The Impact of British Rule in India 10th Notes KSEEB Social Science

→ The British exploited the fractured political landscape in India to further their political consolidation.

→ In order to dominate India they implemented‘ Divide and Rule’ policy and employed “war’ and ‘Negotiation’ methods.

→ India was devoid of ‘One Nation Concept’ and was disintegrated into many kingdoms.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The British integrated India under a single administrative and political structure.

→ Lord Cornwallis introduced the administration of Civil Services.

→ The Government of England implemented Regulating Act in India in 1773.

→ Lord Cornwallis established Fort William College in Calcutta to train aspiring candidates for civil services.

→ Appointment for civil services in India were made through competitive exams from the year 1853.

→ Mughal Emperor ShaAlam II gave “Diwani Rights”- the authority to collect Land taxes – to the British in 1757.

→ The British introduced “Dual – Administration” or “Dual – Governance” in Bengal region in 1758.

→ Lord Warren Hastings took over the administration as Governor in 1772.

→ The British established two types of courts in each district:

  1. Dewani Aadalat – Civil court
  2. Fouzadaari Aadalat – Criminal court

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The civil court dispensed justice as per the Hindu scriptures to Hindus and as per the Shariyat to Muslims. Civil courts were administered by British officials.

→ Criminal courts were controlled by ‘Qajis’ under the supervision of British officials.

→ Lord Cornwallis implemented an efficient Police system in India and created the post of Superintendent of police (SP)

→ A district was divided into many “Stations” headed by a ‘Kotwal’.

→ Each village was heade4 by a ‘Chowkidhar’ and the ‘Kotwal’was made accountable for thefts, crimes and law violations.

→ The entire police system was brought under the control of British Officers in 1770.

→ The appointment of British Magistrates started in 1781.

→ The Police Law was implemented in 1861.

→ The introduction of ‘Police Commission Law’ allowed the appointment of suitable educational qualification for the post of Police Officers.

→ The Military was the base of administration during the British rule in India.

→ The rank of ‘Subedar’ was the highest post any Indian soldier could reach in the British army.

→ The Military system was redesigned after the recommendations of Peel in 1857.

→ The East India company implemented many new land tax policies to pay four lakh Pounds to the British government for its control over Bengal Province.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The ‘Permanent Zamindari System’ was implemented in 1793.

→ The ‘Permanent Zamindari System’ impoverished the India farmers.

→ The Indian farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and died in debt due to the land tax policies of the British

→ RM Bird and James Thomson implemented ‘Mahalwari System’ in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Delhi.

→ “Mahal’ Means Taluk’

→ The ‘Ryotwari Sytem’ was implement in Baramahal region by Alexander Reed in 1792 and in Mysore and Madras by Thomas Monroe in 1801.

→ Warren Hastings was the “Father of Modem Education in India.

→ Warren Hasting started ‘Calcutta Madarasa’ in 1781.

→ Jonathan Duncan started ‘ Sanskrit College’ in Banaras in 1792.

→ Sir William Benedict became the Governer General of India in 1828.

→ William Benedict appointed macaulay as ‘Chairperson of the committee on Education’.

→ Modern Education in India is based on the report on Education submitted by macaulay in 1835.

→ Maculay’s Education Policy aimed at “Creation of a new class of Indian’s who are Indian by body but British in intelligence, opinion and taste”.

→ English Medium schools for Indians were started in 1830’s.

→ The Charles Wood’s Commission suggested establishing Universities in India in 1854.

→ The Governor General Lord Dalhousie established Universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.

→ The Constitutional laws implemented by the British to alleviate problems, demands and reformation in administration helped the evolution of Constitution of India.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The’ Regulating Act’ was implemented in 1773 to curb the corruption in East India Company.

→ The ‘Pitts India Act’ was implemented in 1784, which restricted the power of East India Company.

→ The Government of England became the ruler of British India Empire under the Pitts India Act of 1784.

→ The Charter Acts of 1793, 1813, 1833 and 1853 were implemented to renew the license of East India Company.

→ The Charter Act of 1813 allowed Churches, to enter India officially.

→ The Charter Act of 1833 renewed the License of East India Company for another 20 years.

→ The British Government Acts (1858-1947) were implemented because of the misadministration of East India Company and anti – India acts during the Sepoy Mutiny 1857.

→ The Queen of England, Queen Victoria, became the Supreme head of British India Empire in 1858.

→Indian Councils Act of 1861 enabled Indians to participate in process of creating Laws.

→ The Indian councils Act of 1892 authorised the discussion on budget related issues.

→ Indian Council Act of 1909 also known an “Minto-Marley Reformation Act” was used to Divide and Rule India.

→ The Indian Councils Act of 1909 provide separate representation for Muslims by the Creation of ‘Separate Electorate College’.

→ The Indian Councils Act of 1919 also known as ‘Montague – Chelmsford Reformative Act’ formulated Bi-cameral Legislative body and formed a Lower House and Upper House.

→ The Indian Government Act of 1935 is regarded as the base for the formation of the Indian Constitution, which allowed the formation of a fully responsible Government by Indians.

→ The Reserve Bank of India was established in 1935.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ DEWANI AADALAT: The supreme court of Revenue in British India headed by the District-collector.

→ HINDU SCRIPTURE: Vedas and Upanishads

→ SHARIYAT: Islamic Laws.

→ QAJI: A judge in a Muslim Community, whose decisions are based on Islamic religious laws.

→ KOTWAL: A senior police official or Magistrate in an Indian town during British rule.

→ CHOWKIDHAR: A person incharge of a village in British India.

→ CHARLES METCALF: A British Colonial Administrator.

→ WARREN HASTINGS: Governor of East India Company in 1772.

→ MAHALS: Taluk.

→ MADARASA: An Arabic word for an Education Institution.

→ WILIAM BENEDICT: Governor-General of India in 1828.

→ MACAULAY: Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) a British Politician who introduced English as the Medium of Instruction for higher education in India.

→ CHARLES WOOD: Sir Charles Wood, British Politician, who took a major step in spreading education in India in 1854 and who is responsible for universalized education in India.

→ PITTS: Former Prime Minister of British William Pitt, the younger, who introduced the PITT INDIA ACT (1784)

→ MISSIONARY: A person sent on a religions mission to a foreign country.

→ VICEROY: A royal official who rules as country or province as the representative of a king.

→ ASSERTION: A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

→ ORDINANCE: An authoritative order.

→ LORD MINTO: Governor-General of British India from 1905 – 1910

→ LORD MARLEY: John Marley, was secretary of State of India and Viceroy of India.

→ LORD CHELMSFORD: Viceroy of India between 1916-1921

→ LORD MONTAGUE: Edwin Samuel Montague, secretary of state for India in 1917.

→ BI-CAMERAL: A Legislature divided into two houses, Upper house and Lower House.

→ ELECTROL COLLEGE: A body of people representing states who formally cast votes for election of President or Vice President.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ PRINCIPALITIES: A territory ruled by a Prince or Princess.

→ DIARCHY: Government by two independent authorities, Central and State.

→ DOMINION: Sovereignty or Control.

→ 1770: The Bengal Famine

→ 1772: Appointment of Warren Hastings as Governor

→ 1773: Regulating Act Implemented by the Government of England

→ 1774-85 .’Warren Hastings Governor-General of British India.

→ 1781: a) The system of appointing British Magistrates started.
b) Warren Hastings ctarted ‘Calcutta Madarasa’.

→ 1784: The Government of India Act establishes a Board of Control (PITTS INDIA ACT).

→ 1786-93: Lord Cornwallis Governor-General of India

→ 1792: a)The Ryotwari system implemented in Baramahal region by Alexander Reed
b)Jonathan Duncan started Sanskrit College in Baharas

→ 1793: Cornwallis ‘Permanent settlement of Bengal Revenue’

→ 1798: Lord Wellesley appointed Governor General of India

→ 1800: Lord Cornwallis opened Fort William college in Calcutta for the benifits of people aspiring to join Civil Services.

→ 1813: The East India Company’s Charter renewed for another twenty years but it’s monopoly over Indian Trade is abolished (Charter act)

→ 1828-35: Lord William Bentinck as Governor General of India

→ 1830: Macaulay recommended the use of English Medium in Indian Education

→ 1833: The Charter Act and the abolition of the East India Company’s trade

→ 1835: The Education Resolution.

The Impact of British Rule in India Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ 1848: Lord Dalhousie, Governer – General of India.

→ 1853: Appointments to civil services started through competitive exams

→ 1854:Education started to be universalized in India.

→ 1857: Sepoy Mutiny

→ 1858: a) The Final abolition of the East India Company
b)Indian Government Act

→ 1861: a) The India council act divides the government of India between a secretary of state and a council based in London, and the viceroy and a Legislative council based in Calcutta. Indian’s are only permitted to attend the Legislative council in an advisory role (Indian Councils Act 1861)
b) Implementation of Police Law

→ 1876: Queen Victoria of England is proclaimed the Emperess of India

→ 1882: The Resolution on Local self Government

→ 1892: Indian Councils Act of 1892, allows Indians to be full members of the Legislative Council.

→ 1902: Police Commission Law allowed the appointment of suitable educational qualification for the post of Police officers

→ 1909: a) The Indian Councils act of 1909 or Minto -Morley Reformation act increased Indian representation in both the central and provincial councils.
b) Divide and Rule policy, provided separate representation for muslims.

→ 20.08.1917: The Montagu declaration establishes that the British Government intends to develop self governing institution in India.

→ 1919: Indian Councils Act of 1919 or the Montague – Chelmsford reforms offer a limited form of Indian autonomy.

KSEEB 10th Social Science Notes

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