Development Class 10 Questions and Answers KSEEB 10th Social Science
I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:
Question 1.
Economic development is a ____________
Question 2.
The value of goods and service produced in year is called as ____________
Question 3.
In an underdeveloped country, basically the ____________ is lower.
Per capita income
Question 4.
Human development indicates expansion of ____________
human welfare
Question 5.
The ____________ is responsible for publishing global Human Development Reports.
Question 6.
India ranked ____________ in HDI in 2014.
Question 7.
Sex ratio was ____________ in India in 2011.
II. Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each
Question 1.
Define development and explain the process of development.
“Economic development is a process whereby an economy’s real national income increase over a long period of time”
-Prof. Meier and Baldwin.
The term ‘process’ here refers to the operation of the forces that bring about changes in supply of factors of production and, in the structure of demand for the products. Changes in factor supply take place due to discovery of additional resources, education and skill development, capital accumulation, population growth, adoption of better techniques of production, etc. Demand for products changes due to change in size and composition of population; level and distribution of income; tastes etc. These changes contribute to an increase in national income.
Question 2.
What do you mean by under developmemnt? What are its causes?
‘Under development’ denotes a backward and stagnant situation where levels of living of people are low due to lower level of per capita income and lower productivity levels, apart from high population growth.
Question 3.
What is HD I? How is it calculated?
HDI means ‘Human Development Index’; It is a measure of economic development and economic welfare. HDI examines three important criteria of economic developments. Life expectancy, education and income levels and uses this to create an overall score between 0 and 1.
‘1 ’ indicates a high level of economic development and ‘0’ a very low level of development.
HDI Combines
1. Life Expectancy – Average life expectancy compared to a Global expected life expectancy.
2. Education Index:
- Mean year of schooling
- Expected years of schooling
3. Income Index: Per Capita Income
The average of these three indicators is the ‘Human Development Index’
Question 4.
Examine the causes for low HDI of India.
Shows HDI of India in 2012 was calculated at 0.554 and placed at 136th rank out of 186 countries. This HDI value of 0.554 is the result of 65.8 years of life expectancy, $3203 of per capita income and 4.4 years of average years of schooling.
India’s life expectancy has been about 66 years since 2010, It has neither increased or decreased.
The per- capita income has increased but lags behind many countries.
India’s Education Index is pathetic at 4.4 years of schooling.
Hence the parameter of education Index lowers the HDI ranking to very low levels i.e., 0.344 to the rank of 136 out of 186 countries.
Question 5.
How to achieve gender equality?
The steps to achieve gender equality are
- To provide social, economic, educational and political equality to women.
- Equality of freedom and opportunities to both men and women
- To increase the sex ratio.
- Compulsory free education for girl child.
- To provide reservations for women in all spheres of life
- Improvement of health of women and girl-child.
- Promote participation of women in economic activities.
- Empower women by enacting laws beneficial to their welfare.
Question 6.
“Women self help groups are supportive to women empowerment” Justify.
In order to promote participation of women in economic activities and thereby achieve economic empowerment, Self Help Groups (SHGs) are being formed in all the villages and cities. A SHG is a group of women (usually 20) who come together to share their meagre resources, obtain external support, undertake business jointly and earn income. They are trained in managing accounts, handling bank transactions and skills to take up remunerative income generating activities. SHGs have been instrumental in helping women to earn, save and spend at their willingness. Their dignity and autonomy has increased.
Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Explain the term ‘Real National Income”.
National income is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country during one year. It is an important measure of development. Higher the national income, higher is the economic development and vice-versa. But the emphasis is on the word “real” which refers to the purchasing power of income. The prices have tendency to rise over time. When we estimate the income based on the increased prices, the values or incomes are inflated. We should remove that increased price effect to arrive at the ‘real’ increase in income. This price adjusted income reflects the true purchasing power of income. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining price stability in promoting development.
Question 2.
What is ‘Economic Development?’
Economic Development is an improvement in Economic welfare – Prof. Colin Clark
Question 3.
What is meant by Economic Welfare
Economic Welfare is the availability of all the goods and services which are used by the individuals of a country
Question 4.
What is ‘Inclusive Development’
Ensuring that every person is benefitted by the process of development is ‘Inclusive Development’
Question 5.
What are the objectives of ‘Economic Development’
- Increasing Income
- Attaining equality
- Reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality
- Conserving resources and environment
- Enhancing overall welfare of all
Question 6.
Name some highly developed countries
USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, England, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China
Question 7.
According to the United Nations which is the criteria to term a country has ‘Underdeveloped’
According to the United Nations, an underdeveloped country is one whose real per capita income is lower than that of the USA, Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Emphasis here is on the low income level relative to the advanced countries.
Question 8.
Define ‘Developing country’
The underdeveloped nations capable of development and are making serious efforts to overcome their problems of low income and poverty, are called as the ‘developing countries’.
Question 9.
How does the ‘World Developrment Report’ classify the economics of the country of the World?
The World Bank in its ‘World Development Report’ classifies the countries as high, medium and low income countries, and all countries with ‘middle and low income are referred to as developing countries. India is a prominent developing country that has recorded significant rise in income since 1990s.
Question 10.
Define ‘National Income’
National Income is the income of all the people residing in a country
Question 11 .
’The use of National Income to determine economic development of countries is in-correct’ Explain.
Income used here is the national income, which is defined as the income of all the people residing in a country. Higher the income, higher is the development. However, economic progress in a couontry will be slower, if the population expands along with the increase in national income. Therefore, comparison of economic development between countries with different levels of population will not be correct. Hence, per capita income is being used as an indicator of development instead of national income. It is the average income of each individual in the country, which is calculated as national income divided by total population, in a given year.
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Who said ‘Economic development is a process whereby an economy’ real national income increases over a long period of time’
a. Prof. Meier and Baldwin
b. Prof. Colin Clark
c. Prof. Amarthya Sen
d. Prof. Maham U1 Haq
a. Prof. Meier and Baldwin
Question 2.
The total value of all goods and services produced is a country during one year is
a. Per capita Income
b. Real national Income
c. Human development Index
d. National Income
B. Real National Income
Question 3.
The availability of all goods and services which are used by individuals of a country is
a. Economic Development
b. Economic Welfare
c. Economic Growth
d. Economic Equality
b. Economic Welfare
Question 4.
‘Real National Income’ refers to
a. Availability of Resources
b. Value of all Goods and Services
c. Purchasing power of Income
d. Capital Accumulation
c. Purchasing power of Income
Question 5.
The most developed country in the world is
a. India
b. Germany
c. USA
d. China
c. USA
Question 6.
When we divide the National Income of a country by the total population, we get
a. Human Development Index
b. Gender Inequality Index
c. Per Capita Income
d. Real National Income
C. Per Capita Income
Question 7.
The ‘Human Development Index’ is constructed by