8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre reading task

Question 1.
What makes a person rich and successful? Is it luck or hard work?
To a great extent its only hard work that leads to success and luck always favours those who work hard.

Question 2.
One can afford to be generous only if one is rich”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.
It is generally easier for a rich person to be generous. It doesn’t affect him adversely if he shares a mite of his fortune. Unfortunately, many rich people are not generous.
On the other hand, even if a poor man wants to be generous he has nothing to offer but himself-the services that he can provide to others. It is service that cannot be repaid while money that is borrowed can be repaid.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
Do you know what irony is? Have you read stories with ironic endings? In groups take up one story with irony as an element and discuss.
The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning is known as irony. Some of the famous stories with irony are Pride and Prejudice, the Gift of the Magi, Oedipus etc.

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension

I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each

Question 1.
What sort of man was Hugie Erskine?
Hughie Erskine was a good looking man who was liked and admired by both men and women. He was kind but not clever and did not have sufficient money. He constantly changed jobs and did everything possible to earn a decent living, but in vain.

Question 2.
What were the various jobs that he took up? Why?
He worked on the stock exchange for six months, as a tea merchant for over six months and sold sherry. Probably, not being clever, he could not succeed in any of the jobs. Therefore he constantly changed jobs.

Question 3.
What was the condition laid down for Hughie to marry Laura?
The Colonel, Laura’s father, demanded that Hughie get 10,000 pounds of his own if he wanted to marry his daughter.

Question 4.
Who was Alan Trevor? What was Trevor doing when Hughie called on him?
Alan Trevor was a clever painter and a friend of Hughie. When Hughie called on him, Alan was busy finishing a frill sized portrait of a beggar- man.

Question 5.
How was the model beggar dressed?
The model beggar-man had a ragged brown coat over his shoulder and his boots were patched and well worn.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
What did Hughie feel the model should get? Why?
Hughie felt that the model should get a share of the amount that Alan got for the painting. This was because he felt that even the model worked equally hard as the artist.

Question 7.
Why did Hughie feel sorry for the beggar-man?
The old beggar-man looked so lonely and sad that Hughie felt sorry for him. Therefore he gave him a sovereign, the only coin he had because he felt that the beggar needed it more than himself.

Question 8.
What did Hughie give the old beggar – man?
Hughie gave the old beggar-man a sovereign.

Question 9.
What did Alan Trevor tell Hughie when he met him at the Palette Club?
Alan Trevor told Hughie that the old beggar man had taken a liking for him and had enquired about Hughie in detail.

Question 10.
Alan says “He’ll invest your sovereign for you Hughie,” How do you think the Baron could have invested the sovereign for Hughie?
He would probably invest the sovereign for Hughie in a bank and pay him the interest every six months.

II. Answer the following questions in five or six sentences each:

Question 1.
“That old beggar, as you call him, is one of the richest men in Europe”. Name the richest man referred to. How is he described to Hughie?
The richest man referred to here is Baron Hausberg. He is described as “One of the richest men in Europe who could buy London the next day and would never miss his money. He owned a house in every capital, ate off gold plates and could even prevent Russia going to war when he chose”.

Question 2.
Describe how Hughie Erskine was able to marry Laura Merton.
Once, at the studio of his painter friend Alan, Hughie saw a poor beggar-man whose portrait Alan was painting. Feeling sorry for the poor beggar, Hughie gave him a sovereign not realizing that the beggar man was actually Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. Baron Hausberg-the beggar, was so impressed with Hughie’s gesture that he took keen interest in Hughie. He learnt from Alan all about Hughie, even about his lady love and about the condition laid by the Colonel. The Baron therefore presented Hughie with a cheque of 10,000 pounds as a wedding gift.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
Bring out the subtle humour from the story ‘The Model Millionaire’.
The subtle humour is evident in a few places in the story. First, when the old beggar man receives a coin from Hughie. Second when Hughie learns that the old beggar was one of the richest men in Europe.

Question 4.
“I have got heaps of old clothes at home. Do you think he would like any of them? Why his rags were falling to bits” said Hughie. “But he looks so wonderful in them”, said Trevor. “I wouldn’t paint him in a good suit for anything. However I’ll tell him of your offer”.
The above instance is an example for subtle humour. Pick out other incidents of humour from the story.
The subtle humour is evident at quite a few places in the story. First, when the old beggar man receives a coin from Hughie. Second when Hughie learns that the old beggar was one of the richest men in Europe. The last paragraph (para no. 46) about millionaire models and model millionaire is also one such Para no. 44: tells of a sealed envelope containing a cheque for ten thousand pounds marked as a wedding present from an old begger.

III. Vocabulary

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks given below with the help of the compound words formed from the list of words.
(good, frame, beggar, full, maker, man, size, looking)

(i) _____________ picture.

(ii) _____________ young man.

(iii) The old _____________ .

(iv) The _____________ wanted to speak to Trevor.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
Match the words in column A with the words in column B to make more compound words:

  1. grand – breaker
  2. news – mark
  3. mile – mother
  4. book – path
  5. tie – paper
  6. foot – stone


  1. – mother,
  2. – paper,
  3. – stone
  4. – mark,
  5. – breaker
  6. – path

B. Affix = Prefix + Suffix

1. Prefix: Use appropriate prefixes to the words given below to form words opposite in meaning, (dis, mis, un)

do  undo
honour  dishonour
broken  unbroken
comfort  discomfort
clean  unclean
honest  dishonest
respect  disrespect
obey  disobey
regard  disregard
appear  disappear
like  dislike
agree  disagree
wanted  unwanted
content  discontent
understand  misunderstood
manage  mismanage
calculate  miscalculate
behave  misbehave

2. Suffix: Use appropriate suffixes to the words given below to farm new words: (ly, ness, ish, ful, less)

1. easy  easily
2. child  childless, childish
3. hope  hopeful, hopeless
4. use  useful, useless
5. fool  foolish,
6. beauty  beautiful
7. brown  brownish.
8. doubt  doubtful, doubtless
9. calm  calmly, calmness,
10. slow  slowly, slowness,
11. help  helpful, helpless
12. cheer  cheerful, cheerless
13. pain  painful, painless
14. colour  colourful, colourless

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

3. Homonyms – Words with the same sound, same spelling, but different meanings.

Construct sentences with the following ‘ homonyms to bring out the two different meanings of each word:- trip, stamp, plant, right.

(i) trip – I tripped on my brother’s foot.
We went on a long trip to Ooty.

(ii) stamp – The naughty boy stamped the dog’s tail.
There was a rare stamp on the envelope.

(iii) plant – He planted a few mango saplings in his garden.
This plant will flower only in the month of June.

(iv) right – We should fight for our rights.
The book is right in front of you.
Write four more homonyms which have different meanings.
Can – (v) being able to; (v) put something in a container; (n) a metal container;
make (v) create; (n) name or type of something,
divine (adj) coming from or connected with God (v) to search for underground water.
till (conj) until ; (n) cash register; (v) to prepare and use land for growing crops.

4. pun: The pun in the last line of the lesson is humorous as well as thought provoking.

IV. Make five pairs of pun words with the help of the dictionary.

Examples of pun:

  • A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumour.
  • I used to be a banker, but I lost interest in it.
  • A conductor minds the train and a teacher trains the mind.
  • When it rains, it pours.
  • Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas.

V. Colour in language: Select a colour from the box to describe the feelings associated with them and then fill in the blanks : (green, red, blue, black, grey, white, pink)

(i) The old lady seemed to be in the _____________ of health.
(ii) John was _____________ with envy when he heard that his friend would be meeting the Prime Minister in person.
(iii) Shalini became _____________ with anger when Anjali shared her secret with the other girls.
(iv) We must cheer him up. He was felling _____________ all day.
(v) The cop beat him up _____________ and _____________
(vi) The stallion breed was as pure as _____________ in colour.
(i) pink,
(ii) green,
(iii) red,
(iv) grey,
(v) black, blue,
(vi) white.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

VI. Learn to speak and listen:

(a) Enact the story in small groups: (Class activity)
(b) Create a dialogue for the following roles and present it before your class: (Class activity)
(c) Identify the following characters from the lesson:

Question 1.
I am a very good looking young man, liked and admired by both men and women.
Hughie Erskine

Question 2.
I am a girl, daughter of a retired Colonel.
Laura Merton

Question 3.
I am a strange man, with a red beard, a very clever artist-
Alan Trevor.

Question 4.
I am an old man, bent and wrinkled with a piteous look on my face.
The old beggar-man

Question 5.
I am the richest man in Europe, Who could buy all London. I have a house in every capital city.
Baron Hausberg.

(d) Class Activity
Students pickout the names of characters from chits and describe them.

Hughie Erskine

  • I am very handsome.
  • I have tried my hand at various jobs.
  • I am madly in love with Laura.
  • Alan Trevor is my friend.
  • I gave a sovereign to an old beggar-man.

Laura Merton

  • I am a very beautiful girl.
  • My father is Colonel Merton.
  • I love Hughie and wish to marry him.
  • My father has laid a tough condition to Hughie, if he wants to marry me.
  • Due to the generosity of a rich Baron, I got married to Hughie.

Alan Trevor

  • I am a clever artist.
  • I have many patrons, but the best is Baron Hausberg.
  • Many of my paintings are bought by the Baron.
  • Hughie Erskine is a good friend of mine.
  • I spend my evenings at the Palette Club.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary


  • I am a retired Colonel.
  • Laura is my daughter.
  • Though I like Hughie, I can’t get my daughter married to him because he has no job.
  • I have asked him to get 10,000 pounds of his own, if he wants to marry my daughter.
  • I got my daughter married to Hughie, when he showed up with the money.

The old beggar- man/ Baron Hausberg

  • I am Baron Hausberg.
  • I am one of the richest men in Europe. I own a house in every capital city.
  • I eat off gold plates.
  • I can prevent Russia from going to war.
  • I gave Hughie Erskine a wedding gift of 10,000 pounds.

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How did the unemployed Hughie support himself?
The poor unemployed Hug,h\e Iwed on the two hundred pounds that his old aunt gave him annually.

Question 2.
Why did Hughie give up working?
Hughie failed miserably at every job that he took up. Probably being frustrated, he gave up working altogether.

Question 3.
Who was Laura Merton?
Laura Merton was the daughter of a retired Colonel and the lady love of Hughie.

Question 4.
Describe Alan Trevor.
Alan Trevor was a clever painter with a red beard. He was a friend of Hughie. It was at Alan’s studio that Hughie met an old beggar-man, which changed his destiny.

Question 5.
Describe the old beggar-man .
The old beggar-man whom Hughie met at Alan Trevor’s studio was posing as a model for Alan Trevor. He had a brown ragged coat over his shoulder and his shoes. were patched and well worn. He leaned on a stick with one hand and on the other hand he held a begging bowl.

Question 6.
Describe the power and status of Baron Hausberg.
Baron Hausberg was one of he richest men of Europe. He could buy the whole of London the next day and would never miss his money. He had a house in every capital and ate off gold plates. He could even prevent Russia from going to war if he so chose.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 7.
Describe the relationship between the Baron and Alan.
The baron was a good friend of Alan Trevor as well as a good patron, for, he bought all the pictures and other things from Alan.

Question 8.
Why did Alan burst out laughing when Hughie told him that he had given the beggar a sovereign?
Alan Trevor burst out laughing when Hughie told him that he had given a sovereign to the beggar because he pictured the irony of the situation.

Question 9.
Who was Mr. Gustav Naudin?
Mr. Gustave Naudin was the messenger of Baron Hausberg.

II. Change the voice of the following sentences:

Question 1.
Hughie’s old aunt gave him 200 pounds.
200 pounds were given to Hughie by his aunt/ Hughie was given 200 pounds by his old aunt.

Question 2.
Many people bought his paintings.
His paintings were bought by many.

III. Match the description with the characters in the story.

  1. red beard
  2. handsome young man
  3. grey hair with gold spectacles
  4. rugged rags
  5. eats off gold plates


  1. Alan Trevor,
  2. Hughie Erskine,
  3. Mr. Gustav Naudin,
  4. old beggar man,
  5. Baron Hausberg.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Rewrite as directed

Question 1.
“What a wonderful model!” whispered Hughie
(Into indirect speech)
Hughie whispered that it was a wonderful model.

Question 2.
What a wonderful model! (into an assertive sentence)
It is a wonderful model.

Question 3.
You don’t want a beggar to look happy, do you?
(pick out the question tag)
Do you?

Question 4.
How miserable he looks! (into an assertive sentence)
He looks very miserable.

Question 5.
Hughie was a good looking young man. (pick out the adjective)
Good looking, young.

V. Vocabulary:

Stock-exchange-a place where stocks and shares are publically bought and sold. Sherry – a type of strong, yellow or brown wine.

VI. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
“Come to me my boy, when you have got 10,000 pounds of your own”.
(a) Pick out the word from the sentence which refers to a British currency;
‘Pound’ is the word which refers to the British currency.

(b) Who said the above sentence?
The retired Colonel, father of Laura Merton said the above sentence.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

(c) Who does the words ‘my boy’ refer to?
The words ‘my boy’ refers to Hughie Erskine.

(d) Why had the boy to get 10,000 pounds?
The boy had to get 10,000 pounds of his own to fulfill the condition laid down by the Colonel for marrying his daughter.

Question 2.
“You don’t meet a beggar like him every day”.
(a) Who was the beggar?
The beggar was Baron Hausberg.

(b) Who met the beggar?
Hughie met the beggar.

(c) Where did he meet the beggar?
He met the beggar at his friend Alan Trevor’s studio.

(d) What is the underlying meaning behind-the above statement?
The beggar was actually Baron Hausberg, the richest man in Europe in a beggar’s attire. The sentence implies that to come across such a richman in a beggar’s attire, is so very rare.

VI. Change into indirect speech:

Question 1.
“How much does a model get for a sitting?” asked Hughie.
Hughie asked how much a model got for a sitting.

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
“Don’t go away, Hughie,” he said. “I’ll be back in a moment”
He asked Hughie not to go away and that he would be back in a moment.

Question 3.
Mr. Gustav Naudin said,” Do I have the honour of speaking to Mr. Erskine?”
Mr. Gustav Naudin asked if he had the honour of speaking to Mr. Erskine.

VIII. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Hughie was miserable because
(a) The Colonel asked him to join the defence force.
(b) His lady love Laura was engaged to someone else.
(c) The Colonel cheated Hughie of his 10,000 pounds.
(d) The Colonel refused to give Laura in marriage to Hughie unless he had 10,000 pounds of his own.
(d) The Colonel refused to give Laura in marriage to Hughie unless he had 10,000 pounds of his own.

Question 2.
Hughie gave the old beggar- man a
(a) sovereign
(b) cent
(c) shilling
(d) pound
(a) sovereign

8th English The Model Millionaire Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IX. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
The Colonel’s daughter was ________________
Laura Merton

Question 2.
Alan Trevor got ________________ for his portrait of the old beggar-man.
2000 pounds

Question 3.
Hughie met Alan Trevor at the
Palette Club

The Model Millionaire Lesson Summary in English

Sometimes a small ‘gesture of kindness’ can change your destiny’, is what this lesson conveys.

Hughie Erskine was a handsome young unemployed youth who was madly in love with Laura, the daughter of a retired Colonel. The Colonel would consent to their wedding only on condition that Hughie had 10,000 pounds of his own.

One day, Hughie goes to meet his friend Alan Trevor, a clever painter. There he finds his friend busy painting the portrait of an old beggar-man. When Alan goes out of the studio to speak with the frame maker, Hughie observing the attire of the poor beggar takes pity on him and gives the old man the only coin he had with him, a sovereign. Later that evening, Hughie meets his painter friend at the Palette Club and discovers that the old beggar at the studio was actually one of the richest men of Europe, Baron Hausberg. Hughie feels embarrassed and humiliated.

The Baron being impressed with the gesture of Hughie learns all about him, about his residence, the various jobs that he had ventured in, about his lady love Laura, as well as about the condition laid by the, Colonel On the following day the Baron sends his messenger to Hughie’s home with a cheque of 10,000 pounds as a wedding gift.

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task:

I. Complete the web chart by matching the appropriate words which lead one to success.
8th English A Lesson for Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 1
Goal + positive attitude + inspiration + commitment + struggle + interest = success

II. How do people become successful? Do they always choose the safe and acceptable options?
Do you agree with the statement that risks lead to success?
Only those who are willing to face challenges and take up risks are successful. Such individuals are confident and have a positive attitude towards challenges in life. They prefer to try their best than quit. I fully endorse the view that one should be willing to take calculated risks, i.e., after evaluating the pros and cons.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Answer the following in two or three sentences each:

Question 1.
Why couldn’t Nakul complete his Maths problems in the test?
Nakul couldn’t complete the Maths problem in the test because he had attempted the difficult questions in the beginning and had planned to attempt the easier ones in the last ten minutes. Unfortunately, he ran out of time. Therefore he couldn’t complete two of his Maths problems.

Question 2.
How did Akash console him?
Akash consoled him by stating that as it wasn’t the final exam, he didn’t have to worry much about it,He also advised him to write faster in the next test or to set his watch ten minutes ahead, so that he could complete all the questions on time.

Question 3.
What do you mean by the phrase “Don’t be a wet blanket all the time”?
A person who spoils other people’s fun by disapproving of it or refusing to join in, is referred to as a wet blanket. This could be because the person is dull, gloomy or a pessimist.

Question 4.
What was the opinion of the teachers about Akash?
Mr. Varghese, the Maths teacher admired the cheerful attitude of Akash, who was a lame boy. He hoped to have many more students like him. The Games Master marveled not only at the courage that Akash exhibited in facing challenges in life, but also his helping nature.

According to the Head Master, Akash not only had a cheerful disposition but was also willing to face challenges of a boarding school, even though his parents were reluctant to admit him there and expose him to all the tussles of a boarding school.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
Why was Akash keen on joining the boarding school?
Akash wanted to join the boarding school because he had a positive attitude in life and was willing and confident to face all the challenges successfully. Though he was a lame boy physically, mentally he was tough and strong.

Question 6.
How did Nakul realize that his way of thinking was irritating to others?
When Nakul overheard the teachers praising the positive attitude and cheerful disposition of Akash, he realized that his constant grumbling could have been an irritation to those who looked at the bright side of life.

Question 7.
What do you think were the reasons behind Nakul’s anxiety?
Assuming that Nakul was intelligent, it is obvious that he feared failure and was therefore worried about his Maths paper. He was also probably one who wanted everything to be so perfect that even a slight change in the weather condition deterred him. He gradually looked at the negative aspects of life and became a wet blanket.

Question 8.
How did Akash spread happiness among his friends?
Akash was always available to those in need. He also had a word of encouragement to motivate those who lacked confidence. He had a positive attitude. Thus by helping others he spread happiness among his friends.

Question 9.
What was Akash’s attitude towards life?
Inspite of his fears, pains and physical disability Akash had a positive attitude towards life. His intense positive attitude boosted his confidence to face challenges with courage. The realization that there were many in the world worse off than him, helped him to overlook his own disadvantage and be cheerful always.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Answer the following in five or six sentences each:

Question 1.
In what ways does Akash help Nakul?
When Nakul was depressed with his performance in the Math’s exam, Akash consoled him by stating that as it wasn’t the final exam, he need not have to worry much. He also suggested some methods that could be adopted to perform better.

He also went with Nakul at 9.30 in the night to meet Mr. Varghese, their Math’s teacher, to clarify his doubts regarding the entry of his name and roll number on his answer script.
He helped Nakul to learn the dialogues of the play by heart; and encouraged him at the football match.

Question 2.
Was Nakul’s changed attitude towards life, worthy of appreciation? Give reasons for your answer.
Nakul who was constantly a wet blanket, had immense negative attitude. He learnt a valuable lesson of confidence and positive attitude from Akash. This changed attitude of Nakul is worthy of appreciation because now, with a positive attitude, he would be able to perform better and probably could transform others also who had negative attitudes.

V. Read the extracts from the lesson and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
“Huh! It’s easy to say that as you don’t have to worry.”
(i) Who said these words?
Nakul said those words.

(ii) Why did he say so?
Akash was a new student who had joined the school at the end of the first term and Nakul therefore felt that his performance in the exam was not very important. Therefore, he said the above words.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
“I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
(i) Who is the speaker?
Nakul is the speaker.

(ii) What was the mistake made by him?
He feared that he might not have written his name or roll number on his answer script.

Question 3.
“Why do you always look at the dark side of things?”
(i) Who is the speaker?
Akash is the speaker.

(ii) What do you mean by the dark side of things?
The dark side of things refer to the negative aspects of life.

(iii) Why did the speaker say so?
The speaker said those words because Nakul always had a negative attitude towards everything.

Question 4.
“I admire you! Despite your handicap you are always cheerful!”
(i) Who said these words and who is he referring to?
Nakul said those words. He was referring to Akash.

(ii) Why does the speaker admire him?
Despite being lame, Akash was always cheerful and had a positive attitude. Therefore the speaker admired him.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

VI. Activity:

Speaking: Given below are eight qualities that people display during their struggle to attain the desired goal: determination, commitment, desire, hardwork, endurance, positive thinking, responsibility, character. Form eight groups, for the eight qualities. Discuss and get ideas from the team members. Let the leaders speak on the points.

(i) Determination: We learned quickly that the most important . predictor of success is determination. At first we think it might be intelligence. Everyone likes to believe that’s what it takes one to succeed. It certainly helps to be smart but it is not the deciding factor. There are plenty of people as smart as Bill Gates who achieve nothing.
In most domains, talent is overrated compared to determination. Partly because it makes a better story, partly because it gives onlookers an excuse for being lazy, and partly because after a while determination starts to look like talent.

(ii) Commitment: Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. For it is said, that actions speak louder than words. Commitment is in making the time when there is none. Commitment is the stuff character is made of the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.

(iii) Desire: Desire is a sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome. Desire is the fire that sets action aflame. The same sense is expressed by emotions such as ‘craving’ or ‘hankering’. When a person desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item or person, and they want to take actions to obtain their goal.

While desires are often classified as emotions by laypersons, psychologists often describe desires as different from emotions; psychologists tend to argue that desires arise from bodily structures, such as the stomach’s need for food, whereas emotions arise from a person’s mental state.

(iv) Hardwork: That hard work is a key to success is a well-known adage. Parents, teachers as well as others guide a child to work hard so that they can achieve good scores. Though a little bit of luck plays a positive . role, yet I believe that hard work is the key to success. In fact if only luck is to be considered, no one would work but just wait till their luck shows up.

A person can excel in his career due to hard work. If he sits at home, no one would offer him a job unless he initiates the job searching process. Also, if you are working in a company you will be promoted only because of working hard: luck does not figure in the picture, A student stands out first, only if he studies hard. Whether your luck prevails or not, hard work and efforts will pick you up and take you places in life.

Agents are creatures that are capable of reflecting on their situation, forming intentions about how they will act, and then carrying out that action.

Society generally holds people responsible for their actions, and will say that they deserve praise or blame fo * what they do. However, moral responsibility is not necessarily the same as legal responsibility. A person is legally responsible for an event when it is that person who is liable to be penalised in the court system for an event. Although it may often be the case that when a person is morally responsible for an act, they are also legally responsible for it, the two states do not always coincide.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

(V) Character: A person of character is one who commands the respect and admiration of all. It is true, that in many cases, heredity and upbringing play their part in strengthening and perfecting a person’s character. Character is the sum of those qualities, actions and tendencies which distinguish one individual from another. In this scenario, many individuals do not have a definite character. As Oscar Wilde puts it, “Most people are other people Their thoughts are some one else’s opinions, their passions and quotations”. So the first essential factor of character is individuality and independence.

It does not mean that the person of character should all the time do what others have not done to keep up their independence. That would be foolishness. What is meant is that a person of character should be able to go against the accepted view or opinion or convention, when their judgment guides them to do so.

Another essence of character is that evil passions should be effectively checked or conquered. People of character are not to be swayed from their path of duty and rectitude by a temptation. All of us cannot be saints. But if we have any pretensions to character we should see that we do not give way to evil passions. This means that persons of character should have a regulated and finely tempered will.

On the negative side it would help them to restrain and control undesirable feelings; on the positive side it would enable them to make ‘ up then mind about something quickly and finally. Novalis says, “Character is perfectly educated will.” More than this, one’s mind should be balanced. Prejudices should not be encouraged. A person with prejudices and superstitions cannot be a person of character.

Lastly, they should have moral courage in the right sense of the term. Without this, character will not stand the wear and tear of life. It is the courage that makes one give up all selfish motives of gain, and go to any length defending the right cause. It is this which makes others realize what ‘ stuff a person is made of. It makes one feared by the evil doers and admired by the good.

VII. Writing

Write a paragraph of about 100 words expressing your views about the motivating factor behind the happiness of Akash and self realisation of Nakul.
Akash, as any other child was stooped into depression on realizing that he had been maimed. He told Nakul that it had hurt him immensely, until his grandmother whispered words of confidence in him. She made him realize that no one wants to share another’s sorrow, therefore it is better to be cheerful. She also made him realize that his fate was better off than many others in the world. Thus it was his grandmother’s words that motivated him to change his attitude.

Self realisation of Nakul: Overhearing the teachers’ conversation, Nakul realised that he never saw the gleam of light-the silver lining in the grey cloud and that he was a pessimist. This self realization made him change his attitude. Akash 4s cheerful and positive attitude also was like a tonic that took its effect on him. Therefore the conversation of the teachers, Akash’s attitude and his self realization motivated him to change his attitude.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

VIII. Vocabulary

(a) Match the idioms given in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’

A  B
a. in the good books of  1. at a short distance
b. to lose one’s head  2. at A distance
c. at a stone’s throw  3. to worsen the situation
d. to add fuel to the fire  4. completely
e. to sell like hot cakes  5. to memorize
f. to bell the cat  6. to lose the power of thinking
g. to take by surprise  7. to have a very good sale
h. at arm’s length  8. in favour with
i. through and through  9. to take a lead in a

a – 8,
b – 6,
c – 2,
d – 3,
e – 7,
f – 9,
g – 10,
h – 1,
i – 4,
j – 5

(b) Use these idioms in sentences of your own:

Question 1.
on behalf of (in favour of)
During the absence of the Manager, the Assistant Manager takes care of the administration on his behalf.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
at the mercy of (with kindness)
The slave who was caught fleeing was now at the mercy of his master.

Question 3.
at home (comfortable)
Sheela feels at home with her class teacher.

Question 4.
to keep in the dark (not to be in the knowledge of)
The old man was kept in the dark about the death of his son.

Question 5.
part and parcel (integral part)
Every one who works in a firm is a part and parcel of the organization and is equally responsible for its success or failure.

Question 6.
ups and downs (difficulties)
Every one should confidently face the ups and downs in life.

Question 7.
to spread like wild fire (spread very fast)
The news about Ramesh’s success in the board exam spread like wild fire in the remote village.

Question 8.
by hook or by crook (at any cost)
Phoolan Devi decided to obtain justice by hook or by crook.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IX. Pronunciation:
Split the words and then underline the letters that stand for the vowel sound.

Each part is called a syllable. In each syllable, there is a vowel sound.
Here are a few words from the lesson. Split the words and then underline the letters that stand for the vowel sound.
declare, problem, silent, mistake, constant, favourite, generous, encourage, explanation, courageous, attitude, cheerfulness.
De – clare ; pro – blem ; si – lent; mis – take; con – stant; fa – vou – rite Ge – ne – rous ; en – cou – rage; ex -pla – nation; cou – ra – geous; at-ti-tude; cheer – full-ness.

X. Listening Activity:

Motivating factors Demotivating factors
confident, competitive, positive attitude, desire for excellence, knowledge, cleverness, intelligence, group activities, team spirit. fear, discouragement, fault finding nature, lack of confidence, laziness, procrastination

XI. Writing: Student’s activity

Sample answer: The new child in my class is a slow learner. He is unable to read as well as others. He is always alone. I find him very strange. I look at him repulsively. Later I realized that I am not like him and am greatful to God for the blessings, he has bestowed upon me. I then observed how others treated him. He is neglected, that’s why I decided to befriend him. I started talking to him. I was surprised to learn that he is a good singer and has won many prizes in various competitions that he had taken part in. I helped him in those areas that he had difficulty. I am enjoying it especially, when I see the smile on his face.

XII. Vocabulary:

‘Don’t be a wet blanket all the time!” Wet blanket means a person who spoils other people’s pleasure because he is gloomy, dull, pessimistic etc.

(A) Here are a few more idioms using ‘wet’.
Like a wet rag               –            a useless person
Wet behind the ears     –            not mature or experienced especially in a job
Wet through                 –            throughly soaked

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

(B) Here are some more idioms:
Fill in the blanks with suitable idioms given in the box. Make the necessary changes.
(pull through, give up, back out, abide by, apple of one’s eye, come across, carry out, cry over spilt milk, call a spade a spade, get rid of.)

Question 1.
If you join a club, you have to _________________ its rules.
abide by

Question 2.
The youngest son was the _________________ his mothers’s _________________ .
apple of – eye.

Question 3.
He had promised to help me, but _________________ at the last moment.
backed out

Question 4.
The servant _________________ the master’s orders
carried out

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
While reading the history of reptiles, I _________________ a very important detail about
its food habits.
came across

Question 6.
An honest man never hesitates to _________________ .
call a spade a spade

Question 7.
A man of action never _________________ .
cries over spilt milk

Question 8.
Thank God, he succeeded in _________________ his bad habits.
getting rid of

Question 9.
Don’t _________________ your efforts.
give up

Question 10.
Thanks to the excellent medical treatment, he _________________ his illness.
pulled through

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

XIII. a. Read these dialogues aloud: Class Activity

b. Share and listen.
Remember the first day of your school? How did you feel? Who became your first friend? How did your first day go? Listen to your friend’s experience sitting next to you. We all come to school, but so many children in our country do not go to school for many reasons.

Question 1.
Form a group of four or five and discuss the following:
Reasons why these children do not go to school.
What remedial measure can be taken to make them come to school?
What can you do for these children?
Most of the children are unable to go to school due to poverty. Their parents prefer to send them for work than to a school. Some children are not at all interested in studying. This could probably be due to their bad company or due to lack of proper guidance.

The government has a very important role to play in providing quality education. They can through the mass media, stress on the importance of education.

Certain basic job oriented technical courses could be provided in the schools along with general education.

If I come across a child who is not going to school, I would tell him about the importance of education that is necessary for a better standard of living and to be a good citizen.

2. Student’s activity.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why was Akash not worried about the exams?
Akash was not worried about the exams because he had joined school only at the end of the first term.

Question 2.
Who was Mr. Varghese?
Mr. Varghesee was the Math’s teacher of Standard VI.

Question 3.
Why was Nakul selected for the school drama?
As Nakul was tall and well built for his age, his master chose him to play an important role in the drama.

Question 4.
How did Nakul react when he was selected for the drama? Why?
Nakul groaned when he was selected for the drama because he had many lines to learn by heart and he was not sure of his own ability.

Question 5.
Why was Nakul unable to enjoy the outing ?
Nakul was not able to enjoy the outing because of the tiff he had with Akash.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Rewrite as directed

Question 1.
Huh! It’s easy to say that as you don’t have to worry.
(pick out the interjection from the sentence)

Question 2.
I ‘thought something awful had happened. (Pick out the word from the sentence which means, extremely bad or unpleasant)

Question 3.
The sun will come out. The day will be fine.
(Combine the sentences with a suitable conjunction)
The sun will come out and the day will be fine.

Question 4.
You are a wet blanket all the time (Into an exclamatory sentence)
What a wet blanket you are, all the time!

Question 5.
Nakul – (feel) annoyed and – (walk) away to join the other friends. (Fill in with the correct form of the verbs)
felt, walked.

Question 6.
He is lame. He is cheerful (combine using the word Although)
Although he is lame, he is cheerful.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1.
You are coming too.
(a) Who said the above sentence?
The above sentence was said by Nakul.

(b) Who was going with him?
Akash was going with him.

(c) Where were they going?
They were going to meet Mr. Varghese, their Math’s teacher.

Question 2.
I hope I won’t forget the words.
(a) Who was worried about forgetting the words?
Nakul was worried about forgetting the words.

(b) What were the words he doesn’t want to forget?
He doesn’t want to forget the dialogues of the drama.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
I admire that plucky fellow.
(a) Who is the ‘I’ in the above sentence?
The word ‘I’ refers to Mr.Varghese.

(b) To whom was it said ?
It was said to the Games Master.

(c) Who was that plucky fellow?
Akash was that plucky fellow.

Question 4.
I was very touchy about it too.
(a) Who is the ‘I’ mentioned in the sentence?
The T mentioned in the sentence refers to Akash.

(b) About what was he touchy?
He felt touchy that he was lame.

(c) Who helped him to overcome the negative feeling?
His grandmother helped him overcome his negative feelings.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Change into indirect speech

Question 1.
“I am sorry for leaving you in a huff yesterday.” Nakul said to Akash.
Nakul apologised to Akash for leaving him in a huff the previous day.

V. Add suitable question tags.

  1. Tarun is the monitor of the class,
  2. You have written your name and roll number,
  3. You are a real gem.
  4. It is sure to rain,


  1. isn’t he?
  2. haven’t you?
  3. aren’t you?
  4. isn’t it?

VI. Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer from the options provided and answer the questions.

Question 1.
A person who is unable to walk normally is called
(a) lame
(b) deaf
(c) dumb
(d) blind
(a) lame

Question 2.
Nakul admitted that his constant grumbling must have irritated Akash because,
(a) Akash was a bully.
(b) Akash was not his friend.
(c) Akash looked at the bright side of things always.
(d) Akash complained to Mr.Varghese.
(c) Akash looked at the bright side of things always.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Summary in English

“Change your attitude and the world changes for you” is the message, this lesson conveys through the simple incidents that Nakul experiences when he befriends the new boy admitted to his class.

Akash, a lame boy gets admitted to a boarding school at the end of the first term, where Nakul is a student. Akash’s over protective parents were reluctant to put him in a boarding school but Akash was confident that he could manage on his own in the boarding school and was eager to study there. During his stay in the school, he spread cheer to one and all around.

He was always ready to go the extra mile to help those in need. This was what Nakul experienced from Akash more than once. The first time was when he had to meet his Maths-teacher and the second time was when Akash helped him to practice the dialogues for the drama. Akash also made Nakul to introspect about his own ‘wet blanket attitude’. As some of the good qualities of Akash rubbed on him, Nakul pondered positively about his own attitude.

This was done especially after he overheard the conversation of the teachers regarding Akash. Therefore, Nakul decided to change his attitude after he learnt how Akash’s grandmother had instilled the positive attitude in him, by making him realize, that he was much better than many others.

8th English A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A Lesson For Nakul Lesson Word in English

  1. tussle = a struggle or fight
  2. retort = to make a quick especially an angry reply to an accusation or a challenge.
  3. grumble = to complain or protest in a bad tempered way, usually not loudly.
  4. tiff = a slight argument between friends.
  5. marvel = to be very surprised at something, often admiring it very much.
  6. plucky = having or showing courage, bravery.
  7. spectator = a person who watches a game or a show.
  8. huff = to show one’s annoyance in an obvious or threatening way, without actually achieving anything.
  9. touchy = easily offended or upset.

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task:

Match the following :

Question 1.
The fierce ………………….. assembly.
Madam Cama

Question 2.
Young Margaret ………………….. this land.
Sister Nivedita

Question 3.
Jawaharlal Nehru’s ………………….. rank.
Vijayalakshmi Pandit

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Born in a ………………….. party.

Question 5.
She was ………………….. Prime Minister.
Indira Gandhi

a) What do you call this type of writing?
Such type of writings area called biographies.

b) What do you call the life history written by a person about himself?
The life history of a person written by himself is called an autobiography

c) What is the information we get from these types of writing?
Such writings are inspirational accounts of world famous personalities. Such writings highlight their achievements in detail.

d) What is the difference between a biography and an autobiography?
Biographies give us a brief description about a famous personality, along with the personal opinion of the author. An Autobiography on the other hand, gives a detailed description by persons about themselves.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension

A. Answer the following in two or three sentences each:

Question 1.
Who was Gopal Rao? How can you say that he was a progressive thinker?
Gopal Rao was Anandhi’s husband. He was an ardent supporter of widow remarriage and women’s education during a period when such practices were considered unconventional in India. Therefore he can be regarded as a progressive thinker.

Question 2.
“I decided that I would like to be a doctor”. What made Anandibai decide this?
Many women in India suffering from diseases used to refuse to consult a male doctor for treatment. Therefore they suffered a lot in silence. Even Anandi had lost her infant son when she was 14 years old. This made Anandi decide to become a doctor in order to help the sick women of India.

Question 3.
How did Mrs. Carpenter help Anandibai pursue her studies in medicine?
Mrs. Carpenter had somehow learnt about the futile efforts made by Gopal Rao to get his wife Anandi enrolled to some university in the U.S.A. She was moved by the correspondence and offered to host her in the U.S.A. She even got her admitted to the Women’s College in Philadelphia.

Question 4.
How did the Superintendent and Secretary of the College help Anandibai?
The Superintendent and the Secretary of the college were very kind to her. They were impressed that she had come to study in the USA from a country far away, braving poverty and opposition from her people. They even offered her a scholarship of $ 600 for the three years of education.

Question 5.
Describe the college room provided to Anandibai.
The room that was provided to Anandi did not have a proper fireplace. The fireplace of her room emitted a lot of smoke when lit. So she had to choose between cold and smoke. Due to this she suffered from constant temperature and cold.

Question 6.
Why did Anandibai stay in Pune?
On her return to India, Anandi stayed with her cousin at Pune to receive treatment for her ailment, from a renowned Ayurvedic specialist.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

B. Answer the following in about six sentences each:

Question 1.
Explain how Gopal Rao encouraged Anandibai to become a doctor.
With the help and encouragement that Anandi received from her husband, she made rapid progress in her studies. He wanted her to pursue higher education. When Anandi chose to become a doctor, he strived hard to get her admitted in a university in America but in vain. Fortunately, Mrs. Carpenter, who learnt about their efforts sponsored her study at the Women’s College in Philadelphia. Thus, Anandi finally graduated to become a doctor. This was achieved only due to the support, efforts and encouragement of her husband.

Question 2.
What were the things which Anandibai found strange in America?
There were many things that Anandi found strange in America. Some of them were that they didn’t have bath everyday; that they did not stand when Mr. Carpenter entered the room and that they were non-vegetarians.

Question 3.
How did Anandibai face the alien culture and cold winter?
Anandi faced the alien culture and weather bravely. She managed to survive the cold weather as she had to live in a room with a smoky fireplace for almost three years. Though she found their culture very strange, she faced them positively.

Question 4.
Describe Anandi’s journey back to India.
Diagnosed with Tuberculosis, Anandi was advised to go back to India. Her journey back to India deteriorated her health further because the doctors on the ship refused to treat a brown woman.

Question 5.
Describe the great qualities of Anandibai that you like the most.
The greatest quality that I admire in Anandi is her compassion for the women of India who suffered immensely due their superstitious beliefs and biased opinions about male doctors. It was this quality that motivated her to become a doctor despite the firm opposition from the Indian society. The second quality that I admire in her is her determination to succeed despite the many hurdles that she had to face.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

C. Answer the following in about ten sentences each;

Question 1.
How did Anandibai become a doctor in spite of the obstacles she faced?
Anandi was born in India at a time when India was steeped in superstitious beliefs and into a society totally biased against women. Women were denied almost every right including the right to education. But her husband Gopal Rao not only educated her but also encouraged her to pursue higher education. It was due to his motivation and the timely patronage that she received from Mrs.Carpenter that Anandi was able to graduate as a doctor- the first woman doctor of India, from Philadelphia, USA, braving all oppositions from the Indian society.

Question 2.
Anandibai is an inspiration to Indian girls to this day. Discuss.
A. Anandi has proved that whatever be our situations or circumstances everyone can fulfill their dreams because each one has the required potential to succeed. Many girls in India are not encouraged sufficiently due to the biased society, especially in the villages. Therefore Anandi’s life is a good inspiration to Indian girls from all walks of life.

II. (a) Say whether the following statements are true or false.
Correct the false statements.

Question 1.
Gopal Rao opposed window remarriage and women education.
False. He was an ardent supporter of widow remarriage and women’s education.

Question 2.
In those days husbands taught their wives.
False. In those days husbands didn’t even speak to their wives in front of others.

Question 3.
The Childhood name of Anandi was Yamunabai.
False. Anandi’s childhood name was Yamuna Joshi.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Anandibai decided to become a doctor because there were no female doctors at that time.
False. Anandibai decided to become a doctor because female doctors were not available in India at that time.

Question 5.
Anandibai was one of the few female doctors of that day.
False. Anandi was the only female doctor of that day.

Question 6.
Anandibai stayed in Pune to receive honours from the people.
False. Anandiabai stayed in Pune to receive treatment from a renowned Ayurvedic doctor for Tuberculosis that she was suffering from.

(b) Arrange the above corrected sentences according to the sequence of the lesson.
3,1,2,4, 5,6.

III. Vocabulary:

(a) Match the words with their meanings:

A  B
1. alien  a) clothes
2. attire  b) surprise
3. cemetery  c) a large formal assembly of great people
4. convocation  d) attraction
5. missionary  e) a financial aid given to support a student’s education
6. astonish  f) a large burial ground
7. scholarship  g) unfamiliar
 h) a person sent on a religious mission


  1. – g,
  2. – a,
  3. – f,
  4. – c,
  5. – h,
  6. – b,
  7. – e.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

(b) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct phrases given in brackets: (in front of, a lot of, used to, moved by, to take care of):

Question 1.
Women in olden days did not sit _______________ their husbands.
in front of

Question 2.
Mrs.Carpenter was _______________ the correspondence and wrote me a letter.
moved by

Question 3.
The fireplace emitted _______________ smoke.
a lot of

Question 4.
Anandi got _______________ hard work.
used to

Question 5.
Mavashi _______________ of me like her own daughter.
took care of

Question 6.
Anandi faced _______________ opposition and criticism.
a lot of

(c) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in brackets: My husband   1    (try) very hard to get me admitted to some University in America. Mrs. Carpenter   2    (come) to know my story and   3   (write) me a letter. She   4   (offer) to host me in the USA. Since Gopal Rao   5    (be) not able to get a job there, we   6   (decide) that I should leave for America alone. I   7   (reach) America in June 1883. In America there    8   (be) many things that I   9   (think)   10   (be) strange.

  1. tried
  2. came
  3. wrote
  4. offered
  5. was
  6. decided
  7. reached
  8. were
  9. thought
  10. were

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

IV. Grammar


Fill in the blanks with a / an / the:

a. I love _______________ flowers in your garden.

b. I always listen to _______________ radio in the morning.

c. Let’s sing _______________ song.

d. Pawan has _______________ old bike.

e. Look! There is _______________ bird flying.

f. Loch Ness is _______________ most famous lake in Scotland.

g. _______________ summer of 1996 was hot and dry.

h. I need _______________ blue pen.

j. Leipzig has _______________ airport.

j. My father is _______________ honest person.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V. Pronouns

A word that is used instead of a noun is called a pronoun.

(A) Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns:

Question 1.
Where do come from?

Question 2.
These cars are

Question 3.
She and _________________ sister have decided to become teachers.

Question 4.
The horse fell down and broke _________________ leg.

Question 5.
If I see _________________ I wouldn’t do it.

Question 6.
Shankar is honest and sincere. Everyone likes _________________

Question 7.
_________________ wants to go to his village.

Question 8.
In the beginning _________________ husband tried to enroll _________________ in the Missionary School.
my, me

Question 9.
This is _________________ book.
my / his / her / their / your

Question 10.
_________________ met a boy myself who was very kind.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

VI. Appreciation

Write a letter to your friend describing the qualities you liked most in Anandi Gopal.

Dear friend,

Hope this letter finds you in the pink of health as it’s the same with me. How did you perform in the exam? My results are due in a week. Exams are over and I have a lot of leisure, so I got myself enrolled in a library close to my house. There are many interesting books here.

I want to tell you about the book that I read recently. It’s about the first woman doctor of India. Her name was Anandi. She was born at a time when in India women in general, were not permitted to study. But with the encouragement that she received from her husband she went to USA and graduated as a doctor. The greatest quality that I admire in her is her determination to endure suffering to fulfill her dream.

It was the loss of her son and the pathetic condition of the Indian women that motivated her to serve the society as a doctor. I am so inspired by her biography that I have decided to work harder and be of some service to the society at large. Please read this book. You will also be inspired .If you are interested I can get it for you. Please do inform me about your new hobby that you are crazy about.
Do convey my regards to all at home. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Your loving friend,

VII Class Project:
(to be done by the student)

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was the greatest achievement of Anandi?
Anandi was the first Indian woman doctor to gradudate with a medical degree.

Question 2.
When and where was Anandi born?
Anandi was born on 31st March 1865 in Kalyan, a small village near Mumbai.

Question 3.
How can you prove that child marriage was rampant in India during the 19th century?
Anandi was only 9 years old when she married. This is a proof of the existence of child marriage in India.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Anandi was fortunate to have had Gopal Rao as her husbsand. How can this be proved? ,
Anandi qualified to become the first Indian woman doctor, graduated from a university in Philadelphia, USA. This was possible only due to the encouragement and support of her husband. This great feat was achieved at a time when in India, women were deprived of education. Hence Anandi can be considered fortunate to have had Gopal Rao as her husband.

Question 5.
Why were female doctors unavailable in India during that period?
As girls were deprived of education, there were no one qualified to become a doctor.

Question 6.
How did the Indian society react when it was decided that she would travel to USA alone?
When it was decided that Anandi would travel to the USA, the couple faced a lot of opposition and criticism. People even threw stones and cow dung at them.

Question 7.
How did Mrs. Carpenter take care of Anandi?
Mrs. Carpenter took care of Anandi as her own daughter. She even cried like a child when she dropped Anandi at the Women’s College at Philadelphia.

Question 8.
Why were the Superintendent and the Secretary of the College impressed with Anandi?
The Secretary and the Superintendent of the College were impressed with Anandi because she had come there to pursue her studies, from a far away land, braving poverty and opposition from her people.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 9.
Why did Anandi look out for another room to stay?
The room that was provided to her did not have a proper fireplace. It emitted a lot of smoke when lit. Anandi had to brave the cold weather most of the days without lighting the fireplace. Hence she decided to find another room to stay.

Question 10.
Describe how Anandi fell sick in the USA.
The room that was provided to her did not have a proper fireplace. It emitted a lot of smoke when lit. Anandi had to brave the cold weather most of the days as she could not use the fireplace. She could not find an accommodation elsewhere too. Therefore she spent two years in the same room. Gradually she developed temper ature and cold and felt faint at times. Her condition worsened by the end of the third year. Later she was diagnosed witg, Tuberculosis.

Question 11.
Why did Anandi receive a standing ovation at the convocation?
At the convocation, it was announced that she was the first woman doctor of India.
Everyone present there were so impressed with her achievement that they gave her a standing ovation.

Question 12.
Why did the Ayurvedic specialist at Pune refuse to treat Anandi?
The renowned Ayurvedic specialist at Pune refused to treat Anandi because according to him, she had crossed the boundaries of the India society by travelling to the US alone. It meant that she had opposed the customs, traditions and norms of the society and had thereby hurt the sentiments of the Indians.

Question 13.
Why was Anandi’s ashes sent to Mrs. Carpenter?
Mrs. Carpenter had loved and cared for Anandi as her own daughter. She had expressed her desire to place Anandi’d ashes in her family cemetery in Philadelphia. Therefore, the ashes were sent to her.

Question 14.
During her last days, Anandi was frustrated because she felt that all her efforts were in vain. What’s your opinion about this?
Anandi’s efforts have never been in vain because even today she is an inspiration to Indian girls from all walks of life. She proved that in spite of adverse situations and circumstances, one’s dreams can be fulfilled. She also proved that every individual has sufficient potential necessary to succeed in all walks of life.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 15.
How has the Government of Mahar ashtra honoured her?
Today, the Government of Maharashtra has a fellowship in her name for young women working on women’s health.

obstacles = a thing that blocks one’s way or progress.
host = a person who receives and entertains other people as guests especially in his or her home.
custom = a traditional and generally accepted way of behaving or doing things.
scholarship = an award of money to somebody to help pay for their education

II. Rewrite as directed:

Question 1.
Anandi lost her infant son when she’ was fourteen. (Frame a question to get the underlined word as the answer.)
How old was Anandi when she lost her infant son?

Question 2.
Gopal Rao wasn’t able to get a job in the USA. Anandi decided to travel alone. (Combine the sentences using the word- As)
As Gopal Rao wasn’t able to get a job in the USA, Anandi decided to travel alone.

Question 3.
They faced a lot of opposition. They faced a lot of criticism.
(Combine the sentence using: not only- but also)
They faced not only a lot of criticism, but also as lot of opposition.
They faced not only a lot of criticism but a lot of opposition also.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer from the four options provided and answer the questions.

Question 1.
Anandi Gopal was a
(a) Brahmin
(b) Sudra
(c) Kshatriya
(d) Vaishya
(a) Brahmin

Question 2.
It was difficult for Gopal Rao to teach Anandi because
(a) There were no schools.
(b) His parents opposed to her being educated.
(c) In those days husbands didn’t even speak to their wives in front of others.
(d) Gopal Rao had no money to educate her.
(c) In those days husbands didn’t even speak to their wives in front of others.

Question 3.
Many women in India suffered a lot because they were
(a) starved
(b) reluctant to approach male doctors.
(c) they were frightened of hospitals and injections.
(d) neglected
(b) reluctant to approach male doctors.

Question 4.
Mrs. Carpenter was a resident of
(a) New York
(b) New Jersey
(c) New Orleans
(d) New Port
(b) New Jersey

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
Anandi addressed Mrs. Carpenter as mavashi. The word mavashi means
(a) sister
(b) secretary
(c) mother
(d) aunt
(d) aunt

Question 6.
I _______________ (be, astonish) that they didn’t have a bath everyday. (The right tense form to be used here is)
(a) was astonished
(b) is astonishing
(c) was astonishing
(d) had astonished.
(a) was astonished

Question 7.
The Secretary and the Superintendent of the College were so impressed with Anandi that they
(a) Gave her an accommodation with the finest facilities.
(b) Offered her a scholarship of $600 for the three years.
(c) Offered to employ her in the College.
(d) Offered to adopt her.
(b) Offered her a scholarship of $600 for the three years.

Question 8.
Anandi couldn’t find another room to stay because
(a) They were biased against a brown Hindu girl.
(b) All the rooms were occupied.
(c) She couldn’t pay the rent.
(d) They rented rooms only for men.
(a) They were biased against a brown Hindu girl.

8th English An Autobiography Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 9.
The most rewarding movement in Anandi’s life was when
(a) She got married.
(b) She received a standing ovation at the convocation.
(c) When she traveled to the USA.
(d) When Mrs. Carpenter offered to host he in the USA.
(b) She received a standing ovation at the convocation.

An Autobiography Lesson Summary in English

This is an extract taken from R.K. Narayan’s ‘Swami and Friends’, which is about the adventures and life of a group of school boys in a fictional town Malgudi, before India’s Independence. This incident is about Swami’s desperate attempts to get permission from his school for cricket practice after school hours.

Swami and his friends had formed a cricket team called M.C.C. short for Malgudi Cricket Club. Swami was their star bowler and the boys had nicknamed him ‘Tate’, after Maurice Tate, a famous English fast bowler. They were to play a match on a Sunday, two weeks later. Rajam, the captain was confident that his team could thrash Y.M.U., their opponents. But he was anxious because Swami was not attending their practice games regularly. Swami had a problem at his new school, as they had drill practice daily in the evenings, after classes, which was compulsory.

Just a week before the match, Swami realized his team’s dependence on him and thought to avoid drill and go for practice. He feigned that he was ill and was delirious the previous night. The drill master did not believe him, but permitted him to go. The boys at the field were happy to see him and Rajam jumped with joy.

By next morning, Swami had formed a plan to be free all the evenings of the week for practice.. He went to Dr. T. Kesavan, their family doctor and asked for a doctor’s certificate. He told the truth to the doctor about the match, the importance of daily practice and the daily drill class at the school after school hours. He wanted the doctor to give him a certificate that he was having delirium and should be exempted from drill class.

The Doctor checked him up thoroughly and declared that he was quite fit and advised him to stick to drill to get rid of his delirium. Poor Swami was thinking that delirium was some kind of stomach ache. The doctor was against giving him any false medical certificate as it was unethical and he could be prosecuted if found out. But, he assured Swami that he would speak to the Head Master about Swami’s need and request him to let Swami off daily after four thirty, for cricket practice.

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Leisure Poem Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Pre-reading task:

(a) What do you call these activities?
Such activities are called as hobbies.

(b) When do you think they do these activities?
Those activities are done by them during their leisure.

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

(c) Do you think it is important to have leisure activities? Why?
Yes, it is necessary to have a hobby. It enhances ones knowledge as well as talent, depending on the hobby that is adopted. It is always better to be busy than idle because an idle mind becomes a devil’s workshop.

(d) Do you have any activities like this? Which one do you like the best? Why?
Reading, painting, stitching, knitting, fabric painting, ikebana, philately, numismatics, dancing, listening to music, playing musical instruments, etc are some of the common hobbies. I like most of them because they develop my personality in general, and refresh me when I am stressed out.

(e) When would you like to do these activities? In your leisure time or all the time? Why?
I prefer to enjoy my hobby during my leisure because if I engage my self in my hobby all the time, then all my other important works will be neglected.

I. Comprehension

Answer the following questions in a sentence.

Question 1.
What do squirrels hide in the grass?
Squirrels hide nuts in the grass.

Question 2.
What are we missing in broad daylight?
We are missing the opportunity to admire the beautiful nature.

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
How long do we stare?
We have no time to stand and stare.

Question 4.
What do beauty’s feet do?
Beauty’s feet dances to the rhythm of nature’s music.

Question 5.
What are the night skies compared to?
The night skies are compared to streams full of stars in broad daylight.

II. Answer the following questions in four-six sentences each.

Question 1.
How have we made our life ‘poor’, according to the poet?
We have made our lives poor by losing the opportunities to observe the beautiful nature. Nature with its immense beauty is a treasure trove of wisdom, peace and of love. It has plenty to teach us, if only we care and find time to observe them. Hence by being blind to this exuberant wealth and vibrant nature,we are making ourselves poor.

Question 2.
Write the substance of the poem ‘Leisure’.
In this poem leisure, the poet W. H. Davies brings out very vividly the incredible beauty of nature. The poet highlights certain trivial, simple beauties of nature which we fail to. observe; such as a squirrel hiding the nuts in the grass and the sheep and the cattle staring at nature. If we only care to observe this nature for a few seconds, we can cherish its aesthetic beauty and become richer.

Standing under the shade of the bough, staring at nature’s beauty, observing the sparkling waters and learning from its wisdom is awe inspiring. It is also heartwarming to watch nature swaying and dancing to the rhythm of the breeze At the end of the poem, the poet is sad. because he feels that our lives will be ‘poor’ because we don’t find time to enrich it with the wealth and wisdom of nature.

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Appreciation:

Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each:

Question 1.
What do you see in a garden?
A variety of plants such as grass, shrubs, and trees with or without flowers are generally found in a garden. It is also dotted with some birds and animals.

Question 2.
The poet has used the words ‘no time’ in each line. The title of the poem is ‘Leisure’. Is the title appropriate? Comment on the title of the poem.
There is a contrast in the title of the poem and the first few words in every line of the poem. The poet has deliberately adopted this technique and style of writing to grab the attention of the reader to the fact that none of us have time to spare for anything or for anybody. This contrast enhances the beauty of the poem as well as making it thought provoking.

Question 3.
Pick out the rhyming words from the poem and supply another rhyming word of your own for each.

Rhyming terms example
care  stare     flare
bough  cows     ploughs
pass  grass     class
day light  night     fight
glance  Dance   prance
can  began   fan

Question 4.
How is our life today very different from the life visualized in the poem? What must we do to get more free time for ourselves?
There is a deep contrast between our lives and the one mentioned in the poem. We lead a fast, active and busy life. Our days are packed with chores, appointments and socializing, that we can’t slow down it’s pace to even glance at nature which is brimming and teeming with life The life portrayed in the poem is a perfect contrast to the bustling life in towns and cities.

In the poem, life moves at a very slow pace; animals such as sheep or cows stare at nature while they graze. The streams glisten in the bright sunshine just like stars in a night sky and the beautiful nature sways to its own rhythm, in perfect harmony.

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
“No time to turn at Beauty’s glance”. What do you think ‘Beauty’ here means?
The term beauty’s glance here refers to the beautiful nature with its varied, vibrant colours, shapes and sizes that can bring feast to the eyes that beholds it.

Question 6.
How have we failed to appreciate the beauty of nature?
We have miserably failed to appreciate the’ beauty of nature because we are too busy with our daily mundane activities,

Question 7.
There is more in life than rushing and working. Do you agree with the statement? If yes, explain.
Yes, there is more in life than rushing and working. We pass by this world only once and God has surrounded us with such a vibrant, active, wise and a colourful nature. If we only took a minute to observe it, we would never destroy it but would leave it better than when we received it. We would also become wiser and develop qualities . such as. love, compassion, team spirit, sharing and selfless attitude which is very necessary to lead a meaningful life.

IV Activities.

Question 1.
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Write a paragraph of about one hundred words on this proverb.
Imagine a world without leisure and enjoyment! We would all be drudges and consequently would be no better than animals. I can only imagine people with bowed shoulders and lowered eyes, people who have no light in their eyes and no hope in their world. People are always busy – busy with work and busy with idleness. I’m not trying to be witty but people are busy with nothing to do because they do not know how to make use of their leisure time productively.

Man has always been busy with the effort of fulfilling his needs. In the olden days, man spent his time hunting and then ploughing, but these activities did not fill up his. whole day. Today, man is busy keeping up with the others. It is no longer a question of survival but a question of acquisition – acquiring more worldly goods, having more money to hoard and to spend. Most of us do not feel happy when there is nothing to do.

Those who are able to enjoy what they do and those who are able to do what they enjoy are indeed very lucky. But even these people need a change. A person who is doing an office job or busy with books, welcomes a walk in the evening, half an hour in the garden, a drink with a friend. And a person who has been working in a factory or in a field, would definitely enjoy a visit to a restaurant, an hour, to go through the newspaper or watch television.

It is not only the nature of one’s work which conditions one’s choice of recreative activity. Intellectual and cultural development is also an important factor. Those people who do not know how to enjoy their leisure and do not allow themselves to recoup, lose their efficiency. No one can continue at the same rate of efficiency over an indefinite period.

Just as the body needs sleep, the mind needs rest and change. That is why the hobbies which one cultivates and. the activities which keep one busy are referred to as recreative; they help to recreate something which has been spent and utilized People who only know about their work and are perpetually engrossed in it do not recreate that part of themselves which is spent. Thus they either break down under the strain or merely tag along like automatons. They make very poor conversationalists and do not have well-integrated

personalities. Over the years, they lose their mental alertness and become confined to the narrow limits of their jobs. This is not to decry hard work. Work is necessary and only those who work hard are able to achieve something. But at the same time, one must know how to relax, no matter for how short a period. Relaxation does not mean only sleeping or idling; it also means finding something satisfying and meaningful to do. Otherwise life becomes monotonous and dull

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

2. Student’s activity:

(a) Reading, painting, stitching, knitting, fabric painting, ikebana, philately, numismatics, dancing, listening to music, playing musical instruments, doing cross-words, writing, singing, drama etc are some of the common hobbies.

(b) Visit to national parks and historical places. Go for boating in lakes. Visit Amusement parks, Go on trekking, Mountaineering, visit old forts, visit water falls.

3. Read the poems:

(a)’ ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth Daffodils:
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
– William Wordsworth

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

b. ‘The Lamb’ by William Blake.
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Gave thee life, and bid thee feed
By the stream and o’er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice!
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Little Lamb, I’ll tell thee,
Little Lamb, I’ 11 tell thee:
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb ;
He is meek, and he is mild;
He became a little child ;
I a child, and thou a lamb.
We are called by His name.
Little Lamb, God bless thee!
Little Lamb, God bless thee!
– William Blake


Complete the poem:

Lo! The sun is rising
Now its time to wake, the birds are singing.

The gentle breeze touches the blooming flower
Patter, patter, gently the dew gives them a shower

Sways nature by light
And also in the light

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
‘What is life if, full of care”. What does the word care mean?
The word ‘care’ refers to all our duties and responsibilities that we ought to fulfill.

Question 2.
A poor life this if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare. Explain the meaning of the lines.
It means that if we spend our whole life immersed only in our daily routine and find
I no time to enjoy the beauty of nature, we lead a poor life.

II. Identify the figures of speech:

1. We have no time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as log as sheep or cows Simile

2. Streams full of stars like skies at night. Simile.

3. No time to turn to Beauty’s glance
And watch her feet how, they can dance Personification

4. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began Personification

III. Multiple Choice Question:

Choose the correct answer from the four options given and fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
the poem ‘Leisure’ is speaking about
(a) standing beneath a bough
(b) our leisure activities
(c) the beauty of nature that we are missing to observe
(d) poet’s leisure.
(c) the beauty of nature that we are missing to observe

8th English Leisure Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Leisure Poem Summary in English

We humans lead poor lives because in our busy schedule, we don’t find time to enrich our lives with the wealth of beauty and wisdom that nature has to offer.

The poet states that our lives become meaningless if we don’t lay aside some time to admire the ‘beauty of nature. Nature with its vibrant colours, fragrance and exuberant flora and fauna is brimming with love and wisdom They are at our disposal and will belong to us, only if we care to admire their beauty and enrich our lives.

Life is indeed beautiful, to stand under the boughs and stare at nature as sheep or cows. We are too busy to see a squirrel hide nuts in the grass or to see the gleaming stream which looks like the starlit night sky or to observe the beauty of nature as she sways and dances to the rhythm of nature’s music. We have no time to enjoy such beauty, which not only brings a smile on our face but is also a feast to the eyes. Without this quality of appreciation, of the incredible beauty of nature, we are poor says the poet W.H. Davies.

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Comprehension

A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each:

Question 1.
Name the teams that are to play the cricket match in the lesson.
MCC (Malgudi Cricket Club) and YMU (Young Men’s Union) were the two teams.

Question 2.
Who were the prominent players in the MCC team?
Rajam, Mani and Swami.

Question 3.
Who was the “Tate” of the team? Why was he called so?
Swami was called as ‘Tate’ of the team. Maurice Tate was a famous English fast bowler, at that time. Like him, Swami was also a good fast bowler, really adept at taking wickets. So the nickname.

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Why could Swami not attend the practice in the evenings?
Swami’s school had drill classes daily after school hours, which was compulsory to all the students. They were very strict about that and students were not excused that easily.

Question 5.
What was Swami’s excuse for exempting him from drill for a week?
Swami formed a plan to get exempted ‘ from drill classes for a week. He thought that he would complain of delirium, which he thought was some kind of stomach ache, get a Doctor’s certificate and avoid drill classes for a week.

Question 6.
What did Swami request the doctor to give him?
Swami told the doctor the truth about the match and the need to have some practice before the match. He requested the doctor to give him a certificate asking the school authorities to let him off daily at four thirty, citing his delirium.

B. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
“There was only one who caused him the deepest anxiety day and night.”
a. Who caused Rajam the deepest anxiety?
Swami caused Rajam the anxiety.

b. Why was this so?
Swami, nicknamed ‘Tate’, was the team’s star bowler, and if MCC were to win, they need him. But, he was not at all turning up for practice, citing drill classes on some other activity at his school.

Question 2.
“Just seven days before the match, Swaminathan realized that his evenings were more precious than ever?

a. What is the match referred to here?
It was the cricket match to be played by MCC against YMU on a Sunday.

b. Why were the evenings more precious than ever?
The match was only seven days away. Swami has not been attending the practice games. There was not much time for Swami to prepare himself for the match, if he misses practice, because of drill classes at the school. The other team members, and the captain were also disheartened.

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
“But contrary to the custom, he had not taken off his coat and cap.”
a. Why did Swami not take off his coat and cap?
Swami wanted to give a miss to the drill class and go for cricket practice. So, just after the evening bell, when the rest of the boys were in their shirts, with their dhotis tucked up while lining up for the drill class, he had not taken off his coat and cap.

b. What happened soon after?
When the drill master saw him still in his coat and cap, he muttered that Swami would not be getting any leave and asked him to take them off. Swami went behind him and blurted out that he was not well and was delirious. The drill master did not believe him, but allowed him to go.

Question 4.
“Well, I could do it. But is there anything wrong with you?”
a. Who is speaking to Swami these lines?
Doctor T. Kesavan spoke these words to Swami.

b. Was there anything really wrong with Swami?
There was reall nothing wrong with Swami.

c. What is the real purpose of Swami’s visit?
Swami wanted to get a medical certificate from the doctor, citing his delirium as illness to exempt him from drill classes, so that he can go for cricket practice.

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
“I can’t give you the certificate. But I shall talk to your Head Master about you and request him to let you off after four-thirty.”
a. Why does the doctor refuse to give a certificate?
The doctor was afraid that he may be prosecuted for giving a false medical certificate and also it was unethical as Swami had no physical problems. So he refused to give the certificate.

b. What does he offer to do instead?
He offered to talk to Swami’s Head Master about Swami and the coming cricket match and request the Head master on Swami’s behalf to let him off after four thirty.

c. Do you think the doctor was kind to Swami?
The doctor was definitely sympathetic to Swami and was kind enough to take up Swami’s case and willing to request the Head master to exempt him from drill classes.

C. Answer the following questions in about six or eight sentences each:

Question 1.
How did Swami manage to get the permission of the drill master?
Just seven days before the match, as soon as the evening bell rang, the boys lined up for drill class. All of them had taken off their coats and were in their shirts with dhotis tucked up. Swami lingered on without removing his coat and cap. The drill master stopped in front of Swami and told him that no leave would be given and asked him to remove his coat and cap.

Swami pretended to be sick and pleaded to be let off. He claimed that he was delirious the entire previous night. Drill master did not believe him but fed up with his pestering, allowed him to go.

Question 2.
What was Swami’s plan to get exemption from drill for a week?
Swami managed to escape from the drill class for one evening by pretending to be sick. But, he still had to avoid the rest of the week from drill class. He thought of a plan to elaborate on his story of being sick and delirious. Actually, he was not even knowing the meaning of delirious. He thought of going to their family doctor with the same story. He wanted the doctor to give him a medical certificate, to get exemption from the evening drill classes.

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
How did the doctor promise to help Swami?
Early in the morning by seven thirty, Swami turned up at Dr. Kesavan’s dispensary. The doctor enquired Swami the purpose of his visit. Swami told him the truth about the forthcoming cricket match and the need for regular practice. He told the doctor about the evening Drill classes and his requirement to be exempted from the same. He wanted a medical certificate citing his deliriums. The doctor checked him and finding nothing wrong with him, refused to give a certificate. He was afraid that if caught for giving a false certificate, he may be prosecuted. However, he offered to talk to Swami’s head master on his behalf and request for exemption.

II. Speaking Activity.

A. Imagine that the doctor meets Swami’s Head Master and convinces him to let off Swami after 4:30 p.m.
B. Now form groups of four and think of dialogues for this situation. Try to give different endings.
C. Develop a scripts play, the different parts in the story and enact it before the class.
Class activity

Example: A paragraph outline Complete the following paragraphs with the help of the clues given below:

Key words: palace, soldiers, fond of, store house, to eat, demanded, summoned, devised, noticed, investigation, keep watch, honey, stole, thief, stand, detect, lifted up, observed, identify.
Linkers: who, and, so, as soon as, thus.

Question 1.
There lived a king by name Krishna. He and Queen Radha lived in a very big ______________ with hundreds of servants and ______________ . Both the King the Queen were ______________ honey. They built a separate store room to store a few tins of ______________ . The king appointed twelve guards to ______________ round the clock.
palace, soldiers, and, fond of, honey, keep watch.

Question 2.
One of the guards wanted ______________ some of the royal honey. ______________ he made a secret entry to the ______________ of honey and ______________ a few tins of honey. The queen came to know of the theft in the palace and ______________ her beloved husband to punish the ______________ .
to eat, so, store house, stole, demanded, thief.

Question 3.
In the morning, the next day, the king ______________ all the guards at once and ordered them to ______________ in a line. The king ______________ a plan to ______________ the guard who had stolen the honey. He hold them in a polite tone that he ______________ a pinch of honey on the beard of one of the guards. ______________ the king uttered these words one of the guards ______________ his hand to wipe his beard. The king ______________ this act and he hold the guard that he was the culprit. ______________ the king was able to ______________ the thief without any ______________
summoned, stand, devised, detect, noticed, as soon as, lifted up observed, thus, identify, investigation.

8th English Before The Match Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Before The Match Lesson Summary in English

This is an extract taken from R.K. Narayan’s ‘Swami and Friends’, which is about the adventures and life of a group of school boys in a fictional town Malgudi, before India’s Independence. This incident is about Swami’s desperate attempts to get permission from his school for cricket practice after school hours.

Swami and his friends had formed a cricket team called M.C.C. short for Malgudi Cricket Club. Swami was their star bowler and the boys had nicknamed him ‘Tate’, after Maurice Tate, a famous English fast bowler. They were to play a match on a Sunday, two weeks later. Rajam, the captain was confident that his team could thrash Y.M.U., their opponents. But he was anxious because Swami was not attending their practice games regularly. Swami had a problem at his new school, as they had drill practice daily in the evenings, after classes, which was compulsory.

Just a week before the match, Swami realized his team’s dependence on him and thought to avoid drill and go for practice. He feigned that he was ill and was delirious the previous night. The drill master did not believe him, but permitted him to go. The boys at the field were happy to see him and Rajam jumped with joy.

By next morning, Swami had formed a plan to be free all the evenings of the week for practice. He went to Dr. T. Kesavan, their family doctor and asked for a doctor’s certificate. He told the truth to the doctor about the match, the importance of daily practice and the daily drill class at the school after school hours. He wanted the doctor to give him a certificate that he was having delirium and should be exempted from drill class.

The Doctor checked him up thoroughly and declared that he was quite fit and advised him to stick to drill to get rid of his delirium. Poor Swami was thinking that delirium was some kind of stomach ache. The doctor was against giving him any false medical certificate as it was unethical and he could be prosecuted if found out. But, he assured Swami that he would speak to the Head Master about Swami’s need and request him to let Swami off daily after four thirty, for cricket practice

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer each of the following in a sentence or two.

Question 1.
Why was Kaushika very angry with the bird?
Kaushika was very angry with the bird because it had disturbed him by its loud twittering.

Question 2.
Why did the housewife delay in giving alms to Kaushika?
She was attending to her husband who had just come home. Hence she got delayed in giving alms to Kaushika.

Question 3.
Who did she advise Kaushika to meet?
She advised Kaushika to meet Dharmavyadha.

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Why did Kaushika feel stunned at the words of Dharmavyadha?
Dharmavyadha told him that the chaste woman must have sent him. These words of Dharmavyadha stunned Kaushika. Hitherto Kaushika was full of conceit, imagining that he was the only learned man, but he realized that it was not so.

Question 5.
What did Kaushika do after his visit to Dharmavyadha?
Kaushika returned home. Thereafter, he spent his days in the service of his aged parents and in teaching others the vedic lore he had mastered.

Question 6.
What did Sage Markandeya tell Yudhishtira at the end?
Sage Markandeya told Yudhishtira that in every division of people, there were enlightened souls who could guide even scholars and masters of vedic teachings.

II. Answer each of the following in a paragraph.

Question 1.
Narrate how Kaushika felt on listening to the lady.
Once, Kaushika went a house and begged for alms. The mistress of the house was attending to her husband who had just come home. So she took some time to bring him alms. Kaushika was displeased and glared at her. The lady said smilingly to Kaushika that she was not a crane for his glare to burn her up. Kaushika was surprised by her words.

He wondered how could that lady come to know his killing the crane. The woman told him that he might have mastered the vedic lore, but did not know the mysteries of Dharma. She told him to meet Dharmavyadha of Mithila to learn the mysteries of Dharma from him. Kaushika was very curious by listening to her words, and so he went to Mithila.

Question 2.
What are the essentials of Dharma according to Dharmavyadha?
Dharmavyadha told Kaushika the essentials of Dharma that he followed. One should be truthful to engage oneself in one’s inherent duty. One should be patient and merciful, not to be overjoyed in happiness or not be sad in difficulties.

One should be engaged in prayers and tapas and appreciate the good qualities in others. One should not boast himself. One should have bath in sacred rivers, visit holy places, serve one’s parents and the guru who has bestowed knowledge on them. This is Dharma. These are the mysteries of Dharma according Dharmavyadha.

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
What can we learn from the story of Dharmavyadha?
We should not be arrogant. We should not consider ourselves as a learned man and show anger towards others. We should be truthful to our work. We should not cheat others and not tell lies. We should serve our parents with devotion and the guru who has given knowledge to us. Though Dharmavyadha was a meat seller, he was not cruel.

He had noble qualities. He followed all these principles in his life. Hence, Dharmavyadha is a model person and this story is a moral to us. consider ourselves as a learned man and show anger towards others. We should be truthful to our work. We should not cheat others and not tell lies. We should serve our parents with devotion and the guru who . has given knowledge to us.

Though Dharmavyadha was a meat seller, he was not cruel. He had noble qualities. He followed all these principles in his life. Hence, Dharmavyadha is a model person and this story is a moral to us.

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each question. choose the correct one.

Question 1.
Kaushika was proficient in the
(a) showing arrogant.
(b) burning birds by ascetic power.
(c) Veda lore.
(d) Narrating stories.
(c) Veda lore.

Question 2.
This story of Dharmavyadha was narrated by Sage Markandeya to
(a) a woman
(b) Kaushika
(c) Yudhishtira
(d) Arjuna
(c) Yudhishtira

Question 3.
The bird that disturbed Kaushika was a
(a) parrot
(b) crane
(c) dove
(d) crow
(b) crane

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Kaushika went to a house for
(a) bestowing knowledge
(b) alms
(c) telling vedas
(d) narrating stories
(b) alms

Question 5.
The lady was late to bring alms to Kaushika because
(a) she was cooking
(b) she was sleeping
(c) she was attending to her husband.
(d) she was attending to her parents.
(c) she was attending to her husband.

Question 6.
The lady asked Kaushika to meet Dharmavyadha to
(a) learn telling stories.
(b) learn vedas.
(c) learn mysteries of dharma.
(d) to test him.
(c) learn mysteries of dharma.

Question 7.
Dharmavyadha lived in the city of
(a) Mathura
(b) Mithila
(c) Dwaraka
(b) Mithila

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 8.
Dharmavyadha was a
(a) flower seller
(b) fruit seller
(c) sweet seller
(d) meat seller
(d) meat seller

Question 9.
According to Dharmavyadha, the shield of his life was
(a) blessings of Kaushika
(b) blessings of God
(c) blessings of his parents
(d) his work
(c) blessings of his parents

Question 10.
After visiting to Dharmavyadha, Kaushika returned to
(a) forest to bum more birds
(b) the house of the lady to teach Dharma.
(c) home to serve his parents.
(d) home to live with his wife.
(c) home to serve his parents.

II. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why did Kaushika forsake his home and parents?
Kaushika was proficient in the veda lore. He wished to beat everyone in learning. So he forsake home and parents and went to a forest and pursued his studies.

Question 2.
What was Kaushika doing when he was disturbed by a bird?
He was sitting under a tree studying the vedas.

Question 3.
How did Kaushika feel after burning the bird into ashes?
Kaushika felt sorry that his wrath had caused the death of a bird. But the realization of his ascetic power also pleased him and he felt proud.

Question 4.
Why did Kaushika stand before a house? What did he cry?
He stood before a house for begging alms. He cried aloud “Bhavathi Bhikshan Dehi ”.

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
How did Kaushika react to the lady when she came late?
Kaushika was displeased and looked at her with anger.

Question 6.
Why did Kaushika think that the lady and Dharmavyadha were great persons?
That morning, the lady had referred to his killing the bird. And then, the butcher selling meat was telling him that the lady must have sent him. So, he felt, all these were great persons.

Question 7.
What were the principles of ‘Dharma’ followed by Dharmavyadha.
He had followed the hereditary profession of selling meat, but he had not killed animals. He did not cheat in business. He never told lies. He had no enemies. He was serving his aged parents with devotion. Their blessings were his shield. These were principles of Dharma followed by Dharmavyadha.

Question 8.
What was the immediate influence of Dharmavyadha on Kaushika.
Kaushika’s arrogance evaporated. His false pride vanished. He realized his ‘Dharma’ and decided to return home to serve his aged parents.

The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Summary in English

This story is taken from ‘The Mahabharatha’. Sage Markandeya narrated this story to Yudhistira.

Kaushika was proficient in the vedic lore. He had forsaken home and parents and went to forest and pursued his studies to surpass everyone in learning. One day, he was disturbed by the loud twittering of a crane while he was studying. He glared at the bird and it was reduced to ashes. Kaushika was sorry for his wrath, but was pleased and felt proud of his ascetic power.

He went to a nearby town and stood before a house for alms. The lady of that house delayed to bring alms as she was attending to her husband. Kaushika glared at her. The lady told Kaushika, that she was not a crane for his glare to bum her. Kaushika was confused by her words. She told Kaushika that he might have mastered vedic lore, but he did not know the mysteries of dharma. She advised him to meet Dharmavyadha of Mithila to leam the mysteries of dharma. Kaushika was curious and went to Mithila.

Kaushika met Dharmavyadha in his meat shop. He welcomed Kaushika warmly. He said to Kaushika that the chaste woman must have sent him. The word of Dharmavyadha stunned Kaushika. Hitherto Kaushika was full of conceit, imagining that he was the only learned man, but then he realized that it was not so. That lady had referred to his killing the bird and the meat seller told him that the lady had sent him. So he felt, all these were the great persons. He requested Dharmavyadha to reveal to him the mysteries of Dharma.

Dharmavyadha had told Kaushika about the path he was following, “To be truthful to one’s own duty, to be patient and merciful, to be engaged in prayer and tapas, to have bath in rivers, to visit holy places, to appreciate the good qualities in others, to serve our parents and the guru who had bestowed knowldege on us”. This is Dharma, these are the mysteries of dharma.

Further he said, that he was following the hereditary profession of selling meat, but he had not killed animals. He did not cheat in business and never lied. He had no enemies. He served his aged parents with devotion. Their blessings were his shield.

Dharmavyadha took Kaushika home and showed his parents and prostrated before them. Kaushika also bowed to the aged couple. After meeting Dharmavyadha, Kaushika’s arrogance evaporated, his eyes were opened. He realized his dharma. Then he returned home and spent his days in the service of his parents and teaching others the vedic lore.

After narrating this story sage Markandeya told Yudhistira that in every division of people, there are enlightened souls who could guide even scholars and masters of vedic teachings.

8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Summary in Kannada

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8th English The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Story of Dharmavyadha Lesson Word in English

  • virtue = good quality
  • hereditary = inherited by birth
  • glared = looked at with anger
  • confounded = get confused, get mixed up
  • enlightened souls = learned people
  • forsaking = leaving
  • perched = sat
  • dwelt = thought
  • wrath = anger
  • ascetic = divine
  • alms = food or gifts given to the poor
  • startled = surprised
  • mysteries = secrets
  • chaste = pure, religious
  • conceit = false pride
  • Sir = Teacher / a word of respect
  • inherent duty = primary duty
  • shield = protection, defensive armour
  • elated = overjoyed
  • prostrated = salutation, lying with face to ground; (done before God or elders)
  • proficient = learned
  • surpass = beat ; outdo, excel
  • stunned = shocked
  • depressed = very sad
  • grief = sorrow
  • cultivate = learn ; nurture
  • bestowed = given

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer each of the following questions in a sentence or two.

Question 1.
When did Valentina go round the earth? What was great about the event.
Valentina went round the earth on June 16,1963.

Valentina travelled successfully in the spaceship, Vostak VI round the earth at 18000 miles an hour. She won the credit of being the world’s first space woman. It was a great event.

Question 2.
How did Valentina help her mother? What else was she doing at the same time?
Valentina went to work at a tyre factory and then at a textile mill to help her mother to maintain the family. At the same time, she attended some classes at Yaroslov. In 1960, she graduated from a trade school.

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
How did people all over the world share her joys at the historic moment?
Crowds of people all over the world simply danced with joy when they heard that Valentina was going round the globe.

Question 4.
What did she say on landing after the space flight?
Valentina said that it was very nice to be a guest but it was always better at home and she felt joy at being home again when she landed.

Question 5.
Apart from flying, what were Valentina’s hobbies?
She was interested in music and literature. She loved reading.

II. Answer each of the following in a paragraph of about 80-100 sentences each.

Question 1.
Imagine you are asked to interview Valentina Tereshkova. Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask her.

  • Good morning, Madam. You are the first woman cosmonaut. How do you. feel about your achievement?
  • You are a successful cosmonaut. Could you tell me about your early education?
  • The great personalities of the w orld had the dream of their achievements in their early life. Have you had any such dream in your childhood?
  • May I know, whether your family members or relatives or friends supported you?
  • Are you influenced by the achievements of any great person alities?
  • How it is possible for you a successful cosmonaut?
  • How did you feel when you were in space?
  • How did the people react when you were going round the earth in space?
  • What chores did you do while you were in space?
  • Do you have any other hobbies?
  • What is your advice to the younger generation?
  • Thank you Madam.

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
You must have read about Kalpana Chawla. Write in a paragraph the similarity and the contrast betweeen the flights of Tereshkova and Kalpana Chawla.
The similarities between Valentina and Kalpana Chawla.
Valentina is a Russian. She is the first woman cosmonaut in the world. Kalpana Chawla is an Indian. She is the First Indian woman Cosmonaut.
Both of them had great courage and ability.
Valentina was dreaming of sailing on a ‘magic carpet’, when she was selected to undergo cosmonauts training Kalpana Chawla also dreamt that she was flying an aeroplane, while riding bicycle to the school.

Valentina was influenced by Yuri Gagarin. Kalpana Chawla had a high regard for J.R.D. Tata. He was her role model. Both of them went round the earth in space and made the observation of earth and gave information from the space.

There are many dissimilarities between the flight of Valentina and Kalpana Chawla. Valentina could not get a good education during her early days. But Kalpana got very a good education in her early days and graduated in aerospace engineering. Valentina could not get full support from her family. But Kalpana got support from her family members and her husband.

Valentina went to space by the spaceship of her country. Kalpana went in space by the spaceship of America. Valentina steered the spaceship herself well and landed by parachute successfully. Crew members were there in Kalpana’s spaceship. But during reentry, there was a small hitch and Kalpana’s spaceship exploded and all the crew members died.

Question 3.
What do you think youngsters like you can learn from the life of Valentina Tereshkova? Discuss and write.
Valentina came from a poor family. She . was a village girl. Her father was a driver. He died at the front during World War II. Valentina could not, get smooth and continuous education. She worked in a tyre factory and later at a textile mill to help her mother maintain the family.

At the same time she attended some night classes and graduated in a trade school, she had got training in parachute jumping and later got cosmonauts training. Later she became first woman cosmonaut in the world.

Though Valentina faced many difficulties and poverty, she developed herself with strong determination, boldness and daring qualities. By understanding her life story, we should not get disheartened at the time of difficulties. We have to face difficulties with courage. We should not think about the place of birth and poverty. We should have strong determination.

Valentina was not just strong and fit, but had all the soft and nice qualities of a women. She was interested in music, literature and reading. These are admirable qualities and should be imitated by us.

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each question. Choose the correct one:

Question 1.
Valentina was the first woman
(a) astrologer
(b) aerospace scientist
(c) cosmonaut
(d) pilot
(c) cosmonaut

Question 2.
Valentina was a cosmonaut
(a) American
(b) India
(c) Russian
(d) German
(c) Russian

Question 3.
The name of the spaceship in which Valentina travelled
(a) Sputnik
(b) Rover
(c) Vostok-VI
(d) Endeavour
(c) Vostok-VI

Question 4.
Valentina’s father was a
(a) scientist
(b) soldier
(c) tractor driver
(d) farmer
(c) tractor driver

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
Valentina was dreaming of sailing on a
(a) magic aeroplane
(b) glider
(c) magic carpet
(d) parachute
(c) magic carpet

Question 6.
The river that looked beautiful from outer space was
(a) Rhine
(b) Danube
(c) Volga
(c) Volga

Question 7.
Valentina steered the spaceship herself very well and landed by parachute in
(a) Central America
(b) Soviet Central Asia
(c) Central Europe
(d) Western Russia
(b) Soviet Central Asia

Question 8.
Valentina was more intimately known as
(a) Vanya
(b) Kova
(c) Tereshka
(d) Valya.
(d) Valya.

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The First Woman in Space Lesson Summary in English

It is a life story of Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut of the world.

June 16, 1963 was a memorable day because Valentina Tereshkova of Soviet Union travelled successfully in the spaceship, Vostok-VI round the earth at 18,000 miles an hour and won the credit of being the world’s first space woman.

Valentina was a village girl of humble birth. But she made a great achievement in space travelling and became the first woman cosmonaut.

Valentina was born on March 6, 1937 at the village of Maselennikovo. Her father was a tractor driver. He died at the war front during World War II. The family was passing through many difficulties of poverty. Therefore Valentina could not have a smooth and continuous schooling. She went to work at a tyre factory and then at a textile mill to help her mother to maintain the family.

At the same time, she attended some classes at Yaroslov and graduated in a trade school. Later she underwent the training of parachute jumping and cosmonauts training. She was influenced by Yuri Gagarin and started to dream of sailing on a “magic carpet”. Then she was admitted to space school and this proved the way for her great expectation.

With her keen interest and persistent efforts, she soon progressed ahead of all her fellow trainees. She learnt with earnestness and hard work all about rockets. After moths of vigorous training, she was chosen to fly into outer space.

The day was fixed for her taking off. Every minute things went with clock-like accuracy according to plan. It was the proudest moment of her life when she talked from outer space to millions of her fellowmen on the earth. Crowds of people all over the world simply danced for joy of her success.

From those heavenly height, she saw the cloud covered earth and at times she could recognize the landscape too. River Volga looked beautiful from outer space. She felt quite normal even while going at that unimaginable speed. She remained in that spaceship speeding round and round for three days. Thus she showed to the world that a woman has better stamina and endurance than a man.

She made observations, wrote down notes and sent news to earth. While returning to earth, she steered the ship herself very well and landed by parachute in Soviet Central Asia. She told about her flight that it was very nice to be a guest but it was always better to be at home.

When she landed, she felt joy being at home again. She was very happy over her success in the space experiment. She proved that women could also withstand the rigorous strains of rocket flight and weightlessness.

Valentina was interested in music, literature and reading. She loved a happy and quite home life.
Valentina’s space flight will be recorded in the history of civilization as one more triumph of the human spirit.

8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The First Woman in Space Lesson Summary in Kannada

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8th English The First Woman in Space Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The First Woman in Space Lesson Word in English

  • credit = honour
  • cosmonaut = space traveller
  • thrilling = very joyful
  • Yuri Gagarin = the first man in space
  • stamina = strength
  • mysterious = full of miracle
  • destiny = fate
  • numerous = uncountable
  • dare = venture, courage
  • persistent = persevering
  • rigorous = very severe
  • endurance = bear
  • strain = injure by over exertion
  • literature = books and written composition valued for form and style

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer each of the following questions in a sentence or two.

Question 1.
Why is October 2, a special day in the history of India?
October 2 is special day in the History of India because it is the birthday of Lal Bahadur Shastry and Gandhiji. Both of them were great national leaders of India.

Question 2.
Where did Lal Bahadur have his education after his studies at school?
Lal Bahadur had his higher education at Kashi Vidyapita in Varanasi.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
Name atleast two positions that Lal Bahadur held as an administrator.
Lal Bahadur held many positions as an administrator. He served as the minister for Home and Transport in Uttar Pradesh. Railway Minister at the centre, Home Minister and also as the Prime Minister.

Question 4.
Why do you think lal Bahadur refused to stay at home even during the days of parole?
Lal Bahadur Shastry was a highly principled and honest man. According to him, the parole was for the sake of his daughter. But she was dead. So, it was not right for him to stay back and he went back to the prison.

Question 5.
When did Lal Bahadur resign his post as the Railway Minister? What was the reason he gave for this act?
After the Arialur Railway accident, Lal Bahadur Shastry resigned from his post as the Railway Minister. He accepted moral responsibility for that disaster and resigned.

Question 6.
How did he respond to the Pakistan’s attack.
Shastry declared in the parliament “Force will be meet with force.” He gave the army to take action against Pakistan and teach it a lesson. Indian army entered Pakistan and won the war.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Answer each of the following in a paragraph of 10-12 sentences.

Question 1.
Give an account of Lal Bahadur’s education.
Lal Bahadur had his school education at Mughal Sarai. After his school education, he went to Varanasi and joined Kashi Vidyapita and studied there for four years. As a student, he was very bright in subjects like philosophy, economics, political science and social science. He had to walk eight miles each way. He was so poor that he could not buy a bicycle. He got the degree “Shastry” while he was studying at Kashi Vidyapita. He had to lead a hard life as a student. His monthly expenditure was just two and half rupees.

Question 2.
Narrate any one incident from Lal Bahadur’s life which highlights his honesty?
During freedom movement Lal Bahadur was in prison. He got the message that his daughter had contracted small pox, a dreadful killer in those days. He was anxious for his daughter. He sought the permission of the prison authority to see his ailing daughter. The Government agreed to release, on parole for 15 days on condition that he should not take part in any political agitation. He asked Government firmly to release him on parole without any condition.

Government agreed and released him. He came home. But, unfortunately, his daughter died the same day. He performed her last rites. He still had three or four days of his parole left, but he went back to prison though his family pleaded with him stay at home. This incident shows the honesty of Lal Bahadur Shastry.

Question 3.
Imagine you are supposed to speak on the life of Lal Bahadur Shastry and you are given not more than 3 minutes for your Speech. Note down the points based on which you can develop your talk.
Lal Bahadur’s sincerity :
(a) With the mango seller
(b) his resignation …………….

  • His birth and his parents.
  • His education.
  • Incident with mango seller.
  • As a freedom fighter and administrator.
  • His honesty.
  • Ariyalur Railway accident
  • His simplicity.
  • His strong decision and firmness.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each question. Choose the correct one:

Question 1.
Lal Bahadur was born on October 2. It is also the birthday of
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) Gandhiji
(d) Rabindranath Tagore.
(c) Gandhiji

Question 2.
The mango seller decided to sell all the hundred mangoes for one anna because
(a) he wanted to cheat
(b) mangoes were rotten
(c) it was getting dark
(d) he had urgent work to go home.
(c) it was getting dark

Question 3.
Lal Bahadur got this degree while he was studying at Kashi Vidyapita
(a) M.A.
(b) D. Lit
(c) Shastry
(d) P.hd
(c) Shastry

Question 4.
Lal Bahadur had to walk eight miles each way to college because
(a) His father had not given money to go by bus.
(b) He was too poor to buy a bicycle.
(c) He could not ride bicycle.
(d) He liked walking.
(b) He was too poor to buy a bicycle.

Question 5.
After his education, Lal Bahadur joined
(a) Military
(b) Government service
(c) Indian National Congress
(d) Politics
(c) Indian National Congress

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
Lal Bahadur’s daughter died of
(a) Typhoid
(b) fever
(c) small pox
(d) chicken pox
(c) small pox

Question 7.
As a minister, Lal Bahadur provided many facilities in
(a) Education
(b) Military
(c) Railway
(d) Hospitals
(c) Railway

Question 8.
As a railway minister, Lal Bahadur was travelling in
(a) his own car
(b) bus
(c) first class railway
(d) second class railway
(b) bus

Question 9.
The reason given by Lal Bahadur for not appointing a cook
(a) cook was not available
(b) he did not want food prepared by cook
(c) he had no money to pay for the cook.
(d) his wife preferred cooking for his family most
(c) he had no money to pay for the cook.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 10.
La Bahadur announced that would continue to be an associate official language of India.
(a) Hindi
(b) Sanskrit
(c) English
(d) Kannada
(c) English

Question 11.
When Pakistan attacked’Jammu and Kashmir, Shastry declared in the Parliament
(a) “Army will be met with Army”
(b) “People will be met with people”
(c) “Force will be met with force”
(d) “We are ready for war”
(c) “Force will be met with force”

II. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
When and where did Lal Bahadur born?
Lal Bahadur was born on October 2,1904 at Mughal Sarai.

Question 2.
Who were his parents?
His parents were Sharada Prasad and Dulari Devi.

Question 3.
What were the special characters of Lal Bahadur as a boy?
As a boy, Lal Bahadur was brave, kind and full of courage and vitality.

Question 4.
Why did Lal Bahadur give one anna even before the vendor completed his counting of mangoes?
A hundred mangoes for an anna was too cheap. Vendor was prepared to suffer a loss because it was getting dark. It was hard on him. So Lal Bahadur gave the vendor one anna after he had counted fifty mangoes only, and took only that many.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
What did “Shastry” refer?
Shastry was a degree got by Lal Bahadur given by Kashi Vidyapita.

Question 6.
What were the facilities provided in railway by Lal Bahadur?
He made a lot of efforts to reduce the vast difference between the first class and last classes. He provided more facilities to the travellers in the third class compartments. It was during his time that electric fans were provided in the third class compartments. He also worked hard to improve the management of Railways and to eliminate thefts on the trains.

Question 7.
How can we say that Shastry was very simple in his life?
As a railway minister, he travelled by second class only. When he served as the home minister, he had no home of his own. When there was scarcity of food in the country, he asked the people to eat less. He and his family members ate only one meal a day. Even as prime minister, he did not have a car of his own.

Just to please his wife and children, he bought a small car, taking loan from the Government. He adopted simple living. Even after becoming a minister, he had not appointed a cook as he had no money to pay for the cook.

Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Summary in English

The story of one of the great sons of India is told in this lesson. Lal Bahadur who never aspired for power became the Prime Minister of India, after Nehru.

Lal Bahadur was born on October 2, 1904. His parents were Sharada Prasad and Dulari Devi. As a boy, Lal Bahadur was brave, kind and full of courage and vitality. Once, a vendor was ready to sell 100 mangoes for on’e anna as it was getting dark. Lal Bahadur purchased 50 mangoes and gave him one anna. He did not want the vendor to suffer loss. This shows his kindness.

After his school education, he joined Kashi Vidyapita at Varanasi and studied there for four years. He was too poor to buy a bicycle, so had to walk eight miles each way to college. He lead a very hard life. He got the degree ‘Shastry’, while he was studying at Kashi Vidyapita.

After his education, he joined the Indian National Congress and participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement and Dandi March. He served the country in various capacities as a Railway Minister, Home Minister and the Prime Minister.

Before Independence, once Lal Bahadur was in prison. He was released on parole for fifteen days to see his ailing daughter. Unfortunately his daughter died on the same day when he came home. He performed the rituals and returned to prison as he still he had four days of the parole. It shows his honesty.

As a Railway Minister, he provided many facilities in railways, specially to the travellers in the third class compartments. He also worked hard to improve the management of railway and to eliminate thefts on the trains.

Lal Bahadur lead very simple life. As the Railway Minister, he travelled by the second class. Though he was Home Minister, he had no home of his own. When there was scarcity of food in the country he asked his people to eat less.

He and his family members ate only one meal at a day. Even as Prime Minister, he did not have a car of his own. He bought a small car for his sons, taking loan from the Government. He did not appoint a cook in his home as he had not enough money to pay for the cook.

Lal Bahadur was strong in mind and action. He was tactful and firm. He showed that he could take bold decisions. He abolished the control on cement and steel.

When Pakistan attacked Jammu and Kashmir, he gave freedom to the army to take action against Pakistan and teach it a lesson. Indian Army entered Pakistan and won the war. Pakistan learnt a lesson it could never forget.

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Summary in Kannada

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 1
8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 2
8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 3
8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 4
8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 5
8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 6

8th English Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Lal Bahadur Shastry Lesson Word in English

  • vitality = vigour, energy
  • stroll = walk
  • vendor = seller on the streets and waysides
  • facilities = comforts
  • anxiety = concern
  • scarcity = non-availability
  • austere = simple
  • abolished = did away with, stopped
  • sole = only, single
  • associate = additional
  • tactful = intelligent in handling people
  • obsequies = rites performed after death
  • anna = coin system prevalent in India long back
  • parole = set free on conditions or promise on words of honour
  • agitation = movement; protest

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Coromandel Fishers Lesson Poem Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

l. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What sort of sounds can one hear early in the morning?
The calling sound of the leader of the fishermen like “Rise, brothers, rise” can be heard early in the morning. Singing of sea gulls and sound of the waves can also be heard early in the morning.

Question 2.
How is the wind described in line two?
The wind is personified in line two. It lies asleep in the arms of the dawn, like a child that has cried all night.

Question 3.
Why are the nets to be gathered?
Nets are to be gathered to catch fish.

Question 4.
What do you think is the wealth to the fishermen?
Fish found in the sea is the wealth to the fishermen.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1.
What do you understand from the first line of the poem. “The wakening skies pray to the morning light”?
The leader of the fishermen gives a call to his comrades that it is dawning, so they have to rise and pray to the sunlight.

Question 2.
The poet says, ‘Let us set our catamarans free.’ What does it mean?
“Let us set our catamarans free” means that fishermen should untie their catamarans to set out to sea to catch fish as it is day break. Fishermen usually tie their catamarans in the evenings when they return and untie them in the mornings when they start to set Put for fishing.

Question 3.
What happens if the fishermen are late in starting their work?
The fishermen had to strive hard to sail and cannot catch fish more, if they are late in starting their work.

Question 4.
Why does the poet say :
[a] the sea is our mother
[b] the cloud is our brother,
[c] the waves are our comrades all?
a. A mother brings up her children by nurturing them with love and affection. Children depend on her. In the same way, fishermen depend on sea for their livelihood. Sea feeds them by providing fish. So poet says that sea is their mother.

b. Generally, brother helps directly or indirectly. In the same way, clouds help fisherman by providing shades while they sail. Clouds bring rain which helps for an abundance of fish in coastal areas. Hence poet says that cloud is their brother.

c. Generally, comrades work together and help each other for their mutual survival. Waves help the fishermen, to sail for catching fish. So poet says that waves are their comrades.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Answer the following in a paragraph :

Question 1.
The poet describes many things as sweet. What are they? Among them, what is considered to be the sweetest?
The poet describes many things as sweet. They are the shade of the coconut grove, scent of the mango grove, shining sand, sound of the waves and the voices of the loved ones on full moon nights. But, when compared to these, the kiss of the spray and dance of the wild foam’s glee is considered to be more sweet.

IV. Name the figure of speech used in the following sentences.

Question 1.
The wakening skies pray to the morning light.

Question 2.
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child.

Question 3.
The sea is our mother.

Question 4.
The cloud is our brother.

Question 5.
The waves are our comrades all.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

V.List out the rhyming words in the poem, and read them out to the class,
e. g., light, might, free, see.

light night
free sea
call all
drives lives
grove love
glee sea

Additional reading

Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions below. Share your responses with others.

The Driver

I put on my aqua-lung and plunge
Exploring, like a ship with a glass keel,
The secrets of the deep. Along my lazy road
On and on I steal –
Over waving bushes which at a touch explode                                      5

Into shrimps, then closing, rock to the tune of tide;
Over crabs that vanish in puffs of sand.
Look, a string of pearls bubbling at my side
Breaks in my hand –
Those pearls were my breath! … Does that hollow hide                        10

Some old Armada wreck in seaweed furled,
Crusted with barnacles, her cannon rusted,
The great San Philip? What bullion in her hold?
Pieces of eight, silver crowns, and bars of solid gold?
I shall never know. Too soon the clasping cold                                    15

Fastens on flesh and limb
And pulls me to the surface. Shivering, back I swim
To the beach, the noisy crowds, the ordinary world.                            – Ian Serraillier.

Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who is the speaker in the Poem?
I an Serraillier the poet, who was the diver.

Question 2.
‘A touch explode’ [line 5] What causes the explosion?
His swimming along, disturbing the shrimps which were moving along in waves.

Question 3.
The speaker says of ‘those pearls’. What really are these pearls?
His breath coming out in air bubbles.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Why does the diver wish to come back to the surface?
The biting cold of the ocean water numbs him and he feels that the cold water was pulling him up. He was shivering and to get back to the warmth of the surface, he wishes to come back.

Suggested Reading:

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Choose the best answer :

Question 1.
‘Rise, brothers rise, the wakening skies pray to the morning light’ It is a call given to fisherman by :
(a) their mother
(b) poet
(c) brother
(d) their leader
(d) their leader

Question 2.
The sleeping wind is compared to :
(a) sea
(b) mother
(c) child
(d) seagull.
(c) child

Question 3.
The wealth to the fishermen is :
(a) sea
(b) catamaran
(c) nets
(d) fish
(d) fish

Question 4.
The leader of the fisherman gives a call to hasten away in the track of:
(a) the fish
(b) sun
(c) the sea gull’s call
(d) waves.
(c) the sea gull’s call

Question 5.
The comrades of the fishermen are :
(a) fish
(b) clouds
(c) waves
(d) catamarans
(c) waves

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
The brother of fishermen is :
(a) Cloud
(b) Sun
(c) Catamaran
(d) wave.
(a) Cloud

Question 7.
The mother of the fishermen is :
(a) wave
(b) sea
(c) seagull
(d) catamaran.
(b) sea

Question 8.
The hand of the sea God is :
(a) catamaran
(b) wave
(c) sun
(d) sea gull
(c) sun

Question 9.
Sea God holds the storm by the :
(a) hand
(b) hair
(c) mouth
(d) nose.
(b) hair

Question 10.
Poet considers to be the sweetest one :
(a) shade of coconut grove
(b) scent of the mango grove
(c) sound of waves in full moon night.
(d) the kiss of the spray and the dance of the wild foam’s glee.
(d) the kiss of the spray and the dance of the wild foam’s glee.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Coromandel Fishers Peem Summary in English

In this poem, Coromandel Fishers, Sarojini Naidu describes the life of the fishermen. The leader of the fishermen is giving a call to his comrades to start their work early in the morning.

The leader of the fishermen calls his comrades to rise and pray to God. The wind is very calm, and is compared to a sleeping child that has cried all night. He asks them to take out their nets, and untie the catamarans and set out to catch fish. They call themselves as the sons of the sea.

He asks them to hurry and follow the track of the sea gull’s call, otherwise they would not get any fish. He says that the sea is their mother, cloud is their brother and the waves are their comrades. They are tossed by the sun. They have to return by sunset. Sea God controls all with his hands. Sun is the hand of Sea God. He holds the storms by their hair. The life of fishermen is controlled and protected by the sea God. God hides the lives of fishermen in his breast.

Shade of coconut grove and the scent of the mango grove are very sweet Shiny sands at full moon with the voices of the loved ones floating in, are also sweet. But, the kiss of the spray and dance of the wild foam’s glee is more sweeter. Thus describing the beauty of the sea, the leader of the fishermen urges his comrades to row onwards to the edge of the verge.

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Coromandel Fishers Peem Summary in Kannada

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 1
8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 2
8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 3

8th English Coromandel Fishers Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Coromandel Fishers Peem Word in English

  • catamaran = a boat with two parallel hulls like two boats joined together
  • leaping wealth = wealth found in the sea(fish)
  • seagull = abride.
  • hasten = hurry
  • glade = grove
  • kiss of the spray = water that comes out of the waves and sprinkle.
  • low sky mates = the horizon where the sea and the sky appear with the sea.
  • verge = end, here the horizon
  • dawn = day break
  • shore = land bordering the sea
  • comrades = trusted companion who share one’s activities

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer each of the following in a sentence or two.

Question 1.
What was the wild imagination of the hare?
The hare had the wild imagination that ¡f the earth were to fall to pieces, what would become of him.

Question 2.
Which event caused the crash?
A huge ripe bel fruit falling right on top of the palm shrub caused the crash.

Question 3.
Name a few animals that joined the race.
Deer, boars, antelopes, buffaloes, gazelles, rhinoceros, tigers and elephants were the animals that joined the race.

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Which of the animals do you think was a sensible one? How do you justify that?
Lion was a sensible animal. Lion had not followed the stampade blindly. He stopped all the animals asked them the reason for fleeing. Later he found out the cause of crash. So, we can say that the lion was a sensible animal.

Question 5.
What did the lion guess about the cause of the crash?
The lion guessed that a ripe bel fruit falling from above onto the palm leaf had made the crash. The hare thought that the earth was cracking up and had fled. This was the guess of the lion about the cause of the crash.

Question 6.
What was the command given by the lion to the animals at the end.
The lion spoke to the animals that they need not have any fears. There was neither earthquake, nor any other calamity. Then he commanded them to go back to their places and live as they had before.

II. Write the answers for each of the following in about 50-60 words.

Question 1.
It is said: ‘The mob cannot think’ Do you agree? If so, how does this story illustrate that? If you do not agree with the statement. How do you explain the behaviour of the animals?
Yes, I agree with the statement that mob cannot think sensibly sometime. Mob is moved by rumours. People believe rumours without thinking and create a lot of problems. An example for quoting this statement, few years back, some people spread rumour that the statue of Ganesha could drink milk. The whole nation was influenced by this rumour.

Later, some sensible people found out the causes. Two years back there was another rumour spread that earth would collapse in the year of 2012. Many people are afraid of this rumour about the end of the world, even today.

In this story also, a hare was worried that if the earth were to fall to pieces, what would become of him. He started to run when a bel fruit fell on the palm tree. Other hares also started to run behind him on listening to his words. Other animals also started to run without thinking. But a sensible lion, stopped them, found out the cause and set right the confusion.

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
Sum up what the lion did to verify the statement of the hare.
Lion heard the statement of hare. After hearing the words of the hare, the lion thought to himself that may be a ripe bel fruit had fallen on the palm leaf and made the crash and the hare had thought that the earth was cracking up and had fled. The Lion decided to find out the reason.

He asked the hare to sit on his back and’ went to the place, where the hare had heard the terrible crash. Hare pointed to the exact place to the lion and stood far off. The Lion confirmed from hare that whether he had heard the crash sound only or had any other calamities.

He went towards the place under the palm leaves. Looking closely, he found that a ripe bel fruit, had fallen on top of the palm shrub. Now he understood everything. He also made sure that there was no sign of any earthquake nearby. Like this, the Lion verified the statement of the hare.

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each questions. choose the correct one:

Question 1.
The Earthquake is a
(a) a folk tale
(b) story of lion and hare
(c) drama
(d) a real story
(a) a folk tale

Question 2.
“If the earth were to fall to pieces, what would become of me?” was the imagination of
(a) deer
(b) boar
(c) lion
(d) hare
(d) hare

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
The crash sound that made hare to run madly was when
(a) a coconut fell on palm shrub.
(b) a palm nut fell on bel tree.
(c) a bel fruit fell on palm shrub.
(d) an earthquake happened.
(c) a bel fruit fell on palm shrub.

Question 4.
The right order of animals which fled one after the another is,
(a) Boar, deer, buffalo, gazelle, antelope
(b) Buffalo, deer, gazelle, boar, antelope
(c) Deer, boar, antelope, buffalo, gazelle
(d) Antelope, bear, deer, gazelle, buffalo
(c) Deer, boar, antelope, buffalo, gazelle

Question 5.
The line of animals stretched out over a distance of about
(a) 3 kilometers
(b) 3 miles
(c) 4 miles
(d) 6 miles
(b) 3 miles

Question 6.
Identify the sensible animal:
(a) tiger
(b) rhinoceros
(c) deer
(d) lion
(d) lion

Question 7.
Identify the animal that followed the hares first:
(a) antelope
(b) boar
(c) deer
(d) buffalo
(c) deer

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 8.
The animal that decided to find out the truth of earthquake was
(a) tiger
(b) elephant
(c) lion
(d) rhinoceros
(c) lion

Question 9.
Lion carried hare to the place where the hare had heard the crash sound,
(a) by dragging
(b) on his head
(c) on his back
(d) by biting the ear of the hare.
(c) on his back

Question 10.
Hare lived under a small palm shrub at the foot of a
(a) Mango tree
(b) Banyan tree
(c) Bel tree
(d) Coconut tree
(c) Bel tree

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where did the hare live?
Hare lived under a small palm shrub at the foot of a bel tree near the western coast.

Question 2.
Why did the other animals start to flee?
A hare started to run madly on hearing the crash sound of bel fruit. It thought that it was earthquake sound. Other hares asked him the reason of his running. He replied that the earth was falling to pieces behind him. Hares started to flee on hearing these words, then deer, boars, antelopes, buffaloes and other animals started to flee without asking and without thinking sensibly.

Question 3.
What command did the lion give the animals, first of all?
Lion commanded the animals that he was going to find out the truth about the earthquake. He asked them to stay there only till he came back.

Question 4.
How did the hare react when he reached the crash place?
Hare jumped off the lion’s back. He said nervously that he did not dare to go near the bel tree. Lion shouted at him to show the particular place. Then hare, not daring to go near the bel tree, stood some distance away and pointed out to the lion the spot where he had heard the terrible crash.

The Earthquake Lesson Summary in English

It is a folk tale. This story narrates the effects of insensible thinking and rumour spreading.

Once, there lived a hare under a small palm shrub at the foot of a bel tree. One day a strange fear struck him that if the earth were to fall to pieces, what would become of him. He thought and shivered. At the same moment, a big bel fruit fell on the palm shrub. Hare was afraid of that crash and being quite sure that the earth was indeed falling to pieces around him, he fled madly away without even looking behind.

Another hare that saw him fleeing, asked the reason of his running. The first hare did not answer. The other hare asked him repeatedly racing after him. Then he said that the earth was falling to pieces behind them. So the other hare also fled after him. In the same way, another saw him and yet another, until a hundred, thousand hares were all fleeing after him. Then a deer saw them, and a boar, an antelope, a buffalo, a gazelle, a rhinoceros, a tiger and an elephant all followed them.

When they all asked for the causes for running, the reply was that the earth was falling to pieces. So they all joined in the stampede, followed by the whole race of each species. In this way gradually, the line of animals stretched out over a distance of about three miles.

A lion saw the wild flight of animals. He was told that earth was falling into pieces, but he thought sensibly and that there was no question of an earthquake. He decided to save their lives. He roared thrice and stopped them. He asked them who had seen that the earth was falling to pieces. Some said elephant knew about it, but elephant said tigers knew that. In this way finally was told, that hare knew that earth was falling to pieces.

Lion enquired the hare about his dwelling place. Hare told all about his dwelling place and that he was living under a palm shrub at the foot of a bel tree and he heard the crash of earthquake and so had fled as fast as he could. Lion understood that a ripe bel fruit must have fallen on the palm leaf and made the crash. So he decided to clarify his doubt. He ordered all the animals to not to leave the place until he returned and asked the hare to sit on his back and went to the habitual place of the hare.

They reached the place where the hare had heard the earthquake sound. Hare jumped off the ‘ lion’s back. He did not dare to go near the bel tree. He stood far away and pointed out to the lion the spot where he had heard the terrible crash.

Lion went to the spot and looked closely and found that a ripe bel fruit had fallen on the top of the palm shrub. Lion understood everything and made sure that there was no sign of eqrthquake nearby. Then both the lion and hare returned. Lion spoke to the animals that there was no earthquake.

So they not have any fear. He advised them to go back and live happily. All the animals thanked the lion and went back to their habitats. In this way the brave and sensible lion found out the reason of the crash sound and stopped the animals from fleeing.

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Earthquake Lesson Summary in Kannada

8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 1
8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 2
8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 3
8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 4
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8th English The Earthquake Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

The Earthquake Lesson Word in English

  • shrub = bush
  • habitat = place of living
  • terrified = very much afraid
  • shivering = shaking with fear
  • fleeing = running away
  • gazelle = small-eyed antelope
  • stampede = a mad rush
  • wild flight = running with great fear:
  • frightened = afraid
  • huddled = crowded together
  • species = race, a group into which animals etc., that are able to breed with each other and reproduce are divided
  • fled = ran away
  • stretched out = spread out
  • crash = a sudden loud noise
  • crack up = split
  • not daring = not having courage

 8th Standard English Notes