Students can Download English Poem 7 Paper Boats Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Board Class 5 English Poem Chapter 7 Paper Boats

Paper Boats Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


C1. Answer the following questions in two to three sentences each.

Question 1.
How many boats did the child float?
Day by day, one by one.

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Question 2.
Why did the child write its name on the boat?
She writes her name and address So that people in the distant land who find the boat will know about her.

Question 3.
What did the child load the boat with?
The child loaded the boat with Shiuli flowers.

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Question 4.
What did the child dream at night?
Under the midnight stars, her paper boat is floating. The boat is full of fairies of sleep and the cargo they carry was dreams.

C2. Pick out words or phrases from the poem that mean the following:

  • flowing water Stream
  • flowers that blossom
  • in the early morning Shiuli
  • set the paper boats afloat Launch.
  • imaginary friend Playmate

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Paper Boats Summary In English

Paper Boats Summary In English 1

The poem ‘Paper Boats ’ is written by the famous Indian poet, storyteller and dramatist Shri Rabindranath Tagore. He has won the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 1913. The poem is about an innocent child and her dreams. The child plays, down by the side of a stream, she makes paper boats daily and floats them down the running stream She writes her name in big black letters on them.

She also writes the name of the village where she lived. She hopes that someone in some strange land will find them and know who she is. Sometimes she also loads the boats with Shiuli flowers (Parijatha flowers) form their garden. The Shiuli flowers always bloom in the early morning when the sun is rising. She hopes that these blooms will be carried safely, down the stream, to some land in the night.

As she launches her paper boats she looks up at the sky and Sees little clouds floating in the sky. The clouds appear to her like the white sails of a boat, bulging in the wind. She wonders who might be her friend in the sky, who sends the clouds floating through the sky, to race with her boats. The girl imagines that the clouds floating in the sky and her boats floating in the stream are running a race.

Every night the little girl sleeps and buries her face in her arms and dreams that her paper boats are floating along the stream, under the midnight stars. She dreams that the fairies of sleep are sailing in her paper boat, after loading them with baskets full of dreams.

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Paper Boats Summary In Kannada

Paper Boats Summary In Kannada 1
Paper Boats Summary In Kannada 2
Paper Boats Summary In Kannada 3

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