The Extension of the British Rule 10th Notes KSEEB Social Science

→ By 1765, the English had gained control most of the eastern parts of India.

→ Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan of Mysore and Peshwas of Marathas were dominant in southern and western India.

→ In the later part of 19th C, the Sikh king of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjith Singh, emerged as a formidable opponent of the English, by organizing the Sikhs.

The Extension of the British Rule Class 10 Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The English extended their, empire in India, by annexing many kingdoms with cunning policies like ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ and‘Doctrine of Lapse’.

→ The First-Anglo-Maratha War was fought between 1775-1782 C.E.

→ The First Anglo-Maratha war ended with ‘Salbai Agreement’ in 1782.

→ Lord Wellesley was the Governor‘ General of British – India empire from 1798-1805.

→ Lord Wellesley introduced the policy of ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ in 1798.

→ The ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ is a Military Protection Agreement between the Indian kings, and the British.

→ The state of Hyderabad, Mysore, Awadh, Tanjavore, Maratha, Poona, Birar, Gwalior were some of the states that entered the ‘Subsidiary Alliance’.

→ The Second Anglo-Maratha war took place between 1803-1805.

→ Yeshwanth Rao Holkar defeated the combined army of Daulth Rao Sindhia and Peshwar Balaji Rao II in 1802.

→ Peshwa Balaji Rao entered the ‘Subsidiary Alliance’ in 1803 by accepting the ‘Treaty of Bassein’.

→ The Third Maratha War took place between 1817 – 1818.

→ The British consolidated their power over entire Indian sub-continent from 1818-1857.

→ Maharaja Ranjith Singh was born in 1780.

→ Maharaja Ranith Singh entered ‘Continuous Agreement’ with the British in 1809.

→ Maharaja Ranith Singh died in the year 1839.

The Extension of the British Rule Class 10 Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ The British invaded Punjab in 1845, violating the ‘Continuous Friendship Pact’.

→ The English defeated Punjab and they signed the humiliating ‘Lahore Agreement’ in 1846’.

→ Lord Dalhousie became the Governor General of British India in 1848.

→ Lord Dalhousie introduced the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ policy in the year 1848.

→ The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ occurred in 1857.

→ ANNEX: Seize a territory and add it to one’s own.

→ SUBSIDIARY ALLIANCE: A ‘Military Protection Agreement’ introduced by the British Governor General Lord Wellesley in 1798.

→ LORD WELLESLELY: The Governor General of British India from 1798 to 1805.

→ SHA AALAM II: The Mughal Emperor of Delhi was helped by the Marathas back to the throne in 1775.

→ PESHWA: A Prime Minister in the Maratha Empire.

→ INSTALLED: Establish someone in the place or role.

→ SALBAI AGREEMENT: The Treaty of Salbai was signed on May 17, 1782 by representative’s of the Maratha empire and the English East India Company at the end of the First Anglo-Maratha War.

→ MANDATORY: Compulsory.

→ AGGRESSION: Attack violently

→ SCINDIA: or Shinde is a Hindu Maratha Dynasty that ruled Gwalior State.

→ MEDDLE: Interfere in something that is not one’s concern.

The Extension of the British Rule Class 10 Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ THRISTINESS: Excessive thirst, strong desire for something.

→ HOLKAR: Dynasty of Hindu Maratha Royals of Indore.

→ MINISCULE: Extremely small, tiny

→ CONSOLIDATION: Become stronger and more stable.

→ PACT: A formal agreement

→ BASSIEN: A Maratha territory.

→ TREATY: A formal agreement between two states.

→ DEFACTO: Existing in fact, whether legally recognized or not.

→ MISL: One of the twelve confederacies of Sikhs in the 18th and 19th centuries, originally organized primarily for military purposes and later for an administrative division of Punjab.

→ DOCTRINE OF LAPSE: Was an annexation policy applied by British East India Company under Governor General Lord Dalhousie when he was in India from 1848 to 1856.

→ LAHORE AGREEMENT: The Treaty of Lahore’ was signed on 9 March 1846 after the first Sikh War, after the defeat of the Sikhs in the Battle of Sobraon. The British resident became the De Facto rules of Punjab.

→ BUFFER STATE: A State that acts as a barrier between adversaries.

→ SEPOY MUTINY: A widespread rebellion against British rule in 1857-58 began at Meerat by Indian soldiers in the service of the British East India Company.

→ 1765: a) The English had gained control of the eastern parts of India.
b) Mughal emperor Shah Alam “grants” Dewani of Bengal, Bihar end Orissa to British East India Company.

→ 1775-1782: First Anglo Maratha War.

→ 1775: Sha Alam II reinstalled on the throne of Mughal Empire with the help of Marathas.

→ 1780: Birth of Maharaja Ranjith Singh

→ 1782: End of First Anglo – Maratha War with the ‘Salbai Agreement’

The Extension of the British Rule Class 10 Notes Class 10 Notes KSEEB 10th Social Science

→ 1798: a) Arrival of Lord Wellesley as the Governor General of British – India.
b) Lord Wellesley implemented the ‘Subsidiary Alliance’.

→ 1802: Treaty of Bassein, between the Maratha Peshwa Baji Rao II of poona and the British.

→ 1803-1805: Second Anglo Maratha War.

→ 1809: Continuous Agreement between the British and Ranjith Singh of Punjab.

→ 1817-1818: Third Anglo-Maratha War.

→ 1818: Annexation of Peshwa Baji Rao II of Poona’s territories in western India.

→ 1839: Death of Maharaja Ranjith Singh.

→ 1845: Anglo – Sikh War

→ 1846: a) Lahore Agreement (The Sikhs were defeated by British)
b) The British Resident became de-facto Ruler of Punjab.

→ 1848 – a) Lord Dalhousie arrived in India of Governor-General of British India.
b) Implementation of the “Doctrine of Lapse’, an annexation policy of the British.

KSEEB 10th Social Science Notes

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