The Political Developments of 20th Century 10th Notes KSEEB Social Science
→ The powerful European countries were constantly at war before 1914, over the issue of establishing colonies.
- The first world war divided the European countries into two groups
- Triple Entente – England, France and Russia
→ Triple Alliance – German, Italy and Awtro-Hungary.
→ The first world war occurred between 1914-1928.
→ The Russian Revolution took place in 1917.
→ The first world war ended with the defeat of Germany by the Triple Entente.
→ Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles’ in 1919.
→ The Teague of Nations’ was formed in 1919.
→ Russia was ruled by the Tsars in the 19th century.
→ Japan defeated Russia in 1905
→ Vladmir Ilich Lenin guided the farmers and workers in the path of Russian Revolution called February 1917 revolution.
→ The ‘MenShiviks’ formed the republican Government of Russia in 1917.
→ The “Bolsheviks Party’ of Russian workers created “October Revolution’ in 1917.
→ Russia was declared a ‘Socialist Republic Union’ on October 17th 1917.
→ Lenin became the President of Russia in 1917.
→ Joseph Stalin became the president of Russia after the death of Lenin in 1924.
→ Yuri Gagarin of Russia became the first Astronaut of the world.
→ Russia launched the first satellite in the history of human civilization.
→ Reformations such as ‘Glasnost’ in 19645 and ‘Perestroika’ in 1987 were brought in by USSR by President Gorbachev.
→ The USSR disintegrated and communism collapsed in the 1990’s.
→ Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933
→ He was the leader of the ‘Nazi Party’ of Germany.
→ Hitler ordered Mass Killing’of jews in Germany called ‘Holo Caust’ to prove the Aryan Supremacy.
→ In 1935, Hitler implemented “Nuremberg Laws’.
→ Mussolini was the leader of ‘Fascist Party’of Italy.
→ In 1925, Mussolini became the dictator of Italy.
→ The second World war (1939-1945) started when Hitler occupied Poland on September 01, 1939.
→ During the Second World War two groups of countries of the World emerged:
- The Allies: England, France, Russia
- The Axis: Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan etc.
→ Hitler committed suicide in 1945.
→ The allied force of USA, England, France and Russia defeated Japan on August 15, 1945.
→ The Anti-Imperialistic democratic revolution in China took place in 1911 under the leadership of ‘Kuomintang Party’s Sun-Yat-Sen.
→ The ‘Communist Party’ started in China in 1925.
→ After the death of San-Yat-Sen, Chaing-Kai-Shek became the leader of ‘Kuomintang Party’.
→ ‘Mao-Tse-Tung’ started the historical ‘Long March’ to the Northern part of China from October 1934 and October 1935.
→ Japan attacked China during the World War II and was defeated in 1945.
→ On October 1, 1949, the Peoples Liberation Army’ of China established Mao-Tse-Tung’ as the president of communist China.
→ In 1979, the president of China T)eng Xiaoping’ adopted capitalist principles within the frame work of communism and China became a major economy of the world.
→ At the end of the World War II the world aligned into two ‘Power Blocks’ – The capitalistic block led by USA and the communist block led by USSR.
→ The two ‘Power Blocks’ were at constant ‘Cold war’ with each other.
→ USSR collapsed in 1989.
→ India, Egypt and other democratic countries started the Non-align movement.
→ The ‘Cold war’ led to ‘Arms Race’ among the ‘Power Blocks’.
→ USA formed military alliances such as NATO, SEATO and CENTO, USSR started ‘Warsaw Organisation’.
→ The ‘Cold War’ led to Korean War, Vietnam War, the Suez Canal Crisis in 1956 and Berlin Crisis in 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
→ A ‘Grate Economic Depression’ affected USA in 1927.
→ During the second world war, Japan attacked ‘Pearl Habour’ a military base of USA in
→ UNO was established in 1945.
→ USA emerged as a powerful country after 1945.
→ TRIPLE ENTENTE: An under standing between Russia, United Kingdom, France, Japan and Portugal to counter the Triple Alliance’ formed on 31st August 1907.
→ ENTENTE: A French word meaning ‘Friendship, under standing and agreement’
→ TRIPLE ALLIANCE: Dr. Triple was a secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed on 20th May 1882 during world war I. It was agreed that these countries would support each other in case of attack from any other country.
→ ARCH DUKE FRANCIS FERDINAND: Price of Austria. His assassination led to the First World War in 1914.
→ TREATY OF VERSAKLIES (1919): An important peace treaty between Germany and the allied forces signed on 26th June 1919 in Versailles (France) which ended the world war I.
→ TSAR: The ruler of Russia.
→ VLADIMIR ILLICH LENIN: A Russian communist revolutionary politician who was the president of Russia in 1917 to 1924.
→ TSAR NICHOLAS II: The last emperor of Russia who was forced to abdicate the throne in 1917 after the Russian revolution.
→ MENSHEVIKS: A faction within the Russian socialist movement.
→ YURI GAGARIN: Of USSR, was the first astronaut of the world.
→ PERESTROIA: Re-Organisation.
→ GLASNOST: Liberal
→ NAZISM: Theory of supremacy of German race.
→ BROWN SHIRTS: A cruel army formed by Hitler to implement Nazism.
→ GOBBLES: A German minister appointed by Hitler to spread nazeem.
→ HOLOCAUST: A mass killing of Jews in 1935 by Hitlers army.
→ MUSSOLINI: Dictator of Italy, founder of ‘National Fascist Party’
→ ALLIED POWERS: England, France and Russia formed the axis of defeat Germany in World War II.
→ AXIS POWERS: Germany, Italy, Augary, Austria CPC Honest Success Scries
→ SUN-YAT-SAN: Leader of China’s Kuomintang Party, an anti- imperialistic party.
→ CHIAG-KAI-SHEK: Dictator of China.
→ MAO-TSE-TANG: Leader of Communist party of China who later became the president of China in 1949.
→ LONG MARCH: A massive march or of 80,000 Chinese revolutionaries who travelled 10,000 kms from Jaina, S.E.China to Yunan in N.W.China between October 1934 and October 1935, to over-throw the dictator Ching- Kai-Shek.
→ PLA: People’s Liberation Army of China.
→ NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
→ SETO: South East Asian Treaty Organisation
→ CENTO: Central East North Treaty Organisation.
→ 1905: Japan defeated imperialistic Russia
→ 1911: Anti-Imperialistic democratic
→ 1914-1918: First World War.
→ 1917:
- Russian revolution in February 1917
- Forced abdication of Tsar Nicholas II from Russia
- October revolution in Russia
- Russia became socialistic republic on October 7th 1917.
→ 1919:
- Germany signed the treaty of Versailles
- League of Nations was established.
→ 1922-1943: Mussolini was the prime minister of Italy.
→ 1924: Death of Vladimir Ilich Lenin
→ 1925: Mussolini dismissed democracy in Italy and became the dictator of- Italy,
→ 1930: Great economic depression in USA
→ 1935: Hitler implemented ‘Nuremberg Laws’ In Germany
→ 1939:
- Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939
- Russia entered non-war pact with Germany on August 24th, 1939.
→ 1942: Russia defeated Germany in Stalingrad
→ 1943: Germany faced a serried of defeats in eastern Europe.
→ 1945: Assassination of Mussolini
- Germany surrendered to Russian’s ‘Red Army and Allied Forces’
- Hitler committed suicide
- Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 15, 1945.
- UNO established.
→ 1949:
- People’s Liberation Army of China enters Peiking (Beijing)
- People’s republic established in China
→ 1979: China adopts capitalist principles within the frame work of communism. President Beng Xiaaping brought reforms in China.
→ 1985: Glasnost reforms implemented in Russia.
→ 1987: ‘Perestrokia’ reforms implemented in Russia.
→ 1989: Collapse of USSR