Social Institutions Class 8 Questions and Answers KSEEB 8th Social Science

Fill in the blanks

Question 1.
Institutions fulfil the _____________ of human beings.
social needs

Question 2.
Family is a _____________ institution.

Question 3.
Social institutions are _____________ of cultural transfer.

Question 4.
Religion aids in _____________ of values.

Social Institutions Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 8 Social Science

II. Answer the following.

Question 1.
What is a social Institution?
A Social Institution is a permanent structure that fulfills the desires of human beings.

Question 2.
Explain the functions of Family.
a. Nourishment of the members the family assigns relationship to all its members. The members function as per their rules.

b. Security and socialisation: The family educates the children about interacting with society through socialization. It also provides social security to the members.

Question 3.
What are the features of Social Institution?
The features of Social Institutions are
(a) Social institutions are universal
(b) Social Institutions have rules.
(c) Social Institutions fulfill the basic needs.
(d) Social Institutions has written and unwritten rules and regulations.
(e) Social Institutions are inter connected relationship.

Question 4.
What are the types of Social Institutions?
The state, family, marriage, religion, court of law etc. are the few examples of social institution.

Social Institutions Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 8 Social Science

III. Answer the following in 4 or 5 sentence.

Question 1.
Explain the relationship between Social Institution and society?
The Social Instituting in a given society remain interconnected. In a traditional society the family took care of bringing up a child, whereas in modern society, the school shares the role of bringing up a child. The children who come , from different families undergo socialisation in the school. The Social Institutions remain inter connected and complement each other.

Question 2.
Explain the ideals of religion as Social Institution.
Religion is another Social Institution found in all societies. Religion grew along with human civilization.
Religion is one of the main medium of socialisation. It aide the spread of values like truthfulness, patience, peace, sacrifice and others. Religion fosters social unity. Truthfulness honesty and non – violence are some of the religious values that aid the social unity.

Religious aides in the preservation of values these values are supported by all the religious is one of the major means of achieving social control. It controls the human life through God and spiritual concepts. Religion guides its members to be disciplined and civilized.

Question 3.
Explain the functions of family as a social Institution.
Marriage is the base of the family, the procreation of children, their upbringing and nourishment take place with the family. Marriage directs the other relationship in the family. Marriage often creates unity. Marriage brings together people from different social background and foster unity.

Question 4.
Write a note on Marriage.
Marriage is an important social Institution. It provides social sanction for a man and woman to live together. Marriage provides entry to the family life. It allows the couple to stay together and lead a life of religious, economic and cultural life. Marriage is as old as human civilization. It has also undergone various changes too.

Social Institutions Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 8 Social Science

Additional Questions and Answers

Multiple choice questions.

Question 1.
______________ Institutions fulfil the social needs of human beings.
a. Social
b. Office
c. Culture
d. Physical Nature.

Question 2.
Social Institutions are found in all ______________
a. School
b. Societies
c. Nature
d. Atmosphere

Question 3.
The social Institutions fulfil the ______________ of human beings.
a. Luxurious
b. basic needs
c. a comfortable needsd.
d. A few needs.

Question 4.
______________ assigns relationship based on the age.
a. Family
b. School
c. Office
d. Court of Law

Question 5.
The family educates the children about interacting with
a. neighbour
b. school
c. society
d. Nature

Social Institutions Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 8 Social Science

Question 6.
______________ is the base of the family
a. Marriage
b. Money
c. Property
d. Employment.

Question 7.
What is the definition of Summer and Kellerller about social Institution.
According to ‘Summer and Keller’ like living beings that have organs and cells, societies also have customs and institutions. Summer also says “a social institution is a permanent structure that fulfills the desires of human beings.”

Question 8.
Write a Maciver and Page definition about Social Institution.
“Social Institutions are the structure devised to fulfill the desires of a particular social group”.

8th Standard Social Science Question and Answer

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