Students can Download English Poem 9 The Outsider Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka State Board Class 5 English Poem Chapter 9 The Outsider
The Outsider Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes
I. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
What are the disabilities of the speaker in the poem?
Wheelchair-bound physically challenged and deafinute.
Question 2.
Why are the words of the speaker described strange?
The speaker in the poem is not only physically disabled but also deaf and dumb. So if the speaker tries to speak, it appears strange to normal people.
Question 3.
Is the speaker in the poem able to relate himself to the outside world?
The speaker of the poem relates himself with the outside world because he has the same feeling thoughts and ideas, like normal people.
Question 4.
What makes the speaker say that no one is bothered about him/
When the speaker who has both deaf and dumb tries to convey his feelings, thoughts and ideas to others, it appears strange to them They cannot understand what is being said. So no one is bothered with the speaker and ignore him.
Question 5.
What does the speaker want the Outside world to do?
The speaker wants the outside world to understand that even he/she is able to think, feel and form ideas, which long to be shared with others. But as he/she is deaf and dumb he cannot convey it to others. If he attempts to do so it appears strange to others. If he attempts to do so it appears strange to others.
So he wants to understand that like every other human being, he is also able to think and feel, and expects us to not ignore him. He wants us to include him and share his thoughts and feelings.
Question 6.
Why does the speaker consider himself/herself as an outsider?
The speaker considers himself/herself as an outsider because nobody can understand what he is saying. His words appear strange to other people and they ignore him. They also do not include him in their daily activities.
Question 7.
Have the disabilities in the speaker affected his/her thinking?
No, his thinking is for beyond the ordinary people
Question 8.
Is the poem a request, or an acceptance or affirmation or a description of the poet’s helplessness.
It is a request became the speaker request not to lock him out in their ignorance.
Question 9.
Do you think the poem has a universal appeal? if so what is the appeal built in the poem?
Yes, the poem has a universal appeal. Normal people should realize that even handicapped and differently-abled people are also human beings. The same thoughts, feelings and ideas also run in them. It is better to treat them normally and include them in all our normal daily activities.
Question 10.
What impression do you get about the speaker in the poem?
The speaker has the dream in his life to achieve something.
Question 11.
In two or three sentences describe the speaker in the poem?
The speaker in the poem is physically handicapped and wheelchair-bound. He/She is also deaf and dumb. But he/she yearns to have a share in life and the world. He / She yearns to be included in the normal everyday life of people of this world.
Question 12.
Explain: Saintly patience
The ability to stay calm without complaining even when it is very difficult to do so (others expect disabled people to behave like saints – they forget that they are just like everybody else).
Question 13.
Who is described as an outsider in the poem? The speaker or the others or both?
The speaker is described as an outsider in the poem.
Question 14.
What do you think can be done to make the outsiders feel inclusive?
By making them feel about the life of the differently-abled people.
The Outsider Summary In English
The poem’s ‘Outsider’ is written by an anonymous poet. The poet may also have been physically challenged. He / She has expressed his / her feelings and aspirations. The poem is aptly titled as ‘The Outsider’ because normally able people consider them as outsiders (not one among themselves) and treat them differently.
The poet describes him/herself as handicapped and wheelchair-bound. Normal people expect them to sit silently and smile and let the other people go about their business. They expect the physically challenged people to be calm and never worry about their disabilities.
The poet says that although he/she is physically disabled they are mentally as able as a normal person. They also have the ability to think and form ideas which they yearn to share with others. But because their thoughts, ideas and words appear strange to normal people, no one bothers to listen to them.
They are usually ignored by others. The poet is unhappy that his/her tongue or lips, cannot perform the simplest task when required because the speaker is also dumb. But the poet is happy to let us know that his/ her mind is just as active as normal people’s are. He / She pleads the normal people to recognise and need to his/her thoughts and ideas and requests them to not ignore them.
From the first line of the last stanza of the poem we can deduce that the poet may also be deaf because he/she says that she seems to not understand what the normal people talk. But he/she likes to be included in the daily business of the normal people. She pleads with them to touch, include and hold her hand.
She pleads with them to not ignore her and tells them that even she is alive (she also has a life) and is able to spend time with others, just like normal people. She urges us to let us share her life with us even if she is disabled – because it was her destiny that she was bom like that.
The Outsider Summary In Kannada