The Political Developments of 20th Century Class 10 Questions and Answers KSEEB 10th Social Science

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers

Question 1.
The Communist Government in Russia was founded by ____________
Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Question 2.
The First World War ended in ____________

The Political Developments of 20th Century Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 10 Social Science

Question 3.
The Fascist dictator was ____________
Mussolilni of Italy

Question 4.
The Second World War started in ____________

Question 5.
Japan attacked ____________ which was the Naval base of USA.
Peal Harbour.

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following:

Question 1.
Explain the role of Lenin in Russian Revolution
Vladimir llich Lenin was a Russian communist revolutionary and politician. He guided the farmers and workers in the path of revolution against the oppressive rule of Russian Tsars. Hence, Lenin was declared a traitor. When the revolution of workers and farmers grew intense, Tsar Nicholas II fled Russia. The ‘Mensheviks’ grabbed power and declared Russia as ‘Republic’.

Question 2.
Discuss the immediate causes for the First World War.
The immediate cause for the First World War which took place between 1914 and 1918 was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdman, the prince of Austria.

Before 1914, the powerful countries of the Europe; England, Germany, France, Italy, Austro-Hungarian empire and Russia were at constant war over the issue of establishing control over colonies. The industrialization and the invention of new technologies had created more competition among the European countries. The European countries had schemed to have control over each and every market of the world including India.

They wanted to have uncontrolled access to resources of these colonies. The wanted to have uncontrolled access to resources of these colonies. The complex treaties that were entered by these countries created a whole lot of complex problems related to geographical boundaries. These were often upsetting the power balance among the European countries.

As a result, every country militarized itself too much. There were alliances formed. An extreme form of nationalism grew over there. Hence this led to the First World War.

The Political Developments of 20th Century Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 10 Social Science

Question 3.
How did Nazism destroy Germany? Explain.
Nazism advocated that Germans are the superior race of the world and they are the only fit to rule the world. Jews are the reasons for all the problems of Germans. Apart from Jews, Communists, Socialists and Catholics are also the reason for the problems of Germany. Hitler declared they are unfit to live. All these were implemented inhumanly. A minister named ‘Gobbels’ was appointed to spread the theory of Nazism. A cruel army named ‘Brown Shirts’was formed for this purpose. They were trained to create violence so that the people became confused and accept their ideology.

The mass killings done by Hitler to implement his theory are notorious in the human history. According to one estimate, six million Jews were killed and one million others were also killed. This mass killing is called as Holocaust. In 1935, Hitler implemented ‘Nuremberg Laws’. He imprisoned Jews in Concentration Camps and he pushed people to gas chambers to kill them.

In the concentration camps people were subjected to harsh work conditions and were starved to death. Many were shot dead in mass firings. He created special force to kill people irrespective to their age and sex. He utilized the entire government machinery to kill people. Hitler wanted to rule the entire world in order to prove the Aryan Race Supremacy. This resulted in Second World War. Finally, Hitler’s racial hatred ended with his death.

Question 4.
What were the reasons for the Second World War?
Hitler was forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Versailles in 1919 by the Triple Enteate. Hitler was dis-satisfied and longed to go the war again. He wanted to restore the pride of Germany.

1. The rise of Nazisim in Germany through Hitler and the rise of Fascism in Italy through Mussolini created a feeling of false Nationalism in Germany and Italy.

2. The rise of Japan as a military power in East Asia made a Japan ambitions to conquer the world. Japan started an undeclared war with China to expand its territory.

3. Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939 and England declared war on Germany.

Question 5.
What is Cold War?
The mistrust, competition and feat that emerged between the two blocks of the world after the end of Second World War is called as the ‘Cold War’. The Cold War is the war between the Capitalist Block led by USA and the Communist Block led by USSR. The question whether Communism or the Capitalism is the right answer for the alleviation of human problems had always divided the human society since 1917. But, this became sharper after the end of Second World War. This remained so till the collapse of USSR in 1989.

Question 6.
What were the effects of Chinese revolution?
Effects of Chinese Revolution:
Mao Tse-Tung became the President of China. After the revolutions, community farming was introduced in China. All were provided with free health, education and other facilities. Importance was given to Science and Technology in order to achieve growth in industrilisation. ‘Leap Forward’ programme was planned and implemented. The Private property was converted into Public Property.

While implementing these policies through The Cultural Revaluation many mistakes were committed. In order to rectify these mistakes, Deng Xiaoping, brought in many reforms in 1979. Now, China has adopted capitalist principles within the framework of Communism and moving ahead as a major economical force with the community party leadership.

The Political Developments of 20th Century Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 10 Social Science

Question 7.
How did USA come out of its Great Economic Depression?
Emergence of USA as a strong country: The Great Economic Depression that affected USA in 1927 brought in many changes in the politics of USA. USA had helped the Triple Entente with money and soldiers. In 1929, USA experienced stagnation in economic development. As a result, output dropped in automobile and agriculture. There was also drop in the output of consumer durables manufacturing, mining, ship building, and many other industries. This economic crisis led to changes in the politics.

During the Second World War, Japan attacked Pearl harbor, the military base of USA. This made USA to enter the war in favour the allied forces. The President Roosvelt made people to be ready for war. He encouraged women to work in public spear. USA won the war. It also helped the establishment of UNO during the war and later provided its support to it. USA has emerged as a powerful country after 1945. With the end of Cold War, USA has become the only Super Power of the world.

Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Describe the political conditions in Europe before the First World War?
Before 1914, the powerful countries of the Europe England, Germany, France, Italy, Austro- Hungarian empire and Russia were at constant war over the issue of establishing control over colonies. The industrialization and the invention of new technologies had created more competition among the European countries. The European countries had schemed to have control over each and every market of the world including India.

They wanted to have uncontrolled access to resources of these colonies. The complex treaties that were entered by these countries created a whole lot of complex problems related to geographical boundaries. These were often upsetting the power balance among the European countries.

As a result, every country militarized itself too much. There were alliances formed an extreme form of nationalism grew over there.

Question 2.
What were the causes that led to the Russian Revolution.
Russia is the biggest of all the nation in the world. It was ruled by Tsars in 19th century”. They were exploiting the landlords. The landlords in turn were exploiting labourers and small farmers. The people were fed up with the administration of Tsars. The rule of Tsars was called a Nationalistic Jail. When Japan, a small country from Asia defeated Russia in 1905 made the rule of Tsars more unacceptable and a lot of resistance against the Tsars started.

Workers called for total boycotts. The farmers and workers took arms and fought against the rulers. But, they were suppressed cruelly by the Tsars army. Based on these experiences, Vladimir Ilich Lenin guided the farmers and workers on the path of revolution. By this time. Lenin was declared as a traitor. When the resistance of the workers and farmers became more intense, Tsar Nicholas II ran away from the country. This is called February 1917 Revolution. The power was shared by moderates called as ‘Mensheviks’. They declared Russia as ‘Republic’.

Question 3.
Describe the rise of Hitler as the Dictator of Germany.
The situations that emerged after the end of First World War brought Hitler to power in Germany and
Mussolini to power in Italy. Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and after the death of President Hindenburg, he became the dictator. Hitler became Fuhrer. By the time Hitler became powerful, communists and socialists had become more powerful. Hitler took the help of German industrialists and suppressed the Socialists and Communists. He banned workers’ union and political parties. He declared that Nazi party as the only party of Germany.

He instilled fear of Jewish people among Germans by spreading false rumours that they are going to dominate the world. He put forward the supremacy of German race theory and nurtured ultra Nationalism carefully. Hitler utilized Nazism to inculcate these values among the Germans.

The Political Developments of 20th Century Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 10 Social Science

Question 4.
What was result of the ‘Treaty of Versailles?
The Triple Entente forced Germany to sign Treaty of versallies which was an insulting one to Germany in 1919. The empires of Austro-Hungary and Ottoman empires lost their existence. Germany lost most of its geographic area. A wave of change swept across the Europe. The physical map of the Europe underwent change. Many new and small countries emerged in Europe. In order to prevent future occurrences of war, ‘League of Nations’ came into existence in 1919.

The sense of insult prevalent in the defeated nations brewed extreme nationalism. The War penalty and other restrictions imposed on Germany impacted the ordinary life of Germans severely. The German industrialists exploited the unemployment and negative economic growth for their benefit. This aided the growth of dictators like Hitler who caused the Second World War. The arms manufacturers of France, England, Germany and USA made profit out of this.

Question 5.
What were the consequences of the Second World War?
The Second World War caused utmost misery and death in the human history. It also changed the social political and economic changes in the world. In the place of League of Nations, United Nations Organization came into existence. The winning countries of the Second World War; England, China, USA, USSR and France became the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

USSR and USA became powerful rival countries. This led to the Cold War. The colonies of Asia and Africa were able to achieve their independence. England, France and other European countries lost their most of colonies. The Indian Independence can be understood from this angle also. Since, USA used Nuclear Weapon in Japan, Nuclear Arm race started between the powerful countries.

Question 6.
What were the consequences of Cold War?
Due to the cold war, the
competition not stockpile weapons grew. USA gained upper hand in this competition. USA tried to enter into agreements to sell its weapons across the World. It formed more Military organizations to have hold over as many countries as possible. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organisation) and CENTO (Central East North Treaty Organisation) were formed under the leadership of USA.

Under the leadership of USSR Warsaw organization was formed. In every state of USA, huge arms manufacturing factories were formed. The competitions for nuclear weapons increased. Apart from this competition to have military bases in other countries, to establish intelligence networks, to wage space war, to have better technologies increased. The entire world entered into a invisible war increasing the tensions.

Korean war Vietnam war, the Suez Canal crisis of 1956, the Berlin Crisis of 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and many other Crisis emerged due to Cold War situation. The Cold War which continued on equal basis started leaning in favour of USA after 1985, USA was successful gaining the control over the resources of the World. USSR became victim to economic crisis and many other internal crisis. USA has remained as the only powerful country after this and has remained the sole super power in the world.

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The first world war divided the European countries into two groups known as
(a) Fascists and Dictators
(b) Democrat and Communist
(c) Axis and Allies
(d) Triple Alliance and Triple Entente
(d) Triple Alliance and Triple Entente

The Political Developments of 20th Century Questions and Answers KSEEB Class 10 Social Science

Question 2.
India borrowed the idea of ‘Five year Plan’ from
(a) Russia.
(b) England
(c) France
(d) China
(a) Russia

Question 3.
The belief of Aryan Supremacy gave raise to
(a) Fascism
(b) Socialism
(c) Nazism
(d) Communalism
(c) Nazsim

Question 4.
The founder of ‘National Fascist party’ in Italy was
(a) Hitler
(b) Lenin
(c) Mussolini
(d) Mao-Tsc-Dung
(c) Mussolini

Question 5.
The country which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan was
(a) France
(b) India
(c) USA
(d) Russia
(c) USA

10th Class Social Science Question Answer

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