10th English Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English

In this poem, the poet speaks of the sailors who faced a great peril. Later they come out of that danger. By this poem we understand that, “A ship is always safe at the shore, but it was not built for that”. It means one has to take risk and lead life. We can’t stand still. We should move on. Another thing is fortune favors the brave. Here, the sailors didn’t lose hope when the captain’s little daughter spoke of God.

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada

The word ‘we’ refers to the sailors in the poem. They were crowded in the cabin because of a storm. So, the poet says nobody dared to sleep. They were attentive. The sailors had to take all precautions because they are acquainted with the dangers of the sea. They had to take necessary things with them.

A storm broke out and it was a fearful thing in winter and the condition in the deep sea during winter is that one hears the rattling trumpet and the boat would be shattered by the blast. When the storm cuts away the mast, it affects the sailors. They can’t sleep and they would be afraid.

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada

The hungry sea was roaring. The speaker and his crew mates sat in darkness and prayed. They heard the prayers of all the crew and the captain shouted, ‘we are lost’. And he moved down the stairs but his daughter reacted in a cool way. She touched his icy hand and said “God is also upon the ocean as he is on the land”. Then the captain kissed his little daughter and all became cheerful. They believed God and anchored safe in the next morning.

The poet uses the phrase “The hungry sea” only to show that it is thee rage of the sea and one could describe the uproar of the sea. And the figure of speech employed here is Personification. We also notice Synecdoche, alliteration and rich imagery in the poem.

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in Kannada

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada 1

Ballad of the Tempest Poem About the Author

James T. Fields, was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on December 31, 1817 and named James Field; the family later added the “s” His father was a sea captain and died before Fields was three. He and his brother were raised by their mother and her siblings, their aunt Mary and uncle George. At the age of 14, Fields took a job at the Old Corner Bookstore in Boston as an apprentice to publishers Carter and Hendee.

His first published poetry was included in the Portsmouth Journal in 1837 but he drew more attention when, on September 13, 1838, he delivered his “Anniversary Poem” to the Boston Mercantile Library Association- In addition to his work as a publisher and essayist, Fields wrote poetry. A number of his works are collected in his book “Ballads and Verses” published in 1880. This volume contains the poem “Ballad of the Tempest”, which includes the famous lines: “We are lost!” the captain shouted As he staggered down the stairs.

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Summary in English and Kannada

Ballad of the Tempest Poem Word Meanings

  • ballad : a narrative composition in rhythmic verse suitable for singing
  • tempest: a violent storm
  • cabin: a private room on a ship or boat
  • shatter: to break apart
  • rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises
  • shudder:to shake
  • stout: brave, determined
  • stagger :to come unsteadily
  • anchor: a device of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast
    overboard to hold it in a particular place
  • harbour: space for a ship
  • breakers : large turbulent waves moving towards the land

10th English Notes

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