amphoteric oxide.
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) reacts with both acid as well as bases to produce salt ans water.

Karnataka SSLC Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019 1

Question 42.
(i) Write the differences between homologous organs and analogous organs.
(i) Differences between homologous organs and analogous organs:
Homologous organs:

  • Organs of different organisms have common origin
  • They have similar structure and perform different function
  • Ex: Forelimbs of frog and forelimbs of bird

Analogous organs:

  • Organs of different organisms have different origin
  • They have different structure and perform similar function
  • Ex: Wings of bird and wings of bat.

(ii) Write the differences between the sex chromosomes of man and sex chromosomes of woman.
Woman has a perfect pair of sex chromosomes, both called X. Man has a normal sized chromosome X and another short sized chromosome Y.

(iii) Sex of a child is determined by the father. How ?
A child who inherits X chromosome from her father will be a girl and a child who inherits Y chromosome from his father will be a boy. Both the girl and the boy inherit only X choromosome from the mother. Therefore sex of a child is determined by the father.

Karnataka SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper June 2018 (2nd Language)

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper June 2018 (2nd Language), Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper June 2018 (2nd Language)

Time: 2.30 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. [3]

Question 1.
The newspaper report made Swami’s father challenge Swami to,
(A) become wiser than the newspaper
(B) sleep alone in the office room.
(C) fight with a tiger
(D) catch hold of a burglar.

Question 2.
The Person who helped Baleshwar to take Roma to a hospital was
(A) traffic police
(B) railway employee
(C) her brother, Dinesh
(D) truck driver.

Question 3.
Scientists were called to Geneva to find out solution for
(A) Nuclear Test Ban Violation
(B) Mutually Assured Destruction
(C) Cold War
(D) Natural Disaster

II. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each: [8]

Question 4.
Why had Roma fallen by the tracks?

Question 5.
Why did Smita request Pandit Ravi Shankar to visit her house?

Question 6.
What admirable qualities do you find in Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha ?

Question 7.
“According to Keilis Borok, being a scientist is more exciting than being a doctor or an engineer.” Why?

III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: [9]

Question 8.
“Why don’t you join the police when you are grown up ?”
(a) Who made this suggestion ?
(b) Why did the speaker ask him to join the police?
(c) Was he really willing to join the police ? Give reason.

Question 9.
“I argued with him but it was useless.”
(a) Who is the ‘I’?
(b) What was the argument about?
(c) Why was it useless?

Question 10.
“His fair for legislative work became evident to the whole nation.”
(a) Whose flair became evident?
(b) When did it become evident?
(c) Pick out the word from the given statement which means ‘a natural ability to do something well”.

IV. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences: [4]

Question 11.
“Patience has its limits.” Substantiate the statement in view of the seamen’s desperation.
Narrate the incidents that deprived Satish of regular schooling.


V. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write the complete answer with the letter of the alphabet in the answer book. [1]

Question 12.
The land feels choked when one of the following activities is done by man. That is
(A) putting a fence
(B) digging muddy holes
(C) buying land D) coming with guns.

VI. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: [4]

Question 13.
How are the Indian Temples, ‘epics in stone’?

Question 14.
Why does Norman Nicholson call the space flight, ‘a solitary confinement’?

VII. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: [3]

Question 15.
“Then we kissed the little maiden,
And we spake in better cheer.”
(a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?
(b) What made them kiss the little maiden?
(c) Why were they back in cheer?

Question 16.
Quote from memory: [4]
It is______________________
___________ seasons justice

With heavy__________________
_____________________can know.

IX. Answer the following question in 8 – 10 sentences: [4]

Question 17.
Draw a contrast between the musical ability and the appearance of the Jazz player.
The behaviour of Ruskin Bond’s grandmother is ususual, Explain.

Supplementary Reading

X. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: [4]

Question 18.
The march of the students was a bit disappointing to Manju and Babu. Why?
Taking up mountaineering was not a difficult decision for Dicky Dolma. Justify.

Question 19.
In what way did the absence of mother make Hanif and his brothers responsible?
What did the first monster ask Wangia to do? How did Wangia react to it?


Question 20.
Combine the word in Column – A with its Collecative word in Column-B: [1]
Karnataka Board SSLC English Question Paper June 2018 Q 20

Question 21.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in brackets: [1]
A Rolls Royce is too _______ [deer/dear] for a common man to________ [buy / by]

Question 22.
Which one of the following words has only one syllable? [1]
table, honest, graph, device.

Question 23.
Give one word for 1
A decorated rod carried by a king or a queen as a symbol of power.



XII. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: [4]

Bansilal’s train was late and it reached Mumbai a little after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he did not know where to go. He thought, he would go to a visit to the city, and he did not know where to go. He thought, he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent, but he did not know how to find one at that hour. He asked porter to get him a cheap room. The porter said that if Bansilal gave him three rupees, he would take him to one. But Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but could not find a room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a bench. He woke up the next morning stiff in every limb, but he smiled when he realised that it was the cheapest night’s lodging that he had ever had.

Question 24.
Why did Bansilal think of going to a choultry?

Question 25.
What did the porter tell Bansilal?

Question 26.
Why did Bansilal wander through the streets in Mumbai?

Question 27.
Where did Bansilal find the cheapest lodge?

Question 28.
Rearrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence:
you/have/your/work/ ? /completed

XIVRead the following conversation and answer the questions that follow: [2]

Supriya: Hello!
Mother: Hello Supriya! Have you reached home safely?
Supriya: Yes Mom, When are you coming?
Mother: I’ll be late by two hours today because of the meeting in my office.
Supriya: Oh Mom! Then what about our plan to go to the puppet show?
Mother: Sorry dear, today we can’t go to the puppet show. We shall make it on some other day. Ok
Supriya: Mom, Get me chocolates when you come.
Mother: Sure Supriya, but you should complete your homework before I come.

Question 29.
Why couldn’t Supriya and her mother go to the puppet show?

Question 30.
On what condition did Supriya’s mother agree to bring chocolates?


Question 31.
Look at the two pictures. Write a sentence using “broader than’ based on what you see: [1]
Karnataka Board SSLC English Question Paper June 2018 Q 31

Question 32.
Given below is a profile of Sarojini Naidu. Write a paragraph using the same:
Birth: 13th February, 1879
Place: Hyderabad.
Father: Dr. Aghornath Chattopadhyaya, a scientist.
Mother: Mrs. Varada Sundari, a Bengali Poet
Spouse: Muthyala Govindarajulu Naidu
Profession: Politician, Freedom Fighter, Governor of United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, Writer.
Death: 2nd march, 1993
Work: The Golden threshold (1905)
The bird of time (1912)
The Broken Wing (1917)
Father of the Dawn (1961)
Write a paragraph, using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary:
A poor wood cutter – cutting wood – tree on a river bank – axe fell into the river – goddess – golden axe – refused – silver axe – refused – wooden axe – happily accepted – goddess gave golden and silver axes blessing – moral.

Question 33.
Imagine that you are Jyothi/John, Studying in Xth Standard, Govt. High School, Haveri.
Write a letter to your father greeting him on his 50th birthday. 4
Write a letter to the KPTCL asking for street lights in your locality stating the inconveniences suffered by the residents.


Question 34.
The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer-book. Clues
are given. [2]
He clambered to the peak of snow-cowered mountain and there he heard the voice of the Bird of Happiness. “My lovely child, have you come here for me.”
(a) Spelling mistake to be corrected.
(b) Use correct punctuation mark.

Grammer (Language Use)

Question 35.
Read the given conversation and choose the language function of the underlined sentence: [1]
Shreya: Hello daddy, my teacher has asked me to give a speech on republic Day.
Father: That’s great! Go ahead speak well my dear.
Shreya: Will you please help me to prepare the speech dad?
(A) Request
(B) Order
(C) Suggestion
(D) Encouragement.

Question 36.
Read the conversation and identify the infinitive: [1]
Master: I have a guest tonight, prepare something good. But don’t forget to make some sweets.
Cook: Fine Sir, Is dal-roti and halwa okay?
Master: Yes.
(A) have
(B) prepare
(C) forget
(D) to make.

Question 37.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘preposition’ and ‘article’
Ravi was made to wait________ half_______ hour in the post office.

Question 38.
The students have come back from the tour,_______ [1]
The question tag to be used for the above sentence is
(A) have they?
(B) haven’t they?
(C) had they?
(D) hadn’t they?

Question 39.
Fill in the blanks using the suitable linking words given in brackets: [1]
All that Satish could do was sit_______ stare out of the window _______ read. (and, after, of, but)

Question 40.
Read the conversation and fill in the blank choosing the correct ‘If clause’ given below:
Reporter: Sir, what made you choose arts as your career?
Satish: I was left with no other choice. If I had not lost the power of hearing. I _______ become an artist.
(A) must have
(B) would have
(C) wouldn’t have
(D) will have

Question 41.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets: [2]
Roopa looked up from the newspaper and________ (say I excitedly, ‘Sri S.R Balasubramaniam_______ (be + perform) tomorrow at the Chennaiah Rangamandira.

Question 42.
Read the conversation and rewrite the underlined sentences into Reported speech: [2]
Ramesh: How are you, behenji?
Sumana: I’m fine, Thank you (you have saved my life)
Ramesh: Nothing great. It is my duty to help those who are in trouble.
Sumana thanked Ramesh _________
Ramesh replied_____________________

Reference Skill

Question 43.
Arrange the following words in the order in which they are found in dictionary:
Crucial, Creature, Creation, crest.

Question 44.
Write it in the normal way: [1]
v r going 2 a b’day party.

Question 45.
Which source would you refer to look out for the meaning of the word ‘malapropism’? [1]
Thesaurus, Dictionary, Newspaper, Atlas.


Answer 1:
(B) Sleep alone in the office room.

Answer 2:
(D) truck drives

Answer 3:
(C) Cold War

Answer 4:
Roma squeezed herself into a ladies compartment. She tried to settle into a corner near the door. The train hurtted and Roma, Jammed between other women, was trying to find some space to safely on when she suddenly got pushed, lost her tenuous foot hold and panicked. Her hands reached for the steel raising above, but finding only air, Roma was thrown out of the coach.

Answer 5:
Smitha and her brother Ananth both were going to sitar classes. But her brother was suffering fro cancer and they were in bombay for we treatment. Her brother longed to hear sitar of Pandith Ravishankar. But he could not attend the concert. So, smitha requested Pandith Ravishankar to visit her house and play Sitar for her brother.

Answer 6:
Smitha approached Pandit Ravi Shankar to request him to visit her house to play sitar for her sick brother. Ustad Allah Rakha said that Panditji was a busy man and not to bother him with such requests. But Pandith Ravi Shankar smiled and told Usthad Allah Rakha to be quiet. He told Ustad Allah Rakha that next day morning they are going to perform for the boy. Here we can see the obedient quality of Ustad Allah Rakha and his respectful behaviour towards his Guru Pandith Ravishankar, a kind and compassionate man giving respect and showing concern to the request of audience.

Answer 7:
Keilrs Borok says being a scientist is more exciting than being a doctor on an engineer because scientific research is an exciting venture into the great unknown and the token of humankind’s survival. It is the scientists with their tools that are up to the challange and can ensure that we all safely move with the time. Science is not the beginning and not the end either. If humanly used, science is their molispensable guardian and care taker.

Answer 8:
(a) Swami’s father made this suggestion.
(b) The speaker thought that the burglas was caught by swami and swami was brave boy.
(c) No, he said for the sake of politeness, but he made up his mind to an engine driver, a railway guard on a bus conducter later in life.

Answer 9:
(a) ‘I’ refers to the story teller.
(b) The argument was about the selling of house and land.
(c) Don Anselmo was not ready to take more money than what had been agreed upon and story teller failed to convinience him to take more money.

Answer 10:
(a) Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s flair for legislative work became evident to the whole nation.
(b) When Baba Saheb made effective contributions to the debates in the Bombay Legislative Assembly on a variety of subjects.
(c) ‘flair’

Answer 11:
The seamen were singing the song again and again saying that the god is dumb even though the devils are laughing in the kingdom Christopher columbus always used to be at open defiance work his crew about this song of seamen. He used to get furious. Seamen felt like bats trying to fly by day. They always thought that why one man have the lives of fifty on his hands not even allowing them to sing to keep their SPTRDS for sarting the crew.

Satish was getting terrible headaches after the last operation on his leg. He used to feel as if everything is going dark and silent. He felt miserable. Though his legs healed, they remained weak, requiring several operations on them. He suffered frequently from bouts of fever and infections, especially of ear. His frequent absence and his hearing problem deproved im of regular schooling.


Answer 12:
(c) buying land.

Answer 13:
The Indian temples are rock – cut temples. These temples tells about the beautiful and skillfull architecture of Indian culture.

Answer 14:
In the space flight Norman Nicholson was alone, nobody to visit him and not a friend. He was not writing letters or sending mails to his friends.

Answer 15:
“Then we kissed the little maiden.
And we spake in better cheer”.
(a) ‘we’ refer to sailors.
(b) The god of ocean saved their lives and they were cheerful.
(c) Because their life was saved by the god of ocean and they were anchored safely in harbour.

Answer 16:
It is enthroned in the heart of kings;
It is an attribute to god himself;
and earthly power doth then
show likest god’s When mercy seasons justice.

With heavy signs I often hear you mourn my haplers woe;
But sure with patience I can bear A loss I ne’es can know.

Answer 17:
Jazz player was a commanding artist. He has the power on him to make people listen, a gift that not many possess. He is silent on speech, but eloquent in music: He is like a bird that gathers his wings and flies high and high on his art of flying in music. But his appearance is completely contrast to this. He is a pathetic figure A black ancient marines with wrinkled old face. Full of wearies. His blue old shirt is turned dark with sweat and old necktre loosely about the worn. Old Jacket barely holding his sagging stomach and his sun-down shoes have paper in them and rough unshaven face shows pain.

Rusking Bond’s grandmother was sixty-two ever since childhood, she was having the gift of being happies in a tree than in a lift. She was a genius. She could climb trees or could be up their branches in a trice when she was sixty two. One day she had a terrible fall. ‘She climbed a tree and couldn’t come down. She was rescued and doctor recommended a quiet week on bed. But once she became stronger, she wanted a house in a treetop and moved up to her house in a treetop.

Supplementary reading

Answer 18:
The students walked in complete silence. There were no slogans; no shouts, just the shuffle of feet,
the drip of rain and a low murmur from the watching crowd.

Taking up mountaineering was not a difficult decision for Dicky Dolma because from her childhood, she had been fascinated by the grandeus of the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas every morning, she when she woke up, these beautiful mountains were the first things she saw.

Answer 19:
Hanif’s mother used to travel with the performance wing of the information and broadcasting ministry, her absence made Hanif and his brothers to become responsible. They were getting up and getting ready to for school without mother telling to them. Her absence gave them the message that one’s duty is the most important thing in life.

The first monster asked wangjia to kill Lourang’s mother. Otherwise he will be punished the monster said wangjia replied that he loves his own mother and he will never kill another person’s mother. He said the monster to do as it please.


Answer 20:
Tron – steel

Answer 21:
A Rolls Royce is too dear for a common man to buy.

Answer 22:

Answer 23:

Section – B


Answer 24:
Bansilal reached mumbai after midnight and being first visit to the he didn’t know where to go. So he thought of going to a choultry.

Answer 25:
The postes said that of Bansilal give him 3 rupees, he would take him to one cheap room.

Answer 26:
Bansilal waved the porter who asked for 3 rupees and wandered through the streets.

Answer 27:
Bansilal found the cheapest lodge on a bench where he sat and woke up the next morning.

Answer 28:
Have you completed your work?

Answer 29:
Supriya and here mother couldn’t go to the puppet show because her mother was late by two hours because of the meeting on her office.

Answer 30:
Her mother agreed to bring chocolates for supriya on a condition that supriya should complete her homework before she come.

Answer 31:
M.G. Road is broades than J.C. Road


Answer 32:
Saronini Naidu was born on 13th February, 1879 in Hyderabad, her parents were Dr. Aghesnath Chattopadhyaya and Mrs. Varada Sundari. Her father was a scientist and mother was a Bengali poet. She married Muthyala Govindarajulu Naidu. She was the first governor of United provinces of Agra and Oudh she was also a politician, freedom figher and writer. She died on 2nd March, 1949. Her notable works are the Golden threshold, the bird of time the broken wing and father of the Dawn. She was remembered as the ‘Nightingale of India’.

A poor woodcutter was cutting the wood of a tree on a river bank. His axe fell into the river. He was sad and started crying. The river goddess appeared and asked him why he was crying. The wood cutter told his axe tell on the river. The river god brought golden axe, the woodcutter refused saying that was not his. The river goddess brought silver axe, the woodcutter refused to take in finally, the river goddess brought the wooden axe. The woodcutter was happy to see his axe and took it. The river goddess was pleased by the honesty of the wood cutter and gave him golden and silver axes blessing him. The moral of the sotry is ‘Honesty is the best policy’.

Answer 33:
Jyothi / John,
X Standard Govt. High School Haveri.
Dear Father,

I am fine here, I hope you are also fine. I am studying well and all teachers have good opinion about me. I would like to wish you on your 50th birthday. You are my best frien and mentor on my life. You always showed me the right path and today behind my all success you are there. ‘I love you pappa, once again I wish you many more happy returns of the day.

To, Your lovely daughter/son


Answer 34:
He climbed to the peak of a snow-covered mountain and there he heard the voice of the bird of happiness. “My lovely child, have you come here for me ?”.


Answer 35:
(A) Request

Answer 36:
(D) to make

Answer 37:
for, and

Answer 38:
haven’t they?

Answer 39:
All that Satish could do was sit of stare out of the window and read.

Answer 40:
would have

Answer 41:
said, will be performing.

Answer 42:
Sumana thanked Ramesh for saving her lie.
Ramesh replied that it was his duty to help those who were in trouble.

Reference Skill

Answer 43:
Creation, creature, crest, cruicial.

Answer 44:
We are going to a birthday party.

Answer 45:

Karnataka SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (2nd Language)

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (2nd Language), Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (2nd Language)

Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements.
Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of the alphabet. [3]

Question 1.
Father did not like Swami
(A) joining the cricket club
(B) sleeping in the office room
(C) sleeping beside his granny
(D) biting a burglar’s leg.

Question 2.
Roma Talreja felt that she could never repay Baleshwar because he
(A) informed Dinesh about the accident
(B) requested all the motorists to save her
(C) risked his life to save her
(D) pleaded the passengers to save her.

Question 3.
The concept “immersion in science doesn’t go with practical sense” suggests
(A) foolishness of scientists
(B) absentmindedness of scientists
(C) scientists do not bother about their research results
(D) scientists seldom work together.

II. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each: [4×2=8]

Question 4.
How did the tempo truck driver help Baleshwar?

Question 5.
What was the intention of Smita’s going to the concert?

Question 6.
The artists visiting Anant was unusual. Justify.

Question 7.
Despite low income, why do some people choose to become scientists?

III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: [9]

Question 8.
“Why don’t you join the police when you are grown up ?”
(a) Who gave this suggestion?
(b) Why did he give this suggestion?
(c) What did the listener actually want to become in his later life?

Question 9.
“The trees in the orchard are not mine.”
(a) Who is the speaker here?
(b) According to the speaker, who else do the trees belong to?
(c) Why does he feel that the trees don’t belong to him ?

Question 10.
“Who could have dreamt that one born to a Mahar family would one day become not only a Law
Minister but a Law-maker ?”
(a) Who is referred to as ‘Law Minister’ here?
(b) Who chose him to be the ‘Law Minister’?
(c) Why is he recognised as the Law-maker?

IV. Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences: [4]

Question 11.
How did the crew members express their discontent with Columbus?
Explain the incident that forced Satish to stay back at home. How did it affect his formal education?


V. Choose the most appropriate one and write the complete answer with the letter of alphabet in the answer-book: [1]

Question 12.
In the line from the poem, ‘You say you own me’, the terms ‘you’ and ‘me’ refer to
(A) children and the farmer
(B) man and the land
(C) soldier and the land
(D) buyer and seller of the land.

VI. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each: [4]

Question 13.
How does the poet praise India being developed in industry and technology?

Question 14.
The speaker in ‘Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning’ is uncertain of his return. How does he express this?

VII. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: [3]

Question 15.
“Isn’t God upon the ocean Just the same as on the land ?”
(a) Who is the speaker here?
(b) When was this said?
(c) What was the result of these words?

Question 16.
Quote from memory: [4]
“It is…………………………………………………..
And ……………………………………………………
“Then let…………………………………………….
…………………………………………….. destroy:
……………………………………………………… boy.”

IX. Answer the following question in 8 to 10 sentences: [4]

Question 17.
Describe in your own words how the poet’s grandma was a genius and how she upheld ‘her right to reside in a tree’.
The physical appearance of the Jazz player does not match when he plays on his saxophone. Explain.

Supplementary Reading

X. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each: [4]

Question 18.
Why were Babu and Manju a bit disappointed with the way the students were marching?
How did the lofty Himalayas inspire Dicky Dolma?

Question 19.
How did Hema Aziz teach her children the message that “one’s duty is the most important thing in life”?
What changes came over Wangjia as the Bird of Happiness caressed him?


Question 20.
Which one of the following words has one syllable? [1]
Father, Cheque, Office, Travel.

Question 21.
Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in Column-B: [1]
Karnataka Board SSLC English Question Paper March 2018 Q 21
Question 22.
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in brackets: [1]

The_______ ( not, knot) of the rope was so strong that it could________(knot, not) be removed by us.

Question 23.
Give one word for ‘very eager for knowledge’. [1]



XII. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: [4]

Once there was a slave. His name was Andrades. His master was very cruel. He treated him badly. So, the slave was sick of him and ran away into a forest. There he saw a lion crying with pain. The lion sat before him and held out its paw. There was a big thorn in it. The slave drew it out and dressed the wound. They became friends.

After a few days, the slave was caught. He was ordered to be thrown before a hungry lion. Many people came to see the act of cruelty.

A lion was caught for this purpose. It was kept hungry for many days. On the fixed day, the lion was let loose on the slave. It recognised him. It began to lick his feet. ‘

All the people were surprised. The slave told the whole story. The master was pleased and set Andrades free.

Question 24.
What made Andrades go to the forest?

Question 25.
How did Andrades help the lion?

Question 26.
What act of cruelty did the people go to watch?

Question 27.
Why didn’t the lion kill Andrades?

Question 28.
Rearrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence: [1]
garden / flowers / in / the / pluck / don’t

Question 29.
Look at the two lines. Write a sentence using ‘longer than’ based on what you see: [1]
Karnataka Board SSLC English Question Paper March 2018 Q 29
XIII. Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow:

News Reporter: Congratulations Rashmi! Your feat is laudable. By the way, did you expect first rank in the CET this year?
Rashmi: No. Actually I expected to be one in top ten ranks.
News reporter: How could you achieve this?
Rashmi: I worked hard from the beginning. My teachers, my college library, my parents were of great help to me.

Question 30.
Why does the news reporter congratulate Rashmi? [1]

Question 31.
What was the secret of Rashmi’s achievement? [1]


Question 32.
Given below is the profile of Rabindranath Tagore. Write a paragraph using the clues [4]
Karnataka Board SSLC English Question Paper March 2018 Q 32
Write a paragraph, using the clues given below. You may add some more points if necessary :
Twelve fools start on a journey — cross a river — count themselves — one man lost—a passer-by offers help — gives each a blow on the back — they count twelve strokes — satisfied — moral

Question 33.
Imagine that you are Divya / Dinesh, residing at ‘Sai Nivas’, #74,1 Cross, Vivek Nagar, Hiriyur.
Write a letter to your cousin inviting him/her to come to your house to spend summer vacation. [4]
Write a letter to the Chief Officer, Town Municipal Council, Hiriyur about the garbage dumped in your locality and request him/her to do the needful.


Question 34.
The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer-book. Clues are given. [2]
Whales are normally gentle. Many whales exibit strong family ties. The young ones remain with their parents for up to fifteen years or more. How wonderful it is.
(a) Spelling mistake to be corrected
(b) Use correct punctuation mark.

GRAMMAR ( Language Use )

Question 35.
Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence: [1]
Visitor: Excuse me, can you help me in locating the book, ‘War And Peace’?
Librarian: Sure. Go to the sixth row and the book is on the third shelf.
Visitor: Thank you very much.
(A) Advice
(B) Giving directions
(C) Order
(D) Request.

Question 36.
Read the conversation and rewrite into a reported form:
Ravi: Good morning daddy.
Father: Good morning Ravi. Go to the railway station at 4 P.M. and bring your grandpa.
Ravi: I will daddy, don’t worry.
Ravi and father greeted each other.
Father asked Ravi…………………………….
Ravi replied………………………………………

Question 37.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘article’ and ‘preposition’: [1]
There are_______ number of newspapers_______ Kannada and English.

Question 38.
Gopi broke the glass,_______? [1]
The question tag to be used for the above statement is
(A) did he
(B) was he
(C) wasn’t he
(D) didn’t he.

Question 39.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets: [2]
Maya is a lively woman. She_______ (love) visiting beaches. Last year, she_______ (have + visit) seven beautiful beaches of Indian islands.

Question 40.
Fill in the blanks using the suitable linking words given in brackets: [1]
The flight in which I travelled was delayed_______ the sky was very cloudy._______, my parents
were much worried about my safety, (but, so, because, that)

Question 41.
Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with correct ‘if clause’ choosing from the given alternatives: [1]
Neighbour: Hi Ranjith, Did you get a seat in the college you desired?
Ranjith: No uncle, my application was rejected due to my low scores.
Neighbour: I am sorry to hear this. If you had worked harder, you_______ got a seat in the college.
(A) will have
(B) shall have
(C) would have
(D) should have.

Question 42.
Read the conversation and identify the infinitive: [1]
Cook: What shall I cook for dinner tonight, Sir?
Master: Prepare some special items. I am expecting two guests to come for dinner.
Cook: Alright Sir, what about Pulao and Halwa?
Master: Okay, also make some fruit salad.
Cook: Yes Sir.
(a) Prepare
(b) Expecting
(C) To come
(d) Make

Reference Skill

Question 43.
Arrange the following words in the order in which they are found in dictionary: [2]
adverb, advocate, advise, advice.

Question 44.
Write it in the normal way: [1]
my sis gt 80% in maths test

Question 45.
Which source of information would you refer to know about global warming? Choose the correct source: [1]
Thesaurus, Encyclopaedia, Atlas, Dictionary.


Answer 1:
(C) Sleeping beside his granny.

Answer 2:
(C) he risked his life to save her.

Answer 3:
(C) Scientists do not bother about their research results.

Answer 4:
The tempo truck driver stepped out of his vehicle. He was a middle-aged man. He responded to Baleshware’s request and helped Baleshwar lay Roma down in the back of his truck and helped him to take Roma to hospital nearby.

Answer 5:
The intension of smitha’s going to the concert was to request Pandith Ravishankar to come to their house and play sitar for her brother Ananth suffering from cancer.

Answer 6:
The artists who visited anant were Pandit Ravishankar a great Performer of Sitar instrument and Ustad Alla Rakha well – known Tabla artist.

Answer 7:
Science is an exciting adventure where major reqard comes from the discovery itself. What they get instead of money is freedom, camaradesire and independence. The honours and promotions will depend on themselves and feeling of uncovering one of nature’s mysteries.

Answer 8:
(a) The Inspector gave this suggestion.
(b) Because swami helped police in catching the notorious house-breakes of the district.
(c) The listener made his mind to be an engine driver, a railway guard or a bus conductor later on life.

Answer 9:
(a) Don Anselmo is the speaker here.
(b) The trees belong to the descendants of RIO en Medio.
(c) Because since he took the posession of that house, he planted a tree for the children of Rio – en Medio.

Answer 10:
(a) B.R. Ambedkar is referred to as ‘Law Minister’ here.
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru Chose him to be the law minister.
(c) He is recognised as the law-makes because of his skills in te field of law and legislation and his vision of social justice.

Answer 11:
The crew members were expressing them discontent by singing the song again and again. They were feeling like bats trying to fly by day.
They were not ready to be in the hands of Columbus who was a man of quick temper. Columbus was always trying to control them. He was suspecious about whatever they talk. The crew members were unhappy about being in voyage for many days. They have become impatient and thinking that whether is god dumb and not listening to their prayer. They were fed up with the dictatorial attitutde of columbus. They were drinking and singing the song for their relaxation. But columbus was Irritated hearing to it several times. The crew member and sea men became so much dissatisfied that they were not obeying the order of columbus.

These had been an accident when satish went living with his father and brother Inder. They were crossing a rickety bridge over some rapids. The boys stood and looked down at swisling water below them. Just then Satish slipped and losing his balance. He fell into the rapids, when he regained consciousness. His legs were in a plaster cast and his head lust badly. Though his legs healed, they remained weak, requiring several operations on them. He suffered frequently from bows of fever and infections, especially of the ear. He was gesting terrible headaches and them feel as of everything is going dark and silent.

This situation made satish to take leave again and again from school. His frequent absence made the school to say that they couldn’t keep him in the school and suggested Satish’s father to put his son to the school for deaf and dumb. His father made unsuccessful expedition to other schools. Satish become very moody and couldn’t talk freely with anyone.

Answer 12:
(b) Man and the land.

Answer 13:
The poet says that he can 5 mg. about the dam and the lake. We appreciates the steel molls, ship building yard and praises the hard work of men behind that further, talking about technology he sings about atomic age and ironmen came in their wake.

Answer 14:
The poet expresses the uncertainly of his returning by saying that we can take a last look at him by passing the helmet to him from as plastic hook. His name can be crossed out from the telephone book because he will be off to outer space tomorrow morning.

Answer 15:
(a) The seamen are the speakers here.
(b) This was said when they were on voyage.
(c) The seamen were feeling relaxation after singing these words.

Answer 16:
“It is enthroned in the heart of kings:
It is an attribute to god himself;
and certainly power doth then show likes god’s.
When mercy seasons justice.

Then let not what
I cannot have my cheer of mind destroy;
Whrist thus I sing, I a making.
Although a poor blind boy.

Answer 17:
The poet’s grandmother is a genius. She had the gift of being happies on a tree than on a left from childhood. She could climb trees, spreading or high. She would be up their branches in a trice when she was sixty two. Once she climbed a tree and couldn’t come down. After the rescue, she had to take a week’s rest. But after she felt stronger. She called poet’s father and told him to build a house on a tree top. After the construction of that house, she moved up to her tree- house and thepoet climb to her room everyday with glasses and tray. The poet climb to her room everyday with glasses and tray. The poet and granny were sitting there and drinking sherry. This way poet’s grandmother uphold “her right to reside in a tree”.

Jazz player’s physical appearance is not matching with his talent when he plays on saxophone. He is a pathetic figure but at the same time commanding artist. He is silent on speech, ugly in physical appearance but eloguent on music. He has wrinkled old face, faded-blue old shirt dark with sweat, old necktre drops loosely about the warn, holding his stagging stomach, run-down shoes work papers on them. In betwen all these he lofts his saxophone supported from his neck by a wire coat hunger and preaches the blaag Gospel of Jazz with words of screaming notes and chords and fires in his music high and high and makes people listen.

Answer 18:
The students walked in complete silence. There were no slogans, no shouts, just the shuffle of feet, the drop of rain and a low murmur from the watching crowd.

Dicky Dolma was fascinated by the grandeur of the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas from child hood every morning, these beautiful mountain peak she used to see first.

Answer 19:
Hema Aziz often left hanif and his brother alone and travelled with the performance wing of the information and broadcasting ministry. This made her kids hanif and his brother responsible and they were getting up ready for without her having to tell them. Her going to work gave them the message that one’s duty is the most important thing in life.

The birds of happiness casessed wangjia with its wings and sang for him. His eyeballs flew back to their sockets and now he saw much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than eve.

Answer 20:

Answer 21:
Rusting Waves.

Answer 22:
The knot of the rope was so strong that it could not be removed by us.

Answer 23:

Answer 24:
Andrade’s master was very cruel and treated him badly.

Answer 25:
Andrades drew out the big thorn in the paw of the iron and dressed the wound.

Answer 26:
The throwing of slave before hungry lion.

Answer 27:
The lion didn’t kill andrakes because it recognised him and began to kill his feet.

Answer 28:
Don’t pluck the flowers in the garden.

Anser 29:
B is longer than A

Answer 30:
News suporter congratulated rashmi for securing first rank on the CET that year.

Answer 31:
The hardwork from the beginning was the secret of Rashmi’s achievement.

Answer 32:
Rabindranath Tagore was known as Gurudeva in Bengal. He wa bom on 7th May 1861. His parents were Debendranath Tagore and Sarala Devi. Rabindranath Tagore was a writer, painter and singer. His notable works are Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana, Rabindra Sangeet. Amar Sonar Bangla etc. He got the Nobel prize for literature in 1913 for his work ‘Gitanjali’. He died on 7th August, 1941.

Once twelve fools started on a journey they had to cross a river they decided to confirm that all of them crossed the river. So one of them started counting themselves. But everytime only 11 members were there and one man lost. They asked the help of a passes by. That passes by gave each a blow on the back and these fools counted 12 strokes. They were satisfied that all 12 were there. They decided to cross the river and reached their destination.
Moral: We should never be foolish.

Answer 33:
Divya / Dinesh
“Sai Nivas’, #741 Cross,
Vivek Nagar, Hiriyur.
Dear Madhu,

I am fine here. I hope you are also fine. Our summer vacation begins from next week. I am inviting you to come to my house to spend summer vacation with me. Our village is a beautiful place. There are historical spots in our village. We can enjoy the beauty of nature. Please, come to my house and we will have an enjoyful summer holidays.

Your lovely Sister/Brother
(Divya / Dinesh)


Respected Sir/Madam,

Subject: Dumping of Garbage in our locality.

Hereby bringing to your notice, the garbage dumped in our locality has become a big problem. It led to the mosquitoes in the surrounding areas and people of our locality are suffering from fever that is very dangerous. We requested many times to the concerned department but action was not yet taken kindly, consider the seriousness of the situation, and do the needful as early as possible.

Thanking you,

Your’s Sincerely,

Answer 34:
Whales are normally gentle. Many whales exhibit strong family ties. The young ones remain with their parents for up to fifteen years or more. How wonderful it is!.

Answer 35:
(B) Giving directions.

Answer 36:
Father asked ravi to go to the railway station at 4 pm. to bring his grandpa. Ravi replied he would and not to worry.

Answer 37:
There are a number of newspapers in kannada and english.

Answer 38:
(D) didn’t he?

Answer 39:
Maya is a lively woman she loves visiting beaches. She had visited seven beautiful beaches of Indian islands.

Answer 40:
The flight in which I travelled was delayed because the sky was very cloudy. So my parents were much worried about my safety.

Answer 41:
(C) Would have

Answer 42:
(C) to come

Answer 43:
adverb, advice, advise, advocate.

Answer 44:
My sister got 80% in Maths test.

Answer 45:

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 With Answers

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers, Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80

I. In the following questions, four choices are given for each question, choose and write the correct answer along with its alphabet: ( 1 × 8 = 8 )

Question 1.
In the following numbers, irrational number is
a) 0.232332333……
b) 0.23233
c) 0.232323
d) 0.2323
a) 0.232332333……

Question 2.
10 sec2A – 10tan2A =
a) sec2A
b) 10
c) 1
d) 0
b) 10
10 sec2A – 10tan2A
10(sec2A – tan2A) = 10(1)= 10

Question 3.
The length of the tangent drawn to a circle of radius 3cm from 5cm away from the centre is
a) 4cm
b) 5cm
c) 3cm
d) 2cm 4
a) 4cm
d2 = r2 + t2
t2 = d2 – r2
52 – 32
= 25 – 9
∴ t = 16 = 4cm
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 1

Question 4.
A solid piece of copper of dimension 24 × 49 × 33 cms is moulded and recast into a sphere. The radius of the
sphere formed is ________
a) 49 cm
b) 24 cm
c) 21 cm
d)33 cm
e) 21 cm
l × b × h = \(\frac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}\)
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 2

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 5.
The degree of the polynomial in the graph given below is
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 3
a) 4
b) 3
c) 1
d) 2
a) 4
4 since it is intersecting the x – axis at 4 points.

Question 6.
The sum of the n terms of an AP is 2n2 + 5n and its common difference is 6, then its first term is
a) 0
b) 5
c) 2
d) 7
d) 7
Sn = 2n2 + 5n
S1 = 2(1)2 + 5(1)
= 2 + 5 = 7

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 7.
In ∆ PQR, PR = 12cm, QR = 6√3 cm, PQ = 6cm. The angle Q is
a) 45°
b) 90°
c) 30°
d) 120°
b) 90°
PR2 = PQ2 + QR2
122= (6√3 )2 + 62
144 = 108 – 36
∴ ∠Q = 90°
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 4

Question 8.
A cube numbered 1 to 6 is thrown once, the probability of getting a number divisible by 3 is
a) 2/3
b) 0
c) 1/3
d) 1
Event A = {3,6}
n(s) = 6, n(A) =2
P(A) = \(\frac{n(A)}{n(S)}=\frac{2}{6}=\frac{1}{3}\)

II. Answer the following Questions : (1 x 8 = 8)

Question 9.
Given g(x) = 2x + 1, q(x) = (x3 + 3x2 – + 1), r(x) = 0, Find p(x)
p(x) = g(x) q(x) + r(x) 1 650 1170
= (2x + 1) (x3 + 3x2 – x + 1) + 0
p(x) = 2x (x3 + 3x2 -x + 1) + 1(x3 + 3x2 – x + 1)
= 2x4 + 6x3 – 2x2+ 2x + x3 + 3x2 – x + 1
= 2x4 + 7x3 + x2 + x + 1

Question 10.
If the sum of first n odd natural number is 1225, find the value of n.
Sum of “n” odd natural number = n2 = 1225
n = √1225
n = 35

Question 11.
In the fig. ∠AOD is divided into 2 parts which are in A.P. the smallest angle ∠AOB = 20° . Find the common difference between each angle.
∠AOB +∠BOC + ∠COD = 180°
a + a + d + a + 2d= 180°
3a + 3d= 180°
3(20) + 3d = 180°
60 + 3d = 180°
3d = 180 – 60
d = 120/3 = 40°
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 5

Question 12.
In ∆ ABC, if DE || BC, then \(\frac{\mathbf{A B}}{\mathbf{A D}}=\frac{\mathbf{A C}}{\mathbf{A} \mathbf{E}}=\frac{\mathbf{B C}}{\mathbf{D E}}\) , state the theorem to justify this.
In a triangle, if a line is parallel to one of the sides then the sides of given triangle are propotional to sides of the intercepted triangle.
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 6

Question 13.
Find the largest number which divides 650 and 1170.
H.C.F of (650, 1170) = 130
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 7

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 14.
If sin θ = 7/25, cos θ = 24/25 find the value of sin2 θ + cos2 θ
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 8

Question 15.
Find the value of cos60° cos 30° sin60° sin 30°
cos 60° cos30 – sin 60 sin 30
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 9
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 10


This is in the form of
cos A cos B – sin A sin B = cos (A + B)
cos 60 cos 30 – sin 60 sin 30
= cos (60 + 30)
= cos (90)
– =0

Question 16.
The T.S.A of a solid hemisphere of radius 21 mm.
T.S.A of hemisphere = 3 πr²
= 3 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 21 × 21 = 4158 mm2

III. Answer the following : ( 2 x 8 = 16 )

Question 17.
Prove that if x and y are odd positive integers, then x2 + y2 is even but not divisible by 4.
Let x = 2m + 1 and y = 2n + 1 for some integers m and n.
x2 + y2 = (2m + 1)2 + (2n + l)2
x2 + y2 = 4m2 + 4m + 1 + 4n2 + 1 + 4n
= 4m2 + 4n2 + 4m + 4n + 2.
x2 + y2 = 4(m2 + n2) + 4 (m + n) + 2
x2 + y2 = 4 {(m2 + n2) + (m + n)} +2
x2 + y2 = 4q + 2, where q = (m2 + n2 ) + (m+n)
⇒ x2 + y2 is even and leaves the remainder 2 when divided by 4.
⇒ x2 + y2 is even but not divisible by 4.

Question 18.
Solve : 100x + 200y = 700
200x + 100y = 800
Consider 100x + 200y = 700 ….(1)
200x + 100y = 800 ….(2)
Add (1) & (2) 300x + 300y= 1500
Divide by 300, x + y = 5 …… (3)
Subtract (1) and (2)
-100x + 100y= -100 Divide by 100.
-x + y = -1 …(4)
Solve (3) and (4)
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 11
y = 2
Substitute the value of y in equation (3)
x + y = 5
x + 2 = 5
x = 5 – 2 = 3
x = 3

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 19.
Find the roots of the quadratic
equation 3x2 – 2√6x + 2 = 0 by formula method.
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 12

Question 20.
Find the value of x in which the points (1, -1) (x, 1) and (4, 5) are collinear.
A(1, -1) B(x, 1)C(4,5)
Area of the triangle = 0, when points are collinear.
0 = x1(y2 – y3) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3 (y1 – y2)
0 = (1) (1 – 5) + x(5 + 1) + 4(-1 – 1)
0 = -4 + 6x – 8
6x – 12 = 0
x = 12/6
x = 2

Question 21.
ABC is a right angled triangle, having [B = 90°. If BD = DC, Show that AC2 = 4AD2 – 3AB2
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 13
AC2 = AB2 + BC2 (Pythagoras)
AC2 = AB2 + 2(BD)2
AC2 = AB2 + 4BD2
In right angled ∆ ABD,
AD2 = AB2 + BD2
BD2 = AD2 – AB2
Consider AC2 = AB2 + 4BD2
= AB2 + 4(AD2 – AB2)
= AB2 + 4AD2 – 4AB2
= – 3AB2 + 4AD2
= 4 AD2 – 3AB2
AC2 = 4 AD2 – 3AB2


Prove that area of the equilateral triangle described on the side of a square is half the area of the equilateral triangle described on its diagonal.
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 50
Data : ABCD is a square.
Equilateral triangles ∆ BCE and ∆ ACF have been described on side BC and diagonal AC respectively.
T.P.T. : Area of ( ∆ BCE) = 1/2 Area of ∆ ACF
Proof : Since ∆ BCE and ∆ ACF are equilateral.
∴ They are equiangular.
∆ BCE ~ ∆ ACF
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 14

Question 22.
A box contains 90 dices which are numbered from 1 to 90. If one dise is drawn at random from the box, find the probability that it bears
(i) two digit number
(ii) a perfect square number.
The numbers in the dise form the sample space
S = {1,2, 3,4,…….. 90}
One dise can be drawn out of 90 in 90 ways. .
n(s) = 90

i) There are 90 -9 = 81, two digit numbers, out of which one dise can be drawn in 81 ways.
∴ n(A) = 81
P(A) = \(\frac{n(A)}{n(S)}=\frac{81}{90}=\frac{9}{10}\)

ii) The perfect square numbers are B= {1,4,9, 16,25,36,49,64,81}
∴ n(B) = 9
P(B) = \(\frac{n(B)}{n(S)}=\frac{9}{90}=\frac{1}{10}\)

Question 23.
Draw a pair of tangents to a circle of radius 5cm which are inclined to each
other at an angle of 60°.
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Question 24.
Prove that \(\frac{\tan \theta+\sin \theta}{\tan \theta-\sin \theta}=\frac{\sec \theta+1}{\sec \theta-1}\)
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Prove that (cosecθ – cotθ)2 = \(\frac{1-\cos \theta}{1+\cos \theta}\)
Consider (cosecθ – cotθ)2
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

IV. Answer the following : ( 3 × 9 = 27 )

Question 25.
The sum of the ages of A and B is 85 years. 5 years ago, the age of A was twice that of B. Find the present ages.
Let the present age of A be x years.
Let the present age of B be y years.
Sum of their ages = 85 x + y = 85 …….. (1)
Five years back, age of A was (x – 5) and that of B was (y – 5).
The age A is twice that of B.
∴ x – 5 = 2(y – 5) ……(2)
x – 5 = 2y – 10
x – 2y = -10 + 5
x – 2y = -5 ……(2)
Solve (1) and (2)
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Substitute y in (1)
x + y=85
x + 30 = 85
x = 85 – 30 = 55
x = 55
∴ Present age of A is 55 years and B = 30 years.


A piece of work can be done by 2 men and 7 boys in 4 days. The same piece of work can be done by 4 men and 4 boys in 3 days. How long it would take to do the same work by one man or one boy?
Let x and y be the number of days in which one man can complete the work.
∴ In 1 day a man can do 1/x th work and
In 1 day a man can do 1/y th work.
2 men and 7 boys can complete the work in 4 days.
∴ They can complete in 1/4 th of the work in one day.
∴ \(\frac{2}{x}+\frac{7}{y}=\frac{1}{4}\) …… (1)
4 men and 4 boys together complete the work in 3days, and they can complete it in 1/3 rd of work.
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4(2y + 7x) = xy
8y + 28x = xy …….(3)
3(4y + 4x) = xy
12y + 12x = xy ……..(4)
Solve (3) and (4)
(8y + 2x = xy) x 12
(l2y+ 12x = xy) x 18
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 21
4 y = 240
y = 240/4
y = 60

3(4y + 4x) xy
12y+12x = xy ………..(4)
4y = 240
y = 240/4 = 60
Substitute y in equation (3)
8y + 28x = xy
8(60) + 28x = xy
480 + 28x = x(60)
480 + 28x = 60x
480 = 60x – 28x
480 = 32x
x = \(\frac{480}{32}=\frac{120}{8}=\frac{30}{2}\) = 15
x = 15
Thus, one man can complete the work in 15 days and one boy can do the work in 60 days.

Question 26.
Find the zeroes of the polynomial p(y) = y3 – 5y2 – 2y + 24 if it is given that Sum of the two zeros is Answer:
Let α, β,γ be the zeros of the given polynomial.
p(y) = y3 – 5y2 – 2y + 24
α + β = 7
Sum of the zeros
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 22

α + β + γ = 5
7 + r = 5
r = 5 – 7 = -2
r = -2
Sum of product of zeroes taken two at a
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αβ + βr + rα = -2/1 = – 2
αβ + r(β + α) = -2
αβ + (7) (-2) = -2
αβ-14 = -2
αβ = -2+ 14
αβ = 12
(α – β )2 = (α + β)2– 4αβ
= (7)2 – 4(12)
(α – β)2 = 49 – 48
α – β = ±1
Solve for α and β. When α – β = +1
α + β = 7
α – β = 1
2α =8
α = 8/2 = 4
α = 4
Substitute the value of a in α + β =7
4+p =7
β =7-4 = 3
β = 3
Solve for α and β when α – β = -1
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 24
α = 6/2 = 3
α = 3
α + β = 7
3 + β=7
β = 7 – 3
a + β = 7
β = 4
When α – β = 1,
the values are α = 4, β = 3, r = -2.
When α – β = -1,
The values are α = 3, β = 4, r = -2.

Question 27.
The diagonal of a rectangular field is 60 metres more than the shorter side, if the longer side is 30 metres more than the shorter side, find the sides of the field.
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 25
Let the shorter D side be x mtr.
Longer side is 30m more than the shorter side. A Longer side = (x + 30)m.
Diagonal is 60m more than the shorter side.
Diagonal = (x + 60) m
AC2 = AB2 + BC2 (Pythagoras)
(x + 60)2 = (x + 30)2 + x2
x2+(60)2 + 2x (60) = x2 + (30)2 + 2(x)(30)+ x2
x2 + 3600 + 120x = x2 + 900 + 60x + x2
-x2 + 60x + 2700 = 0
x2 – 60x – 2700 = 0
x2 – 90x + 30x – 2700 = 0
x(x – 90) + 30(x – 90) = 0
(x – 90) (x + 30) = 0
x – 90 = 0 or x + 30 = 0
x = 90 or x = – 30
∴ Shorter side = 90m = BC = x
Longer side = x + 30 = 90 + 30 = 120m
Diagonal = x + 60 = 90 + 60 = 150m


Sum of the areas of two squares is 468m2. If the difference of their perimeters is 24m, find the sides of two squares.
Let the sides of the two squares be x&y. Sum of the areas of two squares = 468
x2 + y2 = 468 ……(1)
Difference of their perimeters = 24m.
4x – 4y = 24 x – y = 6
x = 6 + y …….(2)
Substitute the value of x in (1)
x2 + y2 = 468
(6 + y)2 + y2 = 468
36 + y2+ 12y + y2 = 468
2y2 + 12y + 36 = 468
Divide by 2
y2 +6y+ 18 = 234 y2 + 6y = 234 – 18
y2 + 6y – 216 = 0
y2+18y – 12y -216 = 0
y(y + 18)-12(y + 18) = 0
(y + 18) (y – 12) = 0
y+18 = 0, y -12 = 0
y = -18,y = 12
∴ x = 6+y = 6 + 12 = 18m
The sides of two squares are 18m and 12m.

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 28.
Show that the points x(2, -2) y(-2, 1) and z(5, 2) are the vertices of a right angled triangle XYZ and also calculate its area.
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers - 27
⇒ XYZ is an isosceles right angled triangle.
Area of a right angled triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x base x height
\(\frac{1}{2}\) × 5 × 5 = \(\frac{25}{2}\) = 12.5 cm


Find the values of k for which the points A(k + 1, 2k) B(3k, 2k+3) and C(5k – 1, 5k) are collinear.
A(k + 1, 2k) = (x1, y1)
B(3k, 2k + 3) = (x2, y2)
C(5k-1, 5k) = (x3, y3)
Area of the triangle = 0, for the points to be collinear.
Area =[x1(y2 – y3) + x2(y3-y1) + x3(y1-y2)]
0 = \(\frac{1}{2}\){(k + 1) (2k+3 – 5k)+3k(5k- 2k) + (5k-1) [2k-2k-3]}
0= \(\frac{1}{2}\)]{(k+ 1) (-3k+ 3) + 3k (3k) + (5k- I)(-3)i
0 =\(\frac{1}{2}\){-3k2-3k + 3k + 3 + 9k2 – 15k+3}
0= \(\frac{1}{2}\){6k2– 15k + 6}
0 = 6k2 – 15k + 6
Divide by 3
2k2 – 5k + 2= 0
2k2 – 4k – 1k + 2 = 0
2k(k – 2) -1(k – 2) = 0
(k – 2) (2k -1) = 0
k – 2 = 0, or 2k- 1=0
k = 2 or k = 1/2

Question 29.
Prove that the angle between the two tangents drawn from an external point to a circle is supplementary to the angle subtended by the line-segment joining the points of contact at the centre.
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Data: ‘O’ is the centre of the circle PA and PB are the two tangents drawn from an external point P. OA and OB are radii of the circle.
To prove that: ∠APB+ ∠AOB = 180°
Proof: In AAPO and ABPO
∠OAP = ∠OBP = 90°
(∵ Angle between the radius and tangent at the point of contact is 90°)
OP = OP (∵ Common side)
OA = OB (∵ Radii of the same circle) According to RHS postulate AAPO ABPO
∠OAP = ∠OBP = 90°
∠OAP + ∠OBP = 90° + 90° = 180°
⇒ Opposite angles of OAPB quadrilateral are supplementary
∴ OAPB is a cylic quadrilateral
⇒ ∠APB + ∠AOB = 180°

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 30.
Find the area of the shaded region where a circular arc of Radius 6 cm has been drawn with the vertex ‘O’ of an equilateral Triangle OAB of side 12cm as centre.
Area of the shaded Region = Area of circle area of sector OCDE + Area of equilateral
∆ le OAB
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From each corner of a square of side 4cm a quadrant of a circle of radius 1cm is cut and also a circle of diameter 2cm is cut as shown in Fig, Find the area of the remaining portion of the square.
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Area of shaded region = Area of square – (Area of circle + Area of 4 quadrants)
The following table gives production yield per hectare of wheat of 100 farms of a
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Question 31.
The following table gives production yield per hectare of wheat of 100 farms of a
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Change the distribution to a more than type distribution and draw its ogive.
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Question 32.
If the median of the distribution given below is 28.5. Find the valucs of x and y.
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Meadian = 28.5, lies in the C.I , 20 – 30
The median class = 20 – 30
l = 20, f = 20, c.f = 5 + h, h = 10, n = 60
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 33.
Construct a triangle ABC with side BC = 7cm, ∠B = 45°, ∠C = 105°. Then construct a triangle whose sides are 4/3 times the corresponding sides of ∆ ABC.
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V. Answer the following ( 4 × 4 = 16 )

Question 34.
Solve the pair of equations graphically.
x+y=3 and 3x-2y=4
x + y = 3
y = 3- x
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3x – 2y = 4
-2y = 4 – 3x .
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Question 35.
If the sum of first 8 terms of an Arithmetic progression is 136 and that of first 15 terms is 465, then find the sum of first 25 terms.
Given S8 = 136, S15 = 465, S25 = ?
Use the formula Sn = \(\frac{n}{2}\) [2a + (n -l)d]
s8 = \(\frac{8}{2}\)[2a + (s-l)d]
136 = 4 (2a + 7d)
∴ 2a + 7d = 136/4
2a + 7d= 34…….(1)
S15 = \(\frac{15}{2}\)[2a + (15-l)d]
465 = \(\frac{15}{2}\)[2a + 14d]
465= \(\frac{15}{2}\) x 2(a + 7d)
∴ a + 7d = 465/15
a + 7d = 31 …….(2)
From (1) and (2)
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Consider a + 7d = 31
3 + 7d = 31
7d = 31 – 3
d = 28/7
d = 4
∴S25 = \(\frac{25}{2}\)[2a + (25-1)d]
S25 = \(\frac{25}{2}\)[2a + (25-1)d]
S25 = \(\frac{25}{2}\)[2a + (24)d]
S25 = \(\frac{25}{2}\)[2(3) + 24(4)d]
S25 = \(\frac{25}{2}\) × 102
S25 = 1275
‘5 ‘ 9


The sum of the 5th and 9th terms of an A.P is 40 and the sum of the 8th and 14th term is 64. Find the sum of the first 20 terms.
Given T5+ T9 = 40 and T8 + T14 = 64
a + 4d + a + 8d=40
2a + 12d = 40….(1)
a + 7d + a + 13d = 64
2a + 20d = 64…. (2)
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Consider 2a + 12d = 40
2a + 12(3) = 40
2a + 36 = 40
2a = 40 – 36
a = 4/2
a = 2
Sn = \(\frac{n}{2}\)[2a + (n-1)d]
S20 = \(\frac{20}{2}\)[2(2) + (20-1)3]
= 104(4 + 57)
= 10 × 61
= 610

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

Question 36.
Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite to each other on either side of the road, which is 80m wide. From a point between them on to the road, the angles of elevation of the top of the poles re 60 and 30’, respectively. Find the height of the poles and distances of the point from the poles.
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In ∆ ABE.
tan60 = \(\frac{\mathrm{AB}}{\mathrm{BE}}\)
√3 = x/BE
x = √3BE ….. (1)
tan30 = DC/EC
\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{x}{E C}\)
EC = x√3
EC = BE × √3 .√3 [∵ x = √3.BE]
FC = 3BE
∴ EC=3BF
We know that
BE + EC = 80 rn
BE 3BE 80m
4BE = 80
BE = 80/4 = 20
⇒ EC = 3BE 3(20)= 60m
∴ x = BE.
x = 20√3
⇒ AB = CD = 20√3 m
∴ The distance from the point to the pole arc 20m towards left and 60m towards the right
Height of the poles 20√3m

Question 37.
Prove areas of similar triangles.
Areas of similar triangles are proportional
to the squares on the corresponding sides.
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In ∆ABM and ∆DEN
∠AMB = ∠DNE = 90 [construction]
∠B =∠E (Data)
∠BAM = ∠EDN (Remainingang1e)
∆ABM ∼ ∆ DEN
∆ABM & ∆DEN are equiangular
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 3 with Answers

VI. Answer the following : ( 5 × 1 = 5 )

Question 38.
A circus tent is made of canvas and is in the form of a right circular cylinder and a right circular cone above it. The diameter and height of the cylindrical part of the tent are 126m and 5m respectively. The total height of the tent is 21m. Find the total cost of the canvas used to make the tent when the cost per m2 of the canvas is ?15.
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Total canvas used=CS A of cylindrical part -1- CS A of conical part
=2πrh + πrl
= 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 63 × 5 + \(\frac{22}{7}\) x 63 x 65
= 1980 m2 + 12870 m2
= 14850 m2
Total canvas used = 14850 m2
* Cost of canvas at the rate of ₹16 per m2
= 14850 × 15= ₹ 2,22.750.
Cost of canvas = ₹ 2,22,750

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers, Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80

I. In the following questions, four choices are given for each question, choose and write the correct answer along with its alphabet: ( 1 × 8 = 8 )

Question 1.
The pair of linear equations 3a + 4b = k, 9a + 12b = 6 have infinitely many solutions when,
a) K = -2
b) K = 3
c) K = 2
d) K = -3
c) K = 2

Question 2.
The HCF and LCM of 12, 15 and 21 are ________ and ________ respectively
a) 3,1
b) 420,3
c) 3, 420
d) 420,1
c) 3,420
Factors of 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
= 3 × 5
= 7 × 3

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 3.
The value of \(\frac{\sin 18}{\cos 72}\) is ________
a) 1 / 2
b) 1
c) 0
d) √3 / 2
b) 1
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 1

Question 4.
The distance between the points p(2, 3) and Q(4, 1) is
a) 3√6
b) 2√2
c) 2√4
d) 3√9
b) 2√2
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 2

Question 5.
In the given figure^ABC, DE||BC. If DE=5cm, BC=8cm and AD=3.5 cm, then the length of AB is
a) 5.6cm
b) 4.8cm
c) 5.2cm
d) 6.4 cm
a) 5.6cm
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 3

Question 6.
6. The 10th term of an A.P : 2, 7, 12,
a) 1
b) 47
c) 9
d) 17
b) 47
a = 2, d= 7 – 2 = 5, ri= 10
an = a + (n – 1)d
= 2 + (10-1) (5)
= 2 + 45 = 47
∴ 10th term of an AP is 47.

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 7.
A box consists, of 4 red, 5 black and 6 white balls. One ball is drawn out at random, find the probability that the ball drawn is black.
a) 1/15
b) 1
c) 1/4
d) 1/3
d) 1/3
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 4

Question 8.
In the given fig, the angle of elevation θ is
a) 30°
b) 45°
c) 90°
d) 60°
b) 45°
Tan θ  = \(\frac{A B}{B C}=\frac{1}{1}\)
Tan θ = Tan 45°
θ = 45°
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II. Answer the following Questions : ( 1 × 8 = 8 )

Question 9.
7 × 11 × 13 + 13 is a composite number. Why?
7 × 11 × 13 + 13 = 1014 is a number divisible by some other numbers other than itself and by one.
∴ 1014 is a composite number.

Question 10.
If one of the roots of the quadratic equation 6x2 – x – 2 = 0 is 2/3. Find the other.
Let a and p are the roots.
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 11.
Find the Value of cos90° + tan 45° Soln: cos90 + tam45 = 0+1 = 1
cos 90 + tan 45 = 0 + 1 = 1

Question 12.
If F(2, P) is the mid point of the Sine segment joining the points A(6, -5) and B(-2, 11). Find the value of P.
Since P is the mid point of AB,
Co – ordinates of P are
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 7
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 8
Co – ordinates of P are (2, 3)

Question 13.
If the probability of winning a game is 5/11, what is the probability of losing it.
PE(E) + P(Ē) = 1
\(\frac{5}{11}\) + P(Ē) = 1
P(Ē) = 1 – \(\frac{5}{11}\) = 1 – \(\frac{5}{11}\)
∴ P(Ē) = \(\frac{6}{11}\)

Question 14.
If tangents PA and PB from a point P to a circle with centre O are inclined to each other at an angle of 80°, then the what is the measure of ∠POA = ?
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 9
In ∆ POA , ∠OAP = 90°
∠APO = y = 40
∠POA = 90 – 40 = 50°
∴ ∠POA = 50°

Question 15.
Write the formula to find the volume of a hemisphere.
Volume of hemisphere = 2/3 πr3

Question 16.
What is the Area of the shaded region?
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 10
Area of the shaded region = Area of square – Area of circle
= (14)2 \(\frac{22}{7}\) × 7 × 7
= 196 – 154
= 42 sq.cms .

III. Answer the following : ( 2 ×8 = 16 )

Question 17.
P.T 5 – √3 is irrational.
Let 5 – √3 be rational no. in the form of p/q
where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
5 – √3 = p/q
5 = \(\frac{p}{q}+\sqrt{3}\)
⇒ 5 is rational number, \(\frac{p}{q}+\sqrt{3}\) is irrational which leads to the contradiction.
Hence our assumption is wrong.
5 – √3 is not a rational number ,
⇒ 5 – √3 is an irrational number.

Question 18.
In the figure DE || AC and DF || AE. BF BE
Prnvp that = \(\frac{\mathbf{B F}}{\mathbf{F E}}=\frac{\mathbf{B E}}{\mathbf{E C}}\)
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By Thales theorem,
In ∆ ABC, DE || AC
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In fig LM || CB and LN || CD Prove that \(\frac{A M}{A B}=\frac{A N}{A D}\)
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 13
In ∆ ABC
LM || CB
According to Thales theorem,
\(\frac{\mathrm{AM}}{\mathrm{AB}}=\frac{\mathrm{AL}}{\mathrm{AC}}\) ….. (1)
In ∆ ADC LN || CD
According to corollary of Thales
\(\frac{A N}{A D}=\frac{A L}{A C}\) ……. (2)
From (1) and (2)

Question 19.
On comparing the ratios \(\frac{\mathbf{a}_{1}}{\mathbf{a}_{2}}, \frac{\mathbf{b}_{1}}{\mathbf{b}_{2}}\) and \(\frac{\mathbf{c}_{1}}{\mathbf{c}_{2}}\) find out whether the lines representing the following pair of linear equations interesect at a point, are parallel or coincident
5x – 4y + 8 = 0
7x + 6y – 9 = 0
5x – 4y + 8 = 0 is the line a1x + b1y + C1 = 0
7x + 6y – 9 = 0 is the line a2x + b2y +c2 =0
a1 = 5, b1 = -4, c1 = 8
a2 = 7, b2 = 6, c2 = -9
\(\frac{a_{1}}{a_{2}} \neq \frac{b_{1}}{b_{2}}\) The two lines are intersecting lines.

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 20.
Draw a circle of radius 4cm and construct a pair of tangents to the circle from a point 8cm away from the centre.
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Question 21.
Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are -3 and 2 respectively.
Let the quadratic polynomial be ax2 + bx + c and its zeroes be α and β
α + β = -b/a = -3
αβ = c/a = 2
Equation is x2 – ( α + β) x + αβ
x2 – (-3)x + 2
x2 + 3x + 2

Question 22.
A kite is flying at a height of 60m above the ground. The string attached to the kite is temporarily tied to a point on the ground. The inclination of the string with the ground is 60°. Find the length of the string, assuming that is no slack in the string.
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Two solid right circular cones have same height and the radii of bases are r1 and r2. Both the cones are metled and recasted to form a cylinder of same height. Show that the radius of the base of the cylinder is \(\sqrt{\frac{\mathbf{r}_{1}^{2}+\mathbf{r}_{2}^{2}}{3}}\)
Volume of the cylinder = Sum of the volumes 2 cones
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Question 23.
A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11 km. Find the diameter of the wheel.
Distance covered by the wheel in one revolution = Distance moved / Number of revolutions
= \(\frac{11}{5000}\) cm
= \(\frac{11}{5000}\) × 1000 × 100cm
= 220cm
∴ Circumference of the wheel = 220 cm
2πr = 220cm
= 2 × \(\frac{22}{7}\) × r
= 220
=3- r = 35 cm
∴ Diameter = 2r = 2 × 35 = 70cm
Hence, the diameter of the wheel = 70cm.

Question 24.
A conical vessel whose internal radius is 5cm and height 24cm is full of water. The water is emptied into a cylindrical vessel with internal radius lOcms. Find the height to which the water rises.
r1 = radius o the conical vessel = 5cm
h1 = height of the conical vessel = 24cm
r2 = radius of the cylindrical vessel = 10cm.
∴ Volume of water in conical vessel = Volume of water in cylindrical vessel.
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∴ Height of the water in the cylindrical vessel = 2cm.

III. Answer the following : ( 3 × 9 = 27 )

Question 25.
If 2 is added to numerator and denominator to a fraction, it becomes 9/10 If 3 is subtracted from numerator and denominator, the fraction becomes 4/5 Find the function.
Let the fraction be x / y
where x < y
If 2 is added to Nr and Dr, we get 9/10
∴ \(\frac{x+2}{y+2}=\frac{9}{10}\)
10(x + 2) = 9(y + 2)
10x + 20 = 9y + 18
10x – 9y + 20 – 18 = 0
10x – 9y + 2 = 0
l0x – 9y = -2 ..(1)
If 3 is subtracted from same fraction, we
5(x – 3) = 4(y – 3)
5x – 15 = 4y – 12
5x – 4y = -12 + 15
5x – 4 = 3….. (2)
Solve (1) and (2)
(10x – 9y = -2) x 5
(5x – 4y = 3) x 10
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Substitute the value of y in (1)
10x – 9y = -2
10x – 9(8) = -2
10x – 72 = -2
10x = -2 + 72
10x = 70
x = 7
∴ Fraction = \(\frac{x}{y}=\frac{7}{8}\)


A girl is twice as old as her sister. Four years, hence the product of their ages (in years) will be 160. Find their
present ages.
Let Girls present age be x years.
Sister’s age = 2x years.
After 4 years, their respective ages will be (x + 4) years and (2x + 4) years.
(x + 4) (2x + 4) =160
2x2 + 4x+ 8x + 16= 160
2x2 + 12x+ 16= 360
x2 + 6x + 8 = 80
x2 + 6x + 8 – 80 = 0
x2 + 6x – 72 = 0
x2+ 12x – 6x – 72 = 0
x(x + 12) – 6(x + 12) = 0
(x + 12) (x – 6) = 0
x + 12 = 0
x = -12 or x – 6 = 0, x = 6.
Girls present age = 6 years.
Sister’s age = 12 years.

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 26.
The difference of squares of two natural numbers is 84. The square of the larger number is 25 times the smaller number. Find the numbers.
Let the two natural numbers be x and y such that x > y.
x2 – y2 = 84 ……..(1)
x2 = 25y …….(2)
By eq.(1) and (2)
25y – y2 = 84
y2 – 25y + 84 = 0
y2 – 21y – 4y + 84 = 0
y (y – 21) – 4(y – 21) = 0
(y – 21) (y – 4) = 0
y – 21 = 0,y = 4
Substitute the value of y in (2)
x2 = 25 x 21
x = \(\sqrt{25 \times 21}=5 \sqrt{21}\)
x2 = 25y
x2 = 25 × 4= 100
x = √10o = 1o
∴ Two numbers are 10 and 4.

Question 27.
Find the value of K if the points A(2, 3) B (4, k) and C(6, -3) are collinear.
Since the given points are collinear, the area of the triangle formed by them must be O.
\(\frac{1}{2}\)[2(k + 3) + 4(-3 -3) + 6(3 – k)] = 0 1
\(\frac{1}{2}\)[2k + 6 + 4(-6) + 6(3 – k)] = 0
\(\frac{1}{2}\)[2k + 6 – 24 + 18 – 6k] = 0
\(\frac{1}{2}\)(-4k) = 0
-2k = 0 or k = 0.


Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are (1, -1) (-4, 6) and (-3, -5)
Area of the triangle =
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)[x1(y2 – y3) + x2 (y3 – y2) + x3 (y1 – y2)]
x1 = 1 x2 = -4 x3 = -3
y1 = -1 y2 = 6 y3 = -5
Area = \(\frac{1}{2}\)[1(6 + 5) + (-4) (-5 + 1) + (-3)(-l- 6)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [11 + (-4(-4) +(-3) (-7)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (11 + 16 + 21)
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (48) = 24 .
∴ Area of the triangle = 24 square units.

Question 28.
Prove that the tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 20
centred ‘O’ at the point of contact ‘P’.
To Prove that : OP ⊥ AB
Construction : Take any point Q, other than P, on the tangent AB, Join OQ, OQ cuts the circle at R.
Proof : “Of all the line segments joining the point ‘O’ to the tangent AB, perpendicular OP is the shortest distance from O to AB.
∴ OP = OR [ Radii of the same circle]
OQ = OR + RQ .
OQ > OP (∵ OP = OR)
∴ ‘OP’ is the shortest distance from point O to AB.

Question 29.
How many spherical bullets can be made out of a solid cube of lead whose edge measures 44cm, each bullet being 4cm in diameter.
d = 4cm, r = 2cm, a = 44cm.
Volume of cube = a3 = 443cm3.
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A circus tent is cylinderica! upto a height of 3m and conical above it. If the diameter of the base is 105m and the slant height of th conial part is 53m, find the total canvas used in making the tent.
d= 105m, r = 105/2 = 52.5m, l = 53m,
h = 3m.
Total canvas used = C.S.A of cylinder + C.S.A. of cone
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Question 30.
Solve the following system of equations graphically.
x + 3y = 6
2x – 3y = 12
x + 3y = 6
3y = 6- x
y = \(\frac{6-x}{3}\)
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 24
2x – 3y = 12
-3y = 12 – 2x
3y = 2x – 12
y = \(\frac{2 x-12}{3}\)

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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 31.
Draw less than Ogive for the given data:
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C.I F C.f
20- 30 5 5
30-40 4 9
40-50 3 12
50-60 8 20
60-70 7 27

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Question 32.
How many terms of the series 54, 51, 48…. be taken. So that their sum is 513? Find the last term.
n = ? a = 54, d = 51 – 54 = -3, Sn = 513. S„=
Sn\(\frac{\mathrm{n}}{2}\) [2a + (n-1)d]
513 = \(\frac{\mathrm{n}}{2}\) [2(54) + (n – 1)(-3)]
513 = \(\frac{\mathrm{n}}{2}\) (l08-3n + 3)
n(111 -3n)= 1026
111n – 3n2 – 1026 = 0
-3n2 + 111n- 1026 = 0
Divide by -3.
n2-37n + 342 = 0
n2 – 19n – 18n + 342 = 0
n(n – 19) – 18(n -19) = 0
(n – 19) (n – 18) = 0
∴ n = 19 or n = 18
T19 = a + 18d
= 54-54 =54-51
T19 = 0
T18 = a + 17d
= 54 + 18(-3)
= 54 + 17(-3)
T18 = 3
∴ Sum of 18termsas well as that of 19 terms is 513.

Question 33.
The sum of two numbers is 15. If the sum of their reciprocals is 3/10. Find the numbers.
Let the numbes be x and (15 – x)
By data,
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 29
45x – 3x2 = 150
3x2 – 45x + 150 = 0
Divide by 3 .
x2 – 45x + 150=0
Divide by 3
x2 – 15x + 50 = 0
x2 – 10x – 5x + 50 = 0
x(x – 10) – 5(x – 10) = 0
(x – 10) (x – 5) = 0
x -10 = 0
x = 10 OR
x – 5 = 0
x = 5
Hence the two numbers are 10 and 5.


Seven years ago Keshav’s age was five times the square of Raghav’s age. Three years hence Raghav’s age will be two fifth of Keshav’s age. Find their present ages.
Seven years ago, let Raghav’s age be x years. Then, seven years ago Keshav’s age was 5x2 years.
Raghav’s present age = (x + 7) years.
Keshav’s present age = (5x2 + 7) years.
Three years hence, we have R
aghav’s age = (x + 7 + 3) years = (x + 10) years.
Keshav’s age = (5x2 + 7 + 3) years = (5x2 +10) years.
It is given that three years hence Raghav’s 2
age will be 2/5 of Keshav’s age.
x + 10 = \(\frac{2}{5}\) (5x2 +10)
x + 10 = 2x2 + 4
2x2 + 4-x – 10 = 0
2x2 – 6 – x = 0
2x2 – 4x + 3x – 6 = 0
2x(x – 2) + 3(x – 2) = 0 ,
(x – 2) (2x + 3) =0
x – 2 = 0, 2x + 3 = 0
x = 2, x = -3/2
Raghav’s present age = (2 + 7) years = 9 years.
Keshav’s present age = (5 x 22 + 7) = 27 years.

Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

V. Answer the following : ( 4 × 4 = 16 )

Question 34.
The first and the last term of an A.P are 17 and 350 respectively. If the common difference is 9, how many terms are there and what is their sum? Soln: Let a be the first term and d be the common difference.
Let 1 be its last term. Then a = 17,1 = an =350 and d = 9
1 = an = 350 ”
a + (n – 1)d = 350
9(n – 1) = 350 – 17 = 333
n – 1 = 333/9 = 38
n = 37 + 1 = 38
Putting a = 17,1 = 350 and n = 38
Sn = \(\frac{n}{2}\) (a + 1)
S38 = \(\frac{38}{2}\) (17 + 350) .
= 19 × 367
= 6973
Hence, there are 38 terms in A.P having their sum as 6973.


Find the sum of first 51 terms of an A.P whose 2nd term and 3rd term are 14 and 18 respectively.
Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of given A.P. Then
a2= 14 and a3 = 18 a + d = 14 and a + 2d = 18
Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers - 30
d= 4
a + d= 14
a + 4 = 14
a = 14 – 4 = 10
a = 10
Putting a = 10, d = 4 nd n = 51
Sn = \(\frac{n}{2}\) [2a + (n-l)d]
S5l= \(\frac{51}{2}\)[2×10 + (51 – 1) × 4]
= \(\frac{51}{2}\)[20 + 50 × 4]
= \(\frac{51}{2}\)(20 + 200)
= \(\frac{51}{2}\) × 220
= 51 × 110= 5610

Question 35.
Find the mean for the following data
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Karnataka SSLC Maths Model Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 36.
Prove the Identity
\(\frac{\tan ^{2} \theta}{\sin ^{2} \theta-1}+\frac{\csc ^{2} \theta}{\sec ^{2} \theta-\csc ^{2} \theta}=\frac{1}{\sin ^{2} \theta-\cos ^{2} \theta}\)
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Question 37.
Construct a triangle with sides 5cm. 6cm and 7cm and then another triangle
whose sides are 7/5 of the corresponding sides of the first triangle.
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VI. Answer the following : ( 5 × 1 = 5 )

Question 38.
Areas of similar triangles are proportional to the squares on the corresponding sides.
Areas of similar triangles are proportional to the squares on the corresponding sides.
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Data: ∆ ABC ∆DEF
∠A = ∠D
∠B = ∠F
∠C = ∠F
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Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers 2019-2020 with Answers

Expert Teachers at KSEEBSolutions.com has created KSEEB Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers 2019-2020 with Answers Pdf Download of KSEEB Class 10th Std Science Previous Year Model Question Papers, Sample Papers in Kannada Medium and English Medium are part of Karnataka SSLC Model Question Papers with Answers.

Here we have given Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board KSEEB SSLC Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka 2019-20 with Answers Pdf. Students can also read Karnataka SSLC KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Science.

Board KSEEB, Karnataka State Board
Textbook KTBS, Karnataka
Class SSLC Class 10
Subject Science
Chapter Previous Year Model Question Papers, Sample Papers
Year of Examination 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Category KSEEB Question Papers with Answers

Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 Karnataka State Syllabus 2019-20

These SSLC 10th Science Model Question Papers 2019-2020 Karnataka State Board Kannada Medium and English Medium are useful to understand the pattern of questions asked in the board exam. Know about the important concepts to be prepared for Karnataka Board Exams and Score More marks.

These 10th Science Question Paper 2019-20 State Board Karnataka are designed according to the latest exam pattern, so it will help students to know the exact difficulty level of the question papers.

SSLC Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka in English Medium

SSLC Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka in Kannada Medium

Change in the design of SSLC Science Model Question Paper 2019-20

Karnataka State Board has introduced the central syllabus for the 10th standard in mathematics and science from the academic year 2018-19 and children are provided uniform education according to the syllabus. Science syllabus is too vast and it is the need of the hour to redesign the Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka 2019-20 accordingly. Question papers should be designed keeping in mind the different psychological and intellectual abilities of the children across the state. Science Model Question Papers 10th 2019-2020 Karnataka State Board should include the questions that encourage the children to think logically, to interpret the data, to infer and draw conclusions rather than mugging up and memorizing. Learning and evaluation are related to each other and as we improve the quality of the question papers, the same can be expected in the learning process also.

Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers Design of question paper for regular students

1. Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka – Marks distribution for Themes and the units covered under themes.

Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers with Answers

2. SSLC Science Model Question Papers with Answers – Objective weightage

Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers with Answers 1

3. 10th Science Model Question Papers Karnataka State Board – Weightage to the type of questions

Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers with Answers 2

4. KSEEB 10th Science Model Question Papers With Answers – Weightage to the difficulty level

Karnataka SSLC Science Model Question Papers with Answers 3

Science is the systematic study of knowledge. The branch of knowledge that answers the questions What? How? Why? And helps us to identify reasons for the various phenomena taking place around us, to develop a rapport with our environment, to eradicate blind beliefs, to improve logical thinking abilities, ultimately to develop a scientific attitude. The objectives of science teaching include conceptual understanding and application, identifying cause and effect relationships, drawing conclusions, analyzing, synthesizing, constructing one’s own knowledge through experiences. Question papers must be designed creatively to check whether the objectives are achieved or not. Few changes are made in the pattern of KSEEB 10th Science Model Question Papers in this regard.

Changes in the design of the 10th Science Model Question Papers:

→ Theme based marks weightage:
Theme based marks weightage is introduced instead of chapter wise weightage. This helps to teach and learn all the units giving equal importance to each unit and no teaching point is left out. Teachers and students come out of the system of preparing for specific marks in each unit. Though there is no specific weightage to each unit, weightage to the theme is specific. This helps the children to study each unit completely and conceptually. Different types of questions can also be designed with respect to each theme.

→ Objective weightage:
20%, 40%, 20% marks are distributed for Remembering, Understanding, and Application respectively. With reference to the objective Skill, 15% marks are allotted for drawing skills, and 5% marks are distributed for higher-order thinking skills. Higher-order thinking skills questions include analysis, synthesis, inference, problem-solving, and identifying cause and effect relationships. This helps to evaluate, not only drawing skills but also intellectual skills.

→ Weightage to the type of questions:
One mark questions lead to guess the answer. But when questions expect descriptive answers, children have to think, organize their thoughts to answer them. This helps to improve writing skills, expression, and thinking skills. Hence, this time the number of one and two marks questions is reduced and the number of three and four marks questions is increased. One question for 5 marks is introduced. Match the following type of question is removed.

There is no change in the difficulty level. 30% marks are distributed for easy and very easy questions, 50% marks are distributed for average questions, and 20% marks are distributed for difficult questions.

→ Internal Choice:
Internal choice questions will be given for 20 marks. Internal choice questions are provided for 2 questions of 2 marks, 4 questions of 3 marks and one question of 4 marks. Internal choice questions are related to the same theme.

→ Note:
The question paper may contain questions based on the diagrams. Hence all the diagrams in the textbook should be studied. But for drawing skills, a list of diagrams is provided at the end. 30 diagrams can be practiced for drawing skills.

Questions will not be constructed based on the information given in the box under the heading Do you know? More to know. However, questions may appear for the activities given in the box and the information is continued in the main text.

Hope the new design of the Science Model Question Papers for Class 10 State Syllabus Karnataka will be student-friendly and will reduce the stress on the students, and also will help to improve the teaching-learning process.

We hope the Karnataka State Board Syllabus KSEEB SSLC 10th Science Model Question Papers 2019-2020 with Key Answers Pdf Download of KSEEB Class 10th Std Science Previous Year Model Question Papers, Sample Papers in Kannada Medium and English Medium will help you.

If you have any queries regarding Karnataka State Syllabus KSEEB 10th Standard Science Model Question Papers 2019-20 with Answers Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.


KSEEB Solutions, Textbooks, Model Papers, Exam Pattern & Syllabus

KSEEB is the Karnataka Board and the full form is Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board. This board is responsible to conduct examination for SSLC and PUC. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the board and the related terminology such as syllabus, textbooks, exam dates, timetable, exam pattern, results and materials to prepare for the exam. Read the complete article, to get all the details for SSLC and PUC examination.


KSEEB, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, came into presence in 1966. It has been administering the main examination of Class XII of affiliated schools and also conducting 11 other exams for Music, DD and Commerce. Every year, in April, approximately 8.5 lakh students appear for the class 10th exam conducted by the Board. And about 2.2 lakh students appear for the supplementary exam in the month of June, every year. The official website for Karnataka Board is kseeb.kar.nic.in.

The Director of KSEEB is responsible for SSLC examination and related matter. The headquarters of the Karnataka State Board is in Bangalore and are the divisional offices in Belgaum, Kalaburgi and Mysore, and the Bangalore headquarters in Malleswaram, Bangalore. The board is governed by the Karnataka Government.

  • KSEEB Full Form – Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board
  • Type – State Governmental Board of School Education
  • Establishment Year – 1966
  • Headquarters – Bangalore, India
  • Director(SSLC and Other Exams) – Sumangala V
  • KSEEB Address – 6th Cross Malleshwaram, Karnataka
  • Contact – Ph. No: 080-23369154, 080-23460525
  • KSEEB Email: dpikseeb@gmail.com

Responsibilities of KSEEB:

  • To conduct the exam for SSLC and PUC, every year.
  • To prescribe syllabus and textbook for all the schools and PUC colleges which are affiliated with Karnataka Board.
  • To provide affiliation to the public and private schools.
  • Improving schools education and bringing new methods to support education.


Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board is responsible to conduct examinations for SSLC. SSLC or Senior Secondary Learning Certificate is provided by the board after the student has successfully cleared the exam with all subject. SSLC is equivalent to class 10th certificate all over India. The results for this standard have huge importance. Based on the result of SSLC or sometimes also called as SSC, students are able to get admission to PUC 1st year or higher level of exam. The scores obtained in SSLC play an important role to get a job or in career growth. This certificate is also used as a permanent date of birth proof for students.

After the students have successfully passed their SSLC, they are eligible to get admission in PUC 1st year. In total 31 districts of Karnataka, the colleges for PUC admission are available. Every year students who have to appear for PUC exam have to fill the online application form. Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka is responsible to conduct the exam for PUC. The official website for Karnataka PUC is pue.kar.nic.in. Students can visit the website anytime for information related to PUC.

KSEEB Syllabus

The syllabus for Class 1st to 10th for Karnataka state board affiliated schools are prescribed by the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board. The syllabus is formulated keeping into consideration the syllabus, all over India. SSLC is an important class for all the students who are appearing for KSEEB 10th exam. Therefore, it is necessary for them to prepare for the exam as per the syllabus prescribed by the board. The question papers are prepared as per these syllabi only. We are providing here the syllabus(2019-20) for SSLC Maths, Science and Social Science subjects as per prescribed by the board, for the convenience of students. Click on the link given below to get the required syllabus.

  • SSLC Maths 2019-20 Syllabus
  • SSLC Science 2019-20 Syllabus
  • SSLC Social Science 2019-20 Syllabus

Similarly, for PUC 1st and 2nd year, the syllabus is prescribed by the Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka. Below is the list of the syllabus for each subject, both for 1st and 2nd year of PUC. Students can click on the link and download them for reference use.

PUC 1st Year 2019-20 Syllabus Subject-Wise

  • Economics Programme of work, MQP and Blueprint
  • Economics Question Bank
  • Business Studies Programme of work, MQP and Blueprint
  • Business Studies Question Bank
  • I PU Accountancy Program of work, MQP & Blueprint
  • I PUC Accountancy Question Bank

PUC 2nd Year 2019-20 Syllabus Subject-Wise

  • Economics Program of work
  • Economics Model Question Paper and Correction for QB
  • Business Studies MQP
  • Business Studies Blue Print
  • Business Studies Programme of Work
  • Accountancy MQP
  • Accountancy Blue Print
  • Accountancy Programme of work
  • Business Studies Question Bank
  • Economics Chapter-1 QB English
  • Economics Chapter-1 QB Kannada
  • Accountancy Programme of Work
  • Accountancy Question Paper Blue Print
  • Accountancy Model QP Scheme of Valuation
  • Economics Model Question Bank
  • Micro and Macro Economics MQB 1
  • Micro and Macro Economics MQB 1

KSEEB Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for SSLC is set by Karnataka Board as per the syllabus prescribed by them. The pattern of the questions is set in such a way that an average student can easily attempt all the questions within the given time duration. The paper pattern for each subject is different. We are going to discuss here the exam pattern for SSLC and PUC exam.

SSLC Class 10 Exam Pattern

There are three language papers such as First Language, Second Language and Third Language. Then there are Mathematics, Science, Social Science, JTS and Alternate Subject and NSQF. All the question papers are in different versions depending on the subjects. Some have 4 sets and some have only 2 set. The questions will be both objective and subjective type. Let us see the patterns of question paper in a tabular form.

Languages Medium Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
First Language Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, English, Sanskrit 50 100 3 hours
Second Language Kannada and English 45 80 2.5 hours
Third Language Hindi, Kannada, English, Arabic, Urdu, Sanskrit. 46 80 2.5 hours
Subjects Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
Mathematics 40 80 3 hours
Science 42 80 3 hours
Social Science 47 80 3 hours

To get the exam pattern for all the subjects, click on the link given below;

  • KSEEB SSLC Exam Pattern

Note: The above-given figures are as per the SSLC exam conducted this year in 2019.  

PUC Class 12 Exam Pattern

The question paper pattern for a new curriculum for Science subjects is given here. The subject we are covering here is Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Electronics, Computer Science and Home Science. Check the table below the to know the exam pattern for PUC 1st and 2nd year, subject-wise.

Subject PUC 1st Year PUC 2nd Year
Maximum Marks Exam Duration Maximum Marks Exam Duration
Physics 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min
Chemistry 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min
Mathematics 100 3 hours 15 min 100 3 hours 15 min
Biology 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min
Electronics 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min
Computer Science 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min
Home Science 70+30 marks for practical 3 hours 15 min

To get the exam pattern for all the subjects, click on the link given below;

  • KSEEB PUC Exam Pattern

KSEEB Textbooks

Karnataka Board aims to provide easy online access to all the classes from 1 to 10, textbooks on its official website. Students and teachers can avail the benefit directly. In addition, teachers from other states, education functionaries, researchers, individuals and organizations working in the education sector all over the country, even all over the world can now access the textbooks.

KSEEB provides access to all textbooks of Class I to X for all the medium such as Kannada, English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu for all the subjects in the pdf format. Students and teachers can go to the official website, www.ktbs.kar.nic.in to download the book as per their requirement. They need to select the class, language and subject from the given dropdown given in the Karnataka textbook society.

To download the books online, click on the link below;

KSEEB Exam Dates

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board is responsible to conduct the exam for SSLC class and also the exam dates have been designed by the same board itself. Students who want to appear for the exam can check the exam dates here. The exam date for both SSLC and PUC have to be released by Karnataka Board. Also, the exam dates for supplementary examinations for the students who have failed in the board exam will be released by KSEEB.

Karnataka Board SSLC Timetable

Karnataka Board releases the SSLC timetable every year in the month of March-April. Students can find the latest timetable released by the board, on clicking the link given below. The timetable comes with required instructions which students are advised to read carefully.

  • Karnataka Board SSLC Timetable

Karnataka Board PUC Timetable

Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka, is responsible to release the timetable for PUC 1st year and 2nd year, every year. The department released the official notification on its website, pue.kar.nic.in. To check the latest timetable for PUC, click on the link.

  • Karnataka Board PUC Timetable

Karnataka Board Supplementary Exam Dates

Some students fail to clear all the subject at once in their board exams. That is why the Karnataka board conducts the supplementary examination for such student so that they can clear all the subjects and proceed to the next level of education. Click on the link given here, to download the time table;

  • Supplementary Exam Dates

Karnataka Education Board Results

SSLC and PUC(1st and 2nd year) examination results are announced by KSEEB on its official website. The results are declared in the month of June-July, every year. Students who have appeared for the exam such as 10th/PUC/Supplementary can check the results in Karnataka Board official results website, karresults.nic.in. Click on the link below to check the results:

  • Karnataka Board SSLC Results
  • Karnataka Board PUC Results

KSEEB Exam Materials

The exam materials are provided here such as model papers, previous year question papers, exam blueprint and sample papers, so that students can prepare from these materials for their SSLC and PUC exams. By solving these papers they can have the idea of question types and exam pattern in their main exam. Also, it will help them to do time management during the exam. Apart from these materials, we are also providing some preparation tips for all the students, following which they can excel in their exams and score good marks. Click on the below links to get materials.

  • Model Papers
  • Question Papers
  • Exam Blueprint
  • Sample Papers
  • Preparation Tips

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

ILA. Your teacher reads a passage listen to it. Then answer these questions.

Question 1.
Why did Sangappa feel sad?
There were no classes in the Ashram. Students had freedom to go wherever they liked. His son had been sitting on a tree watching the birds singing. He was trying to draw the birds in book. So, Sangappa felt sad that his son was not learning anything worthwhile.

Question 2.
What was his son doing?
His son was sitting on a tree watching the birds singing. He was trying to draw the birds in book.

Question 3.
What did the Headmaster say about learning?
Head master said that Sangappa’s son was studying nature and he was learning. But kids who are reading books and trying to by heart some questions and answers, were not learning really.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Does learning mean only reading books and preparing for the examination? Share your views with your partners in the class.
No, learning means not only reading books and preparing for the examination. Learning means practice and preparing ourselves.

IRA. Some questions are given below. If you agree tick off (Yes). If not tick off (No)

Question 1.
I love to get answers to all the questions by heart.

Question 2.
We should play in the evenings.

Question 3.
I learn a lot while I am outside the classroom.

Question 4.
Learning must be an enjoyable experience.

Question 5.
Singing, praying, practicing yoga and drawing are also some of the ways of learning.

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Who named the school Shantiniketan?
Gurudeva named the school Shantiniketan.

Question 2.
When does the day in Shantiniketan begin?
The day in Shantiniketan begins long before sunrise.

Question 3.
What is termed by Gurudeva as, “the darling of our hearts.”?
Shantiniketan is termed by Gurudeva as “the darling of our hearts.”

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Which phrase is used in paragraph 1 to mean “both the old and the young people”?
“Old and young alike” is the phrase used in the 1st paragraph which refers to “both the old and the young people.”

Question 5.
The boys in Shantiniketan get up early in the morning. Who else are the early risers?
Choristers also get up early in the morning.

II. Answer the following Questions

Question 1.
What kind of work do the boys practice in the afternoon?
Boys practice Handiworks like carpentry, mechanical work, spinning and weaving, drafts, painting and music.

Question 2.
What are Shantiniketan boys famous for?
Shantiniketan boys are famous for their sports and games.

Question 3.
How do the boys spend evenings before they go to bed?
Boys spend their evenings before they go to bed by telling fairy tales, reciting short dramas, singing Gurudeva’s songs and holding different school gatherings.

Question 4.
Read the second paragraph carefully. What it describes is:
(a) The greatness of the Teachers.
(b) The song of the Choristers.
(c) The lessons taught in the Ashram.
(d) The silent meditation of the inmates.
(b) The song of the Choristers.

III. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write

Question 1.
What is the effect of the song of the Choristers on the listeners?
One can hear the voices in the distance, drawing nearer and nearer, and then the sound dies away, as the choir passes on to another part of the Ashram, and then again it comes nearer and nearer. The beauty of the sound in the silent morning air and the sense of joy and reverence which it brings, give peace to the soul.

Question 2.
How are the classes held in the afternoon in Shantiniketan?
There is no classroom in Shantiniketan. The boys sit with their teachers, in the open air, under trees. A group of eight or ten boys sit round the teacher, asking him questions. Very few books are used. A greater part is carried on through conversation. The boys soon learn to open out all their difficulties to their teachers, and the teachers get keenly interested in the boy’s questions and answers. Classes are thus held in uniqueness in Shantiniketan.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
How do the boys spend their evening in Shantiniketan?
In the evening at sunset, boys return from the fields and sit down once more, for a short time, to meditate in silence.

Question 4.
How are the classes at Shantiniketan different from the classes in other schools?
There are no classrooms in Shantiniketan.The boys sit with their teachers in the open air, under the trees. There are no larger classes. Boys sit round the teacher, asking him questions. Very few books are used. A greater part is carried on through conversation.

The boys soon learn to open out all their difficulties to their teachers, and the teachers get keenly interested in the boys’ questions and answers. It is a residential school. Boys learn to rise early in the morning. It provides a opportunity for the boys to learn freely. Where as in other schools, students sit in the classrooms.

When the teachers are teach most of the students become passive learners. They depend more on books and notes. Students asks the questions rarely to clarify their doubts. Homeworks and punishments are given to the students. There is no complete freedom to the students to learn.

Question 5.
How does Shantiniketan prepare the boys for life?
In Shantiniketan, boys are given opportunity to learn vocation of their own taste. Boys practice handwork. Some learn carpentry; others learns mechanical work; practice spinning and weaving, become skilled draftsmen or painters and some learn music.

Boys learn to rise early in the morning. Singing in choir, meditation, sports and games, telling stories, reciting dramas etc. In this way, shantiniketan prepares the boys for life.

IV. The writer has used the phrase “living education” to describe the experience in Shantiniketan. Some features of education are given below. Classify them into categories of living education and unimaginative instruction.

Living Education Unimaginative instruction
– Open discussion – punishing learners.
– meditating – memorizing
– Learning outside – Dictates notes
– in nature – students passively listening
– students asking questions to teachers – bookish learning
-creative thinking
– identifying students’ natural taste.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V. Write a paragraph describing your idea of a good school.

My idea of a good school: A school should be located in natural surroundings. It should have a good laboratory, library and a vast play ground. High standard principles should be maintained. Rules and regulations should be set and followed strictly both by the students and teachers. Teachers should be highly disciplined with mastery over the subjects. They should be a model to the students. They should be kind hearted and sympathetic to the students and correct the students mistakes and guide them properly.

A good school gives importance not only curricular activities but also co-curricular activities. The students who shows interest in sports, singing, dancing, enacting, painting should be encouraged. Teachers should give attention to slow learners. Students should be encouraged to experiments, in their project works, to develop good handwriting and to develop

speaking skills. A good school should transform the students from raw one to refined one, and inculcate culture and patriotism.

VI. Write a few lines about your school using the following clues

  • Name of the school
  • Location
  • School building
  • Facilities- about teachers, laboratory, library, sports etc.

I am studying in ‘Government High School’, Bellur, in Shimoga District. It is in the lap of the Sahyadris.

It is a tile roofed building with redoxide floor. It is in ‘L’ shape. It is surrounded by forests and hills. One can see the beauty of Malvad region by standing in our school playground.

There are eight teachers in our school. They are benevolent and kind hearted. They teach us well. Our Head master gives for importance for both curricular and co-curricular activities. We have well equipped laboratory and library. We read newspapers and story books. We take reference books to home to do project works. We have a good, big playground. Our P.E. teacher trains us in many games and sports and helps us to participate at Taluk and District level sports competitions I feel proud to study in this school.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A Day in the Ashram Lesson Vocabulary in English

V1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of clues given in brackets:

Question 1.
When you blow air into balloon it becomes _____________ and _____________ (big)
bigger and bigger,

Question 2.
As the train approaches the station, the sound of its whistle becomes _____________ and _____________ (loud)
louder and louder

Question 3.
If you practice harder and harder, you will feel _____________ and _____________ (much) confident to solve the problems.
more and more

Question 4.
Man has been constructing _____________ and _____________ (tall) building in the cities.
taller and taller

Question 5.
As you move away from a tree it looks _____________ and _____________ (small)
smaller and smaller

V2. Fill in the blanks using some and others.

E.g: Some prefer carpentry, others prefer mechanical work.

Question 1.
You can see shining objects in the sky at night. _____________ of them are planets, _____________ are stars.
Some, Others.

Question 2.
There are many fruits in the baskets. _____________ of them are mangoes _____________ are bananas.
Some, Others.

Question 3.
After the bell, boys _____________ went out to play, _____________ went home.
Some, Others.

Question 4.
There are a few books on the table. _____________ of them are text books, _____________ are not.
Some, Others.

Question 5.
_____________ of the apples in the basket are good, _____________ are bad.
Some, Others.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V3. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words from the words given in brackets.

Last _____________ (week, weak) I went to a shop to _____________ (by, buy) a pair of trousers. I bought one and returned home. When I tried to _____________ (wear, ware) it, I found that it was rather _____________ (loose, lose). So I went to the shop in fury. But the shopkeeper was out. So I had to _____________ (wait, weight) for half an hour. When he returned, I shouted at him, “see, how big it is. It fits an elephant.” He replied coolly looking at my pot belly, “Therefore we offered it to you, sir.”
week, buy, wear, loose, wait.

V4. Fill in the blanks using antonyms of the word in italics:

Question 1.
Krishna was a rich king, while his friend was a _____________ man.

Question 2.
Madanika is tall but her brother is _____________

Question 3.
Radhika is strong but her sister is _____________

Question 4.
Silk is soft: iron is _____________

Question 5.
I can remember stories but _____________ lessons.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V5. Classify the following into prefixes and suffixes:

re, less, ful, mis, non, anti, ment, able, ish, in, ex, ion, ship, multi, sub, ive. One example for each is given.

prefixes Suffixes
re, mis, non, anti, in, ex, multi, sub less, ful, ment, able, ish, ion, ship, ive

V6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prefixes choosing from the ones given above (V5)

Question 1.
The school _____________ opens on June 1.

Question 2.
Manish eats meat. He is _____________ vegetarian.

Question 3.
Terrorists are _____________ social.

Question 4.
Bakra Nangal is a _____________ purpose project.

Question 5.
Plastic chairs are _____________ expensive.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate suffixes choosing from the ones given above in V5.

Question 1.
He was comfort _____________ in his seat on the train.

Question 2.
He was acting in a very child _____________ way.

Question 3.
She looked at her reflect _____________ in the mirror.

Question 4.
India has won the champion _____________ at Sharjah.

Question 5.
The rate of employ _____________ in India has been rising steadily.

D. Grammar

Task 1. Read the following passage. Underline the common nouns. Say whether they are countables, that is whether they can be counted one, two etc., or whether they are uncountables, that is, they cannot be counted. List them under different columns. Two examples are given.

There was a merchant in a town. His name was Parashuramappa, He had many friends. They helped him in selling milk all over the town Parashuramappa loved to live in peace. Also, he always spoke the truth. These qualities endeared him to all the people in the locality.

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
Merchant Milk
Town Peace
Friends Truth
People Qualities
Parashuramappa Locality

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary


Task 2. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’, only where necessary. If no article is necessary write (ø) in blank.

Question 1.
Abdul is ____________ excellent football player. As ____________ student, he won many prizes. Now he has joined ____________ multinational company. ____________ company encourages him to play for ____________ state level tournaments.
an, a, a, the, the

Question 2.
____________ Democracy is ____________ best form of government for all. ____________ people have ____________ right to vote. Even in ____________ emergency ____________ people do not lose their ____________ rights, in that form of government.
ø, the, the, the, an, ø, ø

Question 3.
____________ Peter lives in ____________ same locality as I do. His father is ____________ Assistant Engineer. He loves ____________ music and ____________ sports. His most favourite sports is ____________ cricket.
ø , the, an, ø, ø, ø.

Task 3. Look at the following pairs of sentences. Why is ‘the’ (the definite article) used in some cases but not in others? Discuss with your partner and write the reason.

Task 4. What do you understand after doing these exercises? Answer the following questions by filling in the blanks.

Question 1.
Nouns can be countable or ________________

Question 2.
Countable can be singular or ________________

Question 3.
‘a’, ‘an’ and ________________ are articles.

Question 4.
‘a’ and ‘an’ are used only with ________________ nouns.

Question 5.
‘The’ can be used with both singular and ________________ forms of nouns.

Question 6.
‘The’ is called the definite ________________ ; ‘a’ and ‘an’ are called ________________ articles.
article, indefinite

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Other Determiners: Apart from a/ an/ the some of the other determiners are a few, many, several, a pair of, a piece of, a lot of etc.

Another type of determiners are Demonstratives namely,
this – these                    that – those

Task 5. Frame sentences using the above determiners.
a few: A few friends are coming home for tea. Only a few students were awarded distinctions.
many: There are too many mistakes in this essay. Many of the students are from North India.
several: Our Head Master has written several books about India.
a pair of: My father brought a pair of shoes for me.
a piece of: I eat a piece of plum cake every morning.
a lot of: I get a lot of time to do home work.
this: This is a good horse.
these: These are good horses.
that: That’s a nice hat. Look at that man standing there.
those: Those students who failed in the exam will have to take, it again. Those are my neighbour’s daughters going to school.

E. Writing

Choice of words:

Task 6. Read the following descriptions. Substitute each with an appropriate descriptive word from the ones given in brackets below. One example is given.

(punctual, forgetful, flexible, shy, lazy)

Question 1.
He often promises to do things, but half the time he forgets. (____________)

Question 2.
She is always here on time, (____________)

Question 3.
I don’t think he has done any work since he has been here. (____________)

Question 4.
She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers. (____________)

Question 5.
He can work in any department and it doesn’t matter to him if he is on his own or part of a team. (____________)

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each questions.

Choose the correct one:

Question 1.
Shantiniketan is a school with difference where students learn with great ______________
(a) difficulties
(b) joy
(c) sorrow
(d) interest.
(b) joy

Question 2.
Gurudeva named Shantiniketan in his song :
(a) The darling of our mind.
(b) The darling of our home.
(c) The darling of your hearts.
(d) The darling of our hearts.
(d) The darling of our hearts.

Question 3.
C. F. Andrews is telling about Ashram to :
(a) Tagore
(b) students
(c) reader
(d) foreigner
(c) reader

Question 4.
The First risers in Ashram :
(a) Tagore.
(b) birds.
(c) Choristers.
(d) C.F.Andrews.
(c) Choristers.

Question 5.
What brings the sense of joy and reverence and gives peace to the soul.
(a) The sound of choristers song.
(b) Football play.
(c) Singing of birds
(d) sun rising
(a) The sound of choristers song.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
In Shantiniketan, classes are conducted :
(a) in the classroom
(b) under the trees
(c) in the football ground
(d) beside the building.
(b) under the trees

Question 7.
Person whose job is making or repairing wooden objects and structures :
(a) blacksmith
(b) carpenter
(c) weaver
(d) draftsman
(b) carpenter

Question 8.
Boys of Shantiniketan are famous for:
(a) cricket
(b) football
(c) sports and games
(d) meditation
(c) sports and games

Question 9.
Fairy tales are told :
(a) in the morning
(b) in the evening
(c) at night
(d) in the afternoon
(c) at night

Question 10.
Words cannot picture to you the beauty of Shantiniketan. The underlined word is :
(a) noun
(b) verb
(c) adjective
(d) adverb
(b) verb

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow :

Question 1.
“If I were to describe to you one day in the Ashram with the boys.”
a. Who says these words?
C.F. Andrew says these words.

b. To whom is this said?
To the readers.

c. What does Ashram refer?
Ashram refers to Shantiniketan.

Question 2.
Our own poet and teacher, whom we call Gurudeva, has named it in his song “The darling of our hearts.”
a. Who says these words?
C.F. Andrew says these words.

b. Who is Gurudeva?
Rabindranath Tagore is called Gurudeva.

c. What does ‘The darling our hearts refer?
Shantiniketan refers to ‘darling of our hearts.’

III. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who founded Shantiniketan?
Ravindranath Tagore founded Shantiniketan.

Question 2.
Who sings the morning hymn?
Choristers sing the morning hymn.

Question 3.
What does each boy do after an interval?
Each boy takes his asan, the square of carpet, into the fields and sits down on it to meditate in his own place alone. Later on, the boys all stand together in the shade of trees and sing their hymn.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
What does the boys learn in the afternoon classes?
Boys learn handiwork like spinning, weaving, carpentry, mechanical work, painting and music.

Question 5.
For what are Shantiniketan boys famous?
Shantiniketan boys are famous for their sports and games.

Question 6.
At what time Shantinikethan boys go to bed at night?
Shantiniketan boys go to bed at nine o’ clock.

Question 7.
What does the writer say about the life of Shantiniketan?
Writer says that there can be no question as to the happiness of the life of Ashram • boys. Their faces tell the story of their joy and their freedom. There is not freer life in India than the life of the children of Shantiniketan.

Question 8.
Do you like the life of Shantiniketan?
Yes, I like the life of Shantiniketan. Because it provides an opportunity to learn from the work of our own interest and it gives a lot of freedom.

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Match the following:

1. recitea a. group of singers singing hyms
2. reverence b. pray silently
3. choir c. respect
4. mediate d. big
5. large e. sing
f. small

1 – e,
2 – c,
3 – a,
4 – b,
5 – d

V. Write the opposites of

Question 1.
worthy × ______________

Question 2.
young × ______________

Question 3.
near × ______________

Question 4.
happy × ______________

Question 5.
joy × ______________

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
large × ______________

Question 7.
rich × ______________

Question 8.
tall × ______________

Question 9.
strong × ______________

Question 10.
soft × ______________

Question 11.
remember × ______________

Question 12.
freedom × ______________
slavery (or) confinement

8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A Day in the Ashram Lesson Summary in English

C. F. Andrews reveals his experience while he stayed in the Ashram. Shantiniketan which was founded by Rabindranath Tagore. It is a school with a difference, where students learn with great joy.

There are no words to describe the beauty of Shantiniketan. Gurudeva has named ‘ Shantiniketan’ in his song “The darling of Our hearts.” The beauty of the Ashram influences the minds of those people who have visited it.

Boys rise up long before sunrise. The choristers are the first to rise, and they go round the Ashram, singing their morning hymn. The sound of singing varies as the singers move along the ashram. The beauty of the sound in the silent morning air and the sense of joy and reverence which it brings, gives peace to the soul.

After an interval, each boy sits down in the field and meditates. Later, before the school work begins, all the boys stand together in the shade of trees and sing their hymn.

School work goes on upto 10.30.A.M. There are no classrooms. The boys sit with their teachers under the trees and ask questions. Very few books are used. A greater part is carried on through conversation. The boys soon learn to open out all their difficulties to their teacher.

They take a break for bathing and lunch. After the meals, at about two O’clock in the afternoon, the classes begin again. The work is chiefly with the hands as well as with the mind. Handiwork is practiced. Boys are given opportunity to practice according to their own taste. Boys give preference to carpentry, mechanical work, spinning, weaving, drafting, painting and music.

There is very little book work in the afternoon. About four O’clock, boys rush into the field to play football. Shantiniketan boys are famous for their sports and games.

In the evening boys sit down once more to meditate. At night, fairy tales are narrated, short dramas are enacted. Gurudeva’s songs are sung and different school gatherings are held. By nine O’clock all retire to rest. The choristers sing their last evening hymns. Writer says that there is a great happiness in the life of the boys and there is no freer life in India than the life of the children at Shantiniketan.

A Day in the Ashram Lesson Summary in Kannada

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8th English A Day in the Ashram Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A Day in the Ashram Lesson Word Meanings

  • Gurudeva = Rabindranath Tagore recite
  • goves = a group of trees, a small wood
  • choir = a group of singers singing hymns:
  • hymn = a song of praise to God
  • reverence = respect
  • peace = state of quietness
  • soul = the spiritual part of a person believed to exist after death
  • square = having four equal sides and four angles of 90°
  • carpet = mat for covering the floor
  • shade = Shelter from the light
  • few = not many
  • carpentry = carpenter’s work
  • spinning = The art or occupation of spinning cotton, wool etc., into thread
  • weaving = To work at a loom for making cloth
  • draftsman = drafter of documents
  • meditate = dwell in thought, to think deeply, usually in silence
  • fairy tale = story about fairies
  • drama = play
  • recite = sing (a poem or a story) from memory
  • joy = intense gladness
  • Choristers = members who sing in the choir of a church.
  • amloki = a tree, like a mango tree.

 8th Standard English Notes