Students can Download Economics Chapter 1 Natural Resources Questions and Answers, Notes, KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Social Science helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 9 Social Science Economics Chapter 1 Natural Resources

Class 9 Social Science Natural Resources Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Question 1.
Natural resources are of ________ nature.

Question 2.
The resources that reproduce within a specified time span are _________
renewable resources

Question 3.
Iron ore is ____________ resource.

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Question 4.
Scarcity arises when the need for resources is ________ than the availability of it.
Answer :

Question 5.
Development emphasizing the availability of resources to meet the needs of future generations is also called as __________
conservation of resources.

Question 6.
In 2010, the mankind used _________ Earths to meet their requirements.
50% more natural resources of

II. Answer the following in one sentence each :

Question 1.
What are natural resources ?
Natural resources are naturally occurring substances that are considered valuable in their natural form.

Question 2.
Give two examples of renewable resources.
Water, land.

Question 3.
Give two examples of abiotic resources.
Plants and animals.

Question 4.
What is conservation?
“The Management of the biosphere for the benefit of the all life including humankind, so that is may yield sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of the future generations” is called Conservation of natural resources.

Question 5.
Define ecological footprint.
An idea about the extent of consumption of resources and waste generation by a country or by an individual in a country is called ‘ecological footprint’.

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Question 6.
What is recycling?
Every resource has not only alternative uses but can be used multiple times. This is called recycling.

III. Answer the following in 5-6 sentences each :

Question 1.
Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable Resources Non-Renewable Resources
These resources or renewed or replenished by nature within a short span of time.Ex: water, forest These resources may not be replen­ished by nature or take a very long time to be formed again.
Some of these sources are avail­able continuously like solar energy and air. Some of these resources are ex­hausted permanently after use. Ex: Petroleum.

Question 2.
Explain the causes for increasing scarcity of resources.
The main factors of increasing scarcity are :

  1. Overpopulation: The increasing population requires additional land for growing additional food and providing shelter which is met through the conversion of forest and into agricultural land and agricultural land into residential, commercial, and industrial land.
  2. Growing industrialization :
    With increased industrialization, extraction of mineral ores, crude oil, and water increase resulting in the emptying of mines, oil wells, and water sources.
  3. Expanding urban areas: Urban areas are those where a huge population lives in a small area. Naturally, the demand for resources and the generation of wastes is very high contributing to a reduction in quantity and quality of resources.
  4. Atmospheric Pollution: With greater burning of fossil fuels like coal, diesel,’ and petrol, more harmful elements like carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, soot, and dust get hydrogen sulphide; soot and dust get into the air polluting it. This reduces the availability of clean air.
  5. the open space, they affect the land and water, reducing the quality as well as availability. Water is also polluted by agricultural and household activities.

Question 3.
What are 4Rs? Explain in brief.
4Rs means – Reduce, Reuse, Recharge or Regenerate and Research.

  1. Reduce: It refers to minimizing the use of resources and their wastage or trying to use less amount of any resource. For example, we can reduce air pollution by reducing the use of our vehicles.
  2. Reuse: Every resource has not only alternative uses but can be used multiple times. For e.g., the water that was used for bathing can be used for gardening.
  3. Recharge and Regenerate: This refers to taking steps to allow and resource to grow through conscious human efforts. E.g., Afforestation recharges tree stock and the bio-diversity.
  4. Research: Researching ways to find renewable alternatives to nonrenewable resources. Solar or wind energy is a renewable alternative to the energy we use.

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Question 4.
What steps would you take to conserve energy in your school and at home?
At School :

  1. Go to school by walk or by cycling.
  2. Use public transportation to go to school.
  3. Carpool if the school is very far.

At Home :

  1. Put off lights when not in use.
  2. Turn off the air conditioner and heater at night.
  3. Go out and play instead of playing video games.

Question 5.
What measures will you to take to reduce the ecological footprint?

  1. Food :
    • Buy organic food, or locally-grown produce.
    • Bring your own bags to the store (canvas or reuse plastic paper)
  2. Energy :
    • Put off all rights when not in use.
    • Turn the air conditioner and heater off at night.
  3. Transportation :
    •  Walk or ride your bicycle to school.
    • Take public transportation.
  4. Creating less waste :
    • Buy products with the least amount of packaging possible.
    • Recycle as much as possible (and purchase recycled products when you can).
  5. Water:
    • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
    • Don’t pour toxics down storm and drains.
  6. Community :
    • Educate people in the community about their Ecological Footprint and what they can do to make it smaller.
    • Join a group that works to make local rivers and streams healthier.

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