Mauryas and Kushans 8th Notes KSEEB Social Science

→ India first empire was Mauryan Empire.

→ Chandragupta Mauryas, Binbasara and Ashoka are the important kings of this dynasty.

→ Chandragupta Maurya established Mauryan dynasty.

→ Meghasthanese was the Greek ambassador who visited the Kingdom of Chandra gupta maurya.

Mauryas and Kushans Class 8 Notes KSEEB 8th Social Science

→ Patna was the capital city for the Mauryan kings.

→ Meghasthanese wrote ‘Indika’ it reveals the city administration, social and religious life of maurya period.

→ Arthashasthra ’ was written by the Chanukya.

→ Chanukya was teacher and the prune minister of Chandra gupta maurya.

→ Mudrarakshasa is a Sanskrit play was written by Vishaka datta.

→Chandragupta came to power by dethroning the last king of Nanda (dhananda) dynasty

→ The most popular emperor of India is Ashoka, is from Mauryan dynasty.

→ Ashoka declared war on Kalingas who refused to accept the rule of Maurya Empire in B 261 B.C.E.

→ Ashoka accepted Buddhism after the Kalinga war.

→ Ashoka appointed Dharmamahamaatras to preach Buddhism.

→ Ashoka is called as the father of Inscriptions.

→ Mauryan Empire had centralized administration system. Power was concentrated in the hands of the king.

Mauryas and Kushans Class 8 Notes KSEEB 8th Social Science

→ The contribution of Mauryas to art and architecture is of great significance.

→ Kushanas basically were nomadic tribe.

→ Kushanas gave special importance to spread of Buddhism.

→ Kujalakadphisus was the founder of Kushana dynasty.

→ Verna kadphisus and Kanishka was the note worthy kings of Kushana dynasty.

→ Saka era was started by Kanishka.

→ Kanishka rule had spread up to Sanchi in the south and Banaras in the east.

→ Purushapura was the capital city of Kanishka.

Mauryas and Kushans Class 8 Notes KSEEB 8th Social Science

→ Ashwagosha, Vasumithra, Sangaraksha etc, are the important scholars of Kanishka period.

→ Kanisliku sent missionaries to central Asia, and China to spread Buddhism.

KSEEB 8th Social Science Notes

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