KSEEB 8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Summary Questions and Answers
IRA Read the following Paragraph
Sir M. Visveswaraya: Sir M. Visveswaraya was the Dewan of Mysuru State. As a student, he earned money by giving tuition to students and paid his school fees. He made a name as Chief Engineer and later as Dewan of Mysuru. He was always busy in some useful work or the other. He used to work for more than ten hours. He was punctual, self disciplined and straightforward. He lived for 101 years. He was awarded the highest honour Bharat Ratna.
Answer the following questions
Question 1.
What time do you get up in the morning?
I get up daily at 6.00 O’clock in the morning.
Question 2.
Do you play or study in the morning?
I study in the morning.
Question 3.
Are you entirely dependent on your parents for books and paying fees? If not, how do you earn money?
(a) Yes, I am entirely dependent on my parents for books and paying my school fees.
(b) No. I earn part of my expenses for books and fees by working at the nearby farm, during the holidays.
Question 4.
How long do you study everyday usually?
Usually, I study for two hours in the mornings and two hours in the nights, everyday.
Question 5.
Do you go to school in time?
Yes, I go to school in time everyday, as my elder brother drops me at school.
Question 6.
Suppose your teacher is on leave and no other teacher takes your class, how do you spend that time?
I spend that time by discussing the interesting topics that are related to my lessons. If given permission, I go to the library and brush up my general knowledge.
Question 7.
You have read the passage. What do you learn from the life of Sir M. Visveswaraya?
I have learnt about the importance of punctuality, discipline and hard work from the life of Sir M. Vishveswaraya. These things bring us everlasting rewards in our life.
Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Who is the poet speaking about?
Poet is speaking about a ‘Busy Bee’.
Question 2.
Why does the bee sit on the flower?
The bee sits on the flower to collect honey.
Question 3.
How does the bee build her ced?
Bee builds her cell skillfully and neatly by spreading her wax.
Question 4.
‘I would be busy too’. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
‘I’ refers to the poet.
Question 5.
What does ‘sweet food’ mean in the context?
Sweet food means Honey.
Question 6.
Who does Satan manage to work through?
Satan manages to work through a lazy person.
II. Pick out the best alternative for each of the following statements.
Question 1.
People like the bee because:
(a) it is clever
(b) it sits on the opening flower
(c) it works hard
(d) they get honey from it.
c. it works hard
Question 2.
And labours hard to store it well. Here ‘it’ refers to
(a)the bee
(b)the honey
(c) the wax
(d) the flower
b. the honey
III. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then Write.
Question 1.
Why does the poet call the bee busy?
Bee works all through the day without wasting time and collects honey from the flowers and stores it. Hence poet calls the bee busy.
Question 2.
“Let my first years be passed.”
(a) What does ‘first years’ refer to?
‘First Years’ refers to early years or boyhood.
(b) How does the poet want to spend his first years?
Poet wants to spend his first years in reading books, working and healthy activities.
(c) Why does he want to do so?
Satan uses the lazy persons and makes them do some mischief. Therefore the poet wants to be busy not allowing the Satan to mislead him into doing some mischief. He wants to give a good account of himself at the end of the day.
Question 3.
How can you say that the bee is intelligent and clever?
Bee builds her cell very skillfully. She spreads her wax so neatly and works hard to fill every cell with honey. It is really a delicate work. So we can say, that the bee is intelligent and clever.
Question 4.
What is admirable about the work of the bee?
Bee is busy in work. She makes use of every hour and every day. Hard working, skill and neatness are the admirable points about the work of the bee.
Question 5.
Why does the poet want us to be like the bee?
Poet wants us to be like the bee because if we are lazy, Satan will use us and make us do some mischief. If we work like bee, doing some useful work that helps us to say what we have done. We like the bee because it gives honey. In the same way, others should like and remember our useful work.
Question 6.
Why should we not keep ourselves idle? What will happen if we are idle?
If we keep ourselves idle, we have to suffer a lot later and we have no records to say what we have done. Satan uses idle persons very quietly and make them do some mischief.
Question 7.
What is the message of the poem?
We have to work hard and do some useful work selflessly.
Question 8.
Which lines do you like the best in the poem? Give reasons for your choice.
“In work of labour or of skill I would be busy too”. I like these lines. They are the best in the poem, because, bee is very busy in work and works skillfully and neatly. It is a role and live model for me. The character of the bee influences me to be active all through the day and do some useful work.
Question 9.
Pick out the rhyming words in the poem and add more words to each of the rhyming pair.
e. g. play ………. day ………. may
play — day — may too – do
hour — flower — sour, — power
cell — well — sell — fell
skill — still — mill — sill – will
Additional Questions and Answers
I. Four alternatives are given below each question. Pick out the correct ones.
Question 1.
The writer of the poem ‘The little Busy Bee’ is
(a) Visveswaraya
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) Issac Watts
(d) Sir Henry Wotton
(c) Issac Watts
Question 2.
Bee builds her cell —
(a) neatly
(b) skillfully
(c) strongly
(d) beautifully
(b) skillfully
Question 3.
Poet wants to be like the bee in:
(a) honey
(b) cell
(c) labour or skill
(d) idle hands.
(c) labour or skill
Question 4.
Satan injures:
(a) bee
(b) poet
(c) reader
(d) idle hands
(d) idle hands
Question 5.
The word that does not Rhyme with skill —
(a) still
(b) kill
(c) mill
(d) sell
(d) sell
II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
Question 1.
“In work of labour or of skill I would be busy too”
a. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
‘I’ refers to poet.
b. Who is a busy worker?
Bee is the busy worker.
c. What is the meaning of ‘skill’?
Skill means clever, expertness.
Question 2.
“Let my first years to be passed”
a. Who does ‘My’ refer to?
My refers to poet.
b. What does ‘first years’ mean?
‘First years’ means early years or boyhood.
c. How does poet spend his first years?
Poet spends his first years in reading, working and healthy activities.
III. Answer the following questions
Question 1.
Who does the bee make a good use of?
The bee makes good use of each shining hour.
Question 2.
From where does the bee collect honey?
The bee collects honey from every open flower.
Question 3.
Who wants to be like busy bee?
Poet wants to be like busy bee.
Question 4.
Who finds some mischief for idle hands to do?
Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do.
The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in English
In this poem, poet tells us about the Busy bee. He asks that we too must be busy and always do useful work.
Poet says that bee is always busy in working and utilizing every shining hour. She collects honey from the flowers everyday. She builds her cell so skillfully. She spreads her wax very neatly and works hard to store it with honey.
Poet wants us to be like a busy bee in work of labour and skill. We have to work hard otherwise Satan misleads an idle person to do some mischief. Poet wants to spend his boyhood days by reading books land working on healthy activities everyday. Spending the time in this fruitful way will help the poet to make a good account of himself.
The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in Kannada
The Little Busy Bee Poem Word in English
- doth = old form of does
- improve = to make something or someone better
- shining = bright
- gather = collect
- skillful = clever
- cell = a small compartment in a hive
- satan = evil spirit or king of devils
- mischief = injury or damage
- first years = early years
- give account = say what you have done
- at last = at the end of life
- busy = actively employed
- wax = the fat-like yellow substance secreted by bees