8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Summary Questions and Answers

Textbook Questions and Answers

l. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1.
What does the poet remind us of, in the first line of the poem?
The poet reminds us that “no men are strange and no countries are foreign”. He says that we are all ‘one’ though appearances are different.

Question 2.
What, according to the poet are we doing when we hate others?
We are betraying, dispossessing and condemning ourselves when we hate others.

Question 3.
What are the two bad effects of war? Read lines from 16 to 19 and answer.
Warpollutes not only human mind but also the whole earth. It destroys the man and world. Arms destroy the pure environment in which we live happily.

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1.
How do you think we are all treated alike by nature?
The land in which we live is the same for all. All of us are using and benefiting from sunlight, air and water. These are the gifts of nature and same to all the people of the world.
Like this, nature treats all alike by providing these gifts for the survival of mankind.

Question 2.
Read the third stanza carefully. What message does the poet want to convey to us?
People of other countries are having the same type of eyes and strength. Their strength can be won by love only. We should not try to win them by war. Life is common in every land that all can recognize and understand. The Poet conveys the message of peace and love that wins the hearts of others.

Question 3.
Do you agree with the poet that we should wage no war? How do you justify that?
Yes, I agree with the poet that we should not wage a war. We the people are living in different parts of the world. For our betterment we form countries in which we are living. We are having same physical features, common life, using same land, light and water. If we hate each other, there is no peace of life. War kills our own mankind. Innocent people suffer a lot. War pollutes land, air and water which are very necessary for life. War brings untold miseries to humans. So, we should not wage wars.

Question 4.
Some are of the opinion that the poet might have written this poem after witnessing the bad effects of the Second World War. Mention some of the lines in the poem to support that opinion.
The poet might have written this poem after witnessing the bad effects of the second world war.
“Beneath all uniforms, a single body breaths”.
“It is ourselves, that we shall disposses, betray, condemn”.
“We who take arms against each other. It is the human earth that we defile, our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence of air that everywhere our own.
These lines in the poem support that opinion.

Question 5.
Briefly describe how a war spoils everything.
Poet describes the bad effects of war and gives us a message of universal brotherhood. War creates hatred among the people. It arrests the peace of life. Love, peace and brotherhood disappear from the minds of the people. Man starts to disposses, betray and condemn other. It spoils the land, air and water in which we live because of using nuclear bombs. War causes destruction of life and property on a very large scale. It brings untold miseries to mankind. War vanishes the idea of universal brotherhood.

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are suggested below each incomplete statement/question. Choose the most appropriate one:

Question 1.
In the poem “No men are Foreign”, poet give us a message about:
a. Internal Peace
b. Peace and love
c. War and peace
d. Universal brotherhood.
d. Universal brotherhood.

Question 2.
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breaths. Here ‘uniforms’ means:
a. Clothes
b. Soldiers
c. Same
d. Universe
b. Soldiers

Question 3.
“Strength” of others can be conquered by:
a. War
b. Love
c. Hatred
d. force
b. Love

Question 4.
Poet says that there is a common in every land that all can recognize and understand. The Common is
a. Work
b. Uniform
c. Life
d. War
c. Life

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes.
a. Who says this?
The Poet says this.

b. Who is this remind to?
This is reminds us. (reader).

c. What is the meaning of this sentence?
All are one though appearances are different.

Question 2.
“They have eyes like ours that wake or sleep, and strength that can be won by love”.
a. Who does ‘t hey’ refer?
‘They’ refers to people of other countries.

b. What they have like ours?
They have eyes and strength like ours.

c. How can strength be won?
Strength can be won by ‘Love’.

Question 3.
“Remember, we who take arms against” each other.
It is the human earth that we defile.
a. Who is the ‘we’?
We refers to people of the world.

b. What defiles human earth?
War defiles human earth.

c. What does the poet remind us?
Poet reminds that we defile the human earth if we engage in wars. We should not take up arms against each other.

III. Answer the following:

Question 1.
What does the poet mean by beneath all uniforms a single body breathes?
Poet means that all are one though appearances are different.

Question 2.
Who are brothers?
The people of all the countries are brothers.

Question 3.
What does ‘peaceful harvests’ mean?
Peaceful harvests means that “to live with no hatred”.

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
What does the people of other countries aware of?
People of other countries are aware of the use of sunlight, air and water which help them to live peacefully.

Question 5.
What is common in every land?
Life is common in every land.

Question 6.
What does ‘uniforms’ refer in this poem?
‘Uniforms’ refers to soldiers in this poem.

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in English

In this poem, the poet gives us the message about universal brotherhood.
The Poet reminds us that no men are strange and no countries are foreign. All are one though the appearances are different. The poet says that the people of other countries are our brothers and they walk upon same type of land. We all die on the same kind of earth.

People of other countries also know the value and use of sunlight, air and water. These are same for all. They know the difficulties and sufferings of war. So they like to live in peace not hatred. Their hands, their reading books, their works are not different. All are same.

The Poet reminds us that their eyes, strength and life are same. We can win the strength of the people of other countries only by love. We cannot win them by any other show of strength like war. Life is common in every country. All can recognize and understand the life of others.

The poet reminds us that whenever we are told to hate our brothers from other countries, in truth we dispossess, betray and condemn ourselves only. We should remember that we should not hate people of other countries.

We should not forget that we destroy and pollute our own human earth if we fight against each
other. War creates hatred among the people. It kills the people. It not only pollutes the hearts and minds of the people but also the earth, air and water in which we are living. War destroys peace and brotherhood.

So, the poet says that we should remember to develop peace, harmony and brotherhood. Once again he reminds us that no men are foreign and no countries strange.

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in Kannada

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 1
8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 2
8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary 3

8th English No Men are Foreign Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

No Men are Foreign Poem Word in English

  • beneath all uniforms a single body breathes = all are one though appearances are different
  • peaceful harvests = to live with no hatred
  • strength that can be won by love = only love can win over strength, not any another form of strength
  • our hells of fire and dust = reference to the evil effects of war
  • uniforms = soldiers (poet has soldiers in his mind)
  • dispossess = to disown
  • betray = to be disloyal
  • condemn = to express a strong disapproval of some work
  • arms = fire arms
  • defile = make something impure
  • outrage = a very wrong or cruel act
  • starved = to go without food
  • long winter = winter which lasts for a long time : here it suggests hardship and suffering
  • strange = foreign, unfamiliar
  • foreign = belongs to other country, from abroad
  • labour = work
  • strength = power
  • innocence = harmlessness

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

ILA. Your teacher reads a passage. Listen to it. Then answer these questions.

Question 1.
Why do you think Gandhiji was pulled out of the train?
Discrimination was made between whites and blacks in South Africa. Black Africans and Asians had no right to travel in first class compartment. But Gandhiji was travelling in a first class compartment. So, he was pulled out of the train.

IRA. Look at the map and the information. Then, answer the questions given below.

e.g. Which is the capital of Jamaica?
Ans: The capital of Jamaica is Kingston.

Question 1.
What is the area of Jamaica?
The area of Jamaica is 10, 957 square kilometres (4,230 square miles)

Question 2.
Which are the major towns and cities in Jamaica?
Montero Bay and Spanish Town are towns and St. Andrew, and Portmore are the cities of Jamaica.

Question 3.
Name at least two political parties of Jamaica.
Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and National Democratic Movement (NDM) are the two important parties of Jamaica.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
What is the population of Jamaica?
The population of Jamaica is 2,447, 000 (1995 estimate)

Question 5.
When was slavery abolished in Jamaica?
In 1838, slavery was abolished in Jamaica.

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1.
Why was the morning walk pleasant to Mr. A. L. Hendricks?
The morning walk was pleasant to Mr.Hendricks because he could see on either side red and green – roofed bungalows, green lawns and gardens.

Question 2.
“The exercise is good for me,” says the narrator. What was that exercise?
Walking in the morning from his house to the rail track and returning in the evening was the good exercise for the narrator.

Question 3.
What did the narrator notice one morning?
One morning, the narrator noticed two boys playing in the garden of a modest cottage.

Question 4.
How did the smaller boy behave while playing with the bigger boy?
While playing, the smaller boy walked majestically up and down and shouted in a commanding tone at his bigger playmate every now and then.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1.
What sight surprised the narrator the next day?
This time, the black boy was commanding, while the little white boy was doing everything. The dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy was walking obediently behind him. This sight surprised the narrator.

Question 2.
What were the two commands given by the black boy to the white boy?
“Get me a banana” and “peel it for me!” were the two commands given by the black boy to the white boy.

Question 3.
Why was the white man surprised at the narrator’s outburst?
The white man was surprised at the narrator’s outburst because he had known all about the game and the boys were his sons.

Question 4.
Why do you think the narrator smiled at the end?
Narrator’s misinterpretation for the game of the two boys was driven away at the end. He felt happy for his country and his countrymen. So he smiled at the end.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Some statements are given below. Some are true and some are false. Wrtie ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box provided against each sentence, accordingly.

Question 1.
The bigger boy was black [ ]

Question 2.
The black boy ordered the white boy to pick up the stick [ ]

Question 3.
The white boy sat down on the lawn. [ ]

Question 4.
The two boys were not dressed a like.[ ]

Question 5.
The little boys were playing when the narrator passed by in the afternoon. [ ]

Question 6.
The next day, a man was playing with the boys. [ ]

Question 7.
The game that the two boys played was the same game the author had played during his childhood. [ ]

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 8.
“I know what you are thinking” said the man standing at the gate to the narrator. [ ]

Question 9.
The father of the boys was white and mother brown. [ ]

Question 10.
92% of Jamaica is inhabited by the blacks. [ ]

IV. For each of the statements four alternatives are given as the answers. Choose the best alternative.

Question 1.
The two boys in the story are
(a) good friends
(b) brothers
(c) neighbours
(d) classmates
(b) brothers

Question 2.
The commands that the white boy gave to the black boy were
(a) five in number
(b) four in number
(c) three in number
(d) two in number.
(c) three in number

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
The black boy had a mat of coarse hair on his head. Coarse means.
(a) rough
(b) beautiful
(c) nice
(d) long.
(a) rough

Question 4.
“Only we grown – ups are silly,” The question tag to this statement is
(a) aren’t we?
(b) isn’t it?
(c) are we?
(d) Is it?
(a) aren’t we?

Question 5.
The white boy had hazel eyes. ‘Hazel’ means
(a) reddish brown
(b) pale brown
(c) yellowish brown
(d) bluish brown.
(a) reddish brown

V. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1.
What similarities and differences can you make out between the two boys?
Both the boys were very young, strong and sturdy. They were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. They wore no shoes and their feet were muddy.

One boy was four years old perhaps, but the other was five. The big boy was very dark, with a mat of coarse hair on his head and coal – black eyes. But, the small boy was white, with hazel eyes and light brown hair.

These were the similarities and differences we can make out between the two boys.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 2.
What three commands did the small boy give to the big boy?
“Pick up that stick!”, “Jump into the flowers!” and “Get me some water!” were the three commands given to the bigger black boy by the smaller white boy.

Question 3.
The author could find no answer to some questions. Which are those questions? [See paragraph 5]
“Was it that even as a boy he sensed that in his own country he would be at the white man’s beck and call?”, “could he make a difference between himself and the white boy?”, “could he think that he was going to boss over the black man?”
For these questions, the author could not find any answer.

Question 4.
Why was the narrator surprised the next morning?
The next morning the boys were there again. Narrator stopped and looked, just to see what the white boy was making his little servant do. But, that day, the dark boy was commanding, while the little white boy did everything he was told to do. The dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy walked obediently behind him. So the narrator was surprised.

Question 5.
How did the two boys behave while playing?
The boys were playing the game of Master and Servant’. They were behaving like a master and servant. One day, the white boy was walking majestically up and down, shouting in a commanding tone at the black boy, as he was the master. Black boy dragged on quietly behind him and did whatever he was told.

The next day, the black boy was commanding the white boy as the master. White boy was doing everything. Dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white boy walked obediently behind him.

Question 6.
What made the narrator think that the black boy could be the son of a servant or a class-mate of the white boy?
The Narrator saw the white boy imposing his will upon the black boy and the black boy submitted. This made the narrator to think that the black boy could be the son of a servant.

But, both the boys being dressed alike in blue shirts and khaki pants, made the narrator to think that the black boy could be a class – mate of the white boy.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 7.
What were the two points that the narrator wanted to clarify to the white man?
Narrator wanted to clarify to the white man whether the blacks would rule over the whites or the whites rule over the blacks. Only grown ups were silly and had wrong notions by observing the game of the two boys. He tried to clarify to that white man that the boys were playing just a game of Master and Servant only, not realising that both the boys were that man’s sons and he was aware of their games.

Question 8.
The two boys, though brothers, differed in their colour. What might be the reason?
The White man was married to a brown woman; because of this interracial marriage, the children born to them differed in their colour though they were brothers.

Question 9.
If you were the white man, how would you react to the narrator’s comment?
If I were the white man, I would react in the same way what the white man did. I would tell him that I knew all about the game and the boys were brothers. I would invite the narrator to my home and introduce my family members to him and would tell him about my family.

Jamaican Fragment Lesson Vocabulary in English

VI. Column ‘A’ has the names of Countries. Choose the correct nationality from the list given below and write in column ‘B’.
e.g., America – American

A B(Answer)


A B(Answer)
Portugal Portuguese
Britain British
France French
Thailand Thai
Sweden Swedish
Holland Dutch
Switzerland Swiss
Greece Greek
Israel Israelite
Nepal Nepalese

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V2. Guess and give the meaning of the words underlined, in the table given below.

1. The stipulated period of twelve years was coming to a close.
2. How can I perform the fire sacrifice?
3. Pandavas wanted to quench their thirst. They went in search of water.
4. After seeing all his brothers lying dead, Yudhisthira was drowned in sorrow.
5. Yaksha was pleased with the answers given by Yudhisthira.

1. stipulated insisted on as a condition of an agreement
2. perform act to fulfilment
3. quench satisfy
4. drowned flooded, drenched
5. pleased happy, showing satisfaction

V3. Read the following conversation and use the appropriate word from the ones given in brackets.

Patient: Doctor, the wound in my   1    pains me a lot. [heel, heal]
Doctor : Don’t worry, it will   2    up. after treatment, [heel, heal]
You are diabetic and   3    so it may take one   4    [weak, week].
Patient : Excuse me, a word with you doctor. I don’t know whether it is   5   to ask you this question.[fair, fare]
Doctor: Oh! Don’t worry. Tell me what it is.
Patient: I have no money to pay the bus   6    [fair, fare]
I’m sorry doctor. I forgot to tell you that   7    week I   8    your prescription [last, lost].
Doctor: OK. No problem. I’ll give you both.

  1. – heel
  2. – heal
  3. – weak
  4. – week
  5. – fair
  6. – fare
  7. – last
  8. – lost

V4. Fill in the blanks with words that have similar pronunciation as the words underlined.

Question 1.
Papanna and Somanna are good friends. The former is a __________ and the latter is a businessman.

Question 2.
The thief wanted to steal. But the doors were locked. He broke open the lock with a __________ rod.

Question 3.
“Come here,” said the teacher. But the student did not __________ .

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
“Mandanna, your answer is quite right. But, for a moment will you keep __________ ?”

Question 5.
Rashmi gave birth to a male child in Bengaluru. Her husband who was in Mysore came to Bengaluru by the __________ train.

V5. We can form the opposites by adding prefixes to words: e.g. Important x unimportant

Similarly, add prefixes to the underlined words to get their opposites.

Question 1.
Sunitha is a regular to class, but Sushma is __________ .

Question 2.
Rama Murthy’s answer is correct, but Narayan’s is __________

Question 3.
Sita’s way of expressing facts is proper, but Lakshmi’s is __________

Question 4.
All should respect the National Flag. No one should __________ it.

Question 5.
The competition was very tough. It was Rahul’s fortune that he won, but it was Sanjay’s __________ that he lost.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

A. Listen and speak

Vowel / a : /
You have learnt to identify the four vowels, namely / i: / as in dream /1 / as in sit, // ae / as in match, and / e / as in net.
Let us try to listen, identify and speak words with another vowel sound.

Task 1. Teacher says these words. Listen and repeat.
part, mask, fast, shark, heart hard, past, art, smart, bark
Can you identify the common sound in all of these words? Yes, it is / a: /

Task 2. Teacher says these sentences and writes them on the board. Listen, and write them in your book and underline the words that have / a: / sound.
He is my father. He works in an art gallery. His master is an old man, past seventy. All the workers there are smart and sincere. Consult a good dictionary to help you identify the sound.

Note: The word ‘all’ does not have the vowel sound / a: /
B. Spoken English
C. Reading
Skimming – noting down only the important points from a text on passage.
Refer text book – Texts A to H.
Read them as fast as you can.
Now match the topics with the texts. Two examples are given.

Topics Texts
1. an entry in a dairy C
2. a poem
3. a paragraph from a story
4. a piece of conversation
5. a news report
6. railway timetable E
7. a paragraph from an essay
8. scoreboard


Topics Texts
1. an entry in a dairy C
2. a poem A
3. a paragraph from a story D
4. a piece of conversation G
5. a news report H
6. railway timetable E
7. a paragraph from an essay E
8. scoreboard B

D. Grammar

The Past Tense
Sheela narrates a scene of action to her mother after reaching home.
Sheela: Mom, you see it all happened very quickly. The car came straight on the wrong side in front of the school. It rammed into the back of the school van. The van driver didn’t have any chance to avoid it. It was the car driver’s fault.

Task 1: Study the words underlined above. They are in the past form. They can be changed from past to present. One example is given, Write the others.
e.g. past form    present form
1. happened       happen

Past Form Present Form
1. happened happen/happens
2. came come/comes
3. rammed rams/ram
4. didn’t doesn’t/don’t
5. was is

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the Past Tense form of the verbs choosing from the ones given in brackets, (think, take, be, return, inspire)

Gandhiji   1    to India in 1914. The great World War II had just begun. There   2    wide spread agitations for freedom all over the country. Most of the leaders   3    it the right time to strike. Gandhiji’s presence   4    them a lot. So the freedom struggle    5    a definite shape in that year.

  1. – returned
  2. – were
  3. – thought
  4. – inspired
  5. – took.

Use of the perfect form of the verb:

Task 1. Read the following sentences. Compare the sentence in the box with the sentences in the bubbles. Find out the difference. Underline the different parts.
8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 1
Now frame similar sentences using the sentence in the box below.
8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 2

  1. She has bought a geometry box.
  2. He has bought a geometry box.
  3. You have bought a geometry box.
  4. I have bought a geometry box.

The Past Perfect

Task. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets. Follow the example,
e.g., I reached the bus station after the bus _____________ (leave)
I reached the bus station after the bus had left.
Note: One action, that is, bus leaving occurred before another action, that is, my reaching the bus station.
Follow the example to complete the exercise given below.

Question 1.
The doctor arrived after the patient ___________ (die)
had died.

Question 2.
When the guest came to the school, the programme ___________ . (already begin)
had already begun.

Question 3.
After he ___________ (walk) 5 kms, he complained of a sore foot.
had walked

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
My friend came to meet me yesterday, but I ___________ (be) to Shivamogga, so we could not meet.
had been

Question 5.
When the officials came out of the office, the rain ___________ . (not stop yet).
had not stopped yet.

E. Writing

Task 1. Match the traffic signs in column B with the rules in column A.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 3

  1. – c,
  2. – e,
  3. – d,
  4. – a,
  5. – b.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Task 2. Look at the following advertisement carefully and answer the questions below.

[Get a T. Shirt worth ₹ 200.00
Free on a purchase worth ₹ 1000.
The offer is From 1st to 15th October 2016. Choose from a wide variety of shirts, trousers, jackets, jeans.
We have everything you want. Hurry!
Opp. Cake Cafe, M.G Road, Raichur.]

(a) Write the name of the dealing company.

(b) What is the free offer?
T.Shirtworth ₹ 200.00

(c) Write the names of dresses on sale.
Shirts, trousers, jackets, jeans

(d) How does the dealer try to attract customers with this (advertisement)? Mention one point.
By offering a free gift of a T. Shirt worth ₹ 200.00 on a purchase value of ₹ 1000/-

Now, try to write an advertisement on any item of your choice.
Class room activity

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statement. Choose the correct . alternative.

Question 1.
The distance that narrator walks everyday from his home to rail track lines is:
a. One and half mile
b. Half a km
c. A half mile
d. Two miles.
c. A half mile

Question 2.
Two boys were playing in:
a. the field
b. the garden
c. the road
d. the home
b. the garden

Question 3.
Both the boys were dressed in:
a. Khaki shirts and blue pants
b. Blue shirts and khaki pants.
c. Blue shirts and brown pants.
d. Brown shirts and khaki pants.
b. Blue shirts and khaki pants.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
After commanding, the white boy sat down on the
a. field
b. chair
c. lawn
d. garden
c. lawn

Question 5.
The wife of the Whiteman was in colour.
a. white
b. black
c. brown
d. reddish brown
c. brown

Question 6.
The walk is pleasant: Here pleasant means:
a. happy
b. unhappy
c. scented
d. difficult
a. happy

Question 7.
The story ‘Jamaican Fragment’ brings out the ____________ that almost every person suffers
a. prejudice
b. inequality
c. equality
d. inferiority
a. prejudice

Question 8.
I puzzled within myself as I went ____________ the road.
The most appropriate preposition to be filled in the blanks:
a. in
b. down
c. on
d. into
b. down

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 9.
This is Jamaica, I said to my heart: Here ‘Jamaica’ is :
a. Noun
b. Pronoun
c. Adjective
d. Verb
a. Noun

Question 10.
Literacy rate of Jamaica:
a. Men 98 % : women 99 %
b. Men 71 % : women 76 %
c. Men 80 % : women 15 %
d. Men 70% : women 98 %
a. Men 98 % : women 99 %

II. Answer the following

Question 1.
Who is the writer of the story ‘Jamaican Fragment’?
A. L. Hendricks.

Question 2.
Why was the narrator amazed?
The narrator was amazed because he had seen a small white boy commanding a bigger black boy.

Question 3.
Why did the narrator think that the black boy was the classmate of white boy?
The Narrator thought that the black boy was the classmate of the white boy because both the boys were dressed alike.

Question 4.
On what subject did the narrator think deeply in the evening?
He thought deeply in the evening whether the blacks were inferior to whites.

Question 5.
What did the narrator remember?
The Narrator remembered a game of ‘Master and Servant’, that he had played as a child.

Question 6.
What game did the boys play every alternative day?
‘The Boss and the Slave’.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow

Question 1.
“Pick up that stick, Jump into the flowers, Get me some water”
a. Who said this?
The White boy said this.

b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the black boy.

Question 2.
“Could it be that the little boy was a son of a house servant?”
a. Who thought this?
Narrator thought like this.

b. Who was the son of a house servant?
Black boy.

c. Why did he say so?
He said so because black boy was following the orders of white boy very obediently.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

d. Do you think that narrator was right in his thought?
No, the narrator’s thought was wrong. He misinterpreted what he saw.

Question 3.
“For a whole day I went on asking these questions to myself’.
a. Who is the T?
I refers to the Narrator.

b. What was the question he asked himself?
The question he asked himself was whether blacks were inferior to whites?

c. What made him to question like this?
He had seen the smaller white boy commanding the bigger black boy. So he questioned himself the whole day about that.

Question 4.
“Get me a banana, peel it for me”.
a. Who is the ‘me’?
‘Me’ is the black boy.

b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the white boy.

c. Why did he command so?
As he was playing with the white boy, a game of ‘Boss and the slave’, he commanded so.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
“Just yesterday I saw the little white boy commanding the black boy. Only grown ups are silly, aren’t we”?
a. Who is the T?
I refers to the narrator.

b. Who was it said to?
It was said to the white man.

c. Why did he say?
Narrator wanted to clarify the doubts of the white man.

Question 6.
“I know all about the game”.
a. Who does ‘I’ refer?
I refer to the white man.

b. What was the game?
The two boys were playing the game of ‘Boss and the slave’ changing roles every other day.

c. Who was it said to?
It was said to the narrator.

IV. Use the following words in your own sentences.

1. up and down: Move backward and forward, To and fro.
My father used to walk up and down outside the house, whenever he becomes angry.

2. beck and call: Always ready to obey one’s orders immediately.
The king always had servants at his beck and call.

3. drive away: remove, push out.
Teacher drives away the doubts of the students.

4. grown up: Adult persons
Sometimes, grown ups behave in such a silly manner, like children throwing tantnums.

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V. Match the following

1. noticed a. strong
2. Sturdy b. saw
3. elaborate c. idea
4. notion d. long
5. majestic e. explanation
f. impressive


  1. – b
  2. – a
  3. – d
  4. – c
  5. – f

VI. Match the following with their opposites.

1. sturdy a. bigger
2. smaller b. white
3. black c. servant
4. equality d. same
5. boss e. weak
f. inequality


  1. – e
  2. – a
  3. – b
  4. – f
  5. – c

VII. Write the opposites of

Question 1.
Plesant × ____________

Question 2.
good × ____________

Question 3.
coarse × ____________
smooth, soft

Question 4.
white × ____________
non – white, dark

Question 5.
inferior × ____________

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Jamaican Fragment Lesson Summary in English

The story “Jamaican Fragment” brings out the prejudice that almost every person suffers from when it comes to-the denomination issues like colour, caste and class. A.L. Hendricks is a West Indian writer. He describes his experience and learnings from the incident of two boys playing – Master and Servant’.

The Writer daily walks a half – mile from his home to the railway station and return in the evening. The walk was very pleasant for him because of the good surroundings. Walking was a good experience for him because he learnt something from a little incident.

One morning, he noticed two boys playing in the garden of a modest cottage. One was a strong black boy, about five years old and another was a white boy about four years old. Both were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. The little white boy commanded his bigger playmate. The white boy ordered the black boy to pick up a stick, jump into the flowers, get some water etc. The black boy followed his orders very faithfully.

The writer was amazed and puzzled. He asked himself who they were and whether the little boy was the son of a house servant. He misinterpreted that the dark boy might be a neighbour’s child. But, he wondered how it was that the black boy obeyed so faithfully the smaller white boy’s orders.

A number of questions arise in the mind of the writer. Whether the black boy sensed that in his own country, he would be at the white man’s beck and call or whether blacks were inferior to whites ’ as a race. So inferior, that even in their infancy the blacks realized their deficiencies and accepted a position as the white man’s servant? These questions arise in his mind but he cannot find any answer. The whole day, he went on asking these questions to himself. For a whole day his faith in 1 his people was shaken. When he passed by the same place in the afternoon, the little boys were not there.

The next morning the boys were there again, and a man was standing at the gate watching ; them. To his surprise, the dark boy was commanding, while the little white youngster did everything he was told to do.

The Writer understood that it was really a game, a game that he too had played as a boy. Each i boy took by turns every alternate day to be the boss, the other, the slave. He looked at the man standing by the gate. The Writer thought that the white man was wondering if the black race was r superior to the white. He laughed at himself as how silly the grown-ups were to misinterpret a child’s action. Perhaps the white man thought that blacks would rule over the white in the end.

The Writer tried to clarify and drive away all the doubts from his mind.
He told the white man that he may be thinking the blacks would rule over the whites. He told i him not to have such wrong notions, because that was only a game.

The white man was surprised at his outburst. He told the writer that he knew all about the game because the boys were brothers, and his sons. He pointed to the fair brown woman and said that she was his wife.

The Writer smiled and felt proud of his country and his people, and moved to catch his train.

Jamaican Fragment Lesson Summary in Kannada

8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 4
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8th English Jamaican Fragment Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Jamaican Fragment Lesson Word in English

  • incident = something that happens
  • noticed = saw, observed
  • modest = not expensive
  • sturdy = strong and firm
  • hazel eyes = reddish brown eyes
  • conscious = able to see, hear and feel
  • elaborate = very detailed and complicated
  • majestic = impressive
  • commanding = ordering
  • amaze = to surprise somebody very much
  • impose = to officially enforce
  • submit = to agree, to obey
  • obvious = easily seen or understood clearly
  • infancy = the time when one is a baby
  • deficiency = the state of not having enough
  • stride = to walk with a long steps
  • imperious = expecting, unquestioning obedience from people
  • abjectly = desperately, here – obediently
  • misinterpret = understand something wrongly
  • notion = idea
  • outburst = a sudden powerful expression of feeling
  • spirit = the life force
  • peel = take out the skin
  • now and then = sometimes, not very often
  • up and down = in one direction and then in the opposite direction.
  • at one’s beck = be ready to do what someone asks
  • drive away = push out, remove, expel

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Summary Questions and Answers

IRA Read the following Paragraph

Sir M. Visveswaraya: Sir M. Visveswaraya was the Dewan of Mysuru State. As a student, he earned money by giving tuition to students and paid his school fees. He made a name as Chief Engineer and later as Dewan of Mysuru. He was always busy in some useful work or the other. He used to work for more than ten hours. He was punctual, self disciplined and straightforward. He lived for 101 years. He was awarded the highest honour Bharat Ratna.

Answer the following questions

Question 1.
What time do you get up in the morning?
I get up daily at 6.00 O’clock in the morning.

Question 2.
Do you play or study in the morning?
I study in the morning.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
Are you entirely dependent on your parents for books and paying fees? If not, how do you earn money?
(a) Yes, I am entirely dependent on my parents for books and paying my school fees.
(b) No. I earn part of my expenses for books and fees by working at the nearby farm, during the holidays.

Question 4.
How long do you study everyday usually?
Usually, I study for two hours in the mornings and two hours in the nights, everyday.

Question 5.
Do you go to school in time?
Yes, I go to school in time everyday, as my elder brother drops me at school.

Question 6.
Suppose your teacher is on leave and no other teacher takes your class, how do you spend that time?
I spend that time by discussing the interesting topics that are related to my lessons. If given permission, I go to the library and brush up my general knowledge.

Question 7.
You have read the passage. What do you learn from the life of Sir M. Visveswaraya?
I have learnt about the importance of punctuality, discipline and hard work from the life of Sir M. Vishveswaraya. These things bring us everlasting rewards in our life.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who is the poet speaking about?
Poet is speaking about a ‘Busy Bee’.

Question 2.
Why does the bee sit on the flower?
The bee sits on the flower to collect honey.

Question 3.
How does the bee build her ced?
Bee builds her cell skillfully and neatly by spreading her wax.

Question 4.
‘I would be busy too’. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
‘I’ refers to the poet.

Question 5.
What does ‘sweet food’ mean in the context?
Sweet food means Honey.

Question 6.
Who does Satan manage to work through?
Satan manages to work through a lazy person.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

II. Pick out the best alternative for each of the following statements.

Question 1.
People like the bee because:
(a) it is clever
(b) it sits on the opening flower
(c) it works hard
(d) they get honey from it.
c. it works hard

Question 2.
And labours hard to store it well. Here ‘it’ refers to
(a)the bee
(b)the honey
(c) the wax
(d) the flower
b. the honey

III. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then Write.

Question 1.
Why does the poet call the bee busy?
Bee works all through the day without wasting time and collects honey from the flowers and stores it. Hence poet calls the bee busy.

Question 2.
“Let my first years be passed.”
(a) What does ‘first years’ refer to?
‘First Years’ refers to early years or boyhood.

(b) How does the poet want to spend his first years?
Poet wants to spend his first years in reading books, working and healthy activities.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

(c) Why does he want to do so?
Satan uses the lazy persons and makes them do some mischief. Therefore the poet wants to be busy not allowing the Satan to mislead him into doing some mischief. He wants to give a good account of himself at the end of the day.

Question 3.
How can you say that the bee is intelligent and clever?
Bee builds her cell very skillfully. She spreads her wax so neatly and works hard to fill every cell with honey. It is really a delicate work. So we can say, that the bee is intelligent and clever.

Question 4.
What is admirable about the work of the bee?
Bee is busy in work. She makes use of every hour and every day. Hard working, skill and neatness are the admirable points about the work of the bee.

Question 5.
Why does the poet want us to be like the bee?
Poet wants us to be like the bee because if we are lazy, Satan will use us and make us do some mischief. If we work like bee, doing some useful work that helps us to say what we have done. We like the bee because it gives honey. In the same way, others should like and remember our useful work.

Question 6.
Why should we not keep ourselves idle? What will happen if we are idle?
If we keep ourselves idle, we have to suffer a lot later and we have no records to say what we have done. Satan uses idle persons very quietly and make them do some mischief.

Question 7.
What is the message of the poem?
We have to work hard and do some useful work selflessly.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 8.
Which lines do you like the best in the poem? Give reasons for your choice.
“In work of labour or of skill I would be busy too”. I like these lines. They are the best in the poem, because, bee is very busy in work and works skillfully and neatly. It is a role and live model for me. The character of the bee influences me to be active all through the day and do some useful work.

Question 9.
Pick out the rhyming words in the poem and add more words to each of the rhyming pair.
e. g. play ………. day ………. may
play — day — may  too – do
hour — flower — sour, — power
cell — well — sell — fell
skill — still — mill — sill – will

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each question. Pick out the correct ones.

Question 1.
The writer of the poem ‘The little Busy Bee’ is
(a) Visveswaraya
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) Issac Watts
(d) Sir Henry Wotton
(c) Issac Watts

Question 2.
Bee builds her cell —
(a) neatly
(b) skillfully
(c) strongly
(d) beautifully
(b) skillfully

Question 3.
Poet wants to be like the bee in:
(a) honey
(b) cell
(c) labour or skill
(d) idle hands.
(c) labour or skill

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Satan injures:
(a) bee
(b) poet
(c) reader
(d) idle hands
(d) idle hands

Question 5.
The word that does not Rhyme with skill —
(a) still
(b) kill
(c) mill
(d) sell
(d) sell

II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow

Question 1.
“In work of labour or of skill I would be busy too”
a. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
‘I’ refers to poet.

b. Who is a busy worker?
Bee is the busy worker.

c. What is the meaning of ‘skill’?
Skill means clever, expertness.

Question 2.
“Let my first years to be passed”
a. Who does ‘My’ refer to?
My refers to poet.

b. What does ‘first years’ mean?
‘First years’ means early years or boyhood.

c. How does poet spend his first years?
Poet spends his first years in reading, working and healthy activities.

8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

III. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Who does the bee make a good use of?
The bee makes good use of each shining hour.

Question 2.
From where does the bee collect honey?
The bee collects honey from every open flower.

Question 3.
Who wants to be like busy bee?
Poet wants to be like busy bee.

Question 4.
Who finds some mischief for idle hands to do?
Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in English

In this poem, poet tells us about the Busy bee. He asks that we too must be busy and always do useful work.

Poet says that bee is always busy in working and utilizing every shining hour. She collects honey from the flowers everyday. She builds her cell so skillfully. She spreads her wax very neatly and works hard to store it with honey.

Poet wants us to be like a busy bee in work of labour and skill. We have to work hard otherwise Satan misleads an idle person to do some mischief. Poet wants to spend his boyhood days by reading books land working on healthy activities everyday. Spending the time in this fruitful way will help the poet to make a good account of himself.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in Kannada

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8th English The Little Busy Bee Poem Notes Question Answer Summary

The Little Busy Bee Poem Word in English

  • doth = old form of does
  • improve = to make something or someone better
  • shining = bright
  • gather = collect
  • skillful = clever
  • cell = a small compartment in a hive
  • satan = evil spirit or king of devils
  • mischief = injury or damage
  • first years = early years
  • give account = say what you have done
  • at last = at the end of life
  • busy = actively employed
  • wax = the fat-like yellow substance secreted by bees

 8th Standard English Notes

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

KSEEB 8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Summary Questions and Answers

ILA. Your teacher reads a passage. listen to it. Then answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was Bhaskara born?
Bhaskara was born at Bijapur.

Question 2.
Who was his father?
Maheshwaropadhyaya was his father.

Question 3.
Why do we, Kannadigas, feel proud of Bhaskara?
Bhaskara was a great scientist, mathematician and poet. He was a 1 kannadiga. So we feel proud of Bhaskara.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Who taught him mathematics first?
His father was the one who first taught him mathematics.

Question 5.
What is Bhaskara’s invention?
Kala Chakra, a time clock is his invention.

IRA. 1. Look at the picture of great scientists given below. Identify them and mention at least one 1 contribution of each of them in the field of science.
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 1

  1. Sir Issac Newton: A Mathematician, astronomer and physicist.
  2. Marie Curie: Physicist and chemist.
  3. Homi Jehangir Bhabha: Indian nuclear physicist.
  4. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai: Indian Scientist and innovator widely regarded as the father of India’s space programme.
  5. Jagadish Chandra Bose: Physicist, biologist, biophysicist, botanist.
  6. James Watt: Scotish inventor, mechanical engineer and chemist.

IRA 2. Match the names of Scientists from Column ‘A’ with their field of work from Column ‘B’:

1. Homi Jehangir Bhabha Radioactivity a.
2. Sir. Isaac Newton Steam engine b.
3. James Watt Laws of motion c.
4. Marie Curie Space Science d.
5. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Plant Science e.
6. J.C. Bose Nuclear Physics f.


  1. – f,
  2. – c,
  3. – b,
  4. – a,
  5. – d,
  6. – e

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who were Raman’s parents?
Chandrashekara Iyer and Parvathi Ammal were the parents of Raman.

Question 2.
Why was Raman not able to attend the school regularly?
Raman used to fall sick every now and then. So, he was not able to attend school regularly.

Question 3.
Where did he complete his Inter¬mediate examination?
He passed the intermediate examination from Hindu College – High School in Vishakapatna.

Question 4.
What subjects did his relatives advise him to take for B.A?
His relatives advised him to take History and Economics as his special subjects for B.A.

Question 5.
Why could not Raman go to the United Kingdom for higher studies?
Raman could not go to the United Kingdom for higher studies because his health broke down again.

II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How long did he work at Calcutta University?
Raman worked at Calcutta University for fifteen years.

Question 2.
What made Raman give up the highly paid post of Special Accountant General?
Raman had a great interest in science. He felt like a fish out of water while he was working as Special Accountant General. So, he gave up the highly paid post of Special Accountant General for the sake of Science and accepted professorship at Calcutta University.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 3.
How did the Soviet Union honour him?
Soviet Union honoured him by awarding the International Lenin Prize.

III. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What makes you think that Raman, even as a boy, had great interest in science?
Even as a boy, he had made the model of a dynamo. During his school days, he borrowed science books from college students and read them. This make us think that Raman had great interest in science.

Question 2.
Why did Raman’s relatives ask Raman to take up Arts subjects? How did Raman react to it?
Raman used to fall sick every now and then, and he was not able to attend school or college regularly. So his relatives wanted him to give up science and take History and Economics as his special subjects for B.A. Since Raman had made up his mind to study science, he took physics.

Question 3.
What was Raman’s first disappointment in life?
After his M.A., Raman wanted to go to the . United Kingdom for higher studies in science. But his health broke down again, and he could not go. This was the greatest disappointment in his life.

Question 4.
Why was Raman not happy with the post of Deputy Accountant General?
Raman had a keen interest in Science. It was not possible for a scientist like Raman to put up with the life of a Deputy Accountant General. He felt like a fish out of water in his new post. So, he was not happy.

Question 5.
How can you say that Raman had not lost interest in science when he was the Deputy Accountant General?
One day, while returning from his office, Raman saw a banner outside a building on which was printed – The Indian Association of Scientists. At the sight of that banner, Raman got off the moving tram and went to meet the scientists who had gathered in that building.

Sometime later, when he was in Rangoon, Raman learnt that an institution had bought a piece of modern scientific apparatus. He hurriedly put on his clothes and went to have a look at it. This shows that Raman had not lost interest in science when he was the Deputy Accountant General.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Vocabulary in English

VI. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to the words underlined.

Question 1.
We should neither borrow or ________________

Question 2.
Why do you feel old? Feel ________________

Question 3.
Don’t stand outside. Come ________________

Question 4.
Are wealthy people really happy or ________________
sad, unhappy

Question 5.
Eat less but work ________________

V2. The pronunciation of the following pairs of words are almost the same but they differ in meaning. Use each word in the pair in meaningful sentences.

1. break separate or part by force.
She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.
brake Device for reducing the speed of a wheel.
The driver applied the brake hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.
2. knew to be informed of.
Every child knows that two and two makes four.
new Fresh, recent
We buy new clothes during festivals.
3. sight View: Opportunity of seeing
The sight of sunset in Augumbe is glorious to see.
site Place where a building is or will be situated.
We can construct a good house in a 30 × 40 feet site.
My father had purchased a site at his native place.
4. some indefinite quantity or number.
If you save some money each month, you can go on a holiday.
sum Arithmetical calculation, total amount
The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.
My father violated the traffic rules, police caught him and fined a sum of ₹. 100/-
Plays Dramas
Shakespeare wrote many plays.
place rank or position
My sister got the first place in the IAS Examination.

V3. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs or idioms, choosing from the ones given in brackets.
(make up, put up with, give up, put on, a fish out of water, make out, break down)

Question 1.
We usually _____________ cotton clothes during summer.
put on

Question 2.
One day, a villager came to me and asked me to read a letter. I tried my best, but could not _____________ what the person had written.
make out

Question 3.
Great people/persons have an ocean of patience. They have learnt to _____________ difficulties.
put up with

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Raju’s health used to _____________ now and then, so, he had to _____________ the highly paid post as Accountant in an office. At first he felt like _____________ .
breakdown, give up, a fish out of water

Question 5.
People should _____________ their minds to fight against corruption.
make up

V4. Make compound words with the words given in column ‘A’ and ‘B’ and use the same in meaningful sentences of your own:

1. boy a. class
2. time b. post
3. first c.  male
4. road d. table.
5. speed e. map
6. class f. fast
g. hood


  1. boyhood: Ambedkar faced a lot of difficulties in his boyhood days.
  2. time table: All the railway stations have their own time table of arrival and departure of trains.
    Teachers follow their time table to go to the class.
  3. first-class: I passed seventh standard in first class.
  4. road map: We have to study a road map before going on a tour.
  5. speed post: We can send the letters by speed post.
  6. classmate: One of my classmate is very poor, but he studies well.

V5. Which words/phrases in the text mean more or less the same as the following? Paragraph numbers are given in brackets.

1. boyhood (PI) early days.
2. uncomfortable (P3) a fish out of water
3. chance (P3) hopes
4. happily (P5) gladly
5. not remember (P6) forget
6. morning food (P6) breakfast
7. money permitted to be drawn for the expense (P7) allowance
8. sympathy (P7) pity

Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Summary in English

V6. Give the negative form of the underlined words: Using a prefix like in, un, dis, im
E.g.: a popular poem an unpopular poem

1. an interesting story an uninteresting story
2. a fortunate thing an unfortunate thing
3.  a correct answer an incorrect answer
4. a pure heart an impure heart
5. a happy day an unhappy day
6. an honest person a dishonest person

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

V7. Fill in the blanks with noun forms of the underlined words:

Question 1.
The Teacher dictates notes.
The Teacher gave us ________________

Question 2.
Admit Suresh to VIII Standard.
Let Suresh get ________________ to VIU Standard.

Question 3.
Literates should educate villagers.
Literate should give ________________ to villagers.

Question 4.
Appoint him.
Give him an ________________

Question 5.
Have you decided where to go?
Have you taken the ________________ where to go?

V8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given in brackets:
e.g: Please give your ______________ (accept) within a week.
Please give your acceptance within a week.

Question 1.
The speaker accepted the ______________ (resign) of the legislators.

Question 2.
We should not have too much ______________ (attach) to anything.

Question 3.
The ______________ (discover) of the sea route to India was made by Vasco-da Gama.

Question 4.
The teacher admired the ______________(honest) of Manjula.

Question 5.
Have a ______________ (science) outlook.

Question 6.
Please don’t cause ______________ (inconvenient) to travellers.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 7.
Make ______________ (meaning) sentences.

Question 8.
Why are you afraid of the______________ (examine)?

Question 9.
Chemistry is an ______________ (interest) subject.

A. Lisen and speak

Task 2. Your teacher will say and write the following words. Identify the vowel sounds in them and write them in the appropriate column.

flee, catch, tense, spin, sleep, fan, left, mad, scratch, bid, speed, mean, span, dream, sent, please, trim, hid, hatch, split, fresh, den, sea, drench, free, mint, sketch, click.
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 2
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 3

C. Reading Reading Maps:

Task: Look at the map of Srilanka which shows the distribution of Tamilians living there.
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 4
Read the map and the information given carefully. Based on them, say whether the following statements are true or false. Write‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in the boxes accordingly.

Question 1.
Tamilians are over 50% in the northernmost part of Srilanka.

Question 2.
In Batticola the Tamilians are less than 50%.

Question 3.
The east coast of Sri Lanka has more Tamilians than its we coast.

Question 4.
More than 50% of the people in Colombo are Tamilians.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 5.
Only Sinhalese live in Jafna.

Question 6.
The central part of Srilanka is dense with Tamilians.

Question 7.
Kandy does not have any sea coast.

D. Grammar

Task 2. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the words in column ‘B’. Using the appropriate form of verbs, frame sentences. One example is given.
Note: The verbs are given in brackets.
e.g., Vendors sell things on the streets.

A ship Sweets
The doctor Downwards
A dog In the sky
Birds at 9:00 in the morning
Vendors The ball
Children A cat
A carpenter On water
Water Things on the street
Our school Stools from wood
The goal keeper The patient

(like, chase, begin, sail, stop, treat, make, sell, fly, flow)

  • A ship sails on water.
  • The doctor treats the patient.
  • A dog chases a cat.
  • Birds fly in the sky.
  • Vendors sell things on the street.
  • Children like sweets.
  • A carpenter makes stoods from wood.
  • Water flows downwards.
  • Our school begins at 9.00 in the morning.
  • The goal keeper stops the ball.

The Present Continuous or The Present Progressive Form.
Task 3. Look at these pictures. Write what they are doing.
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 5
a boy – running (field)
a student – reading (a book)
a girl – eating (a fruit)
a mother – lighting the lamp
a farmer – carrying a bundle.
e.g. Picture 1. A mother is lighting the lamp.

  • A boy is running in the field.
  • A student is reading a book.
  • A girl is eating a fruit.
  • A mother is lighting the lamp.
  • A farmer is carrying a bundle

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

E. Writing

Framing sentences

Task 1. Frame appropriate phrases with the words from the table given below. Also, build
sentences using the phrase in context.
8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 6
e.g. Phrase – Slave to money.
Context: Pradeep is a slave to money.
He has become inhuman.
1. Phrase: faith in science, faith in you.
Context: I have faith in science. We will find a cure for concern.
I have faith in you. You will do well in the exam.

2. Phrase: Interest to you, interest in dancing.
Context: The subject may be full of interest l to you, but it holds no interest for me.
Kamala has interest in dancing, but no interest in cooking.

3. Phrase: sympathy for the poor.
Context: Many rich people have sympathy for the poor and they help them in their difficulties.

4. Phrase: slave to money:
Context Pradeep is a slave to money.

5. Phrase: passion for dancing, science.
Context: Apoorva has a passion for dancing and wants to become a famous dancer.

Task 2. Rearrange the words into meaningful sentences.
1) from / learn / a little /1 /incident / every.
2) youngster / a / of the two / the bigger / sturdy / was.
3) no shoes / they / and / wore / muddy / their / were / feet.
4) Mahatma Gandhiji / weapon / his / non violence / opted / as far.
5) subject / deeply/ that /1 / the / thought / evening / on.
e.g., 1. I learn a little from every incident.

  1. I learn a little from every incident.
  2. The bigger of the two was a sturdy youngster.
  3. They wore no shoes and their feet were muddy.
  4. Mahatma Gandhiji opted for nonviolence as his weapon.
  5. That evening, I thought deeply on the subject.

Additional Questions with Answers

I. Four alternatives are given below each questions. Choose the correct one:

Question 1.
Chandrashekara Iyer was a professor of:
(a) Physics
(b) History
(c) Economics
(d) Social Science
(a) Physics

Question 2.
Raman had his early education in:
(a) Trichy
(b) Madras
(c) Vishakhapatnam
(d) Bengaluru
(c) Vishakhapatnam

Question 3.
Raman could not go to England because:
(a) He had no money.
(b) His health broke down again
(c) His father refused to send him.
(d) His relatives asked him to take competitive Exam only.
(b) His health broke down again

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
Raman took a Competitive Examination in Calcutta, in ____________
(a) Physics and Chemistry
(b) History and Economics
(c) Physics
(d) History
(b) History and Economics

Question 5.
Raman became the Director of Indian Institute of Science in:
(a) Trichy
(b) Vishakapatna
(c) Bangalore
(d) Madras
(c) Bangalore

Question 6.
Raman was awarded for his discovery of the Raman Effect in 1930:
(a) Bharatha Ratna
(b) Knighthood
(c) Nobel Prize
(d) International Lenin Prize
(c) Nobel Prize

Question 7.
“Fish out of water” means
(a) Feel uncomfortable
(b) Feels comfortable
(c) Fish coming out of water
(d) Catching the fish
(a) Feel uncomfortable

Question 8.
Raman was awarded International Lenin Prize by:
(a) England
(b) India
(c) Soviet Union
(d) America
(c) Soviet Union

Question 9.
The word that takes the prefix ‘un’ is
(a) popular
(b) honest
(c) correct
(d) pure
(a) popular

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 10.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word given in bracket:
We should not have too much ______________ (attach) to anything.
(a) attaching
(b) attaches
(c) attachment
(d) attached.
(c) attachment

Question 11.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate prepositions:
Raman died ______________ November 21, 1970 ______________ the age of 82.
(a) on, at
(b) in, at
(c) on, of
(d) in in
(a) on, at

Question 12.
The meaning of the phrase the ‘put up with’ is
(a) stop
(b) tolerate
(c) wear
(d) uncomfortable
(b) tolerate

Question 13.
Raman was a great scientist in :
(a) Physics
(b) Chemistry
(c) History
(d) Botany
(a) Physics

II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What made Raman to discover “Raman effect.”?
Raman had a lot of curiosity in science. Earlier in his life, while on a voyage to Europe, he saw the wonderful blue of the Mediterranean Sea. This led to his work on the Laws of Light scattering in liquids and it ended in his discovery of the Raman Effect.

Question 2.
How can you say that Raman was kind and sympathetic?
When Raman was working as the Deputy accountant General, a villager came to ‘ Raman with some badly burnt hundred rupee notes. Any other person, would have turned the villager away. But Raman took pity on the villager, examined the notes himself and allowed the villager to exchange the burnt note for new ones. This shows that Raman was kind and sympathetic person.

Question 3.
Why did Raman take physics for his higher education?
Raman had a keen interest in science. Hence he took physics for his higher studies.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 4.
What did Raman’s relatives ask him?
Raman’s relatives asked him to give up his study of science, and take a competitive examination in Calcutta, in History and Economics.

Question 5.
Name the posts that Raman served in Calcutta?
Raman served as Deputy Accountant General, Special Accountant General for Posts and Telegraphs and Professor at Calcutta University.

III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. “I have admitted you to the Institute because of your character.”
a. Who said this?
Raman said this.

b. To whom it was said?
It was said to a candidate who was not given admission as he did not do well in the test.

c. Why did Raman gave admission to the Candidate?
Raman gave admission to the candidate because of his honesty. That candidate had been given more traveling allowance than what he was eligible for. But he returned the excess amount.

IV. Match the following:

1. sight Journey by sea
2. secure Concede
3, give up Obtain
4. put on Scene
5. voyage Wear


  1. scene
  2. obtain
  3. concede
  4. wear
  5. journey by sea

V. Write the opposites of the following:

Question 1.
borrow × _____________

Question 2.
fortunate × _____________

Question 3.
regular × _____________

Question 4.
happy × _____________
unhappy, sad

Question 5.
accept × _____________

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Question 6.
forget × _____________

Question 7.
liquid × _____________

Question 8.
difficult × _____________

Question 9.
kind × _____________

Question 10.
honest × _____________

Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Summary in English

This lesson gives the information about the early life, education and achievements of Sir C. V. Raman, a great scientist. Sir C. Y. Raman was born on 7th Nov, 1888 in Trichy. Chandrashekara Iyer and Parvathi Ammal were his parents. Raman had his early education at the Hindu College High School, Vishakapatnam. He was very much interested in science. Unfortunately, he used to fall sick every now and then. So he was not able to attend school regularly.

He passed Matriculation Examination in I class and passed the Intermediate Exam from Hindu College and joined Presidency college at Madras for his B.A.

His relatives asked him to study History and Economics but Raman took physics and passed his B.A. in first rank. He passed his M.A. (Physics) in January 1907.

Raman could not go to United Kingdom for higher studies because of his ill health. His relatives advised him to give up study of science and take a competitive Exam in History and Economics. He did so and got the first place in the Exam. He was appointed as Deputy Accountant General in 1907 at Calcutta. He was not happy. He felt like a fish out of water in his new post. But he still had hopes of becoming a scientist. Even as Deputy Accountant General, Raman mixed with scientists and took interest in science. He used to meet scientist gatherings and went to the institutions where he could see modem scientific apparatus.

Raman left the job of Special Accountant General for Post and Telegraph when he was offered the post of professor at Calcutta University. He worked for fifteen years in Calcutta University. Later, he became the Director of the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru. The Raman’Research Institute was started in 1948. He became the Director of the Research Institute. He conducted his research in Physics until his death.

Raman was a great scientist. Throughout his life he was intensely attached to science. Like all great scientists, he had a lot of curiosity. This led to his work on the Laws of Light scattering in Liquids and it ended in his discovery of the “Raman Effect.” He was awarded the Nobel Prize for this in 1930.

Raman was a kind man and helped people when they were in difficulty. He showed pity on the poor and respect the honest persons.

Raman received a number of honours and medals like Knighthood, Doctorates, Bharatha Rathna award and International Lenin Prize.

He died on November 21, 1970 at the age of 82.

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Summary in Kannada

8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary 7
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8th English Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Notes Question Answer Summary

Sir C.V. Raman Lesson Word in Meanings

  • borrow = to take or use something that belongs to someone else, usually with their permission:
  • secure = obtain :
  • in spite of = despite, even though
  • put up with = bear, tolerate
  • give up = leave, stop, surrender
  • history = record of past events
  • economics = study of wealth
  • hope = expectation, desire
  • modern = recent times
  • offer = proposal
  • accept = agree, receive
  • curiosity = desire to know, eagerness
  • voyage = Journey by water, A long journey especially by sea or in space
  • sight = scene
  • liquid = A substance that flows freely. Eg: water, milk or oil:
  • put on = wear
  • pity = sympathy for another’s distress
  • kind = showing concern about the happiness and feelings of others in a gentle manner
  • honesty = truthfulness
  • character = moral qualities
  • honour = high respect
  • fish out of water = a person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he/she feels he/she does not belong to the company he/she is in matriculation equivalent to today’s I year PUC.
  • banner = a long piece of cloth with a message on it that is carried between two poles, hung in public places.

 8th Standard English Notes

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Check Your Understanding :
“Share your responses”
(Refer to Text Page No. 113):

Question 1.
Some physical features of Columbus are described/given in the text. Based on your reading complete the table.
Physical Features of Columbus
i. Physique : tall, well-built
ii. Age : 46 years
iii. Hair : White
iv. Complexion : fair, ruddy
v. Face : Melancholic.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Usually we sing songs to express our joys and sorrows. Here the play begins with a song. What mood does this convey ?
They are in dejected mood. They sing it to keep up their spirits.

Question 3.
There are limits to patience,’ says Diego. What does this suggest about Diego’sstate of mind ?
He is impatient and seems to be angry.

Question 4.
Who do you think has the lives of fifty in his hands ? How ?
According to Diego, Columbus has the lives of fifty in his hands. He has taken some of them as prisoners during his voyage.

(Refer to Text Page No. 114 & 115):

Question 1.
“A good sailor knows his place.” Says Columbus to Diego. The statement is ………..
(Choose the right answer from the options and complete the sentence.)
a. a piece of advice
b. an indirect command
c. a statement
(b) an indirect command.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Which reaction of Diego to the sentence above justifies your choice? Quote the phrase indicating his reaction.
He is angry but doesn’t show it. It is his repressed fury.

Question 3.
How does Pedro try to defend the drunken seamen? Was he right in defending them?
Pedro defends the drunken seamen by calling them simple and drink for relaxation or to forget their worries. He is right in defending them because they do not the vision of the captain.

Question 4.
What is termed as his worst enemy by Columbus?
According to Columbus, his enemy is his unbridled tongue.

Question 5.
The dialogue between Columbus and Pedro in section 2 reveals this trait of Columbus – (Choose the most appropriate response.)
a. dictatorial attitude
b. quick temper
c. hatred towards the seamen
d. selfishness
(c) hatred towards the seamen.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 6.
“Columbus is always furious when he hears the song ‘Here’s a keg o’rum.’ ” What makes him react so?
Because he thinks that God only desires to solve mysteries and not provide the solution.

(Refer to Text Page No. 116):

Question 1.
This section reveals the behaviour of (Fill in the blank)
the servant Pepe and the seamen.

Question 2.
Why do you think Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus?
Because he hates seamen.

Question 3.
Pepe is always eager to say that he is ever ………. to Columbus. (Fill in the blank.)

Question 4.
Pepe warns Columbus about some people. Who are they?
He warns about seamen. He says that the seamen are horrible and desperate when they drink.

(Refer to Text Page No. 117):

Question 1.
How are the seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus can hear them?
Their noise grows louder which shows the deepening of their discontent.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Pepe is heard saying, ‘They shan’t’
a. Who are meant by ‘they’?
b. What does the boy mean by saying ‘They shan’t?
They refer to the seamen. The boy says that they shall not come before Columbus and tell him.

Question 3.
‘The Santa Maria will be lighter for his carcass.’ Whose words is Pepe quoting here? (Choose the right answer and complete the sentence.)
a. Diego
b. Francisco
c. Pedro
d. Guillermo Ires
(b) Francisco

Question 4.
Which statement of Francisco suggests that he too has lost his temper? Quote his words.
“Discipline is a thing of the past” is the statement.

(Refer to Text Page No. 119):

Question 1.
‘Who’s to put him in irons?’ challenges Guillermo. The person meant by ‘him’ in this context is :
a. Guillermo
b. The first man to move towards Columbus
c. Columbus
d. The first man who challenged Columbus
(a) Guillermo

Question 2.
7 will perform it myself,’ says Columbus. What does ‘it’ mean here?
He will navigate the ship and put the men in irons.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 3.
‘Devil’s track to nowhere,’ says Guillermo. What does this suggest about the thinking of the seamen ?
They didn’t know where they were going.

Question 4.
After ‘a perceptible pause,’ who grows more mutinous than others?
a. Name that character.
b. Quote his words.
(a) Columbus,
(b) ‘Silence’

(Refer to Text Page No. 122):

Question 1.
In his somewhat a long speech, what does Columbus say he has discovered?
He has discovered that loyalty passes like seaweed on an outgoing tide. Friendship breaks as a mast hollowed by worms breaks. He has further found out that Discipline, Duty, and honourable obedience are bubbles that burst at the first contact. Man remains himself. He also says that when a man is given a vision he must follow it alone.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. What effect does it have on others like Juan and Guillermo?
Juan and Guillermo still say that they are simple men and they will wait there for a day only.

Question 3.
Compare Francisco’s words of confession with what he had said earlier in anger. How does Columbus react to his confession?
Francisco says that desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them. He begs to forgive him. Columbus reacts saying to Francisco that his best can not be bettered. He bids him good night.

Question 4.
How does Pedro react to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light?
He responds positively that there is a light & says ‘Glory to be God!’

Question 5.
Do you consider the ending to be happy? Justify your answer.
As a reader, I consider the ending a happy one. The seamen wanted to return to their homes and meet their families.
They wanted to return to Spain but when they find light and land, they forget everything and rejoice with the captain. The defiance of Columbus with his crew is resolved. The conflict comes to an end.

Think about the text

Question 1.
‘Mutiny is an ugly word,’ says, Diego. Is mutiny an ugly word? If so, why?
Here in this context, “Mutiny” is an ugly word, because Juan and Diego expressed their frustration and they have lost patience. But mutiny is a word which means ‘rebellious”. It shows rebellious attitude. It appears rather a harsh word.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
‘Columbus feels that whatever he does, it is God’s will.’ What ‘will’ of God does he like to fulfill through this venture?
Columbus has set out to discover a New World and carry out the commands of his King and queen. It is God’s will. He has to carry out his mission.

Question 3.
Columbus says, “would God implant the desire to solve mysteries and not provide the solutions?” Identify the mood of Columbus in saying this.
Columbus’ word is rather serious and grave.

Question 4.
Pepe says, “Everybody doubts… except me.” Why do you think he is an exception?
He knows the plight of the seamen. He believes them. So he is an exception.

Question 5.
Usually people feel desperate when they fail to get something they want. In the play The Discovery’, why do the crew-mates of Columbus feel desperate?
Columbus is often at open defiance with his crew. It builds up a conflict. When the seamen sing songs, he feels irritated. He tells them to stop it. They are not allowed even to sing to keep up their spirits. Columbus is a strict disciplinarian and he wants it to be followed by all. He never entertains mutinous thoughts. He wants to fulfill his mission. He doesn’t allow anybody to behave as they like. He wants them to follow his will. So they feel desperate.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 6.
“Discipline knows no buts.” Why is discipline needed in one’s life?
Discipline gives a different colour to our life. If we are disciplined everything goes well. We feel happy ourselves.

Question 7.
Comparing with his co-mates, Columbus makes some statements that he is different from others. One statement is given. Add some more statements to the list.
i. I am not ungrateful.
ii. It is my will.
iii. I will perform it myself.

Question 8.
Columbus says, “Shall simple men judge their betters?” Don’t you think simple men also possess the ability of judgment?’ Share your opinion with your friends.

 For Against
i. Simple men also can judge. i. Simple men do not have proper understanding.
ii. They too have knowledge. ii. They fail to judge people.
iii. They see life. iii. They can’t judge their superiors.

Question 9.
How is the excitement of finding a new land expressed by different characters at the end of the play? e.g. Pedro says, “It is, sir, Glory be to God.”
Sailor says, “A light! Blessed Mother of God.”
Voice of the other seamen : A light ! Land ! Land !

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 10.
‘Your best cannot be bettered’, says Columbus. This statement implies that
a. None is perfect at any time.
b. There is always scope for improvement.
c. Once we reach the level of being best, we can never improve.
d. Columbus is not totally happy with Francisco. (Choose the best option)
(c) Once we reach the level of being best, we can never improve.

Question 11.
Swami Vivekananda says, “Purity, Patience and Perseverance are the essentials to success -And above all, Love.” Does Columbus possess all these qualities? Justify.
Columbus has the quality of perseverance and purity. He never deviates from his aim or his mission. He has the quality or love towards exploration. But he is short-tempered and authoritative. He uses power to curb the freedom. It is because of this the crew retaliates.

Question 12.
Find below the words that refer to Columbus and words that refer to mutinous sailors. Classify them in Column A and B accordingly. Refer to a dictionary, if necessary. (revolting, sheepish, short-tempered, authoritative, bold, ungrateful, farsighted, submissive, silently angry, visionary, disloyal)

A. Columbus

B. Mutinous sailors

sheepish submissive,
silently angry,
disloyal, ungrateful.

Question 13.
An incomplete paragraph is given below. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words and phrases given in brackets. (vision, faith, God, bursts, voyage, the end, sea weeds, new land, man)
This discovery, says Columbus is a ………………… of discovery. Apart from discovering the ……………. he has come to know of many things. First, he says, one has to depend on one’s ……………….. not on the support of others. For, loyalty is as temporary as the ………… on a tide. In the beginning, there may be some discipline, but soon it like a balloon. Ultimately what remains is in oneself. The daring nature of Columbus survives till,……………… and he attributes his success to the blessings of …………….
This discovery, says Columbus is land he has come to know of many things. First, he says, one has to depend on one’s vision, not on the support of others. For, loyalty is as temporary as the sea weeds on a tide. In the beginning, there may be some discipline, but soon it bursts like a balloon. Ultimately what remains is faith in oneself. The daring nature of Columbus survives till the end, and he attributes his success to the blessings of God.

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Look at the words given in the diagram.
They are close in their meanings.
Choose the most appropriate word from the diagram and fill in the blank, e.g.,
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 1
Bhuvana: Hello! Students, I came to know that you are going to visit Mercara, aren’t you?
Students: Yes madam. It’s rather hot here. So we would like to visit Mercara for the weather is pleasantly cold there.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

In each of the following diagrams one word is given. Find out words that belong to the same set of meaning given in the rectangle box and complete the respective diagram. Consult a good dictionary to know more words and meanings.
amazed, hardly, mammoth, border, astonish, scarcely, large, edge, enormous, verge, inadequately, shock, huge, meagerly, margin, abundant, rarely, limit, surprise, stun.
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 2

Now use the appropriate words in their appropriate forms to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
1. The children were so excited that they…………..
could speak.

2. The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population on a scale.

3. The mutinous sailors were ……….. by the boldness of Pepe.

4. The noise ………. Ramesh, and he dropped his glasses on the floor.

5. Javeed, the policeman was armed to face the robbers ……….. home alone.
inadequately, in the large

6. They won a …………victory in elections.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task- 4 :
We use many words to describe persons. Parts of the human body or appearance are given in bubbles in column ‘A’. Describing words are given in rectangle boxes in column ‘B’. Match them and write answer in column ‘C’.
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 7

Task-5 :
Using the words given in the table above, describe the one who is dear and near to your heart. One is done for you.
Mamatha, my friend is tall, slim and fair. With her oval face and wavy hair she looks very attractive. Not only is she clever and smart, but social and reliable also. Surrounded by a host of friends, she spends time cracking jokes. No wonder, then, that she is the uncrowned queen of our college.

Listen and Comprehend

Task-1: Listen to the teacher, repeat, classify and write in the respective column.
Proverb: a short well-known statement that gives advice or expresses something that is generally true.
Saying: a well-known short statement that expresses an idea most people believe to be true and wise.
Tongue-twister : a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly.
Travel Announcement: announcements made at the bus-station, railway station or airport. Instructions: the written information that tells you how to do or use something.
Proverbs :
1. There are many slips between the cup and the lip.
2. Birds of a feather flock together.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Savings :
1. When luck kicks, no one checks.
2. Born poor is not a sin, but dying poor is.
3. It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win over someone.
4. A ship is always safe at the shore. It is was not built for that. So take risk and achieve more.

Tongue-twisters :
1. She sells sea shells at the sea shore.
2. Don’t trouble until trouble troubles you; if you trouble, trouble will trouble you.
3. car rally, lorry rally.

Travel Announcements :
1. Airavatha 2222 is at platform-10. It leaves for Mysore at 10.00 a.m.

Instructions/Warnings :
1. Don’t pluck flowers in the garden.
2. Switch off your mobiles at the petrol bunk.
3. Hereby all the passengers are requested to fasten their safe belts.
4. Keep distance between vehicles.
5. Always keep to your left on the road.

Task-2 :
Collect as many sentences as possible for each heading and write. Your teacher will guide you in this regard.


Read the statement and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.

SI. No. Statement Yes No To some extent
1. I was able to listen to the instructions of the teacher.
2. I was able to classify the sentences in different headings.
3. I grasped the meanings of proverb, saying etc.
4. I have got interest in reading instructions, proverbs etc.
5. I have got interest in collecting proverbs, sayings, tongue- twister etc.

Speak Well

Seeking Permission (Imagine Columbus meeting King Ferdinand II of Argon and Isabella I of Castle to’seek their permission for his voyage to find sea-route to India. Complete the dialogues choosing sentences given in the box.
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 3
Columbus : Good morning, your Majesty.
Ferdinand : Very good morning.
Isabella: Columbus. Are you ready with your plans ?
Columbus : Yes, your Majesty. Could I present my plans ?
Isabella: First tell us about your destination.
Columbus : I have a great desire to find out sea-route to India.
Isabella: Oh! That’s a good idea, but we’d like to refer your plan to a committee.
Columbus : As your Majesty desires. (After a long pause.)
Isabella: Dear Columbus, our committee members feel that you have grossly underestimated the distance to India.
Columbus : I beg your pardon, they are wrong.
Isabella: They also feel vour idea is impractical. In fact, they insisted that we reject it.
Columbus : Oh. no. please don’t do that. I’ve full confidence in what I’m going to do.
Isabella: In that case, will an allowance of 12,000 maravedis be enough?
Columbus : Thank you so much. May I ask something else too ?
Isabella: Of course, well give an order to provide you with food and lodging till you get ready to sail .
Columbus : I’m extremely thankful to your majesty.
Isabella: May God bless you. Bon Voyage!

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

a. As your Majesty desires.
b. Thank you so much. May I ask for something else, too?
c. They also feel your idea is impractical.
In fact, they insisted that we reject it.
d. Columbus, are you ready with your plan?
e. I have a great desire to find out sea route to India.
f. May God bless you! Bon voyage !

Read and Respond

Observe the Graph 4A’. It gives the information about the number of students who are late to the class on
the workIng days. Based on your observation answer the questions given below.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 4

1. The same numbers of students are late on two days. Which days are they?
They are Tuesday and Thursday.

2. How many students are late on Friday?
15 students are late on Friday.

3. On which day are most of the students late?
On Monday.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-2 :
Observe the Graph. Based on your observation answer the questions given below.
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 5

A Fill in the blanks:
1. The graph shows the _______ read by ______ and ________
books. Basava, Emily

2. On day 2, __________ read more books than ___________
Emily. Basava.

B. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Until the fourth day, which student read books in an increasing order?

Question 2.
Name the day on which both the students read the same number of books.
On day fourth

Question 3.
Name the days on which Emily read more number of books than Basava.
On the second and fifth day.

Question 4.
Over a period of 5 days who between the two had improved his/her reading habits better?

Practise Writing

Study the following e-mail sent by Hemanth to his friend Shiva Shakti describing the experience of being drenched in a sudden shower of rain.
10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer 6

Now sit with your partner/partners and imagine that you were one of the crew- i mates of Columbus. You wanted to convey a message to your friend about the discovery of the New World. How would you send it in a message format?
The date you set sail.
Places of visit.
Talks you listened to.
People you met.
Weather you had felt.

Dear Ravi,
You know, I was one of the crew- mates of Columbus about the discovery of the New World. We set sail on 11th October 1492 from Spain. We could see many places and as you know the strict disciplinarian Columbus. He used to tell us to be strict, disciplined and serious. We could meet many people that is sailors. The weather was extremely cold during the night. On the whole it was a pleasant voyage.
Looking forward to your reply.

Learn Grammar Through Communication

Some sentences are given in columns A and C. Some co-ordinating conjunctions are given in column B. Match and combine them to form compound sentences.

Pepe stood at the stairs for his crew would have turned violent.
They were singing or else god is our guide.
Pepe was still a boy and the men could not go up.
Columbus was an able leader but they were danc­ing.
We will reach the shore (and) so he was bold


Pepe stood at the stairs SO the men could not go up.
They were singing and they were danc­ing
Pepe was still a boy but he was bold.
Columbus was an able leader or else his crew would have turned violent
We will reach the shore for God is our guide.

Complex Sentence
Read the following sentences. Some words are underlined.

  • Although Pepe was a boy, he was very useful to Columbus.
  • Columbus was furious when he heard the song.
  • They sailed until they reached the island.
  • We sail because it is God’s will.
  • I hope that we are not entertaining mutinous thoughts.
  • This is the vision which God has given me.
  • Friendship breaks as a mast is hollowed by worms.

Look at the first sentence. It has two cluses.
– Pepe was a boy – He (Pepe) was very useful to Columbus.
The word ‘Although’ is added to the first claus, reading: “Although Pepe was a boy.” Now this does not make complete meaning. So. it is a dependent clause. the clause, ‘He (Pepe) was very useful to Columbus’ can stand on its own, and so, itr is an independent clause. So, the given sentence has two parts. Although Pepe was a boy – dependent clause . He (Pepe) was very useful to Columbus independent clause. The entire sentence is a complex sentence. ‘Although’ is a subordinate conjunction.

10th English The Discovery Lesson Notes Question Answer

Analyse the remaining sentences given above.
Sentence — Clause
• Columbus was furious : Independent

• When he heart the story: dependent
They sailed : Independent
until they reached the island: dependent

• We sail : Independent
because it is God’s will: dependent

• We are not entertaining mutinous
thoughts : Independent
I hope that : dependent

• God has given me : dependent
This is the vision : independent

• Friendship breaks : Independent
as a mast is hollowed by worms: dependent

Frame complex sentences using the subordinate conjunctions given in the box. One example is given.
though, while, as long as, since, where, unless, in order that, as if, that, whenever
e. g., Whenever he comes to Dharwad, he meets me.

  • I do not know if Ramesh will come today.
  • I tried to know where Kamala lived.
  • Unless you show your identity I won’t allow you.
  • Though his intentions are kind, he is sometimes a hard master.
  • He will not pay unless he is compelled.
  • Since I am unable to get much I accept little.
  • While my parents are absent I cannot come.
  • He rushed to help his friend in order that he could save him.
  • I will be confident as long as you stay with me.
  • He stood silent as if he were an idol.
  • It is a pity that we should have to undergo this disgrace.

10th English Notes

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Check Your Understanding

Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 46 & 47):

Question 1.
The old man was …….. ( Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word)
a. understanding
b. quick
c. unhurried
d. witty
(c) unhurried

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Do you think the ancestors of the old man lived in Rio en Medio?
Yes. They had lived there because he tilled the land that they had tilled

Question 3.
A word in line 4 of paragraph 1 suggests that the old man was a farmer. Pick that word.
The word is tilled the land’.

Question 4.
Study the picture and describe the old man’s orchard by using the words given below.
(a small stream, unpleasant, fruit bearing trees, old fashioned house, attractive )
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 1
Fruit bearing trees, attractive.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
In paragraph 2 the words ” who” and ‘ these ‘ refer to and respectively.
Senator catron and the people.

Question 6.
Look at the picture and draw your inference about the old man’s appearance and his social / living condition.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 2
He looked like Senator Catron from New Mexico.
He had double-breasted coat. He was an elderly man and was much respected. His coat was old, green and faded. He wore gloves and carried a stick which looked like the skeleton of a worn-out Umbrella.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 7.
The word “innumerable kin” means that the old man had a number of
a. children.
b. trees in his orchard.
c. relatives.
d. followers
e. canes.
(a) Children / (d) followers

Question 8.
In the Indian context the eyes of women are compared to fishes (Meenakshi) and lotus (Kamalakshi) based on their shape and size. Why do you think the eyes of the boy are likened to gazelle? Can you write it in Kannada? Note : gazelle in Kannada is (aoors).
Because the boy had tiny eyes which looked like the eyes of gazelle.

Question 9.
How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him?
The old man bowed to all in the room. Then he removed his hat and gloves.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 10.
The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully.
a. Was he afraid that they would get spoiled?
b. Whose style did it remind the writer of?
(a) He was not afraid that his hat and gloves would get spoiled.
(b) The writer was reminded of the style of Charlie Chaplin.

(Refer to Text Page No. 48 & 49):

Question 1.
In the meeting of the old man and the Americans, they talked about rain and the old man’s large family. It was
a. to mock his large family
b. to break the ice
c. a custom of the Americans
d. to make themselves comfortable
e. to prepare everyone for the main talk
f. to make everyone know that it had not rained in that area
(You may think more than one among the above are appropriate. If so, tick them)
(d) to make themselves comfortable.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Why do you think the story teller spoke Spanish?
He was an American and knew Spanish. The man was from Mexico and he understood it.

Question 3.
The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?
Because he found out that the old man had more than eight acres of land. But the pact was agreed for only eight acres.

Question 4.
What was the reaction of the old man to the story teller’s offer?
The story teller offered Don Anselmo more money than what had been agree upon and Don Anselmo felt offended when he came to know this.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
We respect elders in many ways. For example
a. We shake hands
b. We touch their feet
c. We remove our hat.
d. We bend down.
e. We salute them.
f. We smile with respect.

Question 6.
The story teller respected the old man by …………. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate words)
keeping silent

Question 7.
After the findings of the engine, r the offer was doubled for the old man’s land.
a. Did the old man raise the rate?
b. Did the story teller offer more?
The story teller offered more because the old man’s land was just not only eight acres but more.

Question 8.
Match the following.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 15
‘A’ — ‘B’
1. Seller — Don Anselmo
2. Some Americans — Buyers
3. A young dark boy — Follower of the old-man

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 9.
Don Anselmo took only 12 hundred dollars for the land finally because
a. the story teller failed to convince Don Anselmo to take more money than what had been agreed upon.
b. Don Anselmo was a man of principles. (Tick the correct Answer)
(b) Don Anselmo was a man of principles.

Question 10.
What did Don Anselmo do as he left the place with money?
He signed the deed, took the money and shook hands all around. He put on ragged gloves, took his stick and walked out with the boy behind him.

(Refer to Text Page No. 50 & 51):

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with suitable word/s to describe the land and the house sold by the old man.
Before it was sold After it was sold
(a) peeled off plaster Replastered the old house.
(b) Small and wretched pruned trees
(c) tom fence patched the fence

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
From the list given below, lick the activities in which the children of Rio en Medio were involved, after the Americans occupied the house and the land sold by Don Anselmo.
(marked against each question)
i. pruning the trees ( )
ii. renovating the house ( )
iii. playing in the orchard ( )
iv. speaking harsh words to the Americans in Spanish
v. plucking flowers from the trees ( )
vi. putting fences around their play area ( )
vii laughing whenever they were spoken to ( )
viii. running around the land ( )

Question 3.
The possibilities for a week-long delay for another meeting are given. Which of them do you agree with? Discuss with your partner. The old man
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 3
was slow

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
Don Anselmo repeated certain things whenever he met the story teller and took leave of him. Write them down. One is done for you.
a. the old man shakes hands
b. The old removed his hat and gloves.
c. The old man took his stick and walked out with the boy behind him.
d. The old man talked about the weather.
e. The old man talked about the goodness of Americans.

Question 5.
Don Anselmo says, “The Americans are good people.” Does his remark strike you as sarcastic or sincere? Share your responses with your partner.
The old man repeats many times about the goodness of AmericAnswer: When we consider it we feel that it is sarcastic.

(Refer to Text Page No. 52):
Fill in the blanks/choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Don Anselmo sold his land but he didn’t sell his ………..
trees in the orchard.

2. The children of Rio en Medio were ……….. Don Anselmo’s and ………..
sobrinos and nietos (nieces and nephews)

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

3. Don Anselmo inherited the house from his ………..

4. According to Don Anselmo, the real owner/s of the trees was/were ………..
a. the children of Rio en Medio
b. Don Anselmo himself
c. the Americans
d. the story teller
e. Don Anselmo’s ancestors
(a) the children of Rio en Medio.

5. Don Anselmo did not sell the trees. Why do you think he did not? Tick the correct ones.
a. Trees were like children to him
b. They were grown for the children of next generation
c. He thought they did not belong to him but to the children
d. He had grown them in memory of his ancestors
e. He wanted his surroundings to be green
(a) Trees were like children to him.
(c) He thought they did not belong to him but to the children
(e) He wanted his surroundings to be green.

Think About the Text

Question 1.
Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners were quite unusual. How would you support this statement based on the text?
Don Anselmo was unhurried. He wore old and torn gloves. He carried a cane which was only the skeleton of a worn-out umbrella. He showed respect by bowing and handed his things to the boy who accompanied him. He talked about the weather and his family. He was not after money. He didn’t accept the money which was to be taken, but he didn’t. He was sarcastic and sold his land but he didn’t sell his trees in the orchard.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Whose argument do you agree with- Don Anselmo’s or the story teller’s? Give reasons.
We agree with the argument of Don Anselmo because he has kept up the tradition of his forefathers. He treated the trees like his own children and he had the foresight that he wanted his surroundings to be green and the future generation should follow his ideals. He had planted a tree since he had taken the possession of the house from his mother. He did not sell the trees because he could not. He says, ‘They are not mine”.

Question 3.
Don Anselmo was passionate about his land and the children of Rio en Medio. Which details in the text support this statement? Write them.
He sold his house but not the trees in his orchard. “I am the oldest man in the village. Almost everyone there is my relative and all the children of Rio en Medio are my nieces and nephews, my descendants” are the lines which show that he was passionate about his land and the children.

Question 4.
Don Anselmo’s reaction to the offer of more money was not expected. Justify this statement.
Undoubtedly his reaction was not expected. Because he was not worried about his land but he was worried about the trees in his orchard. He sold his land but didn’t sell the trees. So he didn’t expect any money from them.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
Read paragraph 5 and identify the tone or reaction of the old man while uttering the following word/words. Some examples are given.You may use any other appropriately
(mild / harsh / blunt / authoritative / self-assertive / confident/ comfortable /polite/ aggressive)
who are Rio-en-Medio were all his relatives, his descendants, nieces and nephews. The trees belong to the children of the village. Later the occupants took most of the following winter to buy the trees individually.
The old man
Tone / reaction
(a) Friend – harsh, aggressive
(b) I do not like — mild, self-assertive
(c) I know these — confident – comfortable
(d) I do not care to be— blunt – authoritative
(e) That is the price — polite — confident

Question 6.
Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land?
They bought it for their friends who wanted to live there. So they decided to buy it.

Question 7.
Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own ways. Comment on this.
Both are really generous. Don Anselmo didn’t take any extra amount even though he was entitled for it. He felt offended when he was offered more money. Even the story teller is also generous. He didn’t cheat Don Anselmo. He told him frankly that he had more land and deserves extra amount. According to the occupants of the new house, the children of Rio-en Medio disturbed the peace of the Americans but Anselmo declared happily that the people.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 8.
At last, the problem of ownership was resolved. But it took a long time. What might be the reasons for it? Write a paragraph on it.
When the old man Don Anselmo told that the trees belonged to the children of the village and every person owned a tree in that Orchard. So he could not sell trees and the trees are property of all, not belong to him only. This statement put the owner in a fix. So they could not do anything. No doubt, legally they owned the trees and the Don Anselmo refused to accept the amount. So it took a long time for the owners to buy the trees individually, that is from the descendants of Don Anselmo. It might be the reason for it.

Question 9.
Read the story and arrange the given events in the order in which they occur in the text.
(a) The story teller offered Don Anselmo more money than what had been agreed upon.
(b) The children of Rio en Medio disturbed the peace of the Americans.
(c) The Americans bought the trees from the descendants of Don Anselmo
(d) The story teller was surprised at the strange argument of Don Anselmo
(e) Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio
(f) The buyers renovated the house
(g) Don Anselmo signed the sale deed after the negotiation for 12 hundred dollars
(h) Don Anselmo felt offended when he was offered more money
(i) The occupants of the house came up with lots of complaints about the children of Rio en Medio.
(e) Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio.
(g) Don Anselmo signed the sale deed after the negotiation for 12 hundred dollars.
(a) The story teller offered Don Anselmo more money than what had been agreed upon.
(h) Don Anselmo felt offended when he was offered more money.
(d) The story teller was surprised at the strange argument of Don Anselmo.
(f) The buyers renovated the house.
(b) The children of Rio en Medio disturbed the peace of the Americans.
(i) The occupants of the house came up with lots of complaints about the children of Rio en Medio.
(c) The Americans bought the trees from the descendants of Don Anselmo.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 10.
Imagine that a group of 4 students endorses the old man’s views. The other group supports the Americans. Write a paragraph on each group’s argument. Discuss them with the groups.
The First Group: The old man is right in taking his decision. He has no right to sell trees because they belong to the children of that place. The old man is generous. He only signed the sale deed after the negotiation for 12 hundred dollars.

The Second Group : The Americans are also right. Legally they owned the trees but they didn’t buy the trees, because they belong to all the children. So they bought it from them individually. They are also generous. They didn’t cheat the old man.

Question 11.
Imagine that your neighbour is in a fix as the Americans were. How would you solve the problem?
We can solve the problem with prosper thinking, understanding and through right interaction. It all goes with faith, love and mutual respect.

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Look for the words in the word maze which match with the given meaning. One is done for you. Note the number given in brackets is the number of letters in that word. Read across, down and diagonally.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 4
(4) : a long thin stick – CANE
(9) : finding something that was not known earlier – DISCOVERY
(8) : thing/things that someone owns – PROPERTY
(7) : a place where fruit trees are grown – ORCHARD
(5) : ability to control people – POWER.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Find out the words in the given word maze and match with their meanings. Read across, down and diagonally.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 5
(9): to go with someone – ACCOMPANY
(6) : the way in which something is done – MANNER
(8) : official record – DOCUMENT
(9) : unhappy about something – COMPLAINT
(4) : price – RATE
(7) : many (across) – SEVERAL
(4) : agreement – DEED

Listen and Comprehend

Task-1: The teacher reads the passage. Listen carefully and draw a route map in your note book while listening to your teacher.
Suresh arrives at Bengluru city Railway Station at 6-00 a.m. He intends to go to Chinnaswamy Stadium. He doesn’t like to take either a bus or an auto rickshaw. He decides to go on foot. He walks 10 meters towards South and takes a left turn near Shanthala Silk House. Then he walks down the road, towards East, passes Upparapet Police Station, and again takes a very short left turn and continues his walk towards East on the pavement of Kempegowda road until he reaches a circle near St. Martha’s Hospital. From here he walks towards North in front of Vidhana Soudha. After 5 meters, he walks towards his right and reaches Chinnaswamy Stadium.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 6

Speak Well

Task-1 :
Here is an imaginary conversation between the old man and the story teller in the act of negotiation. Take roles and say it. Note the underlined expressions. They are used to seek ones opinion.

Story Teller :Good morning, Don Anselmo.
The Old man :Very good morning.
Story Teller :Please be seated.
The Old man :Thank you ( he sits)
Story Teller :The weather is fantastic today, isn’t it?
The Old man : Of course. Well, you sent for me. What’s the matter?
Story Teller :You know. We’re thinking of buying a site for our American friends.
Please meet them (He introduces them to each other. They shake hands)
I heard you want to sell your land across the river. Am I right?
The Old man : You’re right. That’s just what I‘m thinking about.
Story Teller : If you don’t mind, please quote your price.
The Old man : Sure. It’s twelve hundred dollars.
Story Teller :You mean twelve hundred dollars for the entire site?
The Old man :That’s exactly what I mean. Do you agree with the price?
Story Teller :No. I was only thinking that the land is really worth more than what you have quoted. How about 20,000 dollars?
(turns towards his American friend) Friend, what’s your opinion?
Friend: I do agree with your quote. Of course
Story Teller :Would you care to accept my price?
The Old man :(seeming to be hurt) Friend, I don’t like to have you speak to me in that manner. Very sorry.
Story Teller :(Apologetically) Excuse me please. I never meant to hurt you. If I did, I’m terribly sorry. What do you think you would do?
The Old man:All right. Please see. I know the Americans. They’re very generous, But I don’t like to be insulted. If I say 12 hundred dollars, it is the price. I don’t need a cent more.
Story Teller :Thank you. Here’s 12 hundred dollars. A cheque, if you don’t mind.
The Old man :Not at all ( he takes the cheque and signs the bond)

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Write a dialogue by using some of the given phrases asking for the listener’s opinion to an imaginary offer.
Raju: How about you taking this offer ?
Ravi: Oh! Very glad.
Raju: Would you like to comment on ?
Ravi: It is very lovely and useful book.
Raju: What’s your opinion ?
Ravi: Certainly it is a good book and very useful. One should possess it.
Raju: Thank you.


Read the statement and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 7

Read and Respond

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions set on it.
A small crowd had gathered around the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused, Robert crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the centre of attraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey’s tricks, he soon discovered, were in no way remarkable. So, after throwing a few pennies in the dirty hat which the man had placed on the pavement, Robert moved off, along with other members of the crowd.

At this point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what had happened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on the pavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and holding it close to him, began to weep. A young man stepped forward from the crowd and taking some money from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other people did likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins. Meanwhile the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed to take no notice of what was going on about him.

A few months later, Robert came across the old man, again in another part of the city. The man had a monkey, bought no doubt, with the money the crowd had given him. It did not, however, seem any better at its tricks than the previous one. Robert was pleased to see that the old man was still able to earn a living, though on this occasion having partly paid for the monkey out of his own pocket, he did not feel inclined to throw any money into the hat.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

But the performance was not yet over. Once again the old man let out a loud cry. Once again the monkey lay still on the pavement. The man picked up the “dead” monkey and clutching it in his arms began to weep. The same young man stepped forward and threw some money into the hat. Again the crowd followed suit -except Robert. Smiling to himself, he went on his way, amazed at the man’s audacity.

Question 1.
Robert went to the other side of the road because
(a) he wanted to help the old man by giving him some money
(b) he wanted to see why the crowd had gathered
(c) he was curious to watch the monkey’s tricks
(d) he had seen one of his friends over there
(b) he wanted to see why the crowd had gathered.

Question 2.
The word “ pavement “ in the fifth line of para 1 is ………
(a) a temporary tent which is used for public entertainment
(b) a path at the side of the road for people to walk on
(c) a small building made of wood
(d) a shelf on the road
(b) a path at the side of the orad for people to walk on.

Question 3.
The old man let out a loud cry suddenly in order to
(a) keep the monkey quiet for some time
(b) let the crowd know that his monkey was dead
(c) let the crowd know that he was a poor man
(d) show that he was hurt
(b) let the crowd know that his monkey was dead.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
Why did the old man begin to weep?
To show that his monkey was dead.

Question 5.
What wise thing did Robert do after he watched the monkey’s tricks for the second time?
He was amazed and smiled at the man’s audacity.

Practise Writing

You have some money in your savings account in a nationalised Bank. Now you need some money to buy books. You can withdraw . money from the bank by presenting a cheque to the Bank. How do you fill in the cheque? Here is an example.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 8

Task-2 :
You can write a cheque in the name of Ankita for rupees one thousand. Keep note of the following while writing the cheque.
(a) Write the name carefully.
(b) Cross the cheque by drawing two diagonal lines on the left hand top corner of the cheque if it is an account payee cheque.
(c) Signature should be the same as the specimen signature with the bank.
(d) Write the amount both in words and figures.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 9

Learn Grammar Through Communication

‘If clause Is used when
1. It is possible to fulfil conditions. (Open condition- type 1 condition)
2. It is theoretically possible to fulfil conditions. (Improbable condition type 2 condition)
3. It is impossible to fulfil conditions, (impossible condition type 3 condition)
Examples of TYPE 3 are given for you.

Study the given situations. They suggest that it is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled as it refers to the past. One is done for you.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Rohini and her friends were on a picnic. They couldn’t take photographs as John forgot to carry his camera. How did John express his feelings?
Rohini: John, did you bring your camera?
John : Oh! Sorry.
Rohini: It’s O.K.
John : If I had brought my camera we’d have taken some photographs

Task-2 :
Complete Hemanth’s mother’s reaction
Hemanth moved to the edge of the compound to pluck guava fruits. He lost balance, fell down and broke his leg. His mother said, “If you had not moved to pluck fruits, you would have been safe.

In the inter-school cricket match, the captain of your school team chose only one fast bowler. As a result, your team lost the game.
Your reaction : If the captain of our team had chosen two fast bowlers, they would not have lost the game.

Task-4 :
Monsoon rains failed. Farmers couldn’t grow crops. Newspaper reported:
Had it rained timely, the farmers could have got good crops.

Task-5 :
Shanthanu scored less marks in English. Therefore he couldn’t get a seat in the college he wanted.
Guess the response of his father: If Shantanu had scored more marks in English, he could have got a seat in the College he wanted.

Chitra: You missed the train, didn’t you ?
Saina: Yes. I went to the railway station at 10.30.a.m. But the train had left at 10.15.a.m.
Chitra: If you had gone to the station at 10 a.m you wouldn’t have missed the train.

Make Reference

The given table provides you information about the services offered at different counters in a Bank. Read the table and also the paragraph given below. Answer the question
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 10

One of the Americans wished to buy 2 acres of land. The oldman quoted rupees 50,000 for his land. But, the American didn’t have enough money with him. He requested his friend to help him with money. He sent a cheque for rupees 20,000 to the American. The American went to a Bank for a loan. The Bank manager asked him to open an account which he did. The old man wanted the American to pay the price for the land only in the form of a demand draft. The old man invested 50% of the amount which he received from the American on deposits. Which counter did the American and the oldman approach for the following? Fill in the box provided. One is done for you.
a. to submit loan application form [03]
b. to present the cheque [06]
c. to receive money [05]
d. to know more about services offered [01]
e. to invest on deposits [06]
f. to open an account [02]
g. to get a demand draft [04]
h. to submit filled in challan for demand draft [04]

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

Do the Project

Collect information on some of the trees which are grown in India and write a short essay on them.
The Indian forests have a large variety of trees, which is due to the unequal distribution of temperature and rainfall, as well as their seasonal variation. It is estimated that India has about 46,000 different species of plants. Out of this about 5000 species are exclusively Indian. Out of about 5000 species of trees in our country, about half of them are timber trees. We study the uses of some important trees in India.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 13
The wood is hard, heavy, tough and extremely durable. It is widely used for beams, planking, railway sleepers, boat making and as building material for making doors and windows

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 14
The wood is moderately hard, durable, and easy to work and takes a good polish. It is mainly used for ship building, furniture making, railway carriages, sleepers, bridges, doors and windows.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

The wood is hard, heavy and medium textured. Due to its strength, elasticity and durability, it is valued as constructional and general utility timber, and also used for furniture making, bullock carts, farm implements, musical instruments and railway sleepers.

The wood is hard, durable and of light colour, which is used for toy-making and woodcarving.

Us fruit is used for extracting oil and flowers for wine making

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 11
The wood is soft and white and used for making toys, packing cases, match boxes and plywood. Its fruits yield soft fibre for pillows.

The wood is hard and fine-grained and is used in furniture making, gun-carriage wheels, floor boards, etc. It is suitable for carving.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

The wood is heavy, straight-grained and even textured. It is costly and used for ornamental carving, veneers, inlaying, musical instruments, sports goods, piano keys and caskets.

The wood is light-yellow brown colour, which is sturdy in use. The timber is used for construction work, railway sleepers, beams, floorboards, window frames and light furniture.

The wood is light reddish brown, moderately hard and is largely used for making tea chests, matches and furniture. It also yields resin and turpentine.

Blue Pine:
The wood is pink in colour, moderately hard and is used for making doors, windows, and furniture and railway sleepers. It also yields resin and turpentine.

Silver Fir:
The wood is soft, but not very durable.
It is mostly used for planking, packing boxes, containers, wood-pulp, paper and match sticks.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

The wood is soft and white. It is used for construction work, railway sleepers, cabinet making, packing cases and wood pulp.

The wood is light, works easily and is used for cabinet work, carving and musical instruments.
10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer 12

White Willow:
The wood is used for making cricket bats and its twigs are used for making baskets.

The wood is greyish in colour and is largely used for plywood, furniture and radio cabinets.

The wood is durable and is used for making furniture.

10th English Gentleman of Rio en Medio Lesson Notes Question Answer

The timber is strong and durable and hence in demand for ship building, furniture and packing boxes.

The wood is soft and durable. It is used for making sports goods, such as hockey sticks; tennis, badminton and squash rackets and cricket stumps. The leaves are used for rearing silkworms.

It is called the poor man’s timber and is used for a variety of purposes, such as basket making, roofing and thatching material, construction work and pulp making.

10th English Notes

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Check Your Understanding :
“Share your responses”
(Refer to Text Page No. 164-166):

Question 1.
The professional addressed as ‘you’ in the statement above refers more than others to a …………..
(Fill in the blank choosing the best form in alternatives below ………
(i) scientist
(ii) lawyer
(iii) doctor
(iv) businessman
(i) scientist

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

a. ‘If you are so clever, why are you so poor’
b. Justify your choice in the above question.
Because other professions fetch lot of money.

Question 2.
Read paragraph (1) and (2) carefully, and fill in the blanks in the columns below:

Professionals A writer A scientist A lawyer
Vocation Writing Discovery arguing
Field of activity Literature Technology Law
Reward Appreciation Promotions & Honours money

Question 3.
A few words are given below. Some of them are related to the field of business, and some are to the field of science. May be a couple of them related to both. Read, discuss and fill them in columns A, B and C accordingly.
Wealth, profit and loss, friendship, rational thinking, advertisement, exploring nature, exploitation of nature, discovery, commerce, research, playing to popular sentiments, universality

Field of Science Field of business Both
friendship, Rational thinking, exploring Nature, Discovery wealth, profit & loss, exploitation of Nature. Commerce playing to popular sentiments advertisement universality


10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
The writer says, “I found myself in Geneva.” It expresses, more than anything else, the writer’s ………… (choose the right option and fill in the blank)
(i) pleasure
(ii) surprise
(iii) anxiety
(iv) annoyance
[Choose the correct word and fill in the blank]
(ii) surprise

Question 5.
A few statements are given below.
Read them and say which of them are true or false according to the text. Tick Yes! No accordingly

(i) The war was going on between the US and the USSR when Geneva meeting was called. Yes /No
Answer: No

(ii) Everyone lived under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Yes / No
Answer: Yes

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

(iii) In the nuclear war, the first who strikes will be the survivor. Yes/No
Answer: No

(iv) The three superpowers were willing to put a ban on nuclear weapon test. Yes / No
Answer: Yes

Question 6.
Earth tremors are caused by two factors. One is the earthquake. What is the other factor?
Another factor is underground nuclear explosions.

Question 7.
Which of the following qualities helped the scientists to come up with a solution to the problem? Which of them did not? Put right (✓) or (x) wrong in the boxes
10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer 1

Question 8.
What was the important decision that the politicians took before Geneva Summit?
They took the decision, ‘Nuclear Test Ban’.

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 9.
“Immersion in science does not go with common sense,” suggests ………..
(i) foolishness of scientists
(ii) absentmindedness of scientists
(iii) that scientists do not bother about the results of their work
(Complete the sentence with the right choice)
(iii) that scientists do not bother about the results of their work.

Question 10.
With whose help can the world be ready with preparedness to face the challenges that the natural calamities pose?
It is with the help of money, intellectual resources, and basic research.

Question 11.
Who will be headhunted by financial Institutions and pharmaceutical Industries? Why?
People trained in theoretical physics are head haunted by financial Institutions: those trained in frontiers of biological research become founders and directors in the pharmaceutical industry, because of their knowledge of basic science. This basic research provides energy new mineral deposits and efficient defence from terrorism, cure from cancer and new forms of transportation.

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 12.
Some statements are given below. Are they true ? Why or Why not. Discuss with your partner.
(a) Money is more powerful than intellectual resources.
(b) Intellectual resources help survival of mankind.
(c) Basic research is a way of stalling disasters.
(a) Money is more powerful than intellectual resources – this statement is not true. If a man doesn’t possess any intelligence, he is good for nothing. He is rich but poor in other matter. The intellectual resource tells the people how to use money and for what purpose.

(b) Intellectual resources help survival of mankind. This is true. Because when we think of the Earth planet, we should strive hard to save it. It requires intellectual resource, which helps us to think, evaluate, organise and draw conclusions.

(c) Basic research is a way of stalling disasters – This is true because basic research helps us to look at things clearly. It gives a good view. It teaches us to use science humanly so as to make it our guardian and care taker. If we possess basic research, it will be the controlling force to stop or prevent disasters.

Question 13.
Imagine that you and some of your classmates have been selected to represent India in a meeting of scientists to be held in Russia to discuss about the nuclear test. How would you all prepare for the meeting? Discuss among yourselves and write a paragraph about your proposed argument in the meeting.
No doubt, every Nation should be powerful, because of the impending dangers, but the utmost important thing is that, we need to have nuclear power to show our might not to destroy others, if we hate them. ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ (MAD) should be kept in our mind so as to avoid wars. Securely has no place in this. Everyone should be plain and live peacefully over this good planet called Earth. We should make our world as ‘heaven’ but certainly not hell.

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

“Avoid Shell; Destroy hell,
Use Shell humanly; live Peacefully” should be our motto.

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Task – 1:
Take a look at the underlined words in the given paragraph. The word ‘train’ collocates (combines naturally) with ‘fast’ and not with ‘brisk’.
I boarded the fast train to Delhi along with my parents and sister last evening. After reaching Delhi we checked into a hotel which was booked earlier. I had a quick glance at the menu and placed orders for some snacks. Next morning, my father and I took a brisk walk in the garden outside the hotel and looked for birds on the trees. But we were disappointed as there had been a rapid decline in the number of birds.

Task – 2:
Following the example given above, fill in the blanks with correct collocations (appropriate combination of words) choosing from those given in brackets.
The Government sanctioned a few crores of rupees to build a stadium in our town. The builders made a rapid progress with the stadium. While the work was in progress, unfortunately, a boulder rolled down on a worker and he was injured! Immediately, he was rushed to a nearby hospital. I wished him a speedy recovery. The Government took a swift action against the builders. The builders made a prompt payment of the bills of the hospital. (a speedy recovery, a prompt payment, a swift action, a rapid progress)

Task – 3 :
Champaka is in Goa. She writes a letter to her friend, Suma. She, consciously uses collocations leaving options for Suma to choose right collocations. How would Suma use them?
Hi Suma
Weather’s fantastic here. We take a stroll along the beach every morning. My grandpa made friends with some foreigners here yesterday. He exchanged some interesting ideas with them. I happened to read an article on climate change in one of the local news papers. It was excellent and said that rising sea levels are the disturbing factors for the ecological balance. They are causing irreparable damage to the environment. I will be back in Bengaluru next week and we can discuss more about these things. Take care.

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task – 4 :
Match the words in the box on the left with the words that they collocate with on the right. Note some words shown in the box A may collocate with more than one word in box B. After matching, frame appropriate sentences. You may follow the given examples.
10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer 2
1. Sunder’s joke drew hilarious laughter from the audience.
2. Amit raised certain doubts about the decisions of the meeting.
3. Arun committed a crime.
4. We all should combat to prevent violence.
5. I don’t know how to raise money.
6. My friend drew parallel argument about nuclear Test.
7. One should lay emphasis to save our Earth.
8. My friend knows how to make money.

Listen and Comprehend

The teacher reads the passage. Listen to the teacher carefully and fill in the table as the teacher reads the passage.
Code name of first
nuclear device : Operation Smiling Buddha
Date of explosion : 18th May 1974
Code name of Pokhran II : Operation Shakti
Test site : Pokhran
Number of nuclear weapons detonated : Five
Type of device : Thermonuclear Device

Speak Well

Read the dialogue between an interviewer and a scientist who is reluctant to talk about his experience and how the interviewer persuades him to open up.
(Refer to Text Page No. 170)

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

You can write a dialogue persuading your friend to accompany you on a trip to a hill station in Karnataka. You can make use of the following phrases.
You ought to ——–
You’d better ———-
I would urge you to ——–
Shouldn’t you ———
Amn: Hai, Varun, How are you ?
Vanin: Hai, I’m fine.
Amn: How about going to a trip to a hill station?
Vamn: Sorry, I am busy.
Amn: You ought to come.
Vamn: I’ve some work.
Amn: I would urge you to do it after we come from the trip.
Vamn: Let me see.
Amn: You’d better join us please.
Vamn: Let me consult my partner.
Amn: Shouldn’t you make a phone call?
Vamn: Yes. I will join you.
Amn: Thank you. Now it is a nice trip.
Vamn: Pleasure is mine also

Read and Respond

Read the given story. The bits of the story are jumbled. You can arrange them in the right order to complete the story. You can also give a suitable title to it.
1. “Your candle has burned out, brother,” replied the stranger.
2. “I do not need a lantern,” he said. “Darkness or light is all the same to me.”
3. The blind man started off with the lantern and before he had walked far, someone ran into him. “Look out where you are going!” he exclaimed to the stranger. “Can’t you see the lantern”?
4. In early times in Japan, bamboo and paper lanterns were made with candles inside. A blind man, visiting a friend one night, was offered a lantern to cany home with him.
5. “I know you do not need a lantern to find your way,” his friend replied. “But if you don’t have one, someone else may run into you. So, you must take it.”
4. In early times in Japan, bamboo and paper lanterns were made with candles inside. A blind man, visiting a friend one night, was offered a lantern to carry home with him.
3. The blind man started off with the lantern and before he had walked far, someone ran into him. “Look out where you are going!” he exclaimed to the stranger. “Can’t you see the lantern”?
1. “Your candle has burned out, brother,” replied the stranger.
2. “I do not need a lantern,” he said. “Darkness or light is all the same to me.”
5. “I know you do not need a lantern to find your way,” his friend replied. “But if you don’t have one, someone else may run into you. So, you must take it.”
Title : “A Blind Man With The Lantern”

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Practise Writing

Task-2 :
Edit and rewrite the following article written by your friend for the school magazine on “Rockets.”
Rockets carry satellites and people into space, aThe rocket burn fuel produce an a jet of gas. The hot gas expands and blasts downwards causing a force to push the rocket up. The first liquid-fuelled rocket is launched in 1926. It reached 12.5 M. The flight lasted 2.5 seconds. There are many kind of rockets. Today rockets such Arianne 5 is are used to sent d satellites size determine whether It Is sent d up by a small or a large rocket.

Note : Your editing includes
a. corrections
b. deletions
c. additions
d. substitutions, wherever necessary

the passage by choosing appropriate word/words given below.
Jane: Good morning, Robert.
Robert: Very good morning, Jane.
Jane: Let’s not waste our time. Shall we begin? Robert: Sure. I’m rather glad you raised the subject.
Jane and Robert exchanged pleasantries. Jane was eager to get into the business. She asked him if they should begin their talks Robert accepted and told her that he was glad as she had raised the subject.
told her (2)
had raised (4)
if they should begin their talks (1) he was (3)]

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-3 :
Read what happened in a camera shop between the owner, Henry and a customer, Arathi. Complete the paragraph that follows using the given choices appropriately.
Henry : Here’s a nice camera.
Arathi : Oh, it’s beautiful!
Henry : That’s a little expensive.
Arathi: How much is it?
Henry : It’s 175 dollars.
Arathi : I think this one will be fine.
Henry showed Arathi a nice camera. She remarked that it was beautiful. Henry admired it saving that the camera was a bit costly. Later, she wanted to know about

Its price to which he replied that It was 175 dollars. Finally. Arathi decided to buy It.
a. remarked that
b. wanted to know
c. replied that It was
d. admired it saying that

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-4 :
Read the conversation between two old school friends and write it in a paragraph in the reported
Chandan : I met Rani last week in Mysore.
Raghu: Oh. Does she Look the same?
Chandan :Theres a little bit of change In her
appearance. But, she remains the same.
Raghu: What’s she doing now?
Chandan :She works for a private company.
Chandan told Raghu that he met Rani the previous week in Mysore. Raghu was surprised and wanted to know whether rani looked the same. Chandan replied that he noticed a change in her appearance but there was no change in her looks. Raghu wanted to know the profession of Rani or wanted to know what she was doing. Chandan remarked that she worked for a private company.

Make Reference

Let us know the following :
1. Encyclopaedia : It gives you basic information on every subject. The information is placed in alphabetical order.
2. Dictionary : It helps you to know the meanings, spellings, pronunciation and variations of words.
3. Thesaurus : It is a book of synonyms. It has list of words and phrases which are grouped according to their meaning.
4. Atlas : It is a book of maps. You can find a particular place in the world.

Task-2 :
Your teacher asks you to find out the information on the following. Which reference material would you refer to?
i. Information on nuclear weapons.

ii. Pronunciation of the word, “exemplification.”

iii. Synonym of the word, “natural.”

iv. The place where first nuclear bombs exploded.

v. Variations of the word “inspire.”

vi. To know the spelling of the word, ’’approximately.”

vii. To collect the information about the things that the scientists need for their research.

viii. To find out the phrase that means, “to continue.”

10th English Science and Hope of Survival Lesson Notes Question Answer

Self – Assessment

Read the statements and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.

SI. No. Statement Yes No To some extent
1. I collected newspaper clippings about recent natural calamities.
2. I shared information with my partners.
3. I discussed the reasons for such natural calamities with my friends.
4. I helped my partners to prepare an album.
5. I’d like to help the victims of the natural calamities.

10th English Notes

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Before You Read

a. Can you identify the person in this picture?
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 5
He is Dr. Bhimsen Joshi.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

b. Look at the picture closely. How does it strike you? Can you describe his feelings from the expression on his face?
Yes. He is one with the music. He has forgotten himself.

“Music is God’s gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven”.
– Walter Savage Landor
That is how Walter Savage Landor describes the gift of music to humankind. You may have your own way of looking at music. For instance, one of you may say :

Music is a source of imagination.
Reason for Choice → music is a source of imagination.
You can fill the bubbles with your own choice or choices and complete the sentence also :
Music gives me/Music tells me/Music makes me/ For me music is …
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 6

Now try to write a poem on music.
Where words fail Music speaks It speaks of the pain Of the sorrow Of the lost Of the life we live It shares emotions It’s way to connect to understand What others feel.

Compare the poem you have written with this poem.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer


I hear the music
Music is love ;
Music is life
Music can tell a story.

Music cheers
But also brings memories
What’s so special about music?
When I listen to music it takes me to another world.

Music is my passion
Music soothes the soul
Music can take away the pain
Our life is music.

Music inspires me
Music flows through me
Do you hear it?
Come dance with me tonight.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Perhaps you would like to read a real life incident in which a boy’s ambition was fulfilled at last. If so, Read on

Check Your Understanding
Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 87):

Question 1.
Which word in the first paragraph describes the manner of the girl when she saw the newspaper?
‘Excitedly’ is the word.

Question 2.
Why do you think the mother, cautioned the girl?
Because her son Anant who was ill was sleeping. She didn’t want her daughter to disturb his sleep.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 3.
‘We mustn’t miss the chance’.
(a) What chance did the boy not like to miss? Why? Do you think the boy would get a chance in future?
He didn’t want to miss the great concert of Pandit Ravi Shankar. He wanted to attend the concert. Because he was also fond of music. We don’t think the boy would get a chance to attend the programme. But in the story he heard the programme and breathed his last.

Question 4.
Imagine you were the mother of the boy. Would you have reacted differently in the situation? If so, how?
No. I would not have reacted differently.

Question 5.
Read the third paragraph. He raised himself up without any help. The mother murmured with ‘a catch in her throat’ on seeing him. What does this suggest about the condition of the boy? Read the fourth Paragraph and answer.
We understand that the boy Anant was ill. He needed rest. When he woke up, she felt that it would pain him. But the boy persisted that he would go and watch, but he began to cough and gasp for breath.

(Refer to Text Page No. 89):

Question 1.
For a moment, Smita had forgotten something. What was it?
She had forgotten in her excitement that her brother was ill.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
In what way was the truth frightening to Smita?
Smita had known the frightening truth that her brother was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air.

Question 3.
Do you consider Anant a talented boy? Justify with support from the text.
We consider Anant as a talented boy because he was the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He had composed his own musical tunes when he learnt the sitar.

Question 4.
They had come with high hopes’.
a. What were their ‘high hopes’?
That Anant would be cured at the hospital.

b. Do you think their hopes would be fulfilled? Support your answer.
We don’t think their hopes would be fulfilled. Because the doctors had told the parents that Anant had not many days to live.

c. Doctors said something to the parents. Were those words of hope or words of despair? (Para.6)
They were the words of despair.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

d. They did not voice their fears.’ Who does the word ‘they’ stand for?
(i) doctors
(ii) friends
(iii) family members.
(Choose the right answer.) (Para.6)
(iii) family members.

Question 5.
‘Her eyes filled with tears’. Were they tears of happiness or sorrow? Give reasons.
They were the tears of sorrow because she couldn’t take her brother to the concert.

Question 6.
‘Suddenly a daring thought came to her’. Can you guess what thought Smita had ?
It would be nice going to the concert and bring Pandit Ravi Shankar | and Ustad Allah Rakha to her home.

(Refer to Text Page No. 92):

Question 1.
The word ‘gasp’, according to the dictionary, suggests- surprise or pain. Which meaning is relevant in this context? (Para. 10)
Here “pain” is more relevant.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
As Smita sat listening to the music, ‘ she was spellbound. But all the while, her mind was echoing
something else. What was that?
The words of her brother “The chance of a life time” echoed in her mind.

Question 3.
Why does the writer use the word ‘wriggled’ to describe Smita’s movement?
She was so much excited and rushed by twisting and turning her body to go.

Question 4.
Smita’s nervousness is suggested by I the phrase ‘her heart beating loudly’ in paragraph 12.
Identify two more. phrases that describe a similar state in the next paragraph.
Her knees felt weak, and her tongue dry describe the nervousness of the girl.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
Did Smita tell what she had in her mind to the musicians? Who responded to her request immediately. What was the response?
Smita told the musicians what she had in her mind. Ustad Saheb (Allah j Rakha) responded to her request including Pandit Ravi Shankar. They were ready to give their concert.

Question 6.
Do you think the response of the artists was unusual? If not, why?
It was not unusual. They were kind enough to listen to the story told by Smita and understood the real plight. They went and performed their concern.

Question 7.
The neighbours could not believe their eyes. Why do you think they felt like this?
Aunt Sushila’s neighbours saw two men getting out of a taxi which pulled up outside their block. They saw Pandit Ravi Shankar with Ustad Allah Rakha. They didn’t believe their eyes. They never thought that they would come to the house to give their performance.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 8.
Read the last paragraph, which very effectively but briefly describes the end. Exchange your feelings with your partner.
‘Life went out of him gently, very gently’ is the line which describes the end.

Question 9.
Can you say that the concert was entertaining to Smita? Justify your answer.
The concert was not entertaining to Smita. She was almost thinking of fulfilling the desire of her brother.

Question 10.
Smita was nervous as she stood before the wizard. Which sentence suggests this?
She went up and stood before them with her hands folded. Her tongue was dry.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 11.
Did Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha perform in the boy’s house? Do you think this was an unusual incident? If yes, give reasons.
Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha went down, sat down on the divan by the window and played for the boy. They udnerstood the plight of the boy. So we don’t think that it is unusual incident.

Think About the Text

Question 1.
Do you like the story? Why?
I like/don’t like, because…. (One reason is given. You may give as many other reasons as you like)
(a) This is a story about music.
(b) ………………..
(c) ………………..
(d) ………………..
I like the story because …
(a) This is a story about music.
(b) This is heart touching story.
(c) Sister’s love for her brother.
(d) Kindness and nobility of Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
In your opinion, which words in the list below describe Anant’s character or state? Write Yes/No in the space given. [Refer to a dictionary for the words that you are not sure of]
The boy is …………
a. energetic — Yes
b. robust — No
c. aesthetic — Yes
d. imaginative — No
e. confident — Yes

Question 3.
Look at the following phrases in the lesson. They are descriptive. Catagorise them in columns ‘A’ and ‘B’ appropriately, {spellbound; unfolding the gates of enchantment; plaintive notes; fast twinkling ones; first notes; wonder; dream; unfolding ragas}

Descriptive of music Descriptive of Smita’s feelings
plaintive notes, spell bound
wonder, unfolding ragas plaintive notes
fast twinkling ones, first notes unfolding gates of enchantment dream.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
Ustad Sahib and Pandit Ravi Shankar agreed to perform for the boy. What made them agree to do so? What would you have done if you had been the musician?
They understood the plight of the boy. So they came. I would have done the same.

Question 5.
What arrangement would you make if Pandit Ravi Shankar and Allah Rakha were coming to your house?
(You may include in your answer such arrangements – one example is given. Think of others and write them in the bubbles). Note:-Answers need not be the same for all
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 1

Question 6.
Do you like the ending of the story? Why? If you don’t, how would you like to end it ?

Text New ending
Student X may answer in this way. No, I don’t like the ending because life went out of Anant after meeting great wizards I would like to end in this way- After meeting Ustad Allah Rakha and Pandit Ravi Shankar and enjoying their performance he lived for some more years.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

We feel sad because the boys dies. We believe that music revives a man. It will give rebirth. We feel that he would have been saved in the end.

Question 7.
Suppose you are Smita and invite Pandit Ravi Shankar (PRS) to your home. Imagine the conversation that follows and write it. Some clues are given.
You (Smita): Good evening sir, May I have a word with you, please ?
PRS: Well?
You: My brother is fan of yours.
PRS: I’m glad. Has he come here?
You: No, he can’t He is suffering from cancer
PRS: I’m sorry, I didn’t know. How can I help him ?
You: Would you come with me to see him
PRS: (looking at others) What do you say?
You: Please, I beg you all to come and play for him
Moustached man : Are you joking ? Do you know when are you talking to?
Don’t bother It is a silly talk.
PRS: Sh! (Silencing him) & quiet What would you say ustad?
Allah Rakha :(after some thought) Don’t weep. Don’t worry, child. We’ll be there tomorrow.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 8.
In the course of the story, whom do you consider to be more worried, Smita or Anant? Have a discussion with the partner/in group/in the class.
Smita is more worried. She always thinks about him and fulfills his desire.

Question 9.
Some incidents in the story are given in a jumbled order. Rearrange them as they occur in the story.
(a) Smita bit her lip in self -reproach.
(b) A large moustached man gave a long boring speech.
(c) Smita read the newspaper and got excited.
(d) Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha started playing in the boy’s house.
(e) Smita was lost in her thoughts in the park.
(f) Mother said, This is not the last time they are going to play.’
(g) Anant said, ‘It’s the chance of a lifetime.’
1. (c) Smita read the newspaper and got excited. (Para-1)
2. (g) Anant said, ‘It’s the chance of a lifetime.’ (Para-4)
3. (a) Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. (Para-5)
4. (f) Mother said, This is not the last time they are going to play.’ (Para-6)
5. (e) Smita was lost in her thoughts in the park. (Para-8)
6. (b) A large moustached man gave a long boring speech. (Para-11)
7. (d) Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad
8. Allah Rakha started playing in the boy’s house. (Para-16)

Question 10.
(a) Identify the paragraphs in which the incidents stated above occur.
Para No. given in above.

(b) Read each paragraph again and summarise them in your own words.
Smita read the newspaper and got excited. Anant said, ‘It’s the chance of a lifetime.’ Smita bit her lip in self – reproach. Mother said, This is not the last time they are going to play.’ Smita was lost in her thoughts in the park. A large moustached man gave a long boring speech. Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha started playing in the boy’s house.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 11.
Match the following :
A — B
The person Who discouraged the girl was – the moustached man.
The person who made the request was – the girl Smita.
The person Who gave the consent finally – Pandit Ravi Shankar.
The person Who suggested the time of concert was – Ustad Allah Rakha.

Question 12.
Give titles of your choice to the different sections of the unit: (one is done for you) you may have more than one title for each of them. Justify your choice with your partner.
Section. 1 (Para 1-4) – “Longing to see Pandit Ravi Shankar.”
Section.2 (Para 4-9) – “Make use of the opportunity.”
Section.3 (Para 10-16) – “Dream come true”/ “Chance of a Life time”/ “Impossible becomes possible”/A daring thought becomes true/Great artists invited home/ Great artists perform at kid’s bedside.

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Complete the crossword with the help of the following clues- Across and Down. Refer to the dictionary for any help.
Clue Across
1. To make a sound louder (7)
7. A short unit in music, or part of a pub (3)
8. A lot of musicians who play together (9)
11. A kind of dance popular in the 1950’s (5) (given in the crossword)
13. To call off. To give up something that was planned (6)
14. We’ll begin the work ………… Thursday (preposition) (2)
15. Top rock stars ………. a lot of money (Verb) (4)
16. A collective word used to describe trumpets, trombones, etc. (5)
17. A song sung by two people (4)
18. If you want to record a song, you should make …………….. of a good studio. (3)

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Clue Down
1. Preposition (2)
2. It is not stereo (4)
3. A long playing record (2) – (given in the crossword)
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 2
4. Music and painting are examples of this (3)
5. The maestro keeps looking at it, as he conducts the orchestra (6)
6. Another name for the word ‘Instrument’ (5)
7. The most famous pop group of all time ,(7) – (given in the crossword)
9. Musical entertainment to audience (7)
10. It might be a C.D., or else a ‘vinyl’. It repeats the voice when desired. (6)
12. A flutist plays, but a vocalist (5)
16. It has forms like – is, am, was etc.
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 3

Speak Well Narration

a. Have you ever been left alone at home by your parents brothers/sisters on any occasion?
If so; When was it?
b. Why did they leave you at home?
c. How did you feel about it?
d. Narrate your thoughts and feelings to your partner.
You may use the following words and expressions in your narration.
alone, dejected, happy, bored,
daydreaming, enjoying, angry, chatting,
searching for something fearing, not
studying, watching TV, scared, missing
the occasion, cooking, missing the fun,
mischief, etc.
(a) I have been left alone at home by my parents during the marriage ceremony of my sister.
(b) Because I had my exams then.
(c) I felt alone and dejected because it was inevitable.
(d) I felt alone, and I was angry. I had to cook my food alone.

Read and Respond

Read the lesson carefully and represent the events/incidents in the flow chart. You may have as many boxes in between as you think appropriate.

Smita reads the newspaper

It is about Pandit Ravi Shankars concert at Shanmukhananda Auditortum.

Anant suffered from cancer. Heard about concert. He wanted to hear him.

The mother told him to sleep and take rest.

Smita had known the frightening truth that Anant was going to die.

Smita wanted to take him but couldnt.

Anant told himself to others Enjoy yourselr.

Smita enjoyed the concert but decided to do something.

Smita went to meet Ravi Shankar.

Told the story of her brother

Both smiled and then Pandit Ravi Shankar and Listed Allah Rakha performed for the boy

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Read any story or a narrative and prepare a flow chart as done above. You may choose even from the text.

Tibetans send Wangjia in search of the Bird of Happiness

First monster told Wangjia. ‘Kill Lousang’s mother’

Wangjla refused. Made to suffer.

Second monster told, poison gaffer silong.

Wangjia refused; suffering Repeated. Third monster wanted Bhima’s eyes

Wangjia didn’t agree. became blind but courageous

Reached the mountain

Bird of paradised cured him

Granted all his wishes

People happy at last.

Practise Writing

Task-1 :
Drafting an invitation
This is a letter of invitation to the music concert. Read carefully.

We cordially invite you
to the 29th Music programme of the
Ganabharathi Association at 6.00 p.m.,
on 25th January, 2017.
– President and members

vocal – Vidwan MV Satishchandra
Violin – Vidwan Someshwara
Mrudangam- Vidwan Tumkuru Sadashiva
Ghatam Vidwan Shivakumara
Venue – Ganabharathi Auditorium, Mysuru
Time – 6.00 p.m.

Note – Please occupy your seat ten minutes before the program begins. Children below ten years are not allowed. Keep your mobile phones on silent mode.

Now draft an invitation with a programme chart to the concert of your favourite musician


We cordially invite you to the
25th Music programme of the
Life Giving Music at 6.00 p.m on 5 Jun. 2017.

Vocal – Vidwan Martikant.
Violin – Vidwan Fiaghu
Mrudangam – Vidwan Rajesh
Ghatam – Vidwan Shivakumara
Venue – Music Hall, Near Court, Hubballi.
Time – 6.00 p.m.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-2 :
Drafting a Wedding invitation. This is a Wedding Invitation card which is designed by the parents of the bride. Read Carefully.

Mrs. N. Ramya & P. Siddartha
(Senior Electrical Engineer. TUB SYSTEMS, HUBBALLI)
Request the honour of your presence at
the marriage of their daughter
(S/o. Srimathi Suvarnamma &
Sri Chandrashekharaiah C.. Lecturer in Sociology Dharwad)
On 23rd October- 2017
11.20 a,m – 11.55 a.m
TR Samudaya Bhavana,
No.99, PB Road, Dharwad
Reception and lunch to follow

Task-3 :
Imagine you are one of the parents/sisters/brothers of the bridegroom and draft an invitation.

Mrs. Chandra 8l Manohar M.
(Accountant, KPTCL., Hubballi)
Request the pleasure of your gracious
presence at the marriage of our son
(D/o. Smt. & Sri. Rajesh K. Kulkarni,
PWD, Hubballi)
On 12th June, 2017.
Time: 12.15 p.m.
Mangal Bhavan, Station Road, Hubballi.
Please Dine with us, with pleasure.


Read the statement and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.

SI. No. Statement Yes No To some extent
1. I read the invitation and knew the format.
2. I drafted an invitation with the help of my friends.
3. I reviewed revised & redrafted an invitation.
4. I got feedback and shared my feedback with my friends
5. I can draft such invitation on my own.

Learn Grammar Through Communication

Finite and Non- finite verbs
Verbs can occur in sentences in a variety of shapes or forms. For example, if we take the verb ‘write’, this verb can be used in sentences in this five forms or shapes. . e.g.,
a. Vinay writes well.
b. Vinay and Vijay write to each other.
c. Vinay wrote to me about his tour.
d. Vinay is writing all the time.
e. Vinay has written me a long letter.
f. Vinay has decided to write a letter to the chairman.

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

Verbs- writes, write and wrote are finite verbs, since they indicate tense-present or past. A finite verb carries tense on its own. If we take the other forms of write namely, writing, written, and to write they do not indicate the tense. Such forms of the verbs are called Non- finite verbs. A Non-finite verb does not carry tense on its own.

e.g. : Some verbs are underlined in the passage given below. See how they are classified into finite and nonfinite verbs.
They were (1) waiting (2) for the bus. After a long time, it came (3). The bus was (4) heavily crowded (5). Anyway, they managed (6) to push (7) through and they squeezed (8) themselves in. They felt (9) tired (10) as they had (11) been (12) waiting (13) for long. I wonder (14) who can (15) ever improve (16) our transport system.

Finite verbs and Non-finite verbs

Finite verbs Non-finite verbs
1. were (past tense) 2. waiting (no tense)- -ing participle
3. came (past tense) 5. crowded (no tense)- -en participle
4. was (past tense) 7. to push (no tense)- -to infinitive
6. managed (past tense) 10. tired (no tense)- -en participle
8. squeezed (past tense) 12. been (no tense)- -en participle
9. felt (past tense) 13. waiting (no tense)- -ing participle
11. had (past tense) 16. improve (no tense) – -infinitive (without to)
14. wonder (present tense)
15. Can (present tense)

Read the paragraph and classify the underlined verbs into Finite verbs and Non-finite verbs. Write the tense of the finite verbs and the type of non-finite verbs. Two examples are given.
Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. She had been so excited at seeing the announcement that she had not remembered that her brother was very ill. She had seen how the doctors had shaken their heads gravely and spoken words that neither she nor even her parents could understand. But somewhere deep inside, Smita had known the frightening truth that Anant was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air. Her brother was dying of cancer even though she pretended that all would be well and they would return together, a small family of four, to their home in Gaganpur. And he was only fifteen, and the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar; they were both taking si tar lessons, but Anant was better than her as in many other things. He was already able tp compose his own tunes to the astonishment of their guru. Then cancer had struck and they had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city.

Finite verbs Non-finite verbs
had – [past tense understand- infinitive without to
bit, had, was excited, seen, known
pretended, would to die,
was, were learning, to compose, struck, come

Look at the signs below. Frame appropriate sentences on each of them. First identify the verbs. Then analyse each verb as in task 1 above. One example is done.
10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer 4

Analysis of verbs
1. are – finite- present tense.
2. requested -non-finite en’ participle
3. to keep off -non finite – infinitive with to
Verbs: is – finite – prohibited – non

10th English The Concert Lesson Notes Question Answer

finite – en.
1. You are requested to turn off your cell phone.
2. You are requested to remove your shoes.
3. Food and Drinks are prohibited.
4. Dogs are not allowed here.
5. Pedestrians are requested to keep off the grass.
6. Smoking is prohibited
7. You are requested to use Dust bins.
8. It is not a place for fishing.

Make Reference

Short Message Service (SMS) is a communication protocol allowing the interchange of short text messages between mobile telephone devices. SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application on the planet, with 2.4 billion active users. It is not based on any grammar rule. It is readily understood by the readers. MR-1 Decode the following sms into the sentences: – (one has been done for you)

1. Try it jst Is again,’ he wudsA.
Sentence:- Try it just once again,’ he would say.

2. Yday, i rot leaVletta 2 hm.
Sentence: Yesterday, I wrote leave letter to him.

3. My sis gt 8T% n mats n 2ndtst.
Sentence: My sister got 80% in
Mathematics in second test.

4. bravo India Id match
Sentence: Bravo ! India won the match.

5. w’rgunA excursion on satdy 2 historical places.
Sentence: We are going on
excursion on Saturday to historical places.

6. Im ill, i cnot attend today’s skool so plz give notes indevng.
Sentence: I am ill. I can not
attend today’s school. Please give your notes in the evening.

7. do d hmwrk quickly n zzzwel. Gudn8.
Sentence: Do the home work
quickly and sleep well. Good night.

Do the Project

Meet a local Musician and conduct an interview.
Make a list of the musical instruments with their pictures and write about the famous musicians/artists who play them.
Attend a concert and write what you felt and thought about it.
In my locality there is a famous musician called Sriranga. I have attended his concerts. One day I, got an opportunity to interview him. This is how I began. I am Ravi.
Ravi: Good morning Sir,
Sriranga : Good morning Ravi.
Ravi: I am your fan.
Sriranga : Is it ? I am very glad.
Ravi: I am glad to have Interview.
Sriranga : It is very nice of you and I am happy to be here.
Ravv What made you want to start playing violin?
Sriranga : My grandfather was a great violinist and he taught me. It was his drama that I should play this.
Ravv How long have you been playing ?
Sriranga: Since 20 years.
Ravi: What is the most fun part of being a musician ?
Sriranga: It gives extra grandeur, strength, colour, to the life. Really it is a bliss.
Ravi: How many programmes have you given so far ?
Sriranga : So far I have given fifty prorammes and won the appreciation of the music lovers.
Ravi: What are your future plans ?
Sriranga : I would like to be a perfect violonist and wish to give more effective programmes.
Ravi: We wish you all the best.
Sriranga : Thank you Ravi.
Ravi: Thank you Sir.

10th English Notes

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Check Your Understanding :
“Share your responses”
(Refer to Text Page No. 143):

Question 1.
Surender, a friend of Satish came to visit him. Satish hadn’t gone to school. Why?
Because he was not well. He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Identify the sentence – a question that suggests Satish’s weakness. (Para. 5)
“Why are you speaking so softly” is a sentence that suggests Satish’s weakness.

Question 3.
Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Why was it so? (Para. 12)
Satish had an accident went he went hiking with his father. His legs were in a plaster and his head hurt badly so he was confined to bed. The silence was the worst thing for him because everything seemed like scenes from some pantomime show.

Question 4.
The school he was attending informed Satish’s father something. Can you say what it was?
The school authorities said that they couldn’t keep Satish as he was hard of hearing.

Question 5.
Satish didn’t want to go to a new school What was the reason?
Because he couldn’t talk to other children and they would be new to him and he would be made fun of his deafness.

(Refer to Text Page No. 144-145):

Question 1.
After a lot of persuasion, Satish agreed to go to a new school. Do you think he was accepted at the new ‘ school?
He was not accepted in the new school and they suggested to admit Satish to the school for deaf and dumb children.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
What made Autar Narain angry? (Para 15 &16)
He wanted Satish to get good education. Another reason for his anger was that no school admitted him.

Question 3.
The word ‘expedition’ in Para 18 means-
(a) journey
(b) visit
(c) mountaineering
(Choose the right answer)
(b) visit

Question 4.
How did Satish’s brother Inder try to help him?
His brother Inder sat for hours with him and talked to him. He taught him words and pronunciation.

Question 5.
Guess the meaning of these words from the context.
Snatches (Para 15) – He couldn’t hear completely
Shattered (Para 18) – helpless brooded (Para 20) – Thought over/Lost in thoughts
confined (Para 21) – Attached to/ Restricted to.

(Refer to Text Page No. 147):

Question 1.
What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it attract him? (Para-22)
Satish saw a bird. It was a different bird. So it attracted him. It had a longish tail and black crest.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Both the parents were his well- wishers. But, each cared for him in a different way. How? (Para-24, 25)
His father wanted him to read and get some knowledge. He didn’t want him to paint. His mother wanted him to draw nice paintings and to continue his art.

Question 3.
Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude? (Para -29)
One day Satish was busy mixing the colors and he was aware of his father’s presence at the door. He looked up to find him staring at the painting intently and he continued with his mixing.

Question 4.
What was Satish unable to believe? (para-30)
His father encouraged him for his art of painting so he was unable to believe to notice a sudden change in his father’s behavior. He was happy because he was net angry when he painted.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
How did Satish express his gratitude to his father? (Para -33)
He hugged his father tightly, his hart full of love for his stern father who at last accepted his art of painting and encouraged him.

(Refer to Text Page No. 148):

Question 1.
Name any three fields in which Satish Gujral has made his name. (Para 35)
Satish Gujral is one of the few artists who is accomplished in several art forms like painting, sculpture and architecture.

Question 2.
How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world? (Para 36)
He displayed all his works by conducting exhibitions in prestigious museums like the museum of modern art New York, the Hiroshima collection, Washington and the national gallery of modern art New Delhi.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 3.
If you are asked to give another title to this story, what title would you; suggest? Justify your choice.
Physical disability is no» obstacle to success. When one thing of the disadvantages or the problems they have would become depressed and spend their life in isolation but when one takes it as just an ailment, they would come up.

Think About the Text

Question 1.
How did Satish meet with an accident? Do you think the accident occurred due to his carelessness?
One day, Satish went hiking with his father and brother. They were crossing a rickety bridge over some rapids. Both the brothers looked down at the swirling water. Satish pointed out to his brother to look the rushing water, at that moment his foot slipped and he lost his balance. He fell into the rapids and lost his consciousness. He was bruised and suffered a lot. It is not due to his carelessness.

Question 2.
The writer describes the effect of the accident in paragraph 12. One such effect is given here. Write others in the space provided.
1. He wanted to scream but he couldn’t.
2. He wanted to listen but couldn’t hear.
3. He wanted to learn but the schools didn’t admit him.
4. He wanted to learn painting but his father didn’t like it. (later he liked it).

Question 3.
Some words are given below. Choose the words that reflect the feelings of Satish after Surender left.-angry, miserable disappointed, lovely, sad, surprised, elated, shocked, helpless.
miserable : Disappointed, helpless.

Question 4.
Father, mother, and brother all tried to help Satish in their own way. Some of their actions are given below. Against each of these actions mention whose role was major in it by writing ‘F’ (father). ‘M’ (mother) and ‘B’ (brother) in brackets. One example is given.
giving Satish company (B) & (F) caring for his future (F) teaching him pronunciation (B) caring more for his present state (M) meeting institutional heads. (F) finding an art school for him. (F)

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
a. Describe the bird (P.22) in your own words.
b. Now write a small paragraph on any bird/animal that you have watched.
(a) The bird was beautiful. It was unlike other birds. It had a long tail and a black crest. It was very active. Its eyes kept darting here and there.
(b) I watched a bird called dove. It was white in color. It was attractive and soft. It had little red feet. I caught the bird because of its beauty. I fed the bird with grains and fruits. The dove made wonderful movements. I liked it very much.

Question 6.
Do you think the school you are studying should admit students with hearing disabilities? Give reasons.
10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer 1

Question 7.
Read the text again. Note down the important events in them. Show them in the flow chart.

Satish had a problem.

Father tried to solve.

Brother helped him.

Satish found solace in art and became a renowned artist.

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words selecting from the words given in brackets.
Ganesh was fond of riding bicycle. One day he rode it so fast that he lost control, and hit against an electric pole. His left leg fractured and there were scratches all over the body. He was badly …………………. His mother,who was near, ………………. ran up to him. Fortunately, he was not hurt much. She tried to console him with words. Some boys who were near him. The teacher who happened to pass by told them it was that they should laugh, instead of helping the boy. Ganesh was all right, but his hopes of taking part in the arranged Kabaddi tournament that day were ……………  (bruised, teased, soothing, concern, unbecoming, shattered, sulked)
Ganesh was fond of riding bicycle. One day he rode it so fast that he lost control, and hit against an electric pole. His left leg fractured and there were scratches all over the body. He was badly bruised. His mother, who was near, ran up to him. Fortunately, he was not hurt much. She tried to console him with soothing words. Some boys who were near teased him. The teacher who happened to pass by told them it was unbecoming that they should laugh, instead l of helping the boy. Ganesh was all right, but his hopes of taking part in the arranged Kabaddi tournament that day were sulked.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

You can form the opposite of words by adding un …………, in …………., dis ………, mis …………….
A list of words is given below write words adding the prefixes. (Refer the dictionary for the right answer.)- Important, well, advantageous, understand, approve, decent e.g.: Indecent
unimportant, unwell, disadvantageous,misunderstand, disapprove, indecent.

Complete the following using appropriate words from the text. You will find from the clue which paragraph of the text has that word. (Note that you have to change the form of the word in some cases.) e.g.: Manoj, a poor boy, works hard in an Auto garage. But what he earns is a, …………… not enough even for a meal a day (p26) Ans : pittance
(a) Look at that old man. He can barely I hear. (P5)
(b) My friend met with an accident yesterday. He was admitted to the hospital with many bruises. (P8)
(c) I saw a person near the bus stop yesterday. A bus was about to hit him. I screamed, but he couldn’t hear. He had lost the power of hearing. He was deaf, (p 14)
(d) The survivors in an earthquake had lost everything. They felt shattered. (PI 8)

Listen and Comprehend

Task-1: Listen to the teacher carefully and answer the questions that are given at the end.

1. Who took the blind man to Jesus? What did they request Jesus?
His friend. They requested him to make him see things.

2. “Can you see now?” Who asked this? Could he see?
Jesus asked him, ‘He could see a little’.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

3. Why did Jesus touch the blind man’s eyes again?
Because he could see for some times.

4. What did the man see after Jesus touched his eyes again?
He saw birds, flowers, people.

5. How did the man thank Jesus?
He knelt down before and thanked Jesus.

Speak Well

Govind and his friend are on a visit to MEGA hospital. They want to get some information from the hospital staff. Some hints are given for you to help you ask questions and get answers
10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer 2

They were home after their visit to the hospital.
Describe the experience at the hospital to your brother.
(Elder brother: Govind, Younger brother: Hari)
Hari: Anna, you visited the MEGA hospital yesterday. Will you share your experience with me?
Govind: OK Putta, with pleasure.
Hari: How do visitors / Patients get the primary information at the hospital?
Govind: There is a reception counter, and the receptionist guides the visitors.
Hari: How are the patients taken to the ICU or Wards?
Govind: They are taken to the ICU or Wards on wheel chairs or stretchers.
Hari: Where do they shift the patients after
Govind: To the ward.

Read and Respond

Task-1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions at the end.
The first baby bomb was dropped on the densely populated industrial town of Hiroshima in Japan on 6th August 1945. The city of Hiroshima was flattened. At least 78,000 people and possibly many thousands more, were killed or fatally injured. As great a number were injured and all their dwellings were damaged or destroyed. The city’s military garrison was wiped out. Only a handful of doctors remained alive, and most hospitals and medical supplies were destroyed. Citizens of neighbouring towns described the burned, living and dead as no longer recognizably human, with their flesh raw and blackened, their hair gone and the features melted on their faces. It was the most shocking sight man had ever witnessed.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

1. The passage Is about a ………..(fill in the blanks)
baby bomb dropped.

2. Where did the incident take place?
Industrial town of Hiroshima.

3 How do you say that the bomb blast resulted in a great disaster?
It resulted in killing 78,000 people and others suffered injuries losing their dwellings. The city’s military garrison was wiped out.

4. What had happened to the military garrison?
It was wiped out.

5. The survivors couldn’t be given medical help. Why do you think so?
Most hospitals and medical supplies were destroyed, only a handful of doctors remained alive.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

6. What tells you that the condition of the bomb affected people was horrible?
The bodies were burnt and had become black. They were unrecognizable.

7. What is your feeling as you read the last few lines of the passage?
It was the most shocking sight. It should not have happened.

Read the statement and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.

SI. No. Statement Yes No To some extent
1. 1 read the passage attentively.
2. I was able to read between lines. ‘
3. I was able to answer ‘how’ question.
4. I was able to share my feelings with my friends after reading the passage.
5. I’d like to read such stories and enrich my knowledge

Practise Writing

Given below is a profile of Mr. Rama Krishna the school clerk.

The same information is given in the form of a paragraph below.
Mr. Ramakrishna is 40 years old. He is a school clerk. He has solid built physique and is six feet tall. He is happy with his small
10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer 3

family-wife, a son and a daughter. Both of his children are college going. He is a commerce graduate. Gardening, bee-keeping and coin collection are some of his hobbies. He is a very popular person in his locality because he is helpful and soft-spoken. He is also the best gardener in the locality. He is not only a loving father but also an ideal gentleman among his neighbours.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-1 :
Prepare a bio-sketch of your father/mother. Then write a paragraph based on it.
Bio-sketch: Mr. Ramesh is my uncle. He is 50 years old. His physic is very good. His is an ideal family. He has two children both are studying. My uncle has good hobbies. He helps people, watches sports, sings songs and loves all. He is never harsh and he always speaks good words. He is a good worker in the factory. He has got I many honors and he is not proud of his I honors. I like him very much.

Learn Grammar Through Communication

Task-1: We use various verb forms when we refer to future events depending on our plan or intention. Verbs are given in brackets. Use the right verb form and write down the sentences, f One example is given.
The following is the schedule of Chief Minister of Karnataka:
The Chief Minister of Karnataka ………….  (be+leave) for Delhi, this evening by a special plane. He …………………(arrive) in Delhi at 8 p.m. He …………. (be+go+meet) the M.Ps of Karnataka soon after his arrival. He ……….. (will+discuss) some important issues with the Prime Minister, tomorrow morning. He ………..(be+meet) party high command by tomorrow evening. He……….. (be+come back) to Bengaluru by the evening flight.
The Chief Minister of Karnataka is leaving for Delhi, this evening by a special plane. He will arrive in Delhi at 8 p.m. He is going to meet the M.Ps of Karnataka soon after his arrival. He will discuss some important issues with the Prime Minister, tomorrow morning. He is meeting party high command by tomorrow evening. He is coming back to Bengaluru by the evening flight.

Task-2 :
Say your sister’s marriage will take place during the next month. The course of activities of the marriage is given below. Use the right form of verbs given in the brackets.
My sister’s marriage …………….. (be+arrange) to take place on 21st May. We ……………(be+go+to get) the invitation printed by the second week of this month. My parents …………….(will+visit) the relatives by 5th of May. All of us ………….. (will+be+go) to Bengaluru next week to buy some clothes and jewellery.
My sister’s marriage is arranged to take place on 21st May. We are going to get the invitation printed by the second week of this month. My parents will visit the relatives by 5th of May. All of us will be going to Bengaluru next week to buy some clothes and jewellery.

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Complete the dialogue using the right form of verbs given in brackets.
Ganesh: Hi, Gopal when will be your annual day celebrations?
Gopal: We will have it on 3rd January. Ganesh: Who is the chief guest?
Gopal: The local MLA will be the chief guest.
Ganesh: Perhaps you are busy with the cultural activities, aren’t you?
Gopal: Yes, I am.
Ganesh: Is it a daytime function?
Gopal: You’re right. It is a day time function.
(Note how different forms of ‘be’ are used.)

Make Reference – Newspaper

In a state newspaper you may find many pages according to the news. For example-

Page number News covered In the page/s
1 Breaking news of the day
2 to 3 District/Local news
4 to 6 State news
7 and 8 National news
9 International news
10 Advertisements / Classifieds
11 Editorial
12 TV and Entertainment
13 Business/Economy
14 Sports

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task-1: Imagine you are the editor of a newspaper, pages of which follow the given arrangement as above. Now read the following captions of the newspaper carefully. In which page/s are you going to insert the following captions?
10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer 4

10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer

Task – 2:
Read the following paragraph from a newspaper. Give a caption for the paragraph. Where would you like to fix/paste in the above arrangements made in the newspaper?
10th English Colours of Silence Lesson Notes Question Answer 5
“International News

10th English Notes

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

KSEEB 10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Questions and Answers

Check Your Understanding
Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 69):

Question 1.
Ambedkar spent most of his life by …………..
a. purchasing books
b. attending conferences
c. reading books
d. importing books.
c. reading books.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Pick out the word in the first paragraph which means ‘a quality that makes person or a thing different from another.’

Question 3.
How did the fourteenth amendment of the American Constitution benefit the Black Americans ?
It gave freedom to the Black Americans.

Question 4.
What did Mahatma Phule work for ?
He worked for classless society and women’s uplift.

Question 5.
Mookanayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata were
a. Voice mails
b. Newspapers
c. Political parties
b. Newspapers.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 6.
Gandhiji termed the depressed classes as

Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 71):

Question 1.
Draft is a banking term. How is the word used In the context of this lesson?
The word ‘draft’ is used as transitive verb which means to make a version of a document that will need more work In order to be finished.

Question 2.
Dr. Ambedkar was not In the Congress party. Yet he was made the chairman of the drafting committee. Why?
The Constituent Assembly understood Dr. Ambedkar’s social philosophy and his undying faith in the dignity of human beings.

Question 3.
He raised It brick by brick’. In this context, what was raised?
He drafted Constitution and he raised it which came as Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
Who were the other notable members of the drafting committee ?
Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, K. M. Munshi. and N. Gopalswami Ayyangar.

Question 5.
Ambedkar had ‘rare gifts’. What were they ? Can you think of your own ‘gifts’ ? Share them with your class.
Dr. Ambedkar had the rare gift of unravelling the most complicated legal concepts in the moss. Simple language which could be understood by common man. He had an insatiable thirst for books. I have the gift of the gab. I can speak on any subject without any problem.

Question 6.
Constitution is a fundamental document to both the ruler and the ruled. How ?
It avoids complete tyranny and complete oppression. It limits the individual.

Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 72):

Question 1.
Nehru chose Ambedkar as law minister for three reasons. What are they ? (Paragraph 7)
Dr. Ambedkar had a special skill in the field of law. He had a great vision of social justice. He had made campaigns against social injustice.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
Are you aware of the facilities provided by the Social Welfare Department ? Mention any two.
The department offers accommodation and scholarships to the depressed class.

Question 3.
After independence, members of the Scheduled Castes have found doors opened to them. How ?
The first thing is providing equality of opportunities to all. Today no legal bars exist. They are enrolling themselves in institutes of higher learning and entering public service. Today they are able to occupy high offices of State.

Question 4.
All people should be given equal opportunities to prove themselves. How are the members of the Scheduled Castes proving themselves?
They are going for higher studies and they have taken prestigious positions of the state and the centre. They
are working with creditably and looking after responsibility.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
Babasaheb Ambedkar considers public agitation in free india as unconstitutional. Why?
Because some public agitations result in the loss of lives and public property.

Question 6.
Social discrimination still exists in India. Debate in the class.
Today also we notice discrimination in India because of class. creed, caste and colour. The downtrodden are not properly looked upon. I think untouchability never disappears from this nation. But If we understood that all are human beings, then only we can win all being human.

Share your responses
(Refer to Text Page No. 73):

Question 1.
What were the opinions of the Buddha and Avvai regarding the caste divisions?
Buddha never believed caste divisions. Fie only believed In the divisions between noble and ignoble and wholesome
and unwholesome. According to Tamil poetess. there are only two castes In the world namely. the charitable who give and are superior and the misers who do not and are, therefore Inferior.

Question 2.
Caste system In India Is In a strong position because of
(fill in the blank picking the answer from paragraph 11)
its power structure.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 3.
Why did the British magnify the caste distinctions ?
Because they wanted to rule India under the policy of Divide and Rule. So that they could strengthen their hegemony over us.

Question 4.
The word ‘hegemony’ means
a. distinction
b. control
c. strength
b. control.

Question 5.
‘they brought about a veritable revolution in social thought.’
a. Who are they ?
b. What ‘revolution is referred to here ?
c. How did they bring about the revolution ?
(a) They are Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
(b) Oneness of Hindu Community.
(c) Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed classes. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar did the same by reminding of their inherent rights to equality with the higher and more powerful castes.

Question 6.
Why did Nehru describe Dr. Ambedkar as ‘a symbol of revolt’ ?
Because Nehru could notice the perseverance and persistence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He stressed human rights to be given for the depressed class. He was always active.

Think about the Test :
Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Ambedkar had a great thirst for books when he was a student. Explain.
The former president of India Sri R. Venkataraman speaks about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He says that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had a insatiable thirst for books. [le was a voracious reader and considered books sa more Important than his daily expenses. When he was in New York, he had purchased more than 2,000 books which had been sent to India.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 2.
How did the fourteenth amendment to the U.S constitution and Mahatma Phule influence Ambedkar?
When Dr. Ambedkar was in U.S.A., he was drawn to the fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A. which gave freedom to the Black Americans and saw at once the parallel of the situation for the Depressed Classes in India. He also read the life and works of Mahatma Phule and decided to devote all his time and talents for the amelioration of his underprivileged brethren.

Question 3.
There were great luminaries on the Drafting Committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as the pilot. Give reasons.
Dr. Ambedkar explained everything in the convincing way. He had the combination of tact and frankness and utmost patience. He explained clearly the meaning and scope of the different provisions of the Draft Constitution. He had the rare gift of unravelling the most complicated legal concepts in the language which the laymen understood. So he is remembered as the pilot.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Dr. Ambedkar’s idea/perception of the three pillars of State.
The three pillars of the State, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. He told that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and not hampered, so that the welfare of the citizen was safeguarded.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 5.
What are the significant observations of Dr. Ambedkar on the constitution?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar remarked that Constitution is a fundamental document. It defines the power and position of the three organs of the State. The main purpose is not merely to create the organs but to limit their authority to check, so as to avoid tyranny or oppression.

Question 6.
Nehru chose Dr. Ambedkar as the law minister. What might have prompted Nehru to do so?
Jawaharlal Nehru noticed Dr. Ambedkar’s skills in the field of Law and Legislation. He also understood his vision of social justice. So he chose Dr. Ambedkar as the First Law minister of Independent India.

Question 7.
What made Dr. Ambedkar describe the methods of Civil Disobedience, Non-cooperation and Satyagraha as the “Grammar of anarchy”?
Dr. Ambedkar told that the Constitutional methods to be used to achieve social objectives. He calls it Grammar of Anarchy because it is fine to revolt against a government formed without the consent of the people but not possible but not possible in democracy which is based on free and fair elections,

Question 8.
How did Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar stressed the oneness of the Hindu community. Gandhiji did this by reminding the higher classes of their duty towards the depressed classes and Dr. Ambedkar reminded the depressed classes their right to equality with higher classes.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 9.
Discuss with your friends and complete the web-chart given below
10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer 1
10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer 2

Enrich Your Vocabulary

Read the following paragraph and replace the underlined words appropriately with the words given below in brackets.
Children have special qualities. They can think and imagine in creative ways and are able to understand new things much better than their elders. But just by new ideas, nothing happens. Their ideas must have inborn strengths and stand the test of time. They should not become self-satisfied with their first steps of success.
(complacent, conceive, trait, perceive, inherent]
qualities – trait
think and imagine- conceive
understand – perceive
inborn – inherent
self-satisfied – complacent

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Use the Phrases given in brackets in (Task-1) in sentences of your own.
(complacent, conceive, trait, perceive, inherent]
(1) Man should have different traits.
(2) I perceive my subjects.
(3) Hew can conceive the problem easily.
(4) Man is a bundle of some inherent qualities.
(5) My friend has complacent nature

Listen and Comprehend

Task-1: Answer these questions orally:

Question 1.
What information is Shreya giving her father ?
She is giving information about Republic Day.

Question 2.
Is her father encouraging or discouraging her ?
He is encouraging her.

Question 3.
What does father tell her about what a Constitution is ?
Constitution is a set of rules and regulations for all people living in India and Republic Day is actually when we Indians got our Constitution. It came into force on 26th January, 1950.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Question 4.
Should everybody obey the Constitution? How do you know ?
Everybody should obey the Constitution because everyone is the citizen of India and it is our duty to obey the rules and regulations.

Speak Well

Expressing gratitude
(A boy goes to a book shop to buy a book on folk tales. The dialogue is given below)
Book Seller: Good afternoon, gentleman. What can I do for you?
Sharieff :Good afternoon, I’d like to buy some books on national leaders.
Book Seller :On national leaders? Sure, sir. If you don’t mind, please have a look at the fourth almirah on your right. Sharieff: (after going through some titles) Could you take them out, please?
Book Seller: Of course (he takes them out and hands them over to Sharieff)
Sharieff: Thank you. Ah! I need these three books. Will you please gift-wrap them?
Book Seller: With pleasure, (he does so)
Sharieff: How much should I pay?
Book Seller: We allow a 10% rebate.
Sharieff: That’s very nice of you. So, I have to pay Rs. 240/ –
Book Seller : Yes. We also give you a diary as a free gift.
Sharieff: Thank you very much, (he pays the money)
Book Seller : You’re Welcome, (hands over the books and the gift)
These are the terms used to express gratitude :
10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer 3

Task-1: Imagine your friend sends you a gift on your birthday. How will you express your gratitude?
Ans: It is very nice of you.
I am very much pleased.
So nice of you.

Read and Respond

Read the following poem.
The Eagle – Alfred Lord Tennyson
He clasps the crag with hooked hands Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunder bolt, he falls

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

clasps – holds firmly
crag – a rough mass of rock
crawls – moves with the body in contact with the floor

Read the poem. Note that every line of the poem is either suggestive or evocative, that is, capable of making the readers imagine some pictures in mind. These poetic expressions are given in column ‘A’. Read the poem carefully, read the expressions, and find out the line that evokes or suggests the pictures. Write the line number in column ’B’. One example is given.

Expression/Suggestion Line
1. Exaggerated expression (hyperbole 2
2. What is usually seen as vast and grand is described as nervous or afraid (paradox) 4
3. Comparison describing a sudden attack (simile) 6
4. Repetition of sounds /k/and /h/ (Alliteration) 1
5. Word picture of somebody or something surrounded by the blue sky (Imagery) 3
6. Image or a picture of somebody or something staring long at the prey (Imagery) 5


Read the statement and put a tick mark in the appropriate box.

SI. No. Statement Yes No To some extent
1. I read the poem ‘The Eagle’ silently.
2. I got the pictures in my mind while reading the poem.
3. I found out the line that evokes or suggests the pictures.
4. I understood the meaning of different poetic expressions.
5. I have got Interest in reading such poems.

Practise Writing

Imagine you are booking a ticket to visit Mumbai. Give the following personal details as furnished below :
10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer 4

Learn Grammar Through Communication

Here are some sentences. Combine them using linkers given in brackets. One is done for you.
e.g. It rained heavily. We reached home in time, (though)
Though it rained heavily, we reached home in time.

1. There is shortage of water. Some people are wasting it unthinkingly, (although)
Although there is a shortage of water, some people are wasting it unthinkingly.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

2. There was heavy traffic. We were delayed, (since)
Since there was heavy traffic, we were delayed.

3. The students played for an hour. They attended to their studies later on. (and then)
The students played for an hour and then attended to their studies later on.

4. We expected a difficult question paper. The questions asked in the examination were easy, (but)
We expected a difficult question paper but the questions asked in the examination were easy.

5. The flight was delayed. The weather was cloudy, (as)
As the weather was cloudy, the flight was delayed.

6. The student scored less marks. He had not studied properly, (because)
The student scored less marks because he didn’t study properly.

Make Reference

Look at the words given below. The words are split. Read them aloud.

1. con-so-nant
2. fa-ther
3. col-lege
4. pa-per
5. con-ver -sa-tion
6. lIt – tie

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

A part of a word with a vowel sound is a Syllable. Of course, there are some exceptions like Little.

Task-1: Refer to a dictionary and split the following words Into their syllables.
1. probability pro – ba bi-it-ty
2. determInation de-ter-mi-na-tion
3. accept : ac-cept
4. canteen : can-teen
5. again : again
6. conscience : con-science
7. idea : I-de-a
8. reflection : re-flec-tion

Task-2 :
Look at the word ‘probability’ given in the dictionary: pro-ba- ’bi- li-ty. The syllable ‘bi’ is stressed. Pronounce the words above with proper stress. Verify with the help of the dictionary.

Do the Project

Question 1.
Collect the incidents of great men/ women/children who showed courage and fought for social justice.
Chandra Shekhar Azad was born on 23 July 1906 in Bhawra village, in the present-day Alirajpur district of Madhya Pradesh. He was then called Chandra Shekhar Tiwari. His forefathers were from the Badarka village near Kanpur (in present-day Unnao District. His mother, Jagrani Devi, was the third wife of Sitaram Tiwari, whose previous wives had died young. After the birth of their first son, Sukhdev, in Badarka, the family moved to Alirajpur State.

A monument of Chandra Shekhar Azad in his native village Badarka. His mother wanted her son to be a great Sanskrit scholar and persuaded his father to send him to Kashi Vidyapeeth, Banaras to study. In December 1921, when Mohandas K. Gandhi launched the Non-Cooperation Movement, Chandra Shekhar, then a 15-year old student, joined. As a result, he was arrested.

On being produced before a magistrate, he gave his name as ‘Azad’, father’s name as ‘Swatantra’ (independent) and residence as ‘Jail’. From that day onward, having announced his name to be Azad (The Liberated) in court, he was known as Chandra Shekhar Azad among the people.

Revolutionary life:
After suspension of the non-cooperation movement in 1922 by Gandhi, Azad became more aggressive. He committed himself to achieve complete independence by any means. Azad also believed that India’s future lay in socialism. He met a young revolutionary, Pranvesh Chatterji, who introduced him to Ram Prasad Bismil who had formed the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA), a revolutionary organisation. Azad was impressed with the aim of HRA, i.e., an independent India with equal rights and opportunity to everyone without discrimination of caste, creed, religion or social status.

On introduction, Bismil was impressed by Azad, when Azad reportedly put his hand over a lamp and did not remove it till his skin burnt. He then became an active member of the HRA and started to collect funds for HRA. Most of the fund collection was through robberies of government property. He also wanted to build a new India based on socialist principles. Azad and his compatriots also planned and executed several acts of violence against the British.

10th English Dr BR Ambedkar Lesson Notes Question Answer

Most of his revolutionary activities were planned and executed from Shahjahanpur which was also the hometown of Ram Prasad. He was involved in the Kakori Train Robbery of 1925, in the attempt to blow up the Viceroy’s train in 1926, and at last the shooting of J.P. Saunders at Lahore in 1928 to avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai.

10th English Notes