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Karnataka State Board Class 9 English Prose Chapter 1 The Best Advice I Ever Had
The topics covered in Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 9 Solutions for English Chapter 1 The Best Advice I Ever Had. The KSEEB Solutions Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 1 The Best Advice I Ever Had Question and Answers are prepared according to the latest edition.The Chapterwise page will help the students to revise the syllabus during the exams.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes
Warm-up Activity:
A. Identify the following great personalities:
- Smt. Sarojini Naidu
- Smt. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
- Smt. Indira Gandhi
- Justice M. Fathima Beevi
- Smt. Pratibha Patil
- Smt. Kiran Bedi.
B. Now using the clues given in column ‘A’ write the names of the personalities in column ‘B’:
- Smt. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
- Justice M. Fathima Beevi
- Smt. Kiran Bedi
- Smt. Pratibha Patil
- Smt. Indira Gandhi
- Smt. Sarojini Naidu.
C1. Based on your reading of the lesson, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option:
The Best Advice I Ever Had KSEEB Solutions Question 1.
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi resented her galling position. The ‘galling position’ referred to here is
A) the death of her husband
B) her position as a widow without a son
C) she and her daughters not being entitled to any share of the family property
D) the hatred of her family members.
C) she and her daughters not being entitled to any share of the family property
KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English The Best Advice I Ever Had Question 2.
According to Gandhiji, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi could cleanse the bitterness of her heart by
A) making peace with her relatives
B) going out of the country for some time
C) asking excuse from her relatives
D) fighting for her rights.
A) making peace with her relatives
The Best Advice I Ever Had Lesson Pdf Download KSEEB Solutions Question 3.
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi said, ‘I thought of the counsel that had calmed me so many times’. The counseling referred to here is
A) never hate anyone
B) no one can harm you but yourself
C) treating others in the same way
D) not to be revengeful.
B) no one can harm you but yourself
C2. Discuss the answers for the following questions with your partner and then write them in your notebook:
KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English Chapter 1 Question 1.
Why was Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit in anguish?
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was in anguish because the turn of events made her lose her faith in humanity. She had recently lost her husband and the Indian law treated her as though she had no existence of her own. Since she had no sons, she was not entitled to any share of her husband’s property and her importance was measured only through her relation with her husband.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Questions And Answers Class 9 KSEEB Solutions Question 2.
In paragraph 3, Mrs. Pandit speaks about ‘antiquated law’. What is referred to as antiquated law?
The antiquated law refers to that aspect of the Indian law which treated a widow without sons as a non-entity. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was upset over the antiquated law which treated women so disrespectfully even though women had worked and suffered along with men in the national struggle for freedom as their equals.
Class 9 English Chapter 1 The Best Advice I Ever Had KSEEB Solutions Question 3.
Why was Mrs. Pandit going to America, according to Gandhiji?
According to Gandhiji, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was going to America to escape reality. She was unhappy with her relatives and was going to a foreign country with bitterness in her heart. According to Gandhiji, this would cause further injury to her heart because she did not have the courage to cleanse her own heart.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Lesson KSEEB Solutions Question 4.
What did Gandhiji want Mrs. Pandit to do before going abroad? What was Mrs. Pandit’s response to that?
Gandhiji wanted Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit to cleanse her heart of anger and pride and make peace with her husband’s family before going abroad. However, Mrs. Pandit said that she did not want to do that even to please Gandhiji.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Notes KSEEB Solutions Question 5.
How did Gandhiji make Mrs. Pandit meet her relatives?
Mahatma Gandhi advised Mrs. Pandit that no one can hurt one except oneself. Unless the bitterness in her heart was cleared, it would cause her injury. He asked her not to leave the country with bitterness, as happiness can’t be found outside when there is bitterness inside. He asked her to cleanse her heart and meet her relatives.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English Chapter 1 The Best Advice I Ever Had Question 6.
“Must you inflict further injury on yourself?”
(a) What is the injury referred to here?
(b) Why does Gandhiji ask Mrs. Pandit not to hurt herself?
(a) The injury that she would cause to her heart by being angry with her relatives.
(b) Gandhiji knew that when one was angry with another, one caused hurt to one’s own self more than to anyone else.
Gandhiji did not want Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, who had already undergone the sorrow of losing her husband, to inflict her heart with more and more sorrow.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 9th English The Best Advice I Ever Had Question 7.
Why did Mrs. Pandit not meet her relatives in the beginning before she left for America?
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was embittered with her relatives who believed in an antiquated law and felt that as a woman without sons, she was not entitled to any share of her husband’s property.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 The Best Advice I Ever Had Question 8.
“I lifted the debate back to where it belonged”. What was the debate about?
As a leader of the Indian delegation to the United Nations, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit had to place before her opponents India’s complaint about the treatment of people of Indian origin in South Africa. Initially, when her opponents made personal attacks, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit hit back in the same manner. But once she remembered Gandhiji’s advice to her, she brought the debate back to where it belonged, refusing to retaliate to personal attacks and argued the case on its merits.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Solutions KSEEB Solutions Question 9.
Mrs. Pandit recollected the advice of Gandhiji often. What was the advice?
The advice was not to do anything that injures our self-respect and to be humble, and that no one can harm us except ourselves.
Best Advice I Ever Had KSEEB Solutions Question 10.
After visiting her relatives, Mrs. Pandit commented, I felt as if a great burden had been lifted and I was free to be myself. Have you experienced such a situation or a feeling in your life? Discuss.
Yes, it is always true that openness in relationships helps. If we are angry with someone, instead of keeping it a secret and hating the person secretly, it will be useful to discuss the matter ‘ and get out of the negative emotions. Negativity harms both equally.
The Best Advice I Ever Had KSEEB Solutions Question 11.
What do you infer about the relationship between Mrs. Pandit and Gandhiji from reading this lesson?
It is very clear that both Gandhiji and Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit felt at ease with each other. There was openness in their relationship. If Gandhiji felt free to tell Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit what he thought of her behaviour, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit had faith in the counsel of Gandhiji. Thus they shared a beautiful relationship of give-and-take.
Question 12.
Describe the state of mind of the cook referred to in the lesson.
The cook was drunk and had forgotten what he was supposed to do. Though the occasion was an important one, as the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Lady Eden were visiting Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the cook had messed up everything by getting drunk. Yet, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit retained her sense of balance and did not let go of her anger. She controlled the situation by remembering Gandhiji’s words, “No one can harm you but yourself.”
C3. The following are some extracts from the lesson. Read them carefully and answer the questions that are given below each of them:
1. “Yet in law, we women were still recognized only through our relationship to men”.
Question a.
Why does the speaker say so?
The speaker is bitter that in spite of being a woman of caliber who took part in the freedom struggle of the country, according to Indian law she had existence only in relation to her husband and not independently.
Question b.
What is the mood of the speaker while speaking the words above?
She is both angry and bitter. She feels frustrated.
2. “No one can harm you except yourself”.
Question a.
Identify the speaker.
Question b.
Who is the speaker addressing?
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit.
Question c.
What does the speaker mean by the words above?
The speaker advises every individual to be in control of himself /herself. Only when there is self-control can one control others and any situation.
3. “I struck back with the same sharp weapon”.
Question a.
Who is the T and who did the speaker strike back at?
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. She struck back at the opposing delegation at the United Nations.
Question b.
What was the weapon used bp the speaker?
Harsh words.
Question c.
What was the need to strike back?
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit’s opponents made personal attacks that were harmful to the prestige of both Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit and her nation – India.
Additional Extracts:
4. ‘In India, we still attach importance to these things.’
Question a.
Who is the speaker?
Mahatma Gandhi.
Question b.
What things is he talking about?
Courtesy and decency.
Question c.
When did he say these words?
When Mrs. Pandit refused to make peace with her relatives.
5. ‘To him, means were as important as the end’.
Question a.
Who do the words ‘To him’ refer to?
Mahatma Gandhi.
Question b.
What is important, according to him?
The methods we use to achieve our goals.
Question c.
When did the speaker think of this?
When the South African delegation made personal attacks and Mrs. Pandit retaliated similarly, she was reminded of this.
C4 Discuss the answers for the following questions in a group of 3 or 4 and then present your answers before the other groups.
Question 1.
Mrs. Pandit had to face a lot of humiliating situations in her life. Give a brief account of the situations and comment on them.
Mrs. Pandit had to face a lot of humiliating situations in life. Widowed early, she had to fend for herself and her daughters as the law did not entitle a widow or her daughters for a share in the family properly.
Embittered, she wanted to go away but this resentment and bitterness was removed from her heart by the wise counsel of Mahatma Gandhiji that, no one can harm one except oneself.
The second humiliating experience she underwent was when she was the leader of Indian delegation to UN for a debate of India’s complaint regarding the ill-treatment of people of Indian origin in South Africa. The opponents made personal attacks against her and the country and initially, she responded in the same vein.
Recollecting Gandhiji’s advice she apologized to the leader of the opposing delegation and diffused the strained relations. The third humiliation she almost had to face was when she had invited the PM of UK and Lady Eden for a dinner.
Her cook got drunk and dazed and dinner was not ready. Yet again recollecting Gandhiji’s advice, she quickly got food ready and the tense situation was calmed with humour.
Question 2.
Comment on the title of the lesson with respect to Mrs. Pandit’s experiences in different situations in her life.
The title of the lesson ‘ The best advice I ever got ‘ is an extremely apt title because whenever Mrs. Pandit faced some difficult or unpleasant situation, the advice given by Mahatma Gandhi came to her rescue and helped her overcome her problems.
Each time she faced some bitterness or resentment, the advice is given by Mahatma Gandhi that, no one can harm one except oneself, helped her remove her negative feelings and solve the problem in a positive way. She was able to apply this counsel and overcome any difficulty in life. It was like a universal cure for all diseases.
Question 3.
From a reading of the lesson, write a note on Mrs. Pandit’s accomplishments and her contributions to India.
We’can see that Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was a woman of substance. After losing her husband, when she was made to understand that she was not entitled to her husband’s property, she resented the idea that her identity was established only through her husband. She was displeased that though she had fought, just as men had, for the freedom of India, according to the age-old ideas of conventional people, she had no individual existence.
But she was a woman of strength and calibre. That is why she had the privilege of heading the Indian delegation to the United Nations. We can see from the excerpt that she was a good hostess too. She had the ability to manage a difficult situation and turn it into a pleasant one.
Question 4.
“Means are as important as the end”, said Gandhiji. Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer.
I agree with this view totally. Ends are no doubt very important to everyone but how one achieves it, is more important. Everyone works for achieving an ideal or goal one has. But in the process of achieving the goal, one should not veer from the right path. The idea of achieving one’s goal through hook or crook is not ethical.
The satisfaction one gets, in the end, will not be genuine and wholehearted. Even if one does not achieve one’s goal but goes about persevering in the true way, the satisfaction one gets in trying is far better than the satisfaction of attaining the goal. Therefore means are as important as the end.
Question 5.
Assume yourself to be a social activist. Write an article suggesting ways and means of removing gender discrimination that still exists in our society. You can discuss in groups and write down the article.
Gender discrimination starts even before birth. When the child is in the womb itself, if the sex is determined to be female, there is the danger of foeticide. After birth, girl children run the risk of infanticide. When they grow up, they are discriminated against in the field of education. When it comes to marriage, employed girls will have to give up their jobs to adjust with the family pattern of their husbands.
Those who continue to work, have to reject offers of promotion if it means going away from their families. With children coming into the picture, employment becomes a bigger problem. In addition, there is a fear of physical assault.
Thus, there is discrimination against girls at every stage. If this has to end, there should be a radical change in the way society looks at girls. This is possible only when there are more and more awareness programmes which erase from the consciousness of people the idea that girls are inferior to boys. This is not an easy task because beginning with the mass media to religion, all-powerful influences in society showgirls playing second fiddle to men. But tasks which are challenging shouldn’t be given up.
We should try and accomplish such tasks with greater resolve. Individuals and governments should join hands to bring about the much needed progressive change in society by giving more and more incentives to girl children in education and employment. There should also be stringent punishment to those who go against women’s parity and empowerment.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
Who gave Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit the best advice?
Mahatma Gandhi.
Question 2.
Why was Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit going through a. period of anguish?
Her husband had died recently and her deep sorrow over his loss was followed by the realization that she would not get any share of the property, by virtue of being a woman.
Question 3.
Why does Mrs. Pandit say that in the eyes of Indian law she had no individual existence?
At that time, Indian law denied women any share in the family property. In spite of working as hard as men, a woman was recognized only through her relationship to a man. Therefore, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit says that in the eyes of the Indian law a woman had no individual existence.
Question 4.
Why was Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit bitter towards the members of her family?
Even the members of her family supported the antiquated law. Therefore, she was bitter towards the members of her family.
Question 5.
What did Gandhiji enquire of Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit when she visited him?
Gandhiji asked Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit if she had made peace with her relatives.
Question 6.
What did Gandhiji tell Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit to do? Why?
Gandhiji told her to go to her relatives and say good¬bye to them. According to him, in India, courtesy and decency demanded it. In India, people still gave importance to such things.
Question 7.
What was the result of her visit to her husband’s family?
Her visit brought a feeling of relief to everyone. She asked for their best wishes before starting on a new stage of her life. By doing this, she experienced a miraculous effect upon herself. She also felt that a great burden had been lifted off her and that she was free to be herself.
Question 8.
What unhappy situation occurred in the United Nations when Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit went there as the leader of the Indian delegation? How did she resolve it?
The United Nations had to resolve India’s complaint regarding the treatment of people of Indian origin in South Africa. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was the leader of the Indian delegation. When the issue came up, harsh things were said by both sides and the opponents even made personal attacks harmful to India’s prestige as well as Mrs. Pandit’s. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit did not accept it silently. She gave it back in the same coin. Due to this, an unpleasant atmosphere was created.
After a duel of words, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit suddenly thought of Gandhiji. She felt that he would never have approved of her way of retaliation. For him, means had to be as good as the end. Gandhiji would not be happy if questionable tactics were used for succeeding.
After thinking about this, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit decided that at any cost she would not make personal attacks to score a cheap point. When she changed her mind and stuck to a dignified method, the opponents met them on the new level and from then on, the case was argued on its merits only. In this way, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit resolved the situation.
Question 9.
How did a recurring nightmare become a reality in Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit’s life?
A recurring nightmare that women have is, someone important has come for dinner, it is time to eat – but dinner is not ready. This almost came true once for Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. When Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom, she had once invited the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Lady Eden for dinner. Everything was planned meticulously. When the guests arrived and drinks were served twice, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit signalled the butler to announce dinner.
Even as they waited, the third round of drinks came. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit excused herself and went to the kitchen to find out why dinner was not served. To her dismay, she found that the cook was totally drunk and was talking nonsense. Nothing was cooked and the other servants were frightened.
Question 10.
How did Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit react to the status of the chaotic kitchen and what decision did she take?
At first, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was totally upset. She wanted to shout at the cook and dismiss him immediately. But the very next moment she remembered the words of Gandhiji, which had calmed her so many times in the past – that, if she lost control, she would only hurt herself. Therefore, she pulled herself together. The immediate thing to be done was to provide food for the guests. Therefore, she asked the others in the kitchen to co-operate. All of them did and though the menu described was different, food could still be served.
Multiple Choice Questions:
Question 1.
According to Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the best advice she ever had came from
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Maulana Azad
C) Mahatma Gandhi
D) Lala Lajpat Rai
C) Mahatma Gandhi
Question 2.
Mrs. Pandit was passing through a period of anguish because
A) she had lost her property
B) she had no individual existence
C) she had lost her husband
D) she had participated in the struggle for freedom
C) she had lost her husband
Question 3.
The galling position Mrs. Pandit resented was
A) she was a.widow
B) she was not entitled to any share of the family property
C) she had no individual existence
D) she was without a son.
B) she was not entitled to any share of the family property
Question 4.
Mrs. Pandit was bitter towards her family members because
A) she lost her husband
B) women were recognized through their relationship to men
C) they supported the antiquated law
D) her belief in humanity was at a low ebb.
C) they supported the antiquated law
Question 5.
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit realised the importance of Gandhiji’s advice when she
A) went to America
B) refused to have anything to do with her relatives
C) telephoned her brother-in-law
D) met and made peace with her family members
D) met and made peace with her family members
Question 6.
Mrs. Pandit lifted the debate back to where it belonged by
A) refusing to retaliate to personal attacks
B) refusing to score a cheap point
C) arguing the case on its merits
D) walking out of the meeting
D) walking out of the meeting
Question 7.
When Mrs. Pandit found that her cook had not prepared food, she
A) dismissed him
B) dismissed the maid and the housekeeper
C) cooked food with the help of others
D) apologized to the guests.
C) cooked food with the help of others
Question 8.
The opposite of the word ‘Courteous’ is
A) uncourteous
B) non courteous
C) discourteous
D) in courteous
C) discourteous
Language Activities:
1. Vocabulary
V1. Dictionary work:
Complete the words beginning with ‘re………’ which mean the phrases given against each of them.
- make a decision : re………….
- state that one is unwilling to do something : re……………
- take revenge or hit back : re………….
- feel bitter about : re……………..
- connected with, concerning : re…………..
- a feeling of reassurance and relaxation after stress is over : re……………..
- latest, fresh : re…………….
- keep, preserve : re…………….
- Resolve
- Refuse
- Retaliate
- Resent
- Regarding
- Relief
- Recent
- Retain.
V2. Classify the following qualities into desirable and undesirable:
Desirable quality | Undesirable quality |
sincere | galling |
advantageous | quarrelsome |
decent | difficult |
courteous | bitter |
happy | harmful |
humble | hysterical |
significant | |
prestigious | |
diplomatic |
2. Grammar And Usage:
G1. Formation of Nouns:
Question A.
Work in pairs and change the following verbs into nouns. Then check your answers in the dictionary.
perform, continue, react, realize, treat, observe, express, involve, agitate, interact, confront, explain, enter, allow, achieve, enroll, admit, free, judge.
- perform – performance (performer)
- continue – continuation (continuity, continuance)
- react – reaction (reactor)
- realize – realization
- treat – treatment
- observe – observation (observer)
- express – expression involvement agitation (agitator) interaction
- involve – involvement
- agitate – agitation(agitator)
- interact – interaction
- confront – confrontation (confronter)
- explain – explanation
- enter – entrance (entrant)
- allow – allowance
- achieve – achievement (achiever)
- enroll – enrolment (enroller)
- admit – admission (admittance)
- free – freedom
- judge – judgement.
Question B.
The pair “greatest soul” is made up of an “adjective + noun” (the adjective “greatest” qualifies the noun “soul”) Pick out such pairs from the lesson and classify them into adjectives and nouns.
Adjectives + Nouns: The best advice, sunny afternoon, most people, low ebb, deep sorrow, humiliating realization, Indian law, individual existence, Indian women, national struggle, family property, two daughters, galling position, antiquated law, outworn law, humiliating situation, new country, loved one, sorrow enough (note: in this example, the adjective comes after the noun), further injury, own heart, severe struggle, good wishes, new stage, great burden, a small gesture, significant change, the Indian delegation, Indian origin, harsh lines, both sides, personal attacks, sharp weapons, distressing duel, long run, questionable tactics, cheap point, new level, last day, opposing delegation, small matters, recurring nightmare, shocking sight.
Question C.
Combine the following pairs of sentences by changing the adjective(s) in italics to a noun(s).
- Rajesh is a very amiable person. It has endeared him to his colleagues.
- The actor was famous. It got him many endorsements.
- The young businessman was extravagant. It led to his downfall.
- James was silent during the enquiry. It did not help the police in bringing the culprit to book.
- Rajesh’s amiability has endeared him to his colleagues.
The amiability of Rajesh has endeared him to his colleagues. - The actor’s fame got him many endorsements.
The fame of the actor got him many endorsements. - The young businessman’s extravagance led to his downfall.
The extravagance of the young businessman led to his downfall. - James’s silence during the enquiry did not help the police in bringing the culprit to book.
G2. Formation of verbs:
Question 1.
Make new verbs with the following words. Then use them in sentences of your own.
- Bath – bathe:
Many have the habit of humming a tune when they bathe. - Courage – encourage:
Teachers should encourage their students to think originally. - Force – enforce:
It is the job of the police to enforce the law. - Food – feed:
She was upset as she could not feed her child before, leaving for office. - Joy – enjoy:
Ratan did not enjoy the outing with his friends as he was ill. - Memory – memorize:
Radhika did not memorize her speech well enough. - Prison – imprison:
Since Sushil had obtained anticipatory bail, the police could not arrest him. - Slave – enslave:
Poverty enslaves millions of Indians and deprives them of happiness. - Speech – speak:
The shocked parents could not speak even a word. - Sympathy – sympathize:
We sympathized with our friend who was scolded by the principal for no fault of hers. - Clear – clarify:
The speaker could not clarify our doubts. - Civil – civilize:
It is impossible to civilize barbarians.
G3. Answer the following:
A. Pick out the adverbs used in the lesson and frame sentences using them:
- Recently: Ramesh was promoted recently to the post of supervisor.
- Finally: Finally the police were able to apprehend the culprit.
- Lightly: One should not approach the question of corruption lightly.
- Suddenly: Suddenly it started raining.
- Warmly: Though angry with us, my aunt spoke to us warmly.
- Hardly: Hardly do we get a free day to relax.
- Meticulously: Sindhu meticulously planned the educational tour.
- Greatly: Many people have been greatly affected by demonetization.
- Really: I was really grateful to my friend who reminded me about my promise to my colleague.
B. Choose the right word and rewrite the following sentences:
- Bill is a careful/carefully driver.
- Can you please repeat that slow/slowly?
- The party was very good/well. I enjoyed it very much.
- Tom didn’t do very good/well in his examination.
- Come on, George! Why are you always so slow/slowly?
- Our team played bad/badly.
- John! I need your help quick/quickly.
- Bill is a careful driver.
- Can you please repeat that slowly?
- The party was very good. I enjoyed it very much.
- Tom didn’t do very well in his examination.
- Come on, George! Why are you always so slow?
- Our team played badly.
- John! I need your help quickly.
G4. In a group of four, share each part of speech and complete the following table by filling the empty columns.
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
Ex: continuation | continue | continuous | continuously |
1) realization | |||
2) | powerfully | ||
3) | beautify | ||
4) | pleasant | ||
5) agreement | |||
6) | enjoy | ||
7) | care | ||
8) danger | |||
9) | expressive | ||
10) | courageously |
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb |
1) realization | realize | real | really |
2) power | empower | powerful | powerfully |
3) beauty | beautify | beautiful | beautifully |
4) pleasantness | please | pleasant | pleasantly |
5) agreement | agree | agreeable | agreeably |
6) enjoyment | enjoy | enjoyable | enjoyably |
7) care | care | careful | carefully |
8) danger | endanger | dangerous | dangerously |
9) expression | express | expressive | expressively |
10)courage | encourage | courageous | courageously |
G5. Words used as Nouns and Verbs.
Make sentences using the words given in the box below as nouns and as verbs.
- view: The view from the mountain top was beautiful. (N)
The situation was viewed differently by different people. (V) - drop: Could you give me a drop to the railway station?
Could you drop me at the railway station? - design: The design of your blouse is exclusive.
Who designs your blouses? - walk: I took a walk to my aunt’s place.
I walked to my aunt’s place. - distance: The distance between my home and school is not much.
I want to distance myself from Sneha as I find her quarrelsome. - need: Demonetisation was the need of the hour.
We need to curb corruption at all costs. - treat: You should give me a treat tomorrow.
Will you treat me to ice cream? - delight: It is a sheer delight to listen to our principal.
Our principal delights us with her witty remarks.
Writing Skill:
Dialogue Writing
A. Can money buy happiness? Develop your ideas with the help of the points given below. Use your ideas and write a paragraph on the topic.
Yes, because money | No, because money doesn’t |
buys house/clothes/car…. | get you health, happiness… |
Yes, because of money:
The value of money in one’s life is a strange idea to deal with. When we think of basic needs such as shelter and clothes and other luxuries such as fancy cars and mobiles, we consider money to be very important. We even conclude that in order to be happy, we need money. While it is true that we need money to fulfill our physical comforts and luxuries, it is equally true that happiness goes beyond this. We have seen that extremely wealthy people are not happy, for various reasons.
Sometimes the cause of unhappiness is a mental or physical disorder. Some other times, it is the self-destructive act of doing wrong in society to amass wealth and then suffering from pangs of guilt. At times like these, we realise that money is not everything and more than the money we need peace and tranquillity. Hence it is important that we earn money through just methods and also help the less fortunate, and live with dignity.
No, because money doesn’t:
Money is not everything in life. It may buy a lot of things to keep us comfortable but it cannot buy us the most essential things such as health and happiness. A person with the greatest riches may still be unhappy for some reason, while one without any riches might be blissful. Similarly, it is well said that “health is wealth”. No one can buy good health by paying money. A healthy mind exists in a healthy body. For this, money may not do much. It is the mental attitude that matters. In India, we come across any number of simple persons who do not aspire for money at all but still are happy. Happiness is a state of mind and money has no part to play there.
B. Know your Idioms:
- a penny for your thoughts
- a chance in a million
- two sides of the same coin
- a million-dollar question
- as good as gold
- to cash in on
- thirty pieces of silver
What are you thinking about?
either no chance at all or a very slim chance
two contrasting characters in the same category
a very crucial question very well behaved to take advantage of
the money paid to Judas Iscariot for an act of betrayal.
The Best Advice I Ever Had by Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit About the Author
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (1900-1990) was an Indian diplomat, politician, and a sister of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. She was active in the Indian freedom movement and held high national and international positions. She was greatly influenced by Gandhiji and became identified with the struggle for independence. She was imprisoned by the British on different occasions.
After her husband’s death in 1944, she traveled to the United States, mainly on a lecture tour. After India’s independence, she entered the diplomatic service and became India’s Ambassador to the Soviet Union, the United States, Mexico, Ireland (during which time she was also the Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom), and Spain. In 1953, she became the first woman President of the United Nations General Assembly. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit died on December 1, 1990.
The Best Advice I Ever Had Summary in English
‘The Best Advice I Ever Had’ is an article by Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. In this article, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit refers to some of the hard and humiliating situations she went through in her life when she lost her husband prematurely. When already mourning her husband’s death, she felt further humiliated by knowing that the Indian law was not helpful to her. The family share was not given to her, as she was a widow with two daughters and without a son. She had bitterness towards her family members.
When she met Gandhiji, he made her realise the complexity of the situation and advised her to overcome it. He pointed out the importance of making peace with others. Forgiving others is the only way to keep us in peace. His advice gradually changed her life. After hearing the advice of Gandhiji she phoned her brother-in-law. Her visit brought a feeling of relief to everyone.
She had applied the advice of Gandhiji when she was involved in heated arguments in a conference held at the United Nations. When she was in New York, as the leader of the Indian delegation to the United Nations, India complained about the treatment of people of Indian origin in South Africa. Harsh things were exchanged and her opponents made personal attacks.
She struck back with the same sharp weapon. But soon she realized that the debate diverted from the original issue. She suddenly thought of Gandhiji. She realized that, for Gandhiji, the means were as important as the end. From then on Mrs. Pandit refrained from personal attacks and concentrated on the original issue. The opponents were forced to follow her. Thus, Mrs. Pandit lifted the debate to where it belonged.
Also, when the Prime Minister and Lady Eden had come for dinner, she was in a difficult situation which she solved peacefully. The Prime Minister and Lady Eden arrived for dinner and everything was planned meticulously. But everything fell apart as the cook was drunk. However, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit negotiated the situation intelligently. She knew that there was no point in arguing with the drunken cook. So she improvised with what she had and earned the appreciation of the guests. Thus we see that, by following Gandhiji’s advice, Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was successful professionally and personally.
anguish (n): severe mental or physical pain or suffering
at a low ebb: being low in spirit/at low level
humiliating: embarrassing
resent (v): feel bitter about
galling (adj): annoying
antiquated (adj): outdated
courtesy (n): good manners, polite speech or action
inflict (v): impose, cause
gesture (n): action, activity
duel (n): fight, clash
retaliate (v): hit back, strike back, react
perspective (n): point of view, outlook
meticulously (adv): carefully
ladle (n): serving spoon
glazed (adj): blank, dull
hysterical (adj): crazy
the pivot of existence: the main cause for existence, only means of existence.
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