Indian Land Resources Class 10 Questions and Answers KSEEB 10th Social Science
I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers
Question 1.
The land which is not used for cultivation is called ______________
Cultivable waste land
Question 2.
A system of farming involving both crops and livestock is known as ______________ farming.
Question 3.
The crops grown in between the Kharif and Rabi season are called ______________ crops.
Question 4.
The largest rice producing state in India ______________
West Bengal
II.Answer the following after discussing them in groups
Question 1.
What is meant by land use pattern?
The distribution of land for different uses such as forestry, cultivation, pastures etc. is called ‘Land use’ as “Land utilization”.
Question 2.
What is plantation farming? Give examples
Plantation Farming: It refers to the cultivation of single crop on large estates for the market. It requires more labour and capital Tea, coffee, rubber and coconut are the important plantation crops of India.
Question 3.
Distinguish between the Kharif and Rabi crop season.
grown during the rainy season are called Kharif crops. The sowing takes place in June-July, when the South-West Monsoon starts and the crops are harvested in September-October. Rice, jowar, ragi, cotton, groundnuts, tobacco etc., are the main kharif crops.
The Rabi Crop Season: The sowing takes place in October -November when the North-East Monsoon begins and are harvested in February-March. This is known as Rabi season and crops are called Rabi crops, i.e. Wheat, barley, gram, lilnseed etc.
Question 4.
What are the conditions required for sugarcane cultivations?
Sugarcane is an annual crop and it is grown in irrigated areas. It requires high temperature of 21° to 26° c and heavy rainfall ranging from 100 to 150 cm per annum. It thrives best in alluvial and loamy soils.
Question 5.
What are the beverage crops? Give examples.
The crops which are used to produce stimulating drinks are called ‘beverage crops’. Coffee and tea are the most important beverage crops of India.
Question 6.
Explain the role of Horticulture in India
In India horticulture provides an incentive for making agriculture more profitable through efficient land-use, optimum utilization of natural resources and generating skilled employment for the rural masses. It enhances exports and provides nutritional security.
India with this wide variety of climate and soil has good potential for growing a variety of horticultural crops. Now, India , has emerged as an important producer of horticultural crops. It is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world next to China. Its share in the global production of fruits is 11% and that of vegetables is 7 percent.
Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Mention the classification of land use pattern in India.
The pattern of Land utilization can be classified into seven categories
- Net area sown
- Forest area
- Land not available for cultivation
- Fallow land
- Cultivable waste land
- Permanent pasture and other grazing land
- Land under miscellaneous uses
Question 2.
What are the factors that determine Land Utilization?
Land utilization is determined by factors, such as, relief, climate, soil population density, socio-economic and technical factors.
Question 3.
Write about the net sown area of India.
Net Area Sown: It includes land that can be used to cultivate crops. This category is very important in an agricultural country like India. It. accounts for. about 42.42% of the total reported area of India’ However it is not evenly distributed all over the country. The highest proportion is found in the states of Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. It is least in the north-eastern states and medium in other states.
Question 4.
Explain the importance of Agriculture in India.
Agriculture is one of the most important and ancient occupation of human beigns. India is a country known for agriculture Nearly 65 percent of the people depend on agriculture. The economic progress of the country depends on the progress of agriculture.
Question 5.
What is intensive farming?
Intensive Farming: A method of farming in which a large amount of capital and labour are applied per unit of land is called ‘Intensive farming’. Under this type of farming, land is cultivated intensively throughout the year. Farmers try to raise two or more crops to get maximum production from small land holdings. It is common in the fertile and irrigated areas of the country.
Question 6.
What is meant by cropping pattern? What are the factors that influence the cropping pattern of a region.
The cropping pattern of region refers to the proportion of an area under different crops at a given time.
The factors that that influence the cropping pattern of any region in India are, relief features, soil climate, size of farms, water supply, income of farmers, technology etc.
Question 7.
Rice is the most important food crop of India. Justify.
Rice is the most important food crop of India. It is the staple food of the people in the eastern, southern and south-western parts of the country. India- has the largest area under rice in the world. But it is the second largest producer of rice, only after China. Rice is the major Kharif crop of India.
Rice is grown in almost all the states of India. West Bengal is the largest producer of rice in the country. The other important producers of rice are Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Odisha and Karnataka.
Question 8.
Write a brief note on Cotton Crop.
Cotton is an important industrial and fiber crop. It provides raw material for the cotton textile industry in India. Cotton is a tropical and sub-tropical crop. It requires 21° to 24°c temperature and rainfall of 50-100cm in a year. Black cotton soil is the best suited for its growth. It is grown as a Kharif crop.
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the major producers of cotton in India. India has the largest cotton growing area and is the third largest producer of raw cotton in the world.
Question 9.
State the importance of Floriculture in India.
Floriculture: is the cultivation of flowers for commercial purpose. India is known for the art of growing flowers since time immemorial It plays a significant role in Indian agriculture. It has the potential of generating income and providing employment opportunities for farmers, especially women and add to the export of the country.
India’s agro-climatic conditions are very suitable for the cultivation of a variety of flowers. India is known for growing traditional flowers such as jasmine, marigold, role crossandra and aster. Cut flowers includes archids, gladiolus, carnation, anthurium and lilies.
Multiple Questions and Answers
Question 1.
The main source of livelihood in India is
(a) Trade
(b) Horticulture
(c) Agriculture
(d) Floriculture
(c) Agriculture
Question 2.
Mixed Farming was introduced in India in
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1950
(d) 1951
(d) 1951
Question 3.
Coffee, Tea, Rubber, Coconut are
(a) Food Crops
(b) Commercial Crops
(c) Plantation Crops
(d) Beverage Crops
(c) Plantation Crops
Question 4.
The tribals of of Assam practice _____________ farming
(a) Subsistence Farming
(b) Shifting Farming
(c) Sedentary Farming
(d) Mixed Farming
(b) Shifting Farming
Question 5.
The Kharif Crop season is in
(a) June – October
(b) October – March
(c) July – August
(d) February – March
(a) June – October
Question 6.
The proportion of an area under different crops at a give time is known as ,
(a) Land use pattern
(b) Net area sown
(c) Cropping pattern
(d) Net area under irrigation
(c) Cropping pattern
Question 7.
The largest producer of Rice is
(a) India
(b) Brazil
(c) U.S.A
(d) China
(d) China
Question 8.
The second largest producer of Sugarcane in the world is
(a) India
(b) Brazil
(c) Cuba
(d) Pakistan
(a) India
Question 9.
The soil best suited for Cotton Crop is
(a) Red Soil
(b) Laterite Soil
(c) Black Soil
(d) Mountain Soil
Black Soil
Question 10.
The region where tea is grown in South India is
(a) Karnataka
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Telangana
(d) Kerala
(d) Kerala