KSEEB 8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers
ILA. Your teacher reads a passage. Listen to it. Then answer these questions.
Question 1.
Why do you think Gandhiji was pulled out of the train?
Discrimination was made between whites and blacks in South Africa. Black Africans and Asians had no right to travel in first class compartment. But Gandhiji was travelling in a first class compartment. So, he was pulled out of the train.
IRA. Look at the map and the information. Then, answer the questions given below.
e.g. Which is the capital of Jamaica?
Ans: The capital of Jamaica is Kingston.
Question 1.
What is the area of Jamaica?
The area of Jamaica is 10, 957 square kilometres (4,230 square miles)
Question 2.
Which are the major towns and cities in Jamaica?
Montero Bay and Spanish Town are towns and St. Andrew, and Portmore are the cities of Jamaica.
Question 3.
Name at least two political parties of Jamaica.
Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and National Democratic Movement (NDM) are the two important parties of Jamaica.
Question 4.
What is the population of Jamaica?
The population of Jamaica is 2,447, 000 (1995 estimate)
Question 5.
When was slavery abolished in Jamaica?
In 1838, slavery was abolished in Jamaica.
Textbook Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.
Question 1.
Why was the morning walk pleasant to Mr. A. L. Hendricks?
The morning walk was pleasant to Mr.Hendricks because he could see on either side red and green – roofed bungalows, green lawns and gardens.
Question 2.
“The exercise is good for me,” says the narrator. What was that exercise?
Walking in the morning from his house to the rail track and returning in the evening was the good exercise for the narrator.
Question 3.
What did the narrator notice one morning?
One morning, the narrator noticed two boys playing in the garden of a modest cottage.
Question 4.
How did the smaller boy behave while playing with the bigger boy?
While playing, the smaller boy walked majestically up and down and shouted in a commanding tone at his bigger playmate every now and then.
II. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.
Question 1.
What sight surprised the narrator the next day?
This time, the black boy was commanding, while the little white boy was doing everything. The dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy was walking obediently behind him. This sight surprised the narrator.
Question 2.
What were the two commands given by the black boy to the white boy?
“Get me a banana” and “peel it for me!” were the two commands given by the black boy to the white boy.
Question 3.
Why was the white man surprised at the narrator’s outburst?
The white man was surprised at the narrator’s outburst because he had known all about the game and the boys were his sons.
Question 4.
Why do you think the narrator smiled at the end?
Narrator’s misinterpretation for the game of the two boys was driven away at the end. He felt happy for his country and his countrymen. So he smiled at the end.
III. Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. Wrtie ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box provided against each sentence, accordingly.
Question 1.
The bigger boy was black [ ]
Question 2.
The black boy ordered the white boy to pick up the stick [ ]
Question 3.
The white boy sat down on the lawn. [ ]
Question 4.
The two boys were not dressed a like.[ ]
Question 5.
The little boys were playing when the narrator passed by in the afternoon. [ ]
Question 6.
The next day, a man was playing with the boys. [ ]
Question 7.
The game that the two boys played was the same game the author had played during his childhood. [ ]
Question 8.
“I know what you are thinking” said the man standing at the gate to the narrator. [ ]
Question 9.
The father of the boys was white and mother brown. [ ]
Question 10.
92% of Jamaica is inhabited by the blacks. [ ]
IV. For each of the statements four alternatives are given as the answers. Choose the best alternative.
Question 1.
The two boys in the story are
(a) good friends
(b) brothers
(c) neighbours
(d) classmates
(b) brothers
Question 2.
The commands that the white boy gave to the black boy were
(a) five in number
(b) four in number
(c) three in number
(d) two in number.
(c) three in number
Question 3.
The black boy had a mat of coarse hair on his head. Coarse means.
(a) rough
(b) beautiful
(c) nice
(d) long.
(a) rough
Question 4.
“Only we grown – ups are silly,” The question tag to this statement is
(a) aren’t we?
(b) isn’t it?
(c) are we?
(d) Is it?
(a) aren’t we?
Question 5.
The white boy had hazel eyes. ‘Hazel’ means
(a) reddish brown
(b) pale brown
(c) yellowish brown
(d) bluish brown.
(a) reddish brown
V. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.
Question 1.
What similarities and differences can you make out between the two boys?
Both the boys were very young, strong and sturdy. They were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. They wore no shoes and their feet were muddy.
One boy was four years old perhaps, but the other was five. The big boy was very dark, with a mat of coarse hair on his head and coal – black eyes. But, the small boy was white, with hazel eyes and light brown hair.
These were the similarities and differences we can make out between the two boys.
Question 2.
What three commands did the small boy give to the big boy?
“Pick up that stick!”, “Jump into the flowers!” and “Get me some water!” were the three commands given to the bigger black boy by the smaller white boy.
Question 3.
The author could find no answer to some questions. Which are those questions? [See paragraph 5]
“Was it that even as a boy he sensed that in his own country he would be at the white man’s beck and call?”, “could he make a difference between himself and the white boy?”, “could he think that he was going to boss over the black man?”
For these questions, the author could not find any answer.
Question 4.
Why was the narrator surprised the next morning?
The next morning the boys were there again. Narrator stopped and looked, just to see what the white boy was making his little servant do. But, that day, the dark boy was commanding, while the little white boy did everything he was told to do. The dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy walked obediently behind him. So the narrator was surprised.
Question 5.
How did the two boys behave while playing?
The boys were playing the game of Master and Servant’. They were behaving like a master and servant. One day, the white boy was walking majestically up and down, shouting in a commanding tone at the black boy, as he was the master. Black boy dragged on quietly behind him and did whatever he was told.
The next day, the black boy was commanding the white boy as the master. White boy was doing everything. Dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy walked obediently behind him.
Question 6.
What made the narrator think that the black boy could be the son of a servant or a class-mate of the white boy?
The Narrator saw the white boy imposing his will upon the black boy and the black boy submitted. This made the narrator to think that the black boy could be the son of a servant.
But, both the boys being dressed alike in blue shirts and khaki pants, made the narrator to think that the black boy could be a class – mate of the white boy.
Question 7.
What were the two points that the narrator wanted to clarify to the white man?
Narrator wanted to clarify to the white man whether the blacks would rule over the whites or the whites rule over the blacks. Only grown ups were silly and had wrong notions by observing the game of the two boys. He tried to clarify to that white man that the boys were playing just a game of Master and Servant only, not realising that both the boys were that man’s sons and he was aware of their games.
Question 8.
The two boys, though brothers, differed in their colour. What might be the reason?
The White man was married to a brown woman; because of this interracial marriage, the children born to them differed in their colour though they were brothers.
Question 9.
If you were the white man, how would you react to the narrator’s comment?
If I were the white man, I would react in the same way what the white man did. I would tell him that I knew all about the game and the boys were brothers. I would invite the narrator to my home and introduce my family members to him and would tell him about my family.
Jamaican Fragment Lesson Vocabulary in English
VI. Column ‘A’ has the names of Countries. Choose the correct nationality from the list given below and write in column ‘B’.
e.g., America – American
A | B(Answer) |
Portugal | |
Britain | |
France | |
Thailand | |
Sweden | |
Holland | |
Switzerland | |
Greece | |
Israel | |
Nepal |
A | B(Answer) |
Portugal | Portuguese |
Britain | British |
France | French |
Thailand | Thai |
Sweden | Swedish |
Holland | Dutch |
Switzerland | Swiss |
Greece | Greek |
Israel | Israelite |
Nepal | Nepalese |
V2. Guess and give the meaning of the words underlined, in the table given below.
1. The stipulated period of twelve years was coming to a close.
2. How can I perform the fire sacrifice?
3. Pandavas wanted to quench their thirst. They went in search of water.
4. After seeing all his brothers lying dead, Yudhisthira was drowned in sorrow.
5. Yaksha was pleased with the answers given by Yudhisthira.
1. stipulated | insisted on as a condition of an agreement |
2. perform | act to fulfilment |
3. quench | satisfy |
4. drowned | flooded, drenched |
5. pleased | happy, showing satisfaction |
V3. Read the following conversation and use the appropriate word from the ones given in brackets.
Patient: Doctor, the wound in my 1 pains me a lot. [heel, heal]
Doctor : Don’t worry, it will 2 up. after treatment, [heel, heal]
You are diabetic and 3 so it may take one 4 [weak, week].
Patient : Excuse me, a word with you doctor. I don’t know whether it is 5 to ask you this question.[fair, fare]
Doctor: Oh! Don’t worry. Tell me what it is.
Patient: I have no money to pay the bus 6 [fair, fare]
I’m sorry doctor. I forgot to tell you that 7 week I 8 your prescription [last, lost].
Doctor: OK. No problem. I’ll give you both.
- – heel
- – heal
- – weak
- – week
- – fair
- – fare
- – last
- – lost
V4. Fill in the blanks with words that have similar pronunciation as the words underlined.
Question 1.
Papanna and Somanna are good friends. The former is a __________ and the latter is a businessman.
Question 2.
The thief wanted to steal. But the doors were locked. He broke open the lock with a __________ rod.
Question 3.
“Come here,” said the teacher. But the student did not __________ .
Question 4.
“Mandanna, your answer is quite right. But, for a moment will you keep __________ ?”
Question 5.
Rashmi gave birth to a male child in Bengaluru. Her husband who was in Mysore came to Bengaluru by the __________ train.
V5. We can form the opposites by adding prefixes to words: e.g. Important x unimportant
Similarly, add prefixes to the underlined words to get their opposites.
Question 1.
Sunitha is a regular to class, but Sushma is __________ .
Question 2.
Rama Murthy’s answer is correct, but Narayan’s is __________
Question 3.
Sita’s way of expressing facts is proper, but Lakshmi’s is __________
Question 4.
All should respect the National Flag. No one should __________ it.
Question 5.
The competition was very tough. It was Rahul’s fortune that he won, but it was Sanjay’s __________ that he lost.
A. Listen and speak
Vowel / a : /
You have learnt to identify the four vowels, namely / i: / as in dream /1 / as in sit, // ae / as in match, and / e / as in net.
Let us try to listen, identify and speak words with another vowel sound.
Task 1. Teacher says these words. Listen and repeat.
part, mask, fast, shark, heart hard, past, art, smart, bark
Can you identify the common sound in all of these words? Yes, it is / a: /
Task 2. Teacher says these sentences and writes them on the board. Listen, and write them in your book and underline the words that have / a: / sound.
He is my father. He works in an art gallery. His master is an old man, past seventy. All the workers there are smart and sincere. Consult a good dictionary to help you identify the sound.
Note: The word ‘all’ does not have the vowel sound / a: /
B. Spoken English
C. Reading
Skimming – noting down only the important points from a text on passage.
Refer text book – Texts A to H.
Read them as fast as you can.
Now match the topics with the texts. Two examples are given.
Topics | Texts |
1. an entry in a dairy | C |
2. a poem | |
3. a paragraph from a story | |
4. a piece of conversation | |
5. a news report | |
6. railway timetable | E |
7. a paragraph from an essay | |
8. scoreboard |
Topics | Texts |
1. an entry in a dairy | C |
2. a poem | A |
3. a paragraph from a story | D |
4. a piece of conversation | G |
5. a news report | H |
6. railway timetable | E |
7. a paragraph from an essay | E |
8. scoreboard | B |
D. Grammar
The Past Tense
Sheela narrates a scene of action to her mother after reaching home.
Sheela: Mom, you see it all happened very quickly. The car came straight on the wrong side in front of the school. It rammed into the back of the school van. The van driver didn’t have any chance to avoid it. It was the car driver’s fault.
Task 1: Study the words underlined above. They are in the past form. They can be changed from past to present. One example is given, Write the others.
e.g. past form present form
1. happened happen
Past Form | Present Form |
1. happened | happen/happens |
2. came | come/comes |
3. rammed | rams/ram |
4. didn’t | doesn’t/don’t |
5. was | is |
Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the Past Tense form of the verbs choosing from the ones given in brackets, (think, take, be, return, inspire)
Gandhiji 1 to India in 1914. The great World War II had just begun. There 2 wide spread agitations for freedom all over the country. Most of the leaders 3 it the right time to strike. Gandhiji’s presence 4 them a lot. So the freedom struggle 5 a definite shape in that year.
- – returned
- – were
- – thought
- – inspired
- – took.
Use of the perfect form of the verb:
Task 1. Read the following sentences. Compare the sentence in the box with the sentences in the bubbles. Find out the difference. Underline the different parts.
Now frame similar sentences using the sentence in the box below.
- She has bought a geometry box.
- He has bought a geometry box.
- You have bought a geometry box.
- I have bought a geometry box.
The Past Perfect
Task. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets. Follow the example,
e.g., I reached the bus station after the bus _____________ (leave)
I reached the bus station after the bus had left.
Note: One action, that is, bus leaving occurred before another action, that is, my reaching the bus station.
Follow the example to complete the exercise given below.
Question 1.
The doctor arrived after the patient ___________ (die)
had died.
Question 2.
When the guest came to the school, the programme ___________ . (already begin)
had already begun.
Question 3.
After he ___________ (walk) 5 kms, he complained of a sore foot.
had walked
Question 4.
My friend came to meet me yesterday, but I ___________ (be) to Shivamogga, so we could not meet.
had been
Question 5.
When the officials came out of the office, the rain ___________ . (not stop yet).
had not stopped yet.
E. Writing
Task 1. Match the traffic signs in column B with the rules in column A.
- – c,
- – e,
- – d,
- – a,
- – b.
Task 2. Look at the following advertisement carefully and answer the questions below.
[Get a T. Shirt worth ₹ 200.00
Free on a purchase worth ₹ 1000.
The offer is From 1st to 15th October 2016. Choose from a wide variety of shirts, trousers, jackets, jeans.
We have everything you want. Hurry!
Opp. Cake Cafe, M.G Road, Raichur.]
(a) Write the name of the dealing company.
(b) What is the free offer?
T.Shirtworth ₹ 200.00
(c) Write the names of dresses on sale.
Shirts, trousers, jackets, jeans
(d) How does the dealer try to attract customers with this (advertisement)? Mention one point.
By offering a free gift of a T. Shirt worth ₹ 200.00 on a purchase value of ₹ 1000/-
Now, try to write an advertisement on any item of your choice.
Class room activity
Additional Questions with Answers
I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statement. Choose the correct . alternative.
Question 1.
The distance that narrator walks everyday from his home to rail track lines is:
a. One and half mile
b. Half a km
c. A half mile
d. Two miles.
c. A half mile
Question 2.
Two boys were playing in:
a. the field
b. the garden
c. the road
d. the home
b. the garden
Question 3.
Both the boys were dressed in:
a. Khaki shirts and blue pants
b. Blue shirts and khaki pants.
c. Blue shirts and brown pants.
d. Brown shirts and khaki pants.
b. Blue shirts and khaki pants.
Question 4.
After commanding, the white boy sat down on the
a. field
b. chair
c. lawn
d. garden
c. lawn
Question 5.
The wife of the Whiteman was in colour.
a. white
b. black
c. brown
d. reddish brown
c. brown
Question 6.
The walk is pleasant: Here pleasant means:
a. happy
b. unhappy
c. scented
d. difficult
a. happy
Question 7.
The story ‘Jamaican Fragment’ brings out the ____________ that almost every person suffers
a. prejudice
b. inequality
c. equality
d. inferiority
a. prejudice
Question 8.
I puzzled within myself as I went ____________ the road.
The most appropriate preposition to be filled in the blanks:
a. in
b. down
c. on
d. into
b. down
Question 9.
This is Jamaica, I said to my heart: Here ‘Jamaica’ is :
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. Adjective
d. Verb
a. Noun
Question 10.
Literacy rate of Jamaica:
a. Men 98 % : women 99 %
b. Men 71 % : women 76 %
c. Men 80 % : women 15 %
d. Men 70% : women 98 %
a. Men 98 % : women 99 %
II. Answer the following
Question 1.
Who is the writer of the story ‘Jamaican Fragment’?
A. L. Hendricks.
Question 2.
Why was the narrator amazed?
The narrator was amazed because he had seen a small white boy commanding a bigger black boy.
Question 3.
Why did the narrator think that the black boy was the classmate of white boy?
The Narrator thought that the black boy was the classmate of the white boy because both the boys were dressed alike.
Question 4.
On what subject did the narrator think deeply in the evening?
He thought deeply in the evening whether the blacks were inferior to whites.
Question 5.
What did the narrator remember?
The Narrator remembered a game of ‘Master and Servant’, that he had played as a child.
Question 6.
What game did the boys play every alternative day?
‘The Boss and the Slave’.
III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
Question 1.
“Pick up that stick, Jump into the flowers, Get me some water”
a. Who said this?
The White boy said this.
b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the black boy.
Question 2.
“Could it be that the little boy was a son of a house servant?”
a. Who thought this?
Narrator thought like this.
b. Who was the son of a house servant?
Black boy.
c. Why did he say so?
He said so because black boy was following the orders of white boy very obediently.
d. Do you think that narrator was right in his thought?
No, the narrator’s thought was wrong. He misinterpreted what he saw.
Question 3.
“For a whole day I went on asking these questions to myself’.
a. Who is the T?
I refers to the Narrator.
b. What was the question he asked himself?
The question he asked himself was whether blacks were inferior to whites?
c. What made him to question like this?
He had seen the smaller white boy commanding the bigger black boy. So he questioned himself the whole day about that.
Question 4.
“Get me a banana, peel it for me”.
a. Who is the ‘me’?
‘Me’ is the black boy.
b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the white boy.
c. Why did he command so?
As he was playing with the white boy, a game of ‘Boss and the slave’, he commanded so.
Question 5.
“Just yesterday I saw the little white boy commanding the black boy. Only grown ups are silly, aren’t we”?
a. Who is the T?
I refers to the narrator.
b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the white man.
c. Why did he say?
Narrator wanted to clarify the doubts of the white man.
Question 6.
“I know all about the game”.
a. Who does ‘I’ refer?
I refer to the white man.
b. What was the game?
The two boys were playing the game of ‘Boss and the slave’ changing roles every other day.
c. Who was it said to?
It was said to the narrator.
IV. Use the following words in your own sentences.
1. up and down: Move backward and forward, To and fro.
My father used to walk up and down outside the house, whenever he becomes angry.
2. beck and call: Always ready to obey one’s orders immediately.
The king always had servants at his beck and call.
3. drive away: remove, push out.
Teacher drives away the doubts of the students.
4. grown up: Adult persons
Sometimes, grown ups behave in such a silly manner, like children throwing tantnums.
V. Match the following
1. noticed | a. strong |
2. Sturdy | b. saw |
3. elaborate | c. idea |
4. notion | d. long |
5. majestic | e. explanation |
f. impressive |
- – b
- – a
- – d
- – c
- – f
VI. Match the following with their opposites.
1. sturdy | a. bigger |
2. smaller | b. white |
3. black | c. servant |
4. equality | d. same |
5. boss | e. weak |
f. inequality |
- – e
- – a
- – b
- – f
- – c
VII. Write the opposites of
Question 1.
Plesant × ____________
Question 2.
good × ____________
Question 3.
coarse × ____________
smooth, soft
Question 4.
white × ____________
non – white, dark
Question 5.
inferior × ____________
Jamaican Fragment Lesson Summary in English
The story “Jamaican Fragment” brings out the prejudice that almost every person suffers from when it comes to-the denomination issues like colour, caste and class. A.L. Hendricks is a West Indian writer. He describes his experience and learnings from the incident of two boys playing – Master and Servant’.
The Writer daily walks a half – mile from his home to the railway station and return in the evening. The walk was very pleasant for him because of the good surroundings. Walking was a good experience for him because he learnt something from a little incident.
One morning, he noticed two boys playing in the garden of a modest cottage. One was a strong black boy, about five years old and another was a white boy about four years old. Both were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. The little white boy commanded his bigger playmate. The white boy ordered the black boy to pick up a stick, jump into the flowers, get some water etc. The black boy followed his orders very faithfully.
The writer was amazed and puzzled. He asked himself who they were and whether the little boy was the son of a house servant. He misinterpreted that the dark boy might be a neighbour’s child. But, he wondered how it was that the black boy obeyed so faithfully the smaller white boy’s orders.
A number of questions arise in the mind of the writer. Whether the black boy sensed that in his own country, he would be at the white man’s beck and call or whether blacks were inferior to whites ’ as a race. So inferior, that even in their infancy the blacks realized their deficiencies and accepted a position as the white man’s servant? These questions arise in his mind but he cannot find any answer. The whole day, he went on asking these questions to himself. For a whole day his faith in 1 his people was shaken. When he passed by the same place in the afternoon, the little boys were not there.
The next morning the boys were there again, and a man was standing at the gate watching ; them. To his surprise, the dark boy was commanding, while the little white youngster did everything he was told to do.
The Writer understood that it was really a game, a game that he too had played as a boy. Each i boy took by turns every alternate day to be the boss, the other, the slave. He looked at the man standing by the gate. The Writer thought that the white man was wondering if the black race was r superior to the white. He laughed at himself as how silly the grown-ups were to misinterpret a child’s action. Perhaps the white man thought that blacks would rule over the white in the end.
The Writer tried to clarify and drive away all the doubts from his mind.
He told the white man that he may be thinking the blacks would rule over the whites. He told i him not to have such wrong notions, because that was only a game.
The white man was surprised at his outburst. He told the writer that he knew all about the game because the boys were brothers, and his sons. He pointed to the fair brown woman and said that she was his wife.
The Writer smiled and felt proud of his country and his people, and moved to catch his train.
Jamaican Fragment Lesson Summary in Kannada
Jamaican Fragment Lesson Word in English
- incident = something that happens
- noticed = saw, observed
- modest = not expensive
- sturdy = strong and firm
- hazel eyes = reddish brown eyes
- conscious = able to see, hear and feel
- elaborate = very detailed and complicated
- majestic = impressive
- commanding = ordering
- amaze = to surprise somebody very much
- impose = to officially enforce
- submit = to agree, to obey
- obvious = easily seen or understood clearly
- infancy = the time when one is a baby
- deficiency = the state of not having enough
- stride = to walk with a long steps
- imperious = expecting, unquestioning obedience from people
- abjectly = desperately, here – obediently
- misinterpret = understand something wrongly
- notion = idea
- outburst = a sudden powerful expression of feeling
- spirit = the life force
- peel = take out the skin
- now and then = sometimes, not very often
- up and down = in one direction and then in the opposite direction.
- at one’s beck = be ready to do what someone asks
- drive away = push out, remove, expel